Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Heated Minds

I felt the gentle breezed against my silver scales and I
woke up to the sunrise that fell into my eyes this fine very morning. With a
smile upon my face, I stretched my arms and legs outward yawning while I spread
my wings. I rolled off from the bed, flopped down onto the grounds below me
with a thud that perhaps anyone below me would hear a bowling ball size hitting
floor instead of me. Getting up onto my feet, I wrapped my claws around me and
dusted off anything that lingers upon my body before drifting to the windows.
Throwing one foot than the other through the small sized window, I managed to
get out at the cost of the wall being broken and split apart due to my
humongous size. It looked as if it could be some sort of door for anyone my
size could fit through! Proud of my own 'creativity', I turned around and faced
the rising sun. The sands still shifting about through the gentle winds.
Laughter and screaming hollered among my ears. As much as I had wanted to join
in onto the fun, I knew that many would run. Opposite of the 'fun' as they
called it.

Disregarding my temptation to have fun with them, I decided
to see how was the castle doing during the mists of my absences. If I had
remembered correctly, the castle was gone prior to me and Kesir escaping
through a portal ending up in another realm. What happens there is not
important, but if you wanted to know check out the story posted there. Instead
of me dwelling in the past and ending up finding where she was, thus splitting away
from the real plot we have written for you. I spread my wings and jumped up.
Flapping my wings rapidly before ascending into the dawning blue skies above
and with the chilling winds blowing against and underneath my wings, it felt
refreshing. I giggled to myself; suddenly remembering that it was childish to
long for the winds blowing against me. But I could not help it myself! It was
indeed what I had long for during my years of absence from this realm. I flew
southward and out into the dawning waters whereas the waves had started washing
over one another. I sighed, remembering a memory from back then.

I continued to fly in the same direction for a long time. I
suddenly wished I had bought a watch or something from the other realm so I
would tell you the exact time that I had flown. It suddenly took a while
surprisingly but! And that is a big but. I had started to see the shoreline
ahead. The sands there were a bit like the sands that I had seen before. Pale
and white. There were other dragons there too; only six of them. All of them
were staring out into the horizon seas motionless and so lifelike as if they
were statues. Coming closer towards the shores, I tucked my wings in and dived
straight into the sands before flapping them and stopped a second earlier
before crashing into them. Finally landing, I turned my attention towards the
other dragons. I walked up to them and waved my claw at their faces. Some
blinked and others squished their eyes thinking that I would hit them. I just
chuckled and spoke out to them, "Hey you guys. Stop being statues and
looked at me." They eased themselves and broke off from one another. All
smiling back onto me as if it was some kind of welcoming committee or
something. Hey, we should get a banner and some balloons!

"Welcome back, Neriax." Tzico responded to me, a
bright smile warmly emerged upon his face. I laughed afterwards before nodding
my head; a mirror of a smile reflected to him in response as I spoke, "It
is good to be back." "After four stories, that is…" Spoke Xenao
who stepped away from me and I looked over to him with a bit concern, "How
you know that?" "er…" He trailed afterwards, having nothing in
response while I sighed afterwards and shook my head again, "So." I
spoke breaking the sudden silence that came over us like an invisible blanket
or something, their eyes turned to me wondering what I would say. "Why are
you guys looking like statues and staring off into the horizon? It is so unlike
you guys for doing that." "We wanted to be like those statues in Easter
island." "Easter island?" I asked in response, tilting my head
to one side adding, "Is there an island to the east? That is why it's
called that?" "no. It's quite famous for its statues, you know."
Xenao started and I nodded in reply before turning my attention towards Shinron
who just stared.

"Eventually they should just call it; 'Shinron island.'
He would make an perfect example of them." I smirked before walking over
to him. Waved my arm over to him trying to get him awake; he flinched
eventually after a while and I sighed afterwards shaking my head.
"Finally. My arm is starting to get tired." I muttered to myself
getting some laughs from the others. Shinron looked at me for a moment with
those motionless eyes before breaking into a smile, "Neriax. Welcome back.
Why it took you so long to come?" "er…" I trailed nervously
eyeing onto the seas to my right. Should I start telling them what happened to
me in the other realm? I decided not to and kept that thought to myself before
responding to his question, "Well… We were on vacation and headed towards
some other island far away from here so our enemy in question will not be able
to get-" "Vacation?" Shinron asked, blurting out whatever was
upon his mind before narrowing his eye at me.

"Vacation? Why? We had to take care of your daughter
that suddenly hatched from her egg moments after you had left. Why on…"
And once again, he trailed off into a series of words that I decided to turn to
the others and spoke, "Our daughter had hatched? How did it get here in the
first place? Did it float on the sea and travelled miles and miles away from
its homeland towards here?" No one spoke a word. I blinked and growled at
them to encourage them to speak. But neither of them said anything afterwards.
I frowned after then turned to the chattering Shinron interrupting him,
"Can I see her right now. Does she have a name? How old-" "Come
with me." He started saying without another hesitation. Turning around
facing his back towards me, he walked away from the shoreline and headed
towards some house. Crying was heard later on as I exclaimed towards him,
"You guys are the worst! Leaving her crying in the house." "You
are not any better, by the by." He countered afterwards, I bit my tongue
and went along with him as we entered into the house.

Stopping in front of the door, I scanned around the small
room. It was a mess. Toys vomit and poop were all over the floor. I nearly
gagged and widened my eyes in response. Looking over to Shinron, I threw my
claw out in front of me and silently growled to him as if telling him 'what
happened here?' He never had a response and kept his narrowed eyes towards me
then to the crib before throwing his claws up into the air and turned around. I
was shocked by his surprise as he hollered after me, "You are here and you
are its daddy. So take care of it." "Why me?" I exclaimed,
protesting but he left without a word leaving me behind with a crying
hatchling. 'Oh boy…' I muttered to myself frowning slowly walking forward to
the crib and took a peek inside. Indeed it was a hatchling and it was my own.
But I frowned afterwards remembering that all of the responsibly lies upon me
now and not my mate whomever she is right now. With a frown, I threw my claws
downward and wrapped it. Raising up towards the air, I turned around and
pondered what to do. You may laugh at me now for being inexperience with this.

Rocking the hatchling a bit while singing some random words
that came out from my mouth; I had started to hear some footsteps somewhere and
I froze when I heard it came closer towards me becoming increasingly louder as
the short time went on. I silently pondered if this was a trick from my pirate
friends for giving them the responsibility of my daughter towards them.
Luckily, it was not. For standing in front of me was a young dragoness; looking
half my size. Her wings were small and her eyes were big. She had small horns.
Her scales were whitish and silver. Her expression looked hardened and she
narrowed her eyes towards me; while I stared onto her back. It did not take
even a single second before all of chaos breaks loose.

"That's my toy you are holding, you stranger!" She
shouted tackling at me.