Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Chatterox's

Our eyes met. She stared at me with those beautiful eyes of
hers. I was nervous as I felt the heat behind my neck heated up; I had never
wanted to spout anything stupid that would ruin my chances with her. She seems
to be alone, however. No one to take care
of her. Was she alone? How old was she- I shake my head, biting the lower bit
of my lips as I narrowed my eyes trying to sway my eyes away from her to avoid
having her confusion about me. After the silence, I decided to speak. Opening
my mouth, my mind drew a blank and I was more nervous than before that sweat
had begun to emerge from my white scales.
She raised her paw up to her mouth and smiled, making a soft noise from her
throat. I was not sure whether or not was she mocking, teasing me or just
laughing. I frowned but tried to keep my mouth up towards the heavens above.
However, she decided to speak.

Her voice was calm like an angel. It could probably make any
hatchling sleeping upon hearing it. I nodded slowly, avoiding the question that
she had thrown at me and she resulted in a
confusion look. Snapping back to reality, I asked back "What did
you say?" she sighed and shakes her head, raising her head towards the
black skies above her. She allowed the silence between us inside our
conversation before killing it, she lowered her eyes back down to me and asked
again "Are you from around here?" "no," I responded, rather quickly. Nervousness and anxiety
began to emerge from the bottom of my
underbelly. I rumbled with a soft sound and gazed away towards the sides to the
forest trees that had snow in them. She
made a noise and responded back, "So you are not from around here?"
"Yes," I responded, she nodded
then fell silent afterward.

Our conversation was a series of short words and answers, it
had become repetitive upon this point in
time that I dug my paw onto the depths of the snow, swiping it to the side in
anger while she watches me do so. I
turned around and spread my wings, tempted to continue on to my journey but something
pulled on my tail. I shifted my head around noticing her still having her fangs
on me. I swatted her to the side with it and she let go; pouting with that
puppy eyes you see from every guilty dog
out there. I sighed and said nothing, turning myself around as I faced her. She
asked again, "Why are you so quick on leaving?" "Cause," I
barked, "You're annoying. This snow is annoying. There's nothing here
except you me and thousands of trees around us!" She stared at me after my
rant and I snorted before sneezing, letting go an army of ice drops that fall to the grounds mixing in with the snow
below. "You look like you're not fine. Guess you are not from around here
at all." "No." I responded, lowering my voice down to meet with
hers, "I flew from my home to travel around the world; hoping to see other
places." "Where's your goal?" "There is no goal." I
finished but she still hangs on to the topic.

With her beautiful wings spread, she asked me "Can I
come?" "You will get sick from your outside environment."
"What do you mean by that?" She asked me and I sighed before looking
up into the skies again hoping to answer her question perfectly. However, when no thought came to mind, I spread
my own wings and flew up into the skies leaving her behind as I glide along
with the winds safely into the air among the silent night as I drifted off
straight into an unknown direction. I frowned after realizing it. However,
someone else decided to keep the company
in the air. Oh, how I dreaded for someone
to be with me. Shifting my eyes behind of me, I was
not surprised to see the same dragoness up in the air grinning upon me.
She spoke some words before flapping her wings. But those words were lost in
the winds leaving me having her to speak up for me to hear. She cannot; for her
vocal cords were shot earlier on when she had tried it.

We flew in the continued westward direction straight to the
border and onto the worst place that any dragon could be in. No, I do not think
it's hell or the hospital. Although I do like the hospital thing however. No, It's the swamp. Cue dramatic music