Current Track: Blabb

Saturday, 24th

A couple in every room, the four occupants of the house were preparing for the evening and the following night.

Just upstairs on the left, was Mark and Ed’s room. The two men were still almost naked. They put in a box some items they would need to take care of Jimmy’s ass the most suitable way. Their opened cabinet of pleasures gave them now access to the clothes they were going to wear. 

Ed began by putting on a pair of latex socks. The day was warm, he took care not to had a shower before. Looking to his husband's socks, Mark thought with a grin about the strongly musky odor that they would soon release. Same for the leather jockstrap. 

He himself was wearing the same kind of underwear. Ed returned the smile full of innuendo, closing on his broad chest a black shirt of fine leather. Two insignia reminiscent of police badges adorned it. One on the chest, second on the left shoulder. Seen from afar, they looked like to some real police corps insignias, but closer, it was clearly distinguished entwined men schematized forms. Ed closed his black pants, also of leather before putting large rubber boots. He rummaged in the depths of the cabinet to take a club he spent in the regulatory loop of his belt. 

Ed turned his head to look at Mark, who donned a simple white t-shirt on his chest crossed by a leather harness previously inserted. A red shorts and sneakers complement the more sober outfit.

« No regrets ? » 

Ed tightened his belt.

« Thou hast heard them, right ? They do not want us around the gym. Things should go well anyway. In cases of hardship, they know they can count on us. And they are not helpless. »

Mark had just finished tying his shoes, sitting on the bed.

« But I'll feel better tomorrow. » 

Ed smiled.

« Me too. These boys do not realize how lucky they are. No doubt it will not be perfect, but it will be better for them than for you, I'm sure. » 

Mark turned a tired smile.

« It could not been worse for me. I lost everything that day. I had a chance to rebuild myself and then to met you. »

Ed approached his husband and took his hand, leaning in to kiss his thick and musky fingers.

 «The pleasure was all mine. I do not know what I would be today if I had not been in that damn bar that evening. » 

Mark let his fingers run on the bear’s cheek.

« My life would have been a huge mess if you had not been here to fill it. I can not imagine a better husband than you. » 

Ed smiled.

« The pleasure is mutual. »

Ed knelt down, facing Mark. He kept his hand on the latter's face and he put his fingers above that hand, kissing tenderly the rott on his lips.

« And thank you again for allowing me to help my poor nephew. »

Ed chuckled.

« It is quite normal. He’s your family. I would been a real bastard if I would been opposed to his coming, and... » 

Ed tried to continue his sentence, but  Mark’s mouth re-enters in contact with his. Another passionate kiss exchanged, Ed got up and took the cardboard box to put it in Mark’s pick-up. He also left the room and went down the hall, knocking on what was now Greg’s room.

Both boys were in the room, but they took care not to talk to each other, not to look at each other while dressing for the prom night. In an heavy and loud silence, full of fear and scares, they put the white shirts, the pants, tying around their neck the chosen ties. Greg was facing the window, hoping than the street’s view would distract him a bit. FJ was looking at the wall, making the knot tighter. He turned at least and looked at Greg who did the same. Both boys were too afraid to talk about, even at half-words, their scares. It could be seen on their faces.

« You think it's right ? To do that I mean. 

- The more I think about, the less I think so. 

- We’re not acting chicken, right ?  

- No, no... But I'd already be tomorrow morning. 

- Me too... »

Greg left the window and sat on the bed. FJ did the same. Feeling each other the heat of their hands, they grab them and hold them together, gripped by fear. It’s a that time than someone knocked at their door. Greg allowed that one to enter.

Mark went to the room and saw the two boys concerned. 

« Everything okay ? 

- We’re scared... 

- So is that all is well. You would be confident and carefree, there would be a problem. 

- Really ? 

- Fuck yea. The fear is here to warn us of danger and to prepare us to cope. What you should do is learn to dominate and one can not learn except by testing. I am also worried about you boys. But I think everything will be okay. Keep faith in yourself and stay together. 

- Thank you... »

Mark and Ed left home by car for their rendezvous. As agreed, they had left their cells switched on. Mark was trying to hide his anxiety. Ed helped him by reminding him that they could be there in no time. 

« Well, it's time to go... »

Gruff got up and went, FJ followed. Greg closed the door with his key before starting to walk down the aisle. At its end, he turned to the left, the most direct route, whereas FJ turned to the right. 

They had agreed to come with a small offset to the ballroom, and then take two different routes, the aim was to prepare minds before to tell the whole story. 

As team captain, Gruff had the honor to open the festival with his partner performing the first dance. Better not being on late and give time to think about it. 

Gruff walked along the path, the mind lost on not necessary thoughts. He didn’t wanted to pay attention to the consequences of what would follow. The closed face, he forced himself not to think about the words of his uncle about the friends he could lose. Gruff blew spite. It was useless. His attempts failed one after the other. Greg regretted at that time to have grown enough to not be able to take refuge in the carefree days of childhood.

He came to the gym converted for the occasion into a ballroom. Greg looked up and forced himself to feel better. Already dozens of couples stood at the entrance, comparing their outfits, judging other’s partner once he was no longer within earshot. He waved his hand to those he already knew, leaving them no time to answer him, to return his salute or be surprised to see him alone. 

The music was already coming out from the opened but nobody was dancing again. In the building, a platform had been erected against a wall so that the chosen group could install their instruments. The quartet was busy with the last connections to be made, having connected first a good enough synthesizer to broadcast a music a lift would not disown. Wearing just a white tank top and some old jeans, a young tigress who was obviously the leader of the group was giving orders, ended plug and adjust the final microphone. As long as the star couple of the evening would not have come, no one would start dancing.

Cars were coming and going to drop guests at the high school parking lot. Only a few vehicles remained on the spot, the other starting again after having deposited their passengers.

Gruff wondered if he was crazy to do this. But he had no time or opportunity to retreat because Reese, Dave and other members of the team stood in front of him now, all wearing uniforms they would probably never wear again, jackets colors ranging from light brown to royal blue.

Gruff felt than his testicles were never so high in his stomach before.

« Hey Gruff ! You're finally here ! But where is your guest ? » 

The boar looked at Gruff’s both sides, surprised seeing him alone.

« In two minutes. » 

Gruff wondered how to ensure that his interlocutors would not understand too quickly what would happen. Ignore personal pronouns was the only way to proceed.

« So much the better, it would be a shame for you if you came alone...

- And who you found, Reese ?

- I came up with Holly, she talks with her friends. She is not a Sinister Six, I know, I come too late... But it will work ! After the party, we agreed to go for it...You know, what happens most of the time ! Her parents are not there and I’ m free to come back anytime I want ! Who’s your gal then ? »

Gruff waved his hand to invite his friend to shut up. His solitary arrival was noticed and murmurs were growing. By tradition the star couple always came together. Gruff saw behind the group of his friends three teachers designated to maintain a certain moral into festivities talking among themselves. He recognized the professor Ingworth, the moose presumably without his favorite ball in hand, unless it was in one of his pockets. The momentum chatted with his two colleagues, Hellen, who still seemed sober, and Leonid, who, it seems, had the double task of ensuring both the students and his colleague.

Greg eventually realize that all eyes were converging on him. His arrival was eagerly awaited, and seeing him alone tickled the curiosity of his friends and others. A circle formed slowly around the boy who could hold a large sigh of resignation that came to his lips. On his right, he finally saw FJ, framed by his own friends. He was the only one not to look at him like a strange beast, but with a mixture of excitement and fear. Gruff understood perfectly.

« Hum... » 

The music seemed to be a little less strong. The audience was focused on Gruff who then would have given anything to not be the center of the world. Greg forced a smile, nervously rubbing his hands together.

« Well... Looks like here we are. This is the end of the year, even if we have one more week of work here, and we all know that we will probably not be here anyway. » 

The students smiled, as well as teachers. The last week of classes was traditionally ignored by students, and offenders to that rule were named the following year being noobs. The teachers also enjoyed doing nothing this last week because they could concentrate on the program of the following year, while helping students who wished to be peacefully.

« We’d lost again, sorry. No final tournament this year. This should engage us to work better and harder still. What we will do for some, including myself, who will be among the next Professor Miller’s scapegoats. »

A shiver ran through assistance to the evocation of the name.

« The... The time now is bright and the night that follows will be as well. For all, as for me, although since...I must say, being... Already be on cloud nine. » 

A pause allowed Gruff to see the whispers intensifying. Guests felt that something unexpected would happen.

« I know I'm supposed to happen normally with my guest. You have been numerous to ask me this honor, and I thank you. » 

The Sinister Six’s girls did not lose a crumb of Gruff’s speech. They wanted to know who had the affront to beat them. They wanted each especially be the first to denigrate the elected.

« I also know that the class has a bet up to see who was going to accompany me. I am both flattered and sorry, because you have all lost since the name of the person I chose was not on the list. At least, I hope that you will get your bets back. » 

A murmur of anger fills assistance. The time had come. Greg caught his breath as he knew his next words would be among the most important he had ever pronounce.

 «Those who know me a little had to realize something. In recent days, I seemed to have changed. This is true, it is. And also false. I'm still the boy you knew. But from a while, my interests are not the same. I am... less focused on myself, because I realized some important things about myself and others. » 

Greg made a short pause. Students talked among themselves in low voices, keeping their eyes fixed on Gruff. He heard some words and smiled to the term "love."

 « I have not decided who would accompany me tonight because on its popularity, gait, hair, things like that. I chose because I have affection and feelings for... »

Greg moistened lips a moment.

« Well, what I mean is that I am happy that the person I chose have agreed to come here with me, because for me, this person is the one I care about most in the world today. And I think it is a good idea to allow a party like this have a good start, by opening the ball by two people who love each other. » 

The agreed sentence was pronounced. FJ sighed one last time and walked slowly into the circle of guests, who initially did not understood what was happening. Some believed a bravado from Losers’ club.

Gruff extended his right hand that FJ took in his. The audience was too surprised to react again. Gruff and FJ faced off and then kissed on the mouth, hands on hips on the other. Everything was consumed.

Gruff felt embarrassment and surprise. The murmurs were louder while the attention continued to be trained on the two boys. The couple began to walk towards the room, hand in hand. They searched the area. Some were fun. Others hating. Others just surprised. The two boys were in the crowd of little signs hands, trying to keep their composure. Greg tried to find his friends but they had disappeared into the crowd movement.

« I want to die.

- I'm gonna piss on me. »

Greg and FJ entered the gym. On the right in the lobby, the official photographer had his camera and a large poster on the wall, showing the charging red bull emblem of the school and the football team, as well as the year under the threatening nose of the drawing. The swine’s photographer figure did not blink when he saw the couple of boys get up for the traditional photo which would appear prominently in the yearbook. FJ and Greg were side by side, fingers interlaced, giving no doubt about to the nature of their relationship. They exchanged a last look full of attention before attaching the lens of the camera. Once the photograph taken, they took their way to the main room.

The crowd of students stood around the space defined for the dance. All were curious to see if the couple posted was real or not. Some still thought a bad joke, but it were showed them that this was not the case. 

On the platform, two musicians made signs to attract the attention of other group members who had not yet seen the arrival of the couple. The singer could not delete a surprised smile that had drawn on her face. She clapped her hands in rhythm, indicating to the musicians it was time for them too. The electronic piano began to spit his notes, followed by guitar and drums while singing the first verse of the song that would give rhythm to the rest of the evening.

« Work it 

Make it 

Do it 

Makes us »  

Before being positioned three meters from each other, FJ and Greg had given their jackets to FJ’s Nerds’ friends in order to be free to move. Therefore, their ties to the Bear flag colors were only more visible on their white shirts. The audience could not miss and a realized that these colors had a real importance in their eyes, even if they were unaware of the significance.

The chosen techno music began to resonate in the room while the couple began to dance properly on this kind of music, jerky and somewhat robotic, being careful to exaggerate their movements as befits to emphasize the energetic opening track.

« Harder 



Stronger »  

The tigress, still wearing her white tank top that left nothing to ignore about her buxom, was careful to put enough energy in her voice to cover the amused smile she always wore.

Greg and FJ approach one another, making, in their choreography, brushing their faces. Throughout the piece went without problems other than a few missteps that hardly anyone noticed. Electronic music was at its most powerful volume, the speakers spit decibels by which throbbed windows and doors to the delight of the audience who left be trained by the syncopated rhythm.

« Work it harder 

Make it better 

Do it faster 

Makes us stronger 

More than ever hour 

Our work is 

Never Over »  

(Harder, better, faster, stronger, Daft Punk) 

The "over" marked the end of the song, the tigress highlighted it by an arm and a finger outstretched in the air, holding the pose for a moment the time for her to catch her breath.

The duo ended up in the arms of each other. Nose against nose. To their delight, more a good half of the assistance delivery ovationna. The two boys finally smiled heartily, looking straight into his eyes, struggling somewhat not to kiss each other again, simply to stay forehead against forehead, taking also their breath back.


Lying on his stomach on his bed, wearing a khaki shirt and green shorts, barefoot, Fred wandered a distracted eye on the general mechanics book which was lying on his bed. Head resting on his right palm, he sighed, lifting his head a little to look outside, or where all kids his age spend their evening of funnier ways. He wanted to join them but the motherly edict was formal. Until she changes her mind, Fred would have for any company only his books and his music. 

Fred never let go this evening a bigger sighs of frustration.