Current Track: Blabb

The Awakening

Finding One's True Self: Part 44

By Xan Steel

Seven cycles have passed since Tarina gave birth and now Ophelia, Omni, and Talina are heading to school for the first time. They wanted to go to the same school that Dilna, and Frin where attending, and honestly it was an excellent school. Dilna was excelling in the Arts, and Frin was heading into Engineering. The three of us couldn't be more proud of them.

I never expected how my life would turn out, and I'd be lying if I didn't say, it's been an adventure. Not one I would wish on anyone else, mind you. Looking back on it though, I wouldn't change it. As far as I was concerned, I'm the happiest male that ever lived, and I made sure to make both Tarina, and Danora just as happy. So much so that Danora is carrying her third, our sixth youngling, and this time she made the doctor confirm it was mine. Even though I told her it wasn't necessary for her to do that. I guess there is still a part of her worried that I would think otherwise.

While Tarina became the 'at home Memaw,' Danora picked up a local manufacturing job in a nearby textile factory. She made sure her hours corresponded to the youngling's school hours, this way she could help Tarina with them before I came home.

Work was always interesting for me, and a real eye-opener when it came to exposing corruption within the planets political system. That's the thing that surprises you the most. You never know just how deep it goes, and this cycle has been very busy with twenty arrests so far. I know the Commander is happy with my work, as I'm cracking cases that have literally taken them deca-cycles to scratch the surface. What helped me the most was considering what I had learned over the cycles as a detective and applying here in Internal Affairs. My 'every little detail matters' thought process is what helped me the most. It allowed me to see things that others would often overlook. I even trained a few of them in the 'Art of Tiny Details' as I like to call it. I might write a book on it. Though joking aside, it has allowed me to be a bit more social with my fellow agents.

It was the middle of the week when things became interesting as my Commander handed me a letter. I thanked him as he left and looked it over. It had the seal of the Alliance on the front. I opened it up and began to read it. It was from Admiral Torid, and it stated that he wanted to visit with Tarina and talk with us about her awakening. I had no idea what he was talking about, as Tarina never spoke about the time before I opened my eyes. The only thing she would say was that it terrified her and that she didn't want to remember it. Danora and I never brought the subject up again.

I decided to make an early day of it and took the letter home with me. I knew that both my mates and the younglings would be home today, as both Danora and the younglings had the day off. As I drove back, I began to wonder what was an awakening. I let the computer in my transport do a search over the galactic network, and was surprised to hear that there was very little to no information on the subject. So, I refined my search. “Computer, galactic search for 'Derlenian Awakening.'" This gave me a bit more information, though not a whole lot more if I was honest with myself.

Apparently, according to one source, this awakening unlocked a Derlenian's full mental abilities, and that supposedly it could range from killing someone with a mere thought, to completely altering reality. I thought for a minute and realized that if this was true, then Tarina bringing me back from the dead, could be considered 'Altering Reality.' That didn't seem like a bad thing, but killing someone with a thought, well that was a whole another story. Not to mention it would be hard to investigate a thought crime. The information continued and stated that the GrandMaster's down through the ages have never allowed Derlenian telepathy to be studied. Stating that, as long as a GrandMaster is alive, they can teach Derlenians how to use their telepathy safely to prevent such an awakening from accruing. They also keep this information from other Derlenians to ensure that they don't try to awaken on purpose and become abusive with their abilities.

This did make me wonder how Admiral Torid even found out about Tarina, and what happened to her. My mind kept thinking about it as I continued home wondering just how strong Tarina could be, or if she even wanted to be that strong. Perhaps that was the part that terrified her. Seeing just how strong she could be, and that all it would take is one stray thought and she could end everything. I know if I had that kind of power that I would be terrified, and not just of myself, but of losing control. I'm also guessing the reason she doesn't want to talk about it, is if Danora and I begin to fear her, and her abilities.

I pulled into the driveway of our home, and powered down my transport and then got out and headed for the door. It opened once I got there as Danora welcomed me home. We kissed softly as I entered and looked around. I didn't see Tarina or the younglings anywhere, and turned to Danora, “Where is everyone?" I asked.

Danora spoke, but I detected a slight level of fear from her, “The younglings are at our caretaker's place, as Tarina is in a nearby Medical Center. I tried to call you before you left work to let you know, but your Commander said I had missed you by a few minutes," she said.

I was stunned to hear this, “What happened?"

“She just collapsed here at home, and Omni was the one to call emergency services out for her. They haven't sent word as to what happened, I figured you want to go to her, and took the younglings to a caretaker before you came home," she replied.

I took Danora with me as we headed to the nearby center. Once we arrived, we headed to the emergency room, told them who we were as they took us back to be with her. I noticed they were taking us to the Critical Care Unit wing. Once in her room, my fear increased as the nurse left to get the doctor. I looked her over and saw she was on a respirator, and she had several IV's running to her, as a heart monitor softly beeped out her heart rate. Thankfully it was a steady rate, but my mind was picking up something else, confusion.

After a few minutes the doctor, a Darlogian, came in and greeted us. “Hello, I'm Doctor Varice."

“I'm Tarina's First Ohm, and this is her Second Danora," I replied. We shook handpaws as I asked what had happened to her.

“That is a bit of a mystery, I'm afraid to say," he began with, “All the normal checkups state that she's in perfect health, just unconscious. However, a Cranial Scan revealed her brain to be highly active, more so than normal. So, we'd called in a telepathic specialist, who should be here within the hour, and hopefully they'll be able to shed some light on her predicament," Varice said, and then turned to me, “With being her First, are you feeling anything?" he asked.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before answering, “Confusion. Outside of that nothing else." I explained. I watched him write that down on her medical report. Once he was finished, he turned to Danora and asked the same question. Unfortunately, she didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

Varice thanks us and left us alone with Tarina. Danora spoke softly, “She had been preparing dinner for the night before it happened, and she appeared to be just fine. None of the younglings sensed anything wrong before or after her collapse."

I nodded and hugged her, “I wonder why you don't feel what I do right now, as I know you two have blended minds," I said.

“I don't know, but my mind feels empty. I'm not getting that warm, loving feeling she always gave me. It's unsettling, to say the least." Danora replied while looking at Tarina.

Forty-five minutes later the specialist arrived, a young black male Derlenian. He greeted us with a warm voice, “Hello, I'm Xarn with the MDD, Mental Dysphoria Department. Am I addressing Tarina's First?"

“Yes, I'm Ohm, and this is Danora her Second," I replied while shaking his handpaw. I noticed his eyes almost immediately. Solid yellow that had little galaxies in them.

Xarn spoke again, “I'm sorry to hear about Miss Tarina." He asked us what happened, and if we felt any different since her condition, to which Danora explained what happened, and how she felt. I then explained what I was feeling as well. After which he walked over to Tarina and placed his handpaw on her forehead, and closed his eyes. It took all of a few seconds before he stepped back with a terrified look on him. He turned to look at me, and it was easy to hear the fear in his voice, “When did she Awaken?"

“It's been at least six cycles," I replied.

“Did a GrandMaster ever visit her in that time?" he asked in a rapid tone, but as far as we both knew, the answer was no.

He walked over to me, “May I see the moment of that day from you?" He asked as I nodded and let him put his handpaw on my forehead. At that moment, he saw what had happened, and took his handpaw off my forehead. “I'm sorry, but I need to call a GrandMaster for this." I watched him start to leave when Danora spoke up.

“Doctor, what's happening to her?"

I could still hear the fear in his voice when he spoke, “Her consciousness is separating from her body, and if I can't get a GrandMaster here in the next three days, we will lose her." After which he left.

Danora came over to me and wrapped her arms around me, as I knew she could see my emotional state fall. “Tarina," I whispered as I could hear Danora start to weep softly.

I stayed at the medical center overnight while Danora went home to pick up our younglings. I watched as they removed her from the respirator as well as the IV's from her. This was something I wasn't prepared for on any level. Nor did I have the power change. I gently placed my handpaw on her forehead and tried to send her some reassuring thoughts, but I didn't know if it would work. Especially in my current mental state. However, I got a shock as Tarina as she gently grabbed my arm, and opened her eyes.

She spoke in a softly, yet tired voice, “Mmmm, hey handsome."

I was so surprised that I stumbled through my own words, “Tarina. I. What. How?"

“Shhhh, it's all right Ohm. I'll be fine I'm just drained for some reason," she softly replied.

“The doctor said that your conscience was separating from your body," I said in a worrying tone as she just looked at me with a blank stare as I continued, “He left a few hours ago to get in contact with a GrandMaster. I haven't heard anything since.

Tarina spoke in a questioning tone, “Why would he say that? I've just been meditating. Well, I should say a forced meditation which is something that has never happened to me before, but meditating isn't unusual for me. It's something I do when you're at work, and the younglings are in school," she replied.

I knew about her meditating during these hours, as she explained it was a way of both resting and training her telepathic abilities. It was a form of checks and balances for her. I spoke quietly, “He also asked me about your awakening." I watched her turn her head from me.

“Ohm, you know I don't want to talk about it," she said with a saddened tone.

“I know, but it's also likely the GrandMaster will find out about it, and there is one other that wants to talk to you about it, a rather high-level official." I watched her ears swivel around to the sound of my voice.

“Who?" she asked.

“An Admiral Torid, from the Alliance," I answered.

She turned to look at me directly and sighed, “Why does everyone want me to talk to about it? Why can't everyone just forget about it?"

I could see tears start to form in her eyes, as I moved to sit on the bed next to her and gently stroked her cheek. “I don't know sweetie, but apparently is very important that they know what happened."

It was at this point we heard a new voice and looked towards the door. We saw a white female Derlenian, much like Lady Iris, but her eyes were solid green. “Hello, I'm Ki, newly appointed GrandMaster on Valdoro," she said as we returned our greeting. Ki walked over to the bed as I got up and moved out of her way, as she put her handpaw on Tarina's forehead and closed her eyes. After a minute, she lifted her handpaw off Tarina and opened her eyes. “You poor thing living with such guilt, and having been awakened compounds it."

I wondered what guilt she was living with because as I far as I knew everything was fine. I turned to Ki and asked her what guilt.

Tarina turned back to Ki suddenly, “Don't tell him!" she said in earnest.

Ki turned to her as I watched her expression change for a gentle to a more serious look with a tone of voice to match, “Because of your awakened state you need to tell him. Otherwise, I can't save you. Do you understand student?"

Tarina was stunned, but I saw her tears begin to flow. I watched her sit up while turning to sit on the edge of the bed. She then gently patted the spot next to her which told me to sit next to her. Tarina spoke softly while looking down, “Ohm, do you remember the day you came to rescue me?"


“Do you remember what happened?"

“Yes, after I stunned Helfligger I came through the window that he had been watching you from, I noticed that the machine that he had planned to use, was no longer looking for your blood type because Altair had managed to change it," I said.

Tarina spoke again while at the same time started to cry, “When you started to walk towards the machine, I yelled at you not to go through with it, because there was another way. You didn't hear me though, and for whatever reason, your mind was clouded from me. I desperately struggled with the table to get free, but it wouldn't let me go. I wanted to tell you about the manual release button on the back side of the table, but I couldn't get through the cloudiness of your mind because I wasn't mentally strong enough. I've felt horrible for not having remembered it sooner, to avoid watching you go through that." Tarina broke down emotionally as I wrapped my arm around her and gently rocked her.

After a minute of comforting her I spoke quietly, “When I started walking towards the machine, I only heard the beating of my own heart, and began re-living memories of you and Danora. My wanting to save you regardless of what happened to me was very strong. I loved you so much then, and over the cycles that love has only grown. There is nothing I wouldn't do to save you, Danora, or our younglings. Besides, if you'll recall, you did save me in the end." I finished while smiling at her as she looked up at me.

Ki's voice returned to the gentle tone she had earlier, “That's because she Awakened."

I looked at Ki before speaking, “You are the third to mention this Awakened, and I'm curious as to what it is." I stated.

Ki continued to speak in her gentle tone, “The Awakening of a Derlenian is," She paused for a moment and appeared to be looking for the right word. “Treacherous, due to how one becomes Awakened. It can be fatal to the Derlenian, or the one on the receiving end. However, it can also be a joyous moment. In your case, it was joyous, as she was able to bring you back. That being said; however, there was a tremendous amount of internal conflict, wasn't there Tarina," she said more as a statement than a question.

I watched Tarina's ear go entirely flat as she hung her head. “Yes." She whispered quietly

Ki knelt down in front of her and used her handpaws to lift Tarina's head to look at her. “What you felt at that moment is not unusual. When you Awaken all of your emotions move to the forefront of your mind, and the strongest ones always win out. Fortunately, you had help from your, at that time, unborn younglings."

Tarina spoke up, “Yes, they blended minds with me, and their want for Ohm was powerful, and pushed for control of my mind."

Ki gave her a very intense yet gentle look, “What did you feel at that moment?"

Tarina's voice was suddenly feeble, “Rage," she answered.

“Why?" Ki asked.

Tarina looked right at me with an ashamed look, “I. I wanted," Tarina then looked right at Ki, “To kill Helfligger."

I felt Tarina's body begin to vibrate as Ki turned to me and spoke in a voice of urgency, “Go and close the door and stay there!"

I did so and just as I turned back around I noticed Tarina's eyes glowing.

Ki spoke again, “Let it out Tarina, don't hold this back!"

I watched as Trina stood up, as Ki continued to hold her head in her handpaws. I had no idea what was going on, but the surrounding air began to feel heavy and thick.

Tarina yelled, but her voice was more profound and angrier than it should have been, “He took Ohm from me!"

“Yes, he did, but you brought him back! Remember?" Ki yelled in return as she turned them so that I could see them side by side, only to see both of their eyes glowing brightly.

“It's not enough! He must suffer! He must pay for taking that which is mine!" Tarina yelled again.

Then it hit me, I was witnessing a mental release. I noticed that their fur began to ripple as though there was wind blowing, but I didn't feel any. I suddenly saw Tarina's head jerk about, but Ki's handpaws didn't waiver from Tarina's head.

“There you are!" Tarina yelled again while looking at one of the corners of the room.

It was at this moment that Ki fully stood up in front of Tarina, and forced her head to look directly at her. “Enough Student!" her voice commanded as Tarina tried to shirk away, but Ki held her firmly. After a brief struggle with Ki, Tarina then hung her head as Ki leaned in and touched their forehead together. I wasn't sure what was going on, but after a few minutes, the air around me began to feel normal again. I watched as the both of them slowly go to their knees, as Ki leaned back letting go of Tarina, their eyes no longer glowing. I then watched as Tarina broke down a second time.

I heard Ki's voice in my mind, 'If seeing this has not scared you, then please come and comfort her.'

I walked over to them and knelt behind Tarina, and gently pulled her into my embrace. I felt her gently struggle to break free before she settled down and spoke. Her voice was weak and somewhat squeaky, “I, I really wanted to kill him, because I couldn't live without you. If it weren't for the younglings, you, you wouldn't be here."

I turned her around to face me and brought her head to my chest, “I know how you feel, as I've felt that way in the past. However, you cannot blame yourself for what happened that day. So please, let that day live in the past." I said gently to her.

I watched her look up at me, as I gently wiped her tears away, “I don't deserve you. I don't deserve Danora or our younglings. I feel like I'm living a life that's too good for me," she replied.

“Then I guess it's a good thing you are living it," I said with a smile as I kissed her softly.

After our moment together, Ki came over and knelt next to us, “Now that her guilt has been cleared I can begin the healing process. This will take some time though." She looked at me directly, “You might want to get some rest at home and let the rest of your family know that she'll be fine."

I nodded to Ki before I spoke, “Yes, as I'm sure they are worried about her, not to mention I need to figure out what to do about this Admiral Torid, and why he wants to know about your awakening." I finished.

Ki gave me a stern look with a severe tone, “No."

I looked at her, “No, what?"

“No, no one is allowed to speak with her in this matter for at least two cycles. I will talk with this Admiral Torid personally." I then watched her turn towards Tarina again as she gently laid her handpaw on her forehead, “To help with the healing process, I'm going to recreate the telepathic restraints. I'll have to visit in a week or so, to also restrain your younglings. Plus, I'll need to come once a month to help teach your whole family." She said as she looked at me, telling me that there was likely some things Danora, Dilna, Frin, and myself would need to understand and know.

Four days later Trii let Torid know that he had a visitor over the comm. “Let them in," he said as he put some papers away into a folder, and moved it off to the side. He looked up once he heard the door open and saw a white female Derlenian walk through his door and approach his desk.

Torid stood up and went to greet her, “Hello madam I'm Admiral Torid. How can I help you?" he asked.

“I'm GrandMaster Ki, newly appointed on Valdoro, and you can help me by staying away from Tarina Ondestan," Ki stated abruptly.

Torid surprisingly wasn't shocked to hear this and expected this sort of defense. He took his chair after having Ki sit down. “I'm sorry, but with the position I'm in, I need to understand every angle as to not be blindsided. This Awakening is," Torid paused for a second, “Let's be open, it's terrifying," he finished.

Ki saw the look and feel of his mind before speaking, “Yes, it is, but while I'm telling you not to talk with Tarina, it's not for the reason you think." Torid looked up at her as she continued, “Tarina is currently healing, and talking to her about this, will cause a lapse that will kill her." Ki's tone shifted from severe to gentle with her last line.

Torid looked at her with a strange expression on his face and muzzle that denoted both confusion and curiosity.

Ki noticed this, “I'm here to give some general information on The Awakening. Specifics, however, I must avoid as that differs between each Derlenian," she stated.

Torid spoke in an understanding tone at first, “Which is understandable, I only wanted information based on facts, then on rumor and heresy," he finished.

Ki smiled at this, “You are a rare individual in that aspect. Most people prefer the rumors and legends, then the truth. Only because most people tend to romanticize The Awakening."

Torid gave a lighthearted huff while bringing his handpaws together and resting his head on them, “It's a requirement in my line of work," his tone was severe yet soft.

Ki's smile faded a bit, “Very well, The Awakening of a Derlenian is a major event in one's life, not to mention a treacherous one. In the case of a strong Derlenian, they can control it much more easily, than a Derlenian who is still learning," she paused for a moment as Torid spoke.

“How does that relate to say, bring someone back from the dead?" he asked.

Ki was shocked he asked this question because it meant he knew more than he was letting on, especially in the case of Tarina. “May I ask what brought you to that conclusion?" she asked.

Torid turned his monitor to her and showed her a video recording. “It's taken a surprising amount of work to acquire this surveillance video, but it does show Lady Tarina's body glowing and then healing a fatal wound on her First. However, I'm wondering who this black Derlenian in the back is." Torid pointed to the screen to show Ki.

As Ki examined the image in detail, she knew who it was, and then understood why Tarina met with cloudiness in Ohm's mind that day. That didn't explain why though. Why would the head GrandMaster prevent a loved one from reaching their mate, much less not even bother stepping in?

Torid watched her face and muzzle for any change in expression but didn't see any. So, she either knew who this person was, or he was a complete mystery to her as well.

Ki decided to play it safe, “I know many black Derlenians, but I'm unfamiliar with this one," she said openly.

Torid knew otherwise but didn't pursue the matter farther. “Please continue."

Ki continued to tell Torid the facts of The Awakening. That it could be a joyous event or a fatal one. “In most cases, it usually is a joyous moment. Of the few fatal ones, however, the one on the receiving end either wound up dead, or in some rare cases both the receiver, and the Derlenian wound up dead. Due to the extreme mental energies being released," Ki said as she watched Torid lean back in his chair.

Torid spoke after a moment in thought, “What about this telepathic wave that precedes a release?" he asked.

Ki looked at him for a minute thinking he knew more than he was letting on, “Why don't you tell me what you have discovered," she suddenly said, only to watch a surprised look come across Torid's face and muzzle, before turning into a smile.

Torid began to explain, “From the sources I have gathered, which I must say doesn't really go into factual detail. There are a few things that are consistent, outside of conspiracy theories. The ones you mentioned, plus the two that concern me greatly. Being able to kill with a single thought, and Altering Reality. Can I safely assume that bringing back a dead loved one falls under 'Altering Reality?' If so, just how far does that extend? Not to mention, how does one investigate a 'Thought Killer' and bring them to justice?"

Ki sat there listening and wondering just how much she should tell him. Since he was only asking for specifics on two matters, that helped her out with not having to go into a considerable amount of detail about other aspects. “I the issue of 'Thought Killers' as you put it, is something we foresaw and train many students in law and law enforcement to be able to combat these types of crimes. Thankfully, they are scarce with about ten of these crimes every two cycles across the galaxy. As for the fear you have of 'Altering Reality,' I'm afraid I can't dispel that one. Only because we GrandMaster's don't know the full extent ourselves. This is why training and restricting a Derlenians telepathy is so important. This, however, doesn't prevent the rare instance of one becoming awakened. As for the Telepathic Wave, depending on how one becomes awakened. It can be quite painful for anyone around them, or a cry for help, in allowing other Derlenians to help by passing on their mental energy to the one calling for help. In the case of the video, Lady Tarina requested that help." She could sense that Torid's fear wasn't easily dispelling, but was unsure how to do just that.

Torid spoke again, but his tone was somewhat 'matter of fact,' “You say rare instance, but in this case, she is the second on to awaken in the last twenty cycles."

Ki cut in, “Compared to the one before that, which happened a little over four hundred cycles ago." She watched with mild satisfaction as Torid's looks change to 'Oh.' She continued, “I'm not trying to hide anything from you, but there are somethings you are not ready to know or could ever fully understand only because you are not Derlenian," she finished.

“I see. I assume this is some form of protecting information so that it doesn't fall into the wrong handpaws, and used against other Derlenians?" he questioned her.

Ki looked at him for a moment. He was brilliant in figuring out a lot of this on his own, which only helped her not add any extraneous details. Too much information could make matters worse. “Yes, only because throughout history, we Derlenian have been feared by many. This is why we take such extreme measures with both information and training of all Derlenians," she replied.

Torid took a sudden and sharp turn in the conversation, “Would any of this have anything to do with the Progenitor?"

Ki stared at him for only a moment, because she didn't sense this part on his mind, and decided that plausible deniability was a likely course. “I have not been informed that there was a Progenitor in the galaxy. Only the Head GrandMaster himself would know anything about him. I'm just here to teach and train at a planet level. Especially since Valdoro hasn't had a GrandMaster in ten cycles. Which doesn't make my work easy." She finished with a sigh.

Torid felt this response was genuine in the way she said it, and her body language. He then decided on asking about the Progenitor from a historical perspective. “Are you able to tell or explain to me why the Progenitor is so important to the Derlenian race?"

Ki thought for a moment before speaking in a somewhat educational tone, “It's common knowledge that the protein he carries is passed on when he is mating. What this protein does is bond with the DNA chains of the Derlenian race. It helps prevent the genetic break down of our species every twelve thousand cycles."

“Is the Progenitor always a male?" Torid as, his expression denoting his interest.

Ki's tone continued, “Yes, and they are set to mate with as females throughout their life. The offspring produced carry an overabundance of the protein. Which is freely detached from the DNA chain and allows doctors to safely remove it, and pass it on to other Derlenians."

Torid spoke up again, “Hasn't anyone tried to come up with a more permanent solution?"

“There has been talk about doing just that, but again I'm not privy to such information. I just know that at some point, one Progenitor won't be enough. As our species continues to breed, there will come a time where the Progenitor will be too young, and many of us will die before they come of age. Even being in stasis won't save them." Ki finished.

Torid looked confused, “So wait, even in stasis the DNA still degrades?"

Ki looked at him realizing that her explanation was incomplete. “Forgive me, what I meant to say was, that being in stasis won't save them, but actually cause rapid degradation once they are removed from stasis. Even if they receive the new protein while in stasis, it won't have enough time to spread once they are out of stasis before the DNA chains simply fall apart.

Torid sat back in disbelief. He knew there was more to know, but like Ki said, she isn't privy to that information. Meaning the Head GrandMaster would be the one he would need to talk with, but would he be willing to part with such information.

Ki spoke again, “If you have any other questions," she paused and pulled out a card for him, “You can reach me here." She handed over the card as he reached out to take it from her. After which they both got up as Torid walked her to his door, as he turned to her, “Thank you for clearing up a few things for me, and I'll be sure to contact you directly if I have any other questions."

She turned to him and looked down, “You are quite welcome, and I know both of us are in the business of protecting what's important. So, I'm willing to help you out as much as I can."

He thanked her and watched her leave the office as he went over to Trii's desk. Trii spoke in a concerned tone, “Everything all right Sir?"

Torid had spaced out in thought for a moment before it registered that she had spoken to him, “Huh, oh, oh yeah. Sorry was deep in thought for a moment."

Trii nodded and asked another question, “Did she answer any of your questions?"

“Yes, and no, and I think I'm going to need to ask the Head GrandMaster as she might not have the answers to the other questions I have," Torid answered.

“Or perhaps answer honestly?" Trii countered.

Torid gave a slight laugh, “That's a possibility, but if I'm honest I didn't get that from her. It's more than likely that she simply doesn't know because the Head GrandMaster didn't teach her or the others."

“If that's the case, then it sounds like this Head GrandMaster is a lot like you, Sir," Trii said with a smile as Torid grinned at her.

As Ki returned to her small but modest home, she received an incoming communication. She waved her handpaws over the windows as they closed, and then sat down in front of her terminal and answered it. On the other end was the Head GrandMaster. The one that Rubicant knew. He spoke, “So, how are things in your new home?" he asked.

“Things are fine here, just getting settled in. However, I've already had my first Student with a problem. Thankfully I was able to help her. Only to find out that an Admiral wanted to talk with her," she answered.

“Tarina?" he asked.

Ki nodded and explained what was happening to her, and what she did to help heal her, and then went on to explain her conversation with Torid.

“It's interesting that the head of the Midnight Order wants this information. I guess I should expect a visit from him soon. There is another reason I called you though." Ki gave an 'Oh' response. “Someone has been to the Archive, and all information, as well as the orb that contained the consciousness of my First, is gone," he told her.

“How is that possible, I thought that planet was under a shroud, and would only become visible to another GrandMaster?" Ki said in an astonished tone.

“I don't know, and that is worrying me. Especially since my first is gone, because she was supposed to help protect that information," he said.

Ki spoke, but her tone was questioning, “What if the one that visited there is the Progenitor, and she sensed him and drew him to her."

He looked at her stunned that he didn't think of it because that meant that Julyna had changed her ships course. If that was the case, then Rya sensed him nearby and called out to him. “If that is indeed the case, then she would give him all the information in that archive," he sighed briefly before continuing, “That means I must accelerate my plans for him," he finished.

“It might be time, as we are nearing the point of when it will be too late," Ki replied. They looked at each other for a minute before Ki spoke again, “I do have one question though." He cocked his head to the side slightly while looking at her. “Why did you cloud Ohm's mind from Tarina?"

He continued to look at her before he finally answered, “I was testing a theory."

Ki just looked at him in bewilderment before she spoke again, “What theory would that be?"

“To see if the Awakening could be triggered by love, instead of anger," he replied.

“Then I'm afraid you failed there because if it weren't for Tarina's younglings taking control, she would have killed Helfligger, instead of bringing Ohm back to life," she answered in a somber tone.

She watched him sigh before he spoke, “That is unfortunate news. I was hoping that love would supersede the anger she had against him."

“If it had been a situation where she didn't know what had happened, it might have. However, in her mind, Helfligger took him from her, and she wanted to make him pay. Even though Ohm willing sacrificed himself for her, and would do it again without a second thought," Ki added.

He sighed, “Love is such an unpredictable emotion." As Ki nodded in return as he continued, “Thank you for the information on what is happening there on Valdoro. I know you have a lot of work ahead of you, so make sure you get plenty of rest each day. Otherwise, you'll be less effective in training and helping others."

Ki nodded and thanked him as he disconnected the communication, leaving her in her own thoughts. To her, it seemed like he was playing a dangerous game, but with not having all the information, she could see why he would want to test some things. She just hoped it would go too far and make other species in the galaxy fear Derlenians again.