Current Track: Blabb

Unknown World: Settlement

The winds blew against my face as they took landing upon the swamp. It was a gross place after all where plants and trees were outgrowing reaching up into the skyscrapers above. The water was not even clean at all! I had lofted of this place and I still hate it upon this day. But what can I do? I took a sigh and shake all of my problems out of my scales, lowering my head down upon the grounds with my paws out in front of me. I tried my best to relax soaking into the silence that was around me. But I cannot do that with the hyperactive dragoness running about. Upon hearing her voice called out and breaks into the silence that I, myself, had established. I raised my head up in disgust and annoyance, looking over my shoulder spotting the dragoness chasing something to my left.

Squinting my eyes, I wondered what it was. But I said nothing afterward and shrugged ignoring it. Her voice carried against the soundless winds as if it was a message to her superiors. She ran, jump over a log and kept running along the way. Heading forth into the horizon thus disappearing before my very eyes. I rose my head again and blinked, once I had realized that the sounds she was making were fading into the silence. I grinned, but I was not tired or sleepy. My white wings were laid out covering my body like a blanket; It was warm. I knew I had to go to find her. Groaning and disappointed in myself, I got up onto my four paws and ran forth following the direction of where she had gone.

I was panting heavily, but I am not sure how far had I went. As my eyes quickly search throughout the night horizon, I was paranoid and afraid. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest; it was not loud. I heard noises around; there were of different sounds. Each one I was not sure about. Frowning, my mind began to race and my fears began to kick into high gear. Having changed, I began to shiver. My scales were rattling about while I nervously called out her. I had not known her name sadly. My tail flickered about and my voice carried out through the night, hoping to hear her… Anywhere she might have been. My only response was someone hooting in the dark. Bushes rustling about and the waters waving back at me- I… I think I saw something moved in there.

I kicked myself into high gear and ran forth; not caring whether or not had I found my companion. I ran further into the darkness and lost my way. I was now surrounded by swamp water; it had seemed however that there were patches of grass floating about nearby. I will not take my chances with them, however. While my heart began to pound against my chest after running for so long, I weakly called out for her. I have gotten a response. The call was from the northwest from where I was. Frantically, I flapped my wings raising myself into the air and glide down towards the spot where I had heard her last. I think it was a short distance away. But I had not cared at all as I spotted something shining in the darkness.

I grinned and flew faster, getting closer towards the shining thing until I stopped. When I burst through from the wood trees behind of me, I saw a fireplace and a hideout along with the dragoness who was somehow waving at me with that stupid grin on her face. Face slapping myself, I landed next to her as she brought up a stick and some marshmallows. We ate along the silent night skies as it drew to midnight hours. I yawned and laid down, spreading my wings while I looked up into the night skies above. A wave of mixed feelings washed over me and I felt something warm against my side. Turning my head over, I was shocked to see the dragoness there sleeping soundly. I began to sweat and frowned, nervously lowering my claw down onto my chin and tugging against of it while looking the other way. Eventually, I had subsumed into it and restfully slept through the night and well into the next day. But! Before that happens… We got some company involved.

 I groaned and growled when the bushes had began to rustle. Opening my eyes, I lifted up my head and blinked searching around my environment hoping to find the cause of disturbance of my sleep. It had seems that the dragoness was also aroused by the same noise as I felt her lose herself up against of me and opened her eyes. Lifting them up to me, I said nothing but a growl. I hope onto my paws and took a deep breath; breathing out fir- I mean, ice which froze up the bushes and trees of my targets. Along the way, I heard something that my ears had picked up. Grinning confidently now that I had vanquished my foes, maybe now I would get an award and- Er.

I felt something tapped against my back; shifting my head back I had spotted her frowning. Her eyes were pointing straight upon the icy bushes and trees that I had frozen. I said nothing but smiled, quickly ripping off one of the trees from its stem. I handed her to what I've interpreted as 'ice cream' however it was not the case. As footsteps were getting louder into my ears, the dragoness had bit my tail and spread her wings flying out into the night skies where snowflakes and emerged from the clouds covering up the swamp waters and trees below. She looked at me angrily. All I could do was shrugged and looked innocent for her but she rolled her eyes and fled perhaps putting in some distance between us and our pursuiters.

We flew for hours without end. I had not known how long we were in the air for. Below more grounds were being covered by snow all thanks to my interference with mother nature. "Sorry!" I called out perhaps to whoever was taking care of the animals and plants below of us. The waters were moving about and had surrounded most of the grasses and grounds. From our perspective it kinda looked like islands. I should get my bathing suit next time I come here! Anyway, we flew further out into the distance. Away from our enemies and the environment and well into the open sea. The dragoness who was carrying me was getting tired and had needed rest soon; I just said nothing and kept staring at the sea below.

To keep herself awake, she spoke something out of the blue. I snapped my thoughts and glanced at her with curiousness as she stagger and stumbled over her words, shifting uncomfortably as she flapped her wings. We both fell to silent, her mouth opened allowing me free as I took to her side in the air preparation of my flight. For once I was stabled, she continued her statement "There… There's something I had wanted to tell you." "hm?" I asked her, cocking my head to the side while I looked at her. For once in her life, she smiled softly perhaps it was to herself to me I would not know. But her mouth parted and spoke out "I'm your sister, Neriax!" "Whoa." I exclaimed, shocked and she blushed shifting away gazing out into the midnight moon. I decided to continue on to our conversation, "What do you mean, you're 'my sister'? are we like related or something? There's no way we are… are we?" and on and on I began to chat like a chatterbox that does not ever shut up. Spouting question after question that first emerged from my mind spitted out at her as if my mouth was a machine gun. Ra-Tatatatata… Hehe, I like the sound of that;

She at first was confused; her cheeks were still rosy and red. She was perhaps nervous and warm, I would not know. But as our wings flapped in union, I stared at her for a moment then glanced off into the moon in front of us. We were to silence, neither of us speaking to one another. Allowing the calm winds to weaved underneath our wings as we continued to flapped. Taking a sigh to comprehend the turn of events that somehow slammed into my face like a turnover table or something, I spoke breathlessly "If you are my sister. Then tell me what I had dome in the past. Tell me what happened to our parents." She nodded slowly and with her nudge against my side, she started right from the start.