Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Tearing Byes

Pouring rain falls down upon my body, I shivered not because I am cold. But due to the suddenly splashes of raindrops falling on me. I had nearly thought that I was drowning all of the sudden which scares me to death. My wings were struggling to keep me afloat, flapping them several times as I could while keeping my eyes out in front of me. It was silent and I hated it at most. I missed her. Her warm scales sitting next to mine. Her wings over the top of me covering me from any forms of danger. Even invisible ones. But she was gone, lost in the fire it seems. I could go back and rescue her from that tree that fell upon her. I know, she would not want it. Tears swell against my eyes as it blackens my vision. I stared up ahead, trying to keep them suppressed. Hoping that I would find a place to stay until the rain washes out. As I sighed in silence, keeping my thoughts within myself, I heard something in the distance. It sounded like a roar from a lion. Looking back behind me, I noticed that it was not a lion but something else.

It was a vast body of water, the roaring waves washed out against one another as if they were fighting among themselves. I saw the water splashing and drops of rain falling from such an impact that I thought I lost my sudden balance because of them. I said nothing and raised my head up once again, keeping my eyes up front to the horizon beyond of me. I looked. Nothing was there. I squinted my eyes and tried my best to ignore the rain falling down on me. It was hard and my head ached. I released a sigh and flapped my heavy wings, having realized that they were kept spread out from me for too long that they were starting to hurt already. I need to find a place to stay.

I looked down upon the forest below of me. Noticing that some of the trees were snapped off their barks due to the sudden waters pouring into their roots. Most of the trees were laying still in different awkward directions that I had thought that they had 'died'. The water kept pushing forth, destroying any tree that gets into its way. It was as if, it wanted a race or something. But for what purpose? I raised my head again up onto the horizon gazing out into the distance. Nothing was there for the third time and I had thought that I was just flying overhead just to get away from the flood underneath of me. I kept my mouth shut when the disaster had struck. I had not seen it coming at all! A strike of lightning flashed before of me. It was so sudden that I had lost my balance completely and fallen to the land seas below of me making a quick splashed. I did not know how to swim and my mind was quick to switch from different emotions and behaviors that I had learned from experience. As a result of my panicked, I was found doggy paddling around. It was so humiliating.

I continued 'swimming' in random directions, even circling the same spot that I entered in several times. I was getting nowhere it seems and I grew frustrated upon it. Just the thought that I would just sink and die, allowing myself to reunite with my parents in the skies above, I spotted someone there. Another dragon staring at me suddenly with that perplex looked on its face. I was saved! I shouted, growling and waving my claws up into the air as any normal 'human being' would do trying to catch the dragon's attention… hopefully. But she was just standing there, staring at me with her eyes as if she was some kind of guard keeping the waters running down the forest road. I keep trying to get her attention, even shouting for the dragon. It got its attention and shifted its head over to me, its wings spread out. Flying out taking a jump or leap into the waters. It disappeared underneath and I had to mutter underneath my breath, "My hero…" I spoke with sarcasm as I was left to my dying state.

Soon, my arms grew heavy. My body felt weak to the point that I had accepted my fate through death. I closed my eyes and allowed the gravity to push me down onto the water depths below as roars of waters rushed surrounding me, pulling me deeper down till I felt something underneath of me.

I felt it push against my rump as if someone down there wanted me to survive or something. I struggled to break free from whoever grip was there, but I felt weak. I sighed as I was raised to the surface. Breaking out a sudden sigh, I lifted my head out and gazed my eyes upon the skies above before hearing someone else popping besides of me. Shifting, it smile. I smiled back but only growled at him later on "Just let me accept my fate, why would you not?" I exclaimed at the dragon. "Because… we're family." I widen my eyes in disbelief and shifted my head away growling at the dragon, "We're not family. We're not even related to one another." "But there's someone else." It spoke back, my ears lifted up and gazed upon it in silence while it grinned and added, "Your brother is alive." "Preposterous!" I demanded through gritting fangs as I lunged at it determined to drown it for saying such thing, "I was the only hatchling alive when my parents were dead. I had no one else." The dragon stared back at me, a flashing a smile upon his mouth while I kept my claws overtop his head. Without another word, I sighed and released him before asking another threatening question, "Where is he?" "Over there, but first let's-" "Don't need to." I barked snapping his sentence in half as he looked at him with a blink then laughed, "Totally like your brother-" "Shut up!" I argued as we waddled ourselves down the floor towards a nearby rock that was inches above the waterline.

Staying silent for a while, I gazed my head towards the remaining trees left standing. I listened to the birds chirping furiously looking for their own relatives and friends. I sighed, somehow it drew the other to turn his head towards me. "What's wrong?" he asked, I said nothing in turn but gazed at him slowly and shattered my face into a smile before responding back, "I… I am fine, but the question remains, however." I started as he cocked his head to the side, pressuring me to speak as I took the sign and started with a cough "Er… Who are you and what's your name?" The dragon laughed afterward and smiled without hesitation. Showing himself to me, I gasped in surprise. "I'm an Orca dragon; Blue scales and green underbelly and wings. I resided upon the seas." "Name?" I asked, and the dragon chuckled afterward adding, "The name's Ajiro. Sea dragon, but also an Orca Dragon hybrid." "You do not look like those Killer whales, Ajiro." I started and he cracked a smile, "That's cause I'm special." "How so?" I gazed at him.

But all he did was chuckle as if he was nearly laughing or poking fun at me. It irritates me at most but I learned to cope with it and dropped the conversation at once, shifting my eyes over as the sun's rays broke through the clouds above. Ajiro then piped and I turned to him, "Say. I have not kept my promise at once. I did tell you that I will lead you to your sister." I growled at him suddenly as if threatening him ready to kill him on the spot. But a grin cracked upon his mouth as his wings spread out forced me to calm down and I nodded against the better judgment of mine. Getting up also, I threw open my wings and readied but he already flew out hovering into the air above of me as he smirked. I growled having said nothing back, flew up to meet him into the air and flew Northwest towards his home.

To tell you the truth, dear readers. I had a mixture of feelings resided upon my belly. I was secretly excited to see another relative that was not born into my heritage. But also, I was nervous. If I had remembered correctly, my parents always tell me I was the only hatchling they got. Keeping secrets of any other that they had afterward. Though it was kept for quite some years, it did take long for me to realize that I was actually born after my mother had gotten a son who was older than me and is now living in a faraway place.