Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Tale Mistake

"How… How did I ended up here?" I thought,
groaning while my eyes adjusted to the lights around me. I opened my eyes,
blinking several times an gazed around the large room. Noticing little flame
torches attached to the walls, burning themselves out. It was silent inside
except for the ringing in my ears as I turned my attention to what was in front
of me. Two large pillars stood at a equal distance from each other. A set of
stairs was position in the center of it. On top of the stairs was a large dark
red chair that faced me. Someone was sitting on top of it. I cannot figure out
who. I walked two steps closer towards the chair and stopped, my eyes raised to
it glancing hoping to know who was the figure that sat on it.

The figure was large and had an equal length pair of wings
as me. I cocked my head to the side and spoke, rather quietly as nervousness
and agitated erupted within my belly. No answer. I tried again a bit louder;
but it seems that my voice fell on deaf ears. Tightening my mouth a bit, I drew
a breath. But a sudden sound had startled me and so did the figure on the
chair. For he turned and gazed, lowering his eyes down to me and blinked. I
heard running footsteps behind me, getting louder as they drew near. 'Were they
my friends?' I pondered to myself and tempted to sneak a look behind of me. The
voice called out and I turned back to the figure who now stood up. Its wings
spread out calmly as he takes a step forward down the stairs. But accidently
slipped upon the wet spot near the bottom and came crashing down to level

I said nothing but was bewilder by what I had saw. As my
eyes stared onto him, I saw him picked himself up and dusted his scales about
before raising his eyes over to me. I got a good look upon what he looked like.
He had silver scales and a underbelly. His horns were long and thing stretching
out to his back. His wings were indeed the same length as mine. But somehow, he
looked almost older than me. Even his voice proves it. "Who are you? Why are
you here upon the dormant of the room?" "Th… This is your room?"
I remarked, hesitated as I stepped back. He nodded and met eyes with me. Then
his eyes went wide and his mouth opened. No voice came from it although he
growled, shaking his head. Doubting some thought in his mind about something.
Upon this, I tilted my head to the side wondering what he was thinking about.

It was a long silence between us. I watched as he shakes his
head, muttering arguing with himself about something. Perhaps it was to me
after all, I was not sure. I turned back to faced the other dragons who came in
through the door; having realized that it was the same three I met when I had
arrived in. Zawar, Ajiro and Kiser. All three of them were looking worriedly at
him; but it was Ajiro who shifted her eyes to me. I said nothing and returned
my gaze to the silver dragon behind me as his voice called out to me.
"What is… your name? Young Silver dragon?" he spoke, I frowned and
replied "Neriax." "And where did you came from?" He answered
back again putting me back onto that spot. I frowned and said nothing as if my
mouth was sealed with tough glue or something. My mind was racing, trying to
figure out what I could say to him. This went on for several seconds before I
parted my lips and spoke, "I came from the mountains when I was born;
stayed there all my life before wanting to travel around the world."
"And your parents?" "Dead." I started, finishing the
conversation as I dipped my head down in shame.

Silence fell for a few seconds then it was interrupted by a
voice behind of me. I turned shifting my neck over, noticing Ajiro sobbing. Her
tears fell from her eyes and were making a weird dragon sound whenever we sob.
The silver dragon behind me spoke up suddenly changing the conversation while
we turned to him, "And… why are you here, Neriax?" "I wanted to
seek an older brother of mine that was born before me. My dead parents had said
that he lives here although they do not know his statues within the city-"
Then he interrupted me with an awkward hug. I blinked for a while.

I stared onto the black walls in front of me in silence, my
mind raced wondering what I should say to him. But nothing came up and I
growled to myself, frustrated having nothing to say in answer while I felt him
pushed my body off from him. I saw the widest smile upon his face. Staring back
onto him, I started a new conversation with him. "I…Um." I started,
raising my claw up to my neck. Flustered and embrassased, I had started
blushing unknowingly shifting my head over to the side staring upon another set
of blacken walls. He walked up to me and pressed his claw upon my chest, I
turned to him. Our eyes met. Then I shook my head off and spoke to him asking
"Why are you a silver dragon like me? Why are you asking so many questions?"
I stamped my foot upon the ground and released myself from him while my tail
glowed suddenly.

It illuminated the room. Everyone gasped and stared with
their eyes upon it. Everyone except me for my eyes were to him. The silver
dragon who stands before of him whom I had not known of his name yet I keep on
demanding it. With every spoken word, I saw his face looking grim as if we were
in an argument with one another. I had no control over myself. I kept on
talking, shouting and throwing every word at him till he spoke with a booming
voice. It drowned my own voice till I felt as if I was deaf. As I stared onto
him with widen eyes, he stared at me with those sad eyes. His wings lowered and
his tail slowly wagging a bit till it was just a flicker. With his arms widen
out, he spoke "I'll tell you everything you wanted to know."
"What is your name, first of all." I spoke and a sharp gasp erupted
from behind of him but I chose to ignore it.

He chuckled. His mouth breaking into a laugh. His entire
face was relieved as if what my question was a joke to him. His voice carried
out to my ears and the dragons behind of me. I stared onto him bewildered with
my eyes opened wide. I take a step forward towards him and reached my claw out
to him. He paused and stared, I took the time to speak to him. "What is
your name?" "me?" The silver dragon response with kind, a small
smile formed upon his mouth as his eyes stared to me. "I am Silax. You may
not remember me, Neriax at all. But…"  He stared but broke off the conversation again
when tears formed from his eyes. It rolled down to his cheeks and down to his
chin, forming a puddle beneath his legs. I looked at him while he raises his
paw up onto his eyes rubbing them before he answered back, resuming whatever he
was trying to say to me. "But… After hearing your… no; Our parents died
just after you hatched has devastated me."

"Why?" I blurted out and the conversation ended
there with our silence together upon the very small room that we were contained
it. His eyes lowered and said nothing, staring upon my glowing tail. He opened
his mouth, changing the conversation again with his claw raised pointing at it.
"You… have not learned your abilities, have you?" "No." I
replied with a shake of my head, adding "What is my ability? What is yours
as well if we are brothers?" He cracked a smile so suddenly and takes a
step back. His tail glowed pure white brightening up my face as it stings. I
stepped back growling and moaning at the same time. Raising my claws up to
shield my eyes, I heard a sudden rush of wind. Then the light was gone. Along
with it came Silax wherever he is right now.

I blinked several times when the light had faded from the
darken room while I shifted my head around looking for him. I heard moaning and
growls from behind, along with a mutter from the brown dragon "Why does he
have to do that thing again… It hurts." "What thing?" I asked
almost immediately shifting my attention back to him when he gazed at me and
shifted eyes avoiding eye contact as he growled again, bearing his fangs. He
said nothing. No information as to what Silax had done. Though I was curious
about it at once. When the silence fell over top of us again, I flickered my
ear overhearing Kiser who clapped her claws together and smile at the rest of
us responding, "Let's just sleep first. I'll show you to your room,
Neriax." "Fine…" Spoke Zawar turning his attention back to the
door with Ajiro in tow. I nodded without hesitation, yawning as I followed my
friends out the door.