Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Out From Comfort

While the winds blow
gently around myself, I kept my eyes westward toward
the rising sun. It was a new day after all; with dawn fast approaching. I shook
with excitement. As I continued to cast my eyes to the horizon, I suddenly
turned back towards the cavern entrance behind of me. It was my old home; The
caverns inside were dark; I had to use some of my fire to light the torches
around of it. It was small yet comfortable. Easy for me to get in and out
whenever I had needed to. I faintly smiled at this before glancing out back to
the horizon again. With my claw lowered to the grounds beneath of me, grabbing
what I had to pack before my long trip to a village that was far from here.
Taking a breath, I spread my wings which shines among the sun rays that were cast and take a jump. Flapping my wings once, I flew from the
caverns behind of me feeling the winds blow while I dived down at an
accelerating height.

Finally reaching the trees below me, I flapped my wings a
couple of times hoping that I would not fall below the treetops and well into
the forest below. Here I hovered as I cruised with the winds in the direction
towards my destination. I probably have no introduced myself at all, have I? I
was way too excited to move on with my
life. I am Neriax. A White snow dragon.
You may be wondering why I am living in a cavern, high above the forest below
of me. The answer is quite simple, it used to snow here for a week and a half. Like
two feet to say the least! Remarkable! Anyway going on as a white snow dragon,
my scales are white like snow. My wings were red and have a large wingspan.
Despite me being larger in size, I am timed. Sadly. There were a few times in my life that I was shy to
speak out; usually hiding in secret places. I tried to keep myself hidden from
other creatures, including the two-legged
creatures. I do not know why they wanted to deforest anything they see.

I flew on ahead, passing the river below of me. I was deep
in the forest now. The sun had hung above casting its rays onto my body which
caused a shadow to emerged onto the grounds. I paid no attention it at all
while I kept flying northward hoping I would reach my destination. My eyes kept
looking straight; ignoring everything that I see around of me. It was all
forest anyway. While I constantly flapped my wings to stay airborne, I quietly
listened to the roaring waters while my mind drifts into whatever lands you
guys called it. I felt peaceful at the time; my thoughts continued to drift
away towards the past few memories I had and a few bad ones that I had tried to
keep to myself. That was then, I heard someone screaming. Snapping my thoughts
away, I shifted my eyes around looking for the source of the sound. But an
endless wave of throwing pole sticks with a sharp end was thrown at me. They
all missed in the result. I gasped in
shocked, lowering my head down spotting a few enemies below shouting angrily in
some foreign language. I growled at them flying off faster before they could
have another shot at me.

The valleys soon rolled into view after seeing a sea of
forest below of me. To be honest, however,
I had gotten sick of seeing those green trees all clustered together leaving no
room for anything else. But the land animals had likened it… for some reason alone. The valleys were brownish as if
someone had taken a dump on it. Did I mention there were many valleys? No?
Good. I flew through the valleys and ended up in a brown landscape with nothing
around. My stomach growled. I was hungry and quickly I tried to land onto the
grounds hoping to find a good place to eat. The place was deserted. No one was
around. The winds had picked up nastily here; sending sands eastward. Any more
of those stronger winds would cause a sandstorm, I think. I continued walking
across, getting deeper into the unknown place. My eyes shifted around, I had
begun to feel nervous and my heart pounded against my chest. I felt the winds
blowing through me, taking me back a few steps depleting all that small
progressed I had overtime. Raising my eyes to the skies, I've noticed that the
sun was lowered. It's beginning to look like chris-
I mean, dusk. I sighed as I sat trying to make a temporary home while I wait
for the winds to blow over.

I feel like however. This would be the biggest mistake of my