Current Track: Blabb

Unknown World: Forgotten But Burning

Opening my eyes, I smelt a crisp of something burning
probably behind of me. But I had thought that it was food being cooked by my
sister and I smiled faintly at that before trying to tightly curled up, smoke
raises from my nostrils while I wait to be called. The evening sun shines its
last rays upon the forest we lived in now. It was even silent as well. As I
purred myself to sleep, I smelled more of that crispy smoke as the smoke of it
reaches upon my nostrils. Thinking that it was time to eat, I opened my eyes
and looked around. But was startled to see nothing was there. Not even my
sister was around. I frowned and walked towards the center of the clearing
where my sister would be. While the trees swayed to one side thanks to the
wind, I looked even called out to her. But she was not there. More and more of
that crispy smoke raise into my nostrils that I had to cough at it to clear my
nose. I called out again, shouting more worried about her as I spread my wings
preparing to take up into the skies again. I flew upward into the air and took
a glanced downward. Giving me a birds eyes view of the place, I had noticed
that something was burning on the far side of the forest. Going there, I
quickly fled.

The forest was a big place that stretched on for miles even
reaching the horizon beyond of me. I flew closer to the smoke, feeling the intensity
of the heat covering my scales. I dived downward into the smoke and landed,
startled to see that the entire place was on fire. I cough more when I stayed
in the fire. I felt my eyes tearing up from the smoke of it while I kept
shouting for her. But no answer came. My expression changed rather quickly when
I heard nothing but the smoke and the fire. Trees burning all around me. It
felt as if my entire world was crumbling down. But I cannot give up. I
continued running through the forest, shouting for the dragoness' name hoping
to hear her somewhere within the forest. It had taken me almost a minute of
silence before I heard something in the distance. It came from the right.
Shifting my attention there, I ran in that direction. Weaving through the trees
that stood in my way, I spotted a dragon ahead on another clearing before of
me. I smiled brightly and shouted for her, called her name hoping that she
would hear me. She did.

However, she was in the worst condition than me. A tree fell
onto her leg breaking her bone. She cannot fly since most of twigs and branches
had hit her wings. She looked as if she was caged in without any way on
returning. I gasped shocked while I ran towards her. She noticed me and growled
urging me to leave the place for my own safety. But I exclaimed back at her,
wanting to rescue her from the cage she was in. When she heard my words, her
head looked down. We fell to silence as trees began to fall. The fire probably
reached to the outskirts of the forest. Everything had gone to waste. She said
nothing for a moment while I ran towards the tree that was on her leg. I tried
to lift up the tree, but it was no use. It proved to be too heavy and I growled
frustratedly before trying again. But she called out to me and I stopped.
Turning to her, I had noticed tears coming down from her eyes as she softly
spoke to me. "Go… Don't look back." I open my mouth to speak to her.
But she growled at him desperately. I fell to silent afterward, tears came from
my eyes clouding my visions as I stared at her and sighed shifting my head back
away. I turned to the forest before me and did not look back. I ran, through
the forest trees while wood began burning all around me. The smoke was hard to
inhale. But I kept pushing onward farther away from her… From her.

I tried not to cry. Desperately telling my brain that all
will be better in the end. But in my heart, I knew it would not. I kept running
faster deeper into the forest. Voices of my memories echoed into my head.
Memories of me and my sister, together. My wings jingled as I ran. My legs hurt
badly burning up from the intensity of the heat and smoke that was coming from
the fire all around of me. I had no choice. If I were to run, the forest would
bury me inside like… I bit my tongue trying to withhold myself from speaking
about her. I raised to the skies above, my wings spread out readying themselves
for a long flight. I flapped them several times. Trees and branches were
falling all around me. But I had not cared for I had escaped from the forest and
flying high in the blue skies above. Though I took one last look behind of me,
staring down onto the forest fire below as my wings flapped keeping myself into
the air. A single tear fell from my eye, remembering that last thought in my
mind where we sat together watching the sunset.