Current Track: Blabb

The two boys went towards FJ’s house, leaving behind them Gruff’s one. After walking through three blocks, he stopped and corrected himself. 

« I can’t. 

- What you can’t do ? 

- Going to your home. Not like that. What your father will say ? 

- Nothing, I guess. Either he’s not there, or he’ll be too drunk to realize it. 

- No FJ. I mean... I want to stay with you, but I don’t want to cause trouble. What will you do if your father is sober enough to ask questions and ask you ? 

- I...» 

FJ found nothing to say. 

« But what are you gonna do then ? 

- I ... Think I know who to speak to actually. 

- Really ? 

- I must return to school for that. It is still early, I think he’ll still be there. 

- Who are you talking about ? »

Gruff didn’t answered and went back to his school. He took the same path that all the former mornings. In a way, he felt how different that daily walk was. So much things had changed. Hours before he had, as usual, shoved unceremoniously and indifference the one with was now at his sides. But Gruff felt than they were things to fix alone.

« Please... FJ... I only want to see him alone if it does not bother you. I'll call you after anyway, OK ? 

- If you want to. »

Gruff left FJ. But no sooner has he turned the corner, FJ finally decided to follow him from afar. It was not honest but he wanted to be sure Gruff did not do anything stupid. 

On the other hand, Gruff was right. FJ knew quite well his drunken father to know he would not like the fact that his son had sex with a male classmate. Gruff came back to high school without any trouble. 

He pass through the main gate and walked to the sports field. It was late and all his classmates were already gone home. Gruff quickly locate the person he sought. A big rott, dark complexion, darker than his. He dictated his strategy to his players with specific gestures. His massive muscular body gave even greater importance to the movements of his arms and no young people under his responsibility did not dare to miss a single word of his speech. Finally, the group developed and deployed on the ground.

FJ knew by reputation the coach Gruff was going to see, and he wondered if Gruff had not lost his head. Mark Miller had a terrible reputation, and FJ had one in three chance of having him as a PE teacher the following year, an idea which filled him with dread and fear. Hidden behind a podium, FJ saw Gruff starting to talk to the giant rott. The massive body of his friend yet appeared frail and fragile compared to the adult’s one. 

After a strategy rehashed for the thirtieth time, Mark left his players stand on the ground. He paid little attention to the young student who came to him. As he was clearly intended to speak to him, he gave him a little more attention. He then acknowledged Gruff. He saw immediately that something was wrong. Gruff did not have his usual arrogance and confidence. And he was coming to look for him, willingly. It was enough to show how important the moment was. Embarrassed, Gruff was standing next to Mark, not knowing how to initiate conversation. 


- Yes ? 

- Sir, I... Finally... I would... 

- Yea ? »

Gruff had trouble for speaking, he put his hand nervously through his short hairs.

« I do not know how ask you... 

- Quickly and well is the best way. 

- I'm pretty embarrassed actually... Uncle... »

Gruff paused, waiting for Mark to do the next step. The latter looked down at him.

« Uncle, eh... Since how long didn’t you called me that way, Greg ? »

Gruff did not react to the mention of his real name. 

« Seven years I think, right ? »

Gruff looked down and began to retreat, without another word. Mark knew he had wounded the teenager and stopped with a firm hand on his shoulder. 

« Stay Greg, I'm sorry. I should not have talked to you like that, I’m sorry. 

- It's nothing...

- I have had a big day and it is not over yet so I am on my nerves, but you do not have to suffer. 

- I understand. 

- Why did you came to me for ? »

Looking too far from he were, FJ couldn’t hear anything. He could just see that Gruff was talking to one of the toughest teachers from the high school, one of the most feared as well. The exchange was relatively brief. Mark put his hand into his pocket and gave to Gruff something, who thanked the man putting the object in his own pocket. FJ saw him take his cell and write a quick message he received while Gruff was going in another direction as he arrived. 

« Everything is fine. I'll call you later. »

FJ seemed relieved, Gruff had found a solution. He returned home, his heart lighter.

Gruff knew the high school’s neighborhood, he found easily, ten minutes away from where he were, the address he was seeking. His uncle’s words were still in his head. 

« I'm stuck here for another two hours. Here's my keys, my house is the 1216 Ladder Street, you know where it is ? 

- Er... Yes. 

- Go home and pick in the fridge. If someone hits, opens to anyone unless it's me, OK ? 

- Yes. 

- Oh, it may be that there is already someone who’ll returns home during my absence. Do not worry, I will inform him you’re here. I return as soon as I can, ok ? 

- No worries... Thank you... »

At the 1216, Ladder Street, there was a small suburban home. Not new, but still in good condition. The front garden was not maintained very well, but it was presentable. Gruff noted than the house looked like a lot to FJ’s one, and his too, being built again with almost the same prints. He opened the door and locked behind him. The interior was not very tidy, and it smelled a bit musty and pungent. Tobacco, but not from cigarettes. More than a pipe or a cigar. It was clear that no women were living here : no girly stuffs could be seen. The living room had a better look than FJ’s dad had. Gruff saw two nice leather chairs and a large couch. The leather looked so good than he couldn’t do anything but to touch the tanned skin to enjoy it a bit.

Gruff felt a presence and a sound on the stairs. Someone was going down and down. Gruff was somewhat surprised to see a massive brown bear watching him. The bear smiled, but this did not stop Gruff to be worried. 

« You have to be Greg, right ? »

The bear was wearing a well-cut sport jacket. 

« Er, yes. 

- Mark called me about you. I'm sorry I did not stay but I have to go to hospital right now, I need to replace an ill friend. I'll let you close the door behind me ? 

- I’ll do. 

- Thank you. Tell Mark I'll be back at 10 PM. And pick in the fridge. By the way, I’m Ed. »

Ed passed the door and climbed into his car. He started fast and Gruff closed the door. On the wall of the entrance, a series of photos put on stage Mark and Ed together. On others, they were accompanied by a third being, a panda, older than them but Gruff did not knew who he could be. On the bigger pic, both men, dressed in black, were holding their hands, smiling to each other, lovingly.

Gruff had just met the person who was somehow responsible why he had not seen or spoken to his uncle the last seven years. His husband.

Gruff sat, his mind on fire. He held his head in his hands and began to cry a lil. 


Gruff awoke with a start. A thud sounded insistent in his mind. The same noise again, but this time it came from the door. Gruff then realized he had fallen asleep on a leather chair. 

« Are you here, Greg ? Ed ? »

Mark was back. Gruff opened the door to his uncle who went totally wet. Gruff saw it was raining hard, the sound of rain had lulled him, making him having a nap. Without additional hello, Mark went into the bathroom to remove his wet clothing. He pulled out a minute later, only wearing a boxer and an undershirt, bare feet. 

« I hate the rain. It makes my fur impossible. »

Mark then wondered if he wasn’t wearing an outfit may be too small for his nephew. But he did not turned back. Greg was a member of the football team, the male nudity was therefore an usual thing for him. 

« Follow me, Greg. »

Gruff followed his uncle in the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out a can of coke, and a beer he laid on the table. He took place, the beer in front of him, Greg confronting his uncle. 

« We hadn’t time to talk before, but now we have all the time we need... First, I must say I am glad to see you, Greg. 

- Thank you, uncle. I... I'm a little ashamed to be here. 

- You need not to be afraid. You're in trouble, I can see that. It must be important enough that you do not talk about with your parents. 

- It's... Because of why I'm actually here... 

- What do you mean ? 

- I... I can not trust them. Not anymore. 

- Why ? 

- I... I'm out of my house. No place to go. I... Do not know what to do. »

Mark’s thoughts made a twenty years leap. Greg had said nothing or almost, but Mark thought to know what was going on. 

« But why they would act that way ? It doesn’t make any sense ! Can you tell me that, Greg ? You must tell me all, Greg. Otherwise, I do not know how to help. »

Gruff hesitated. He didn’t dared to say what had caused all this. Yet he knew that his uncle was in the same situation. But even knowing this, he had trouble. 

« I do not know how to say... 

- Starts at the top then. 

- I... I... I... »

Gruff watched his uncle, hoping that he would understand despite the unspoken. But if that was the case, Mark said nothing. It was evident that Gruff would have to say everything out by himself. 

« Uncle, I... I had sex with a guy... A friend and... My parents learnt about it and... I... »

Gruff had troubles to talk, and he remained mute, seeing Mark getting up slowly, taking the can of Coke, putting it back in the fridge. Gruff thought it was over, he would have to leave from here too, that the situation did not worked out. But before he began to panic, Mark came back and placed a can of beer in front of the boy. He sat down, opened his and made the gesture to offer the toast, a serious smile on his face. Gruff hesitated, opened his and returned the gesture, a little stunned. Mark’s voice was impersonal and strong. A bit solemn too. But the boy could feel also how warm it was, and full of pride too.

« Welcome to the club. »

Much of the tension accumulated in Greg then disappeared and he sighed a big blow. 

« Sorry to have you imposed this, but it was necessary that you tell yourself, you understand, right ? 

- I think. 

- You... Know him for a long time ? 

- No. Yea... In fact, I've known him a long time but now that... Oh. I am ashamed. FJ is... I've known him for five years and I immediately made him my scapegoat. I was on his back and I pissed him off all the time and now... 

- FJ ? The poor guy you piss of since so much time ? You love him ? 

- I think. I do not know. You know, this morning I did not knew anything yet and now... 

- Tell me everything from the beginning then. »

Gruff did it. He told his uncle how he, with Fred’s help, the new classentrant, had resolved to rob into his fridge. He told how he and FJ had finished into the arms of the other, how he felt ashamed, dirty and scared to realize he loved hugging the boy. Gruff was ashamed to say that FJ didn’t care about the last five years of various bullying, how he had offered his help when he ejaculated suddenly when FJ kissed on his mouth by surprise. Gruff not forget to tell how he ended up naked in FJ’s bedroom, how he ended up hugging, kissing, licking, and eventually having sex with him. 

Gruff also told how Fred had trapped them in action, photographing and sending photos to his father. Mark heard this passage uncomfortably and he could hardly contain his anger. Gruff told how Fred had come to apologize, admitting that he had acted out of jealousy, because he too wanted FJ. Gruff ended his story by his mother’s shouts who kicked him out. However, he didn’t told to Mark about the last sentence his mother told him. He didn’t repeated it not to protect her, but because he knew than his mind would never stand to hear it again. Not to talk about to say it himself.

Mark closed his eyes and sighed. His sister had definitely never changed. 

« You have lived a fucking day... I feel pity for you, my boy. 

- I... I do not know where to go. FJ offered me a place on his house but his father does not know and I fear for him. 

- There is a room available in the first, above the garage. Best, Greg, is that you stay here for a couple of days while everyone become quiet. 

- Really ? 

- Greg, you're my nephew, I will not throw you out when you ask for my help. You are my family, and it is something sacred to me. 

- But I have not came for seven years...

- It doesn’t matters. You know Greg, it's not your fault. You have just been a good son, you just obeyed your parents, and I will never blame you for that. You need my help and I'll bring it. 

- I do not know what to say. 

- Do not say anything then. You know Greg, I just want to avoid to you the things that happened to me. 

- What happened ? »

Mark drank his beer. Gruff did the same while his uncle spoke about him. 

« I don’t know how much your mother talked to you about me, about your family. I’ll stay simple then. I have few memories of my mother. She died I was only 5. They told me she was sick. It was the first lie I had in my life. My father didn’t wanted me to know she was drunk almost everyday. Her liver ended to fail. »

Mark sighed.

« I was raised by my fa... By Harold, with the help of my sister. We hadn’t an easy life, but we were stuck together, like a family should ever be. I was not really happy to go to the church every sunday, and with the time I managed to avoid that duty. I was younger than you when I knew I wasn’t like the others. I felt in love with a young neighbor. Hopefully, he loved me too. »

Mark smiled.

« Steve was a really cute boy, he knew what he wanted too. He stoled from me my first kiss. I will ever remember that. Unfortunately, he had to move with his folks some months after our first date. I never saw him again. »

The smile faded away, but Mark kept a bright face.

« Three years after, your mother felt in love with a young man. She met him I don’t really remember where. Josh had everything to please her. To please me too, I must say, even if I never talked about that, you can guess why.

- I think I do, yea.

- Josh dated Maureen for some weeks. On an evening, he came at home to get back a forgotten book. I was alone at home, and I quickly understood why he came so lately to get back a book he could have the next days. »

Gruff’s mind waked up, looking at his uncle a bit puzzled.

« I must say than I didn’t said «no» for too long. Maureen was a nice girl, but we had some rivalry. To have sex with his official boyfriend was a nice way to get a wonderful prize on her.

- You... You did it, really ?

- Yep. Not only once. It wasn’t really wise, and fair, I can see that now. When we’re a teen, we don’t have all the wise needed to judge properly about the fair. »

Gruff was still looking at his uncle, a bit entertained, but also with some disapproval on his eyes.

« I paid the price of it, I must say. Several weeks after we began, Maureen get us. »

Gruff’s face became solemn.

« I don’t really remember what we said. It was only shouts and cries. Maureen had the usual « it’s not what you think » from his boyfriend. »

Mark’s face became sad.

« He didn’t only lied to my sister. He also broke my heart. He tried to convince her than I made him drink some drugged bottle. Than it was a trap. I was the only one being guilty... He tried to avoid all his responsibility. She kicked him out and I guess she never saw him after that. About me... I was only 15, but Maureen get Harold and told him all the story. I tried to talk to them. To defend myself. It was useless. Their mind was too full of the «love and divine trust» to really listen to me. I was nothing else but a monster for them. I didn’t wanted to wait to be sent to some random exorcist. I took some clothes, my money and I left the house. I packed in front of them and they did nothing to make me stay. »

Mark drank some beer.

« I never came back in that house. I had nowhere to go, but for me even the street seemed to be a better place. I left the area and I spent two years wandering from town to town. I had nothing except my clothes. I did odd jobs to survive. Some poorly paid, others more paid but I'm still ashamed today about these and I will never mention them again. I believed in my luck when I met a man who said he wanted to take care of me. I believed in him because he seemed honest and straightforward. Two weeks later, he tried to prostitute me. I... Severely beaten him up. After that, I was in jail, because that bastard’s brother was a policeman. I got out after six months, because my criminal file was so badly filled than the attorney had no choice but to let me out. I knew nothing about that kind of paperwork. He did all the job to help me. »

Mark was showing up a picture in the wall with his finger. Greg guessed he was talking about the old panda.

 « It’s how I met him. »

Mark got up and took the pic from the wall, looking at it with lot of sadness on his sight..

« Bradley worked as a social worker. He was the kind of guy who thought he could change the world one person at a time. He came to see me in jail and we sympathized. I was very suspicious of him at first. But he has earned my trust, and I've never regretted it. When I could get married to Ed, he was my best man. I will never forget him. He allowed me to rebuild my life. If I'm here, it’s because of him. »

Mark could not prevent a tear from flowing. 

« He died two years ago. Heart failure. 

- Thou hast loved ? 

- Not the way you think. He had just become like a real father to me. »

Mark was silent for a minute, the time to put order into his head. Greg dared not to speak.

« I settled in the neighborhood. Your mother moved a few months later, we found ourselves in a supermarket... That's how I learned that your grandfather died three months after having expelled me. A bad encounter. Maureen was married and you were six months old, no more. I was suspicious at first, but I think the death of my father changed Maureen a bit. We began to talk to each other again. I eventually became your official babysitter. You must remember a bit about that, right ? »

Greg agreed. Mark put the pic back on the wall and came to sit back.

« We never talked about my private life. Everything changed when I met Ed. Maureen became more distant. She never wanted to receive him, always finding an excuse. When I announced that I would marry him, she closed her door to me permanently. I was disappointed but not surprised. 

- I do not remember much.

- You were... Seven or eight years old. I loved you a lot even then, and not being able to see you was very difficult for me. And that year, I took a job teaching PE at your high school. You had grown up but I have immediately recognized you. I did not dare to make the first step, and you have not acknowledged me. 

- I am so ashamed... I knew it was you when I mentioned your name to my parents. I did not understood all these years why they didn’t allowed me to approach you or even talk to you anymore. Then, I understood...

- I do not blame you for that, Greg. 

- By the way... 

- Yes ? 

- Why you call me Greg ? Everyone calls me Gruff... 

- I know, but for me that nickname is terrible. 

- Oh... 

- Yep. You’re hungry anyway ? 

- No... Not at all. I think I can't eat something tonight. 

- Not a prob, come with me, I'll show you your room. »

Mark stood up, followed by Gruff. They climbed the stairs and Mark opened a door that led into an almost empty room. A king size bed, a wardrobe and two dressers. The room seemed empty anyway, the place could been filled by more furniture. The paint in the walls was obviously new but the decoration was still basic.

« This is the guest room. You'll stay as long as... By the time everything works out.

- You think... 

- I do not know Greg. It’s hard to say what will happen from now. Maybe they just over-reacted. I remember how much nervous Maureen could be. 

- Dad is like that too sometimes. 

- Here you'll be safe. I’m off tomorrow, and you will not go to school either. 

- Really ? 

- It is better that you have some rest and then I know from experience that you have something else to think for now. We will wait for your parents being at work to pick up some clothes and stuffs. I guess you have your key ? »

Gruff seated on the bed to try it, and finding it comfortable, stayed on. 

« Er, yes. Say... FJ that I... Finally he could come ? 

- Tonight ? No, I do not think it is a good idea. Tomorrow, for sure, but for now I prefer you to stay here. 

- Okay. 

- And then we must speak about some rules. 

- What ?  

- Our room is here. Ever knocking before entering. We’ll may not be in a position... to receive you... »

Mark smiled, and Greg, who had understood, too. 

« I promise. Anything else ? 

- No. Well, here we don’t wear lot of clothes, mostly in the morning...

- I see... I’m not used to do that at home.

- Sure in the lockers room you are, right ?

- Yep.

- Then consider this house as a locker room. Bet you understand why. You'd be a girl, it would be different, but this is not the case, right ? 

- Sure. 

- That's good. I'll be downstairs if you need something. »

Mark closed the door after Gruff thanked him again. Then, Greg laid on the bed and thought to FJ. He took his cell and, not being able to talk to him, sent a reassuring message, asking his friend for the next evening, before to turn off his cell. He wanted to keep it on. He felt lonely, and a friendly voice would had been welcomed. But he knew too he would be tempted to call his father. He didn’t talked to his uncle about all these hate words his mother told him. Greg still couldn’t believe she had said these. How a mother could say so nasty words to her own child ? Greg sat again at the edge of the bed, the cell on his hands. Maybe his father would agree to talk to him.

Greg shook his head. Maureen had spoken to him, and it was obvious than she talked also for him. He was kicked out. Fully. They saw him as nothing else than an abomination. He was nothing for them.

Greg’s eyes became full of tears. He tried to reject them. He didn’t wanted to please them by crying again. It would had been to let them win. He wanted to see them as his family. But they weren't, and he understood than his wishes were fruitless. Greg wiped his tears and get control over himself again. He couldn’t do it fully anyway. He was as scared about the new way his life had taken, than the way he was rejected by his folks. The only thing who comfort him was to had taken up with his uncle. To talk to him again gave him back forgotten memories. Mark always cared for his nephew when he was a child. All these memories with his uncle were good ones.

Greg smiled for himself. Was it obvious ? Were there a secret link, saying to a man than one of his folks would be like him later ? Or just he cared as a guardian for an heir he would never have another way ?

Thinking about that link urged Greg to talk to his father again. He turned his cell on and dialed his father’s number. Working as an independent, he knew he could call him anytime, even late in the evening. No one answered and the call ended to his voice mail. Greg breathed deep.

« Dad. it’s me. I... Think you’re busy. Call me back, please. I’ll let my cell on. I.. Need to talk to you, dad, please... »

Greg hang up before to feel his voice breaking up again. He put the cell on the table nearby and laid, broken by the sadness.

He turned. And turned again on the bed, unable to get a confortable position. Vexed, he took his cell again and sent a text to FJ. He hoped being able to talk to him.

Came back at home, FJ saw than his father was still not here. The empty bowl was still in the sink and there was still a large water puddle in the ground. He wiped it out before to reach his bedroom, closing the door this time. On his bed, he though again about that incredible day. He was happy to know Gruff being safe in Miller’s house. He was really severe and scary, but he cared for his students, helping them if needed. FJ could not think to see him act that way.

FJ laid on the bed, his arm behind his neck. His mind made him live again that crazy day one more time. Fred’s arrival. His first smoked joint. And liked. Gruff, from the bully side to the deep love side. His first sexual encounter. FJ smiled.

And then, Fred’s madness, outing his friend. His scares. The slap he get hearing Maureen’s words. He knew than Gruff had a stronger one. But he was safe now. Something he hadn’t to care for anymore.

FJ was still awkward. He knew than he needed to talk about that to someone. But to who ? Gruff had his own troubles. Fred ? FJ was still angry against him. His friends ? No one knew he was gay. And he wouldn’t tell them now. Not that way at least.

FJ stood up, some sadness on his sight. He was still alone.

His pocket rang. He took his cell and saw than Gruff had tried to call him sooner. Gruff’s words helped him. He tried to call him back when he heard the sound of the entrance door being closed. His father’s loud steps were heard in the stairs. His strong and a bit drank voice was heard, but it seemed better than usual.

« You’re here ?

- I am, dad.

- Great. I bring back meal, but I don’t stay tonight. »

Steps faded away. As usual, Francis didn’t cared to open his son’s door. Quickly, he exited from the house. At least, something was still the same that day. FJ smiled sadly.

He took back his cell when a text came. Gruff’s text.

« I’m safe, don’t be afraid for me. »

FJ smiled. He answered the same way.

« Great. Where are you ? »

FJ knew he was in Miller’s house, but he wasn’t supposed to know.

« In Miller’s house. »

« WTF ? »

« I never told to anyone. He’s my uncle. »

« WTFF ? »

This time, FJ’s surprise was true.

« He’s my mother’s bro. I never told anyone because she ordered me not to. »

FJ understood why. Everyone knew than Miller was gay.

« You want me to come ? »

« Not tonight. Tomorrow. »

« I’ll come after the classes then. »

« He’ll come with me to get some clothes. I’ll not be at school tomorrow, don’t be worry. »

« Ok. See you tomorrow. »

« Love you. »

« Love you too. »

His uncle. A new surprise to end the day. He was Miller’s nephew. It was written somewhere than FJ had to see his point of view change about almost everything that day.

FJ could’t stop a tear of joy to drop. The bullier was now a lover. That day was really a strange one, and nothing could surprise him anymore now. He too wanted now Gruff’s body. And more. His heart. Something strong was tying the boys together now. FJ get on his bed, happy. His father didn’t came back that night but for the first time, he didn’t cared about.


Coming back in the living room, Mark opened a box and lit a cigar, relishing every puff. He had not really planned such a story like that one, but he had no time to feel sorry for himself. He took his cell phone and dialed a number. 

Sat at his desk, the lightly muscled tiger was trying to find a good reason to spend a whole afternoon to sort out an huge amont of forms. Desk employees weren’t cheap, Jimmy knew that, but they were useful. He could had spend the day in the street, helping really people, instead of sorting the blue copies with the mauve dockets. But it was the orders, and even him, with his Lieutenant rank, couldn’t avoid some of them. At least, he could look at the pics on his desk. There were three. His wife, his 7 year old daughter, and his mother-in-law, to which he mentally stuck out his tongue. He tried once to put her pic in a drawer but Gina didn’t liked to see him acting that way. Smiling at his wife could also allow him not to hear the loud hum who were always heard in the open-space.

The tiger almost granted the sound of his phone. Whatever it would be, it could stop his boring routine.

« Stewart, family protective services...

- Hi, Jimmy, glad to hear you. »

The tiger seemed to have something to went down the wrong way, but he succeeded to restart to breath, trying not to smile, hearing the strong and caring voice.

« M... Mark ? I’m sorry, I can’t talk to you right now. My day is almost full and I can’t...

- Some real emergencies ?

- Not really. But I had barely the time to eat so... »

Jimmy almost called Mark the way he was used to do when they were alone sometimes. He could stop the « Master » just before to say it.


« I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you, but I need your help. I’m into some troubles.

- You need my professional help then ?

- Yes.

- Wait. »

Jimmy took a pencil and let the sheets he had on his hands on his desk, and listened to Mark more carefully. Both men knew each other since years but it was the first time than Mark called for his help. The case seemed really serious.

« I listen. »

Mark told then to Jimmy about what happened to his nephew. The police officer was writing, trying not to forget any important clue.

« It's terrible... You did well calling me. I will contact my colleagues in social services tomorrow. You did well to warn me. 

- Say, you could do me a favor ? 

- Which one ?

- I know that you are obliged to inform your superiors, I know the procedures, but you could not drag the folder... For a day or two ? 

- Why ? 

- Jimmy, your colleagues will want to put Greg in an house but he is no longer a lil child. I do not think this is a good idea. 

- You intend to host ? 

- Yes. By the time things work out. Even if it’s unlikely, there is a small chance they make amends for it. A couple of days, not more. 

- This is not regular. Anyway it is true that I owe you a service. And I know you, I know that the boy did not risk anything with you. I can send the file by mail after the closing of the offices, it’ll give you the weekend. 

- Thank you Jimmy. 

- I just want to know something. 

- Yes ? 

- Why do you want to act like that ? 

- You know my past, Jimmy. You know how I liked Brad as a father. When Greg came to me and told me his story, I saw myself in his place. I never knew how to thank Bradley. Helping Greg this way makes me feels I am able to pay my debt. 

- I understand. »

Stewart hung up, shaking his head, sad for the young boy. Another one who needed some help because of that. Hopefully, this time, the teen had someone who cared about him. Jimmy was sure than Mark was able to help his nephew.

Mark stayed on the couch, smoking his cigar, tasting the strong scent coming from the brown tobacco. He would cook something later, then he would wait for his husband. He couldn’t stop to think about it. He just couldn’t accept than his sister could target her own flesh. He just couldn’t understand how it could be possible for a mother to reject his beloved son. Even the teacher he was couldn’t understand. Thanks for his christian legacy, he wanted to help her to be forbidden. But this time, he knew she would have to work a lot to be. 


Sat on the driver’s seat, Daisy turned off the engine. Once the car stopped in the concrete alley in front of her garage, she put her hands on her neck to massage it. After a whole day spent to help, a polite word to say she did a part of her boss’ job, the poor man being unable to work with any kind of tool created after the 80’s, she had to made the evening’s dinner. Another day at work was about to begin, but Daisy didn’t complained about that. She taught to her husband and her son to clean the house the right way. They didn’t like to do it, like a lot of males, but she managed to make them their share of duties. She tried also to let them cook the meals but after some tries, she though than it was wiser, and safer for her weight and her health to keep the kitchen under control.

Daisy put her hand above the mezuzah, more because it was a bit dirty and she wiped the dust away, and she opened the door, entered and closed it, removing her shoes. She tried to hear to know who was at home. Her husband told her before than he would come home later than usual. And she didn’t heard John’s walk on the wooden floor. Was Fred at home ?

She stood in the middle of the living, surprised not to hear his music coming from his room. Looking at the coat pegs, she saw his jacket hanging. He was at home. She went upstairs, going to the bathroom, but she heard then some stuffed cries coming from his bedroom.

She was now at his door, surprised. Fred had a strong mind, and he didn’t cried a lot before. For sure, he would be into real troubles to cry like that. She knocked at the door, but no answer came.

She knocked again, a bit afraid. He was still not answering, even to ask her to leave. She told to him then she would enter, but received no ban. She entered then.

It was for sure a serious case. Fred didn’t talked. He was sat on his bed, facing the window, turning his back to her. She came slowly, calling him softly. Her blood then turned to ice. Standing at her son’s side, she saw a gun on his hands. She couldn’t miss the black Beretta than Fred was holding between his knees.

« Fred... »

She spoke with a calm and sweet voice, she didn’t wanted to make him a bad move. Hopefully, Fred was still passive. Carefully, she sat, put an hand on his shoulder. Fred looked at her then. Not knowing what his next move would be, she managed to grab slowly the gun and took it back easily.

Her heart became lighter, removing the gun from her son’s hands. Six years ago, before he had to leave for Central America, her husband had offered to her some firing lessons, and that gun to protect herself if needed. Luckily, she never had to use it. And because she was wise, she kept the bullets in another secret place than the gun. Daisy slipped the breech and smiled. There was no bullet in the gun. At least, Fred didn’t found them.

« I’m so ashamed, mom... »

Once disarmed, Fred seemed to wake up.

« I fully screw up, mom... I... »

Fred cried again. She hold him on her arms to help him to calm down. She was really afraid because Fred was not used to complain like that.

« Maybe it’s not than serious. »

Fred was still reluctant. She spoke, hoping to see her son being more talkative. At the end, Fred could speak.

« I outed someone, mom... And I’m afraid than I put him into troubles. »

Daisy though about what he did.

« You...really did that ?

- I didn’t wanted to... I swear... I dunno why I did it so easily. I’m so sorry. »

Fred’s mind was now fully opened, he was talking faster and faster.

« Why you did that ? »

Fred took his breath back. The harder part was coming, but now he couldn’t really escape and he had to face his acts.

« I...Lost my mind ! I was jealous. I met a boy. A nice one. He... had sex with another one, I wanted to be that one, I did that because of that ! »

Daisy was mute. She was looking at her son with a strange mix of anger and understanding.

« I don’t care if you’re gay, Fred. I knew it since a while. But what you did is unforgivable ! »

Fred raised his eyes to look at his mother’s sight, ashamed.

« You...

- I knew it, yes. It doesn’t matter, it’s not the most important. Can you guess what that poor boy can live ?

- I’m afraid to know. I already confessed to him. He... He’s not mad at me. I believe.

- Do you believe ?

- It’s complicated. He’s...the team captain. A bullier. And... He said to me he deserved it. »

Daisy raised her sight. Men were all the same. She knew, in high school, guys like that. Bullies, ever ready to piss off weakens, trying anything to try to seduce her. Daisy ever managed to avoid those assholes. She looked at the weapon, still on her hands.

« I was so sad, so ashamed. I wanted... I dunno what to do not to feel that pain anymore. I was so stupid ! 

- Nothing is sillier to out someone like that ! Nothing is foolier than to believe you could avoid to take the entire responsibility ! »

She was beginning to shout but she calmed down quickly. She didn’t wanted to piss off Fred more than he was. She looked again at the weapon, knowing she would throw it away as soon as possible.

« Do you know what happened next ?

- No. I let them in front of his house. I couldn’t stay. I was too ashamed.

- You’re going to stay in your room for now. Give me his name, and I’ll see what happened. Don’t think you’ll be allowed to exit of this room those next years, except for school. It will teach to you what happen to those who out people. And also to had touched to something I fully forbid you to touch ! »