Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Buzzard's Call

The desert place was not a good choice for me to stay in, however. It's hot and dry. Rain rarely even
comes to wash my fears away. I sighed and my stomach growled. It's just about
to eat anyway and I got up from the very spot I was sitting in, walking off. My
eyes scanned around the area looking for anything that I could get my claws
upon. But nothing was around here; it was as if this place was deserted… Ha; I
made a lame joke. No reliable food was
around. I feel like I was going to die in this heated place. I sighed again and
tried to think back within my mind of the research I had done before going onto
this trip.

I stared at the heated skies above, pondering of the many
thoughts I had within my mind. Most of them were to the information I acquired
from watching other survive around the habit I used to live in. Apparently, a
dragon can survive without food for months if I was drinking water. Looking
around my surroundings, I saw no water about. I said nothing and discarded the
thought heading forth towards the next one. "Looking for water through
plants that grow upon them." I got up and slowly moved my way from the
heated spot I was sitting on. Walking Northwestward, I steadied my eyes and
scanned my environment hoping to find any plants growing about. I kept on
walking with this direction, heading deeper through the desert when the winds were picking up. Keep on the search for more
water, I had found none and growled. Flopping down onto the heated sands below
me with my tired eyes staring at the grounds. I was going to die here after

I shook my head, but my fears kept coming through my mind.
One after another, more and more of those depressive thoughts entered. I tried
my best to ignore or shatter them. It was no use. I raised my eyes once more;
taking a glance upon the sandy environment again. Flapping my wings before
folding them again, I got up and tried walking more slowly trying to conserve the water that I had within my body
before entering into this desert.
Eventually, I spotted some palm trees that were not too far away from where I
was at. Running straight towards them, I reached them thus digging through upon
the sands close to their positions. I had not known how deep I had gone; but I had hit the jackpot after all.

For down below of me; just a few feet down were some water
pools. They were cold to the touch and I shivered whether or not it was in
excitement or they were really cold and dived my head down upon the waters. It
splashed afterward as I began to take my
drink, replenishing that water lost I had just from walking and running alone.
Finally, I was done. Refreshed and renewed, I jumped from the hole I have dug
and out onto the desert once again. A few lizards and snakes were slithering
about near me so I grabbed some of them and stuffed them into my mouth before
departing outwards hoping to get out of this place.

More thoughts began to enter into my mind the further I went
deeper inside of the desert. I thought I was perhaps getting closer to the
borderline, sometimes, however, I felt as
if I was not. The thoughts within my mind fought against one another; one side
was the negatives and the other the positives. Both were trying to regain
control over my mind and body, to determine
what I should do next in the upcoming hours. My scales were hot to the touch;
the cold warm temperature I used to have were replaced by scorching hot temps.
It feels like hell out here. But I kept pressing on with a high hope that I
would be able to get out. And sure enough, I did.

It was very close, but
I could see something cold in the distance. Where little snowflakes fall from grayish clouds above, I thought I had
the answer I was desperately looking for. With glee,
I spread my wings quickly and takes to the skies. I was ready to take on the
cold temps after all cause that's what I was built upon. I soared quickly,
flapping my wings often as I tried to reach my destination. The cold environment
closed onto me.

Until I actually made it…

The heated air had changed into a more suitable environment
as I reached crossing over the borderline between the cold and hot environment.
Where the snow had begun to fall down from the skies; lingering themselves upon
the surface of my back and wings. I shook myself clean of them and kept flying
onward against the winds that blew while I scouted through upon the newest
place. Everywhere I see were just snow covered grounds. Even the trees were
blanketed by snow too. Everything was white. Luckily it was still daytime and I
had a few more hours to go before I had to go find a place for me to stay for
the night. However, something had caught my eye along my trip.

Up ahead was a small village; the tents were small. The fire
was lit but it was slowly dying. The village was a medium size perhaps able to
contain and feed hundreds of citizens living in there. Fear began to cross my
mind as I had wondered about their reaction if they've seen a dragon coming
close to them. As this fear began to developed upon my mind, I quickly and
quietly dived myself down towards the
snow and landed without hesitation while my paws were planted against the snow
leaving large footprints that were shaped like that mythical creature. What do
they call it again?

I snorted; allowing the smoke to rise from my nostrils. My
eyes stared upon the snow; thoughts began to swirl around my mind pondering
whether or not should I start to melt the snow. I tried to smack my lips
together just a bit to test if it was really dry from not be able to drink for
so long since my stay over at the desert. I shrugged afterwards and crouched
down, blowing a jet of ice fire. It did not melt the snow however which had
left me baffled. Startled by my own flame, I growled and tried again. It had
came in at the same result but I was persistent. Blowing the same ice fire a
couple of times and left me dry. I was soon panted rather quickly than I should
have. Growling weakly, I lowered my head down and sighed to myself in defeat.
Staring out onto the horizon while the sun sinks, the night had came. Soon
enough; I fell asleep.

My ears flickered at the sounds of someone calling out into
the night. I stirred in my sleep and growled, turning myself around hoping to
get a better spot in sleeping. More and more of that same sounds echoed and I
jolted awake. Annoyed, I looked around realizing thus it was nighttime. I had
not known that I slept for a long time. With the cold blowing through my cold
scales, I shivered rather nervously and casted my eyes upon the darkness that
now laid before of me. Er… Did I mention that I was afraid of the dark? Now I
know it would sound childish or you, the readers, would think of me as a
hatchling or a child. Yeah, just laugh it out of your system right now. But I
had this diagnosed and recognized early on. I was not sure how on earth did I
got such a thing. You would think that I am a strong big male dragon right?
Even after I had gotten over my fears of the dark-

Well… It did not happen sadly and every night usually around
dusk, I am always hiding about anywhere I could from other enemies that I could
be facing. Many 'adult' and 'teenager' dragons always laugh at me whenever I
had this. Guess It is not important to tell my past story cause someone is
coming! It's loud footsteps echoed into my ears, I flipped my head around
glancing at the source. My mind keeps flickering some switches in my head;
bossing me around while I stepped back. The fear overcomes the braveness. My
wings were folded and staggered back; I had found myself scratching behind some
of the trees which sway giving away my position to my enemies. I screwed

Face palming myself, I groaned in frustration and stared
down where the trees and bushes were rustling. I waited; my tail wagged as I
crouched won. My eyes looking. The sounds of rustling came by closing in onto
where I was until it had became silent afterwards. I became tensed and waited;
thinking whether or not it was an enemy or an ally. After many rounds of
silence, I grew impatient and swipe at the bushes revealing just a deer. I
heard another sound; loud and clear it was and I shifted my eyes over. Noticing
another dragonkin staring back onto me.