Current Track: Blabb

Sunday 26th 

Midnight had just rang. The evening was quiet and the weather warm enough even for the taxi passengers, who had opened the windows to enjoy the fresh air, much nicer to them than the dry cold provided by the AC. The car pulled up in front of the driveway and the doors opened, leaving the four boys out of the vehicle. Dave watched with curiosity the house in front of him. It was not Greg's, and he wondered what they were doing here. Greg, released the first from the left door, handed to the driver the money owed for the race. The driver counted the bucks, gave back the change and left once FJ has closed the last door. The donkey was happy, and his state of mind contaminated the group. Dave kept wondering too, Greg took his jacket under his arm, being careful not to let it drag on the ground to keep it as clean as possible for the next day. Scratching his right arm, wearing pants and a t-shirt, shoes strung hastily without socks, Fred was still wondering what he was doing here.


The boy's room was mostly into darkness. The light was turned off, only the bed lamp diffused light. Fred had oriented it so that the light does not directly hit the pages of the book he was reading, but the walls in order to benefit from indirect lighting. He did this to avoid having to support a light too strong for his taste. And because this kind of lighting allowed him to sleep quietly. 

In the house, his father had already returned to his room and he looked on his screen a replay of a match played yesterday. His mother was in the living room, facing the large TV, moved by a too romantic movie for John’s tastes. Fred struggled against these extraneous sounds with the music coming from the radio. Reading, laying on his belly, wearing only his underwear, Fred looked up. He had heard a strange sound. Brief and clear. His radio was it a concern ?

Fred listened, but the sound was not reproduced. He returned to his book and he had barely time to read an extra line that it returned. Louder this time. Fred was able to locate the origin at the window. He turned his head and saw through a dark shape. Pointing his lamp, he saw the Greg’s face shape off against the dark background of the night. He waved his hand, asking him undoubtedly to open to him. Fred got up and opened the window. Greg could not help watching a short time the well filled Fred’s undies. He was hanging by the left hand to the large branch of the tree, the right foot on the tiles.

« Greg ? But you're crazy ! You'll fall ! »

Greg looked quickly to the ground, trying to ignore the consequences of such a fall. 

« Get dressed, put on your shoes and come.

- Huh ?

- It's midnight, the evening has barely begun and it's silly that you are deprived of the party, so I’m here.

- But I can not, I am punished !

- And then ? It’s a good reason, nothing worse can happen to you ! » 

Fred was stunned by the presence of Greg, and more by the invitation. He did not even react seeing Greg watching again his almost naked body.

« Will you hurry up ? A cab is waiting us. 

- Where are we going ?

- Back home. Everything went relatively well, but we had to leave for many reasons. We’ll tell you. Will you come then ? »

Fred was thinking quickly. He was punished. But he was also firmly bored to death. If ever his mother knew about his absence, he was dead. But he had a good chance of being able to escape one night and come back incognito.

Fred showed his decision quickly putting on an old t-shirt and dirty pants. Greg smiled starting to descend.

« Do quickly, we leave in two minutes. » 

Fred wasted no time responding. He abandoned his socks to save time. Once his shoelaces tied, he took a black shirt and curled it. He rolled sheets as a mat and placed them on his bed, covering everything with a blanket, t-shirt acting as an head. Fred took a few seconds to consider his work. A quickly eye thrown from the door would be tricked. But if his mother would enter and come closer, through, his life would be over. Fred put out the light, cut the radio and went through the window he left open, unable to close it. This would not be a concern, his parents knew that he sometimes slept that way to get fresh air. Clinging to the branches and to the trunk, Fred felt as gently as possible on the ground before running towards the taxi who started once the door closed.


Greg opened the door, the house keys in hand. FJ followed him. Behind, Fred and Dave curiously looked at each other. They had seen each other in high school, but by far, not taking the time to get acquainted. Greg turned on the light and the group entered.

FJ went to the bathroom. Greg put his jacket and his friend’s on one of the two leather chairs that adjoined the sofa. Fred and Dave looked around.

« Where are we ? I thought we were at your place, Greg. »

Fred looked at the pictures on the wall while Dave was wondering where he could be. The couple formed by the rott and the bear was clearly in love. Dave, who looked at them eventually, couldn’t believe it.

« Damn, you were not kidding ! It’s Miller’s place ! He is really your uncle then ? »

Greg sat down and removed his shoes.

« Yes. I live here since about a week.

- A week ? But why you did not said ? For Miller. And staying here too ! »

Dave was surprised. Fred already knew the answer to his misfortune. Greg looked at him. There was a background of reproach in his eyes, but the eyes of the rott expressed more pity.

« Let’s say... It’s better for me being here. Right now. And until I can live alone. The rest is too complicated to talk about right now. »

Dave looked at Greg in turn. His eyes saddened when he realized.

« Oh no... I'm so sorry...

- You do not have to be, Dave, it's not your fault. And believe me, I'm better here than there ! »

Greg stood up and put away his shoes outside the door.

« Do not just stand there ! Take off your shoes too, my uncle doesn’t want anyone to spoil his floor. »

The guests began to remove their shoes. Dave looked around, apparently looking for someone, looking up at the floor, trying to hear something.

« They are not there, if that's what you're worried about.

- Really ? »

Greg spoke on a joyful tone.

« They left to butt-fuck one of their friend. According to them, they have to do that until morning. »

Greg's voice changed a little to take a little more frightened tone.

« And considering what I sometimes hear here, I can believe them... »

FJ had returned, his bladder empty. He turned on the radio and quickly found a techno station, raising the sound a bit. Greg went down into the cellar and returned quickly with three packs of beer. FJ apart, the boys watched the banned drinks with wonder. This did not prevent the donkey to open a can with the others. Greg raised his bottle to bring the first toast, a wide smile.

« To high school fags ! Whether or not in their closets ! And for the others, to hell with them ! 

- To hell with them ! »

The other three guests clinked their bottles together and drank happily, the provocative wish yelled.


The sun lit up the town with its still flush rays, heating more the atmosphere as it rose above the horizon. Traffic was sparse. Those who were up early were sat on benches of churches and the others were still in their beds. The old blue pickup could easily had run at full speed without fear of risking anything if the driver wanted to. But both hands on the wheel barely kept it straight and Mark did his best not to close his eyes. Not to fall asleep, he took his cell in hands and looked a short time at the screen.

« Nothing yet ?

- No. »

Seated at his side, Ed did not hide his fatigue. The bear frequently yawned, scratching his head from time to time. He wished only one thing, join his bed and collapse there, hoping that the passage of time may stop a few days to enjoy a well deserved rest. Neither man was spending more energy than needed in their voice, articulating only certain words.

« Everything is fine then, even if they had problems, we would have been called by the police since a while.

- It's true. But I will be reassured only at home.

- It’s a matter of minutes now. I warn you, I do nothing today !

- Neither do I ! We’ll let the boys take care of everything.

- Do not expect me to have an hard on for a month. Hell, Jimmy always amazes me.

- I do not think either be able to do the same thing anyway. 

- I knew tough, but at this point !

- Me too. I really thought that Jimmy would never finish the « game ».

- « Anthropomorphism. »... I have never been so happy to hear that word... »

With a smile of satisfaction, Mark parked his car in front of the 1214 Ladder street, sighing,  shutting off the engine while Ed stretched once more in the car, too happy to extend his aching muscles. The bear took his keys from his pocket and headed to the door. Mark took the time to take the cardboard on the rear deck of the truck in which their stuff more or less dirty waited to be cleaned then tided up. 

Ed directed his key to the lock but did not had time to run the mechanism. The door suddenly opened and Ed had only a short time to step aside to avoid getting the door in his face. He saw a boy who was totally unknown escaping. The bear noted the canine and youthful body, already thick and firm. Too tired, he was not surprised to see that the boy who now ran down the aisle yelling 

«They’re going to kill me ! » 

was wearing only pants.

Well, not exactly. His back was crossed by two black leather straps crossed and linked by a broad ring of steel. The teenager now disappearing at the corner fled barefoot with a leather harness on him.

Mark had crossed his road as the boy had departed, taking barely note he knew him. Ed looked at him, shaking his head in denial.

« I do not know who he is and I do not want to know ! »

Mark looked at the bear, keeping silent. His fatigue prevented his brain to function rationally, acting as if he was not surprised having such a meeting.

The two men entered the house and could only contemplate the disaster. 

The atmosphere of the place was loaded with strong odors. Alcohol in the first place. Fine mist nets of smoking stagnated here and there in the living room, and Mark recognized the smell of stale cigars. And a musky smell of high quality tobacco involved began to permeate the scene. His gaze was drawn to the coffee table or between cans and empty beer bottles, he found the presence of a precious wooden empty box. Ashes were spangling on the table and floor. To tobacco, was added a strong smell of sweat emanating from three inanimate boys. 

Ed advised on the floor the presence of latex tubes folded on themselves, all filled with a whitish substance that is sometimes spread in the ground. Accustomed to the thing, the bear was also recognizing from the air secretions exhausted by bodies who had a strong sexual activity. Sets of clothes thrown randomly into the room completed the disorder. 

Wearing his eyes to the couch, he saw the naked body of an unknown young bear, snoring lying on his stomach, his ass raised up. On the chair, sitting but head thrown back, FJ, just as naked as the unknown bear, was snoring softly, his eyes closed. It is behind the sofa, having a jacket as a pillow than Greg were found, snoring more intensely on the side, not wearing more clothes than his classmates. All three wore on theirs abdomens or backs, thighs, arms, noses, traces of the remains of a sticky and shiny liquid. Maybe from a bottle of lube lying empty on the floor. Maybe not.

As he ran towards his house, and despite the distance of two blocks, Fred had time to hear the most powerful 


never yelled a Sunday morning.


After a mad ten minutes along the deserted streets race, Fred reached the goal he wanted so much. The family home was in sight. The boy stayed away for a moment to see if movements were seen behind the curtains, but nothing came to disturb the stillness of the place. Cautiously, he walked over and put an hand on the tree opposite the house to finally catch his breath back. The touch of his palm with the rough bark made him finally been aware of the strange sensation that barred his bare chest. With a yelp of horror, he realized he was still wearing the harness he was wearing during the night. He quickly began to drag the sexual ornament over his head but he stopped his movement. He still had to climb the tree and he would need both hands for this. Out of the question to leave the harness or throw it away. Casting a worried look around deserts streets, Fred began to slowly climb the trunk, helped by the branches. There was still no one in the street but it would not last. He carefully leaned on the tiles and felt gently slipped into his room, hoping that no one would have noticed his absence. 

No one in the room, and his rudimentary puppet had not moved. It was a good sign. Fred took off his pants and hid quickly the harness under his bed, then he slipped into the cool sheets. Only then, he let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Two kicks, hit at the door of his room, awoken the boy. Fred looked somewhat incredulous at the door. A worried voice was heard on the other side.

« Is everything okay ? You have a problem ? »

Fred identified the voice of his mother. He grumbled a 

« No, I’m fine. »

loud enough to be heard from his bed. 

On the other side of the door, dressed in a purple spring dress, Daisy let out a sigh of satisfaction. She had struck twice before to speak and to not hear her son made her worried.

« I have to go now. Do not get up too late, you promised to help your father in the garage !  » 

Daisy began to descend the stairs. Fred's voice was made stronger and she heard the  hoped and exasperated « yes » from her son. Reassured, she left the house.

Fred began sitting up in bed. He looked at his clock. Eleven in the morning. He came back a little after eight o'clock. Without noticing it, he felt asleep. The previous night, Fred had little opportunity of sleep. The four boys had spent the night drinking, smoking and talking. The state of his throat and headache were there to certify. But not only. Fred could not remember how they ended up in the avuncular room to loot Mark cigars and draw from...

The boy interrupted the path of his thoughts, staring straight ahead.

« Oh, man... But what had we done ? »

Some scattered memories came back to his mind. Fred stood up and rubbed his buttocks. Mild pain was felt. And it seemed to him that his legs were shaking a little.

« Oh, fuck... »

Fred was still unable to remember the exact place of the events. But one thing was certain. He had lost his virginity.

He sat on the bed, a stained surprised smile to his lips. The time was too precious to waste by any activity. Fred laid on the bed, naked, and smiled at the ceiling, trying to put in order his memories of his nocturnal activities to enjoy the moment again. Despite what her mother would think, his father would not disturb him for help before the start of the afternoon. Fred knew how much John loved to hang out in front of the TV to watch sports reruns when his mother was out of the house. That's why he was surprised to hear his father knocking at his door.

« You coming ? We will start in no time. »

Dressed in a blue suit steel mechanic somewhat patched, John did not wait for the answer from his son before going down to the garage that adjoined the house. From the inside, he opened the door to allow fresh air and natural light to enter and illuminate what one day would make his pride. Enthroned in the middle of the garage, the body of a red Thunderbird was waiting for better days. The red of the hull was still dull but John saw the blessed day coming quickly or the best patent would restore the luster worthy of his rank to the ’57 Ford. 

The car was currently not roadworthy. Four whitewall wheels were stored at the corner farthest from the entrance. John was careful to move them every week so that the rubber would not deform. On the bench, folded, the white top was slowly repaired alongside to the chrome inscription also waiting for the day still far from its final removal. Daisy did not protested when John had bought the car, practically become a wreck with his former owner. She knew that every man was more easily controlled once in possession of his favorite toy. 

Her husband spent long time to put the delicate mechanical back in condition, replacing parts when necessary. Fred gave him a helping hand occasionally. He was very clever with his fingers, knowing the mechanics well enough to be more useful than simply tighten the screw at the desired time. For John, those rare moments of intimacy were the opportunity to reconnect with his child despite the reluctance of the latter.

John took on the bench the necessary monkeys wrenches when Fred came on, dressed as for such every occasion by some old overalls.

« We’re starting very early. I thought you would not call me before an hour or two ! »

Fred did his best to hide a yawn with his hand. John saw it but did not seem to notice.

« Why wasting time ? The earlier we’ll start, the sooner we' ll done. You must remove the carburetor, I'll take it tomorrow to work for descaling it. »

John’s finger pointed the opened hood.

« And we will finally deal with these outbursts. I found the most suitable sealant. »

Fred looked at the corrosion that dotted the hood of his brown spots.

« We’ll have to grind it before.

- I'll let you do. I will also clamps the tail pipe. We will have a lot of work today. That is why I want to start now. »

Fred thought for a moment.

« No replay of the yesterday game, right ? »

John grimaced slightly, smiling at his son. The boy was far from stupid. 

« They’re broadcasting women's basketball today ! Who wants to see that, frankly ? »

Fred sighed, keeping for himself a suitable response to the opportunity but who would have said too much about him.

John kept in hand the necessary wrench and leaned over the engine to unscrew the bolts providing access to the carburetor. Fred had took himself a pumice hand to begin removing the rusted cover. The boy noticed that his father threw him frequent glances, keeping a smile on his face. It was not unusual. John tried to renew ties that were strained by his forced departure for Costa Rica. However, this made Fred a little uncomfortable. The boy had always loved and respected his father, but on his return he had grown up and had become a stranger to him. 

John tried to consider his son as a teenager, but in his eyes, it was clear that he could still see the little boy he had to leave behind him for 6 years. A recalcitrant nut in hands, John took upon himself to break the awkward silence that had settled.

« How was the last night ? »

Fred looked at his father with a curious eye. He was focused on his work and he did not expected this.

« It was not bad. Not what I had imagined, but I have nothing to say against.

- It's always like that. We imagine things but in the end it's the surprise bonus. The music was good ?

- Very good, yes. Not too much rap, I never... »

Fred was silent. He carried a frightened look on his father, who returned him a sardonic smile.

« I knew it ! »

John's voice bore no animosity, but Fred was afraid. He understood what he had done. He betrayed himself. The smile showed that his father had planned his question. He had taken advantage of his fatigue, visible, and his distraction to wrest a confession. Fred's eyes had enough fear to force John not to dramatize the situation.

« Well, I will not eat you ! » 

Fred gulped and tried to regain control of his fear.

« I... I'm sorry, Dad... I had not planned to go out or to jump over the wall but... » 

To relax the boy, John put back the wrench he had in his hands. He was not a violent man but he knew that because of his broad shoulders, his actions could be misinterpreted. This is why he forced himself to show a big smile to his child.

« You disobeyed to your mother ? Big deal ! You’re fifteen, Fred ! This is the age where we do all the crap. I did the same, you know. I made enough shit to your grandfather to know what a boy your age can do.

- Is that true ?

- Of course it's true ! I do not know why your mother punished you but knowing her, I know she had a very good reason for this. »

Fred remained silent. John wanted to go further, it was obvious.

« Impossible to make her say why. You know her. As impenetrable as a Swiss bank when she wants. »

John kept his eyes on his son.

« I do not care knowing you disobedient for once. »

John's tone had changed. The humorous tone slowly disappeared.

« What matters is not the punishment, but the reason that caused your punishment. I... »

John lowered the tone of his voice and his eyes.

« You know I had no pleasure to had to go all this time. But If I would do that again, I would go again. Not because I do not love you, son, but because what really matters is your future. And the relationship I had with you. I hope to see it back one day even if I know you'll never be the boy that I had to leave. »

Fred always remained silent. Head down, he knew that his father had a good reason to leave. But he never fully accepted the twist of fate that struck his mother and pushed John to make this decision. More than a desire to go back, Fred felt that his father was in order to build something in between them. Another link, always from father to son. But otherwise. John was right about one thing. Fred was no longer a little boy. He put the sanding block and put his hands on the hood to take a bit of courage.

« I have... Surprised two friends having sex together, Dad. I...took pictures and sent them to the father of one of them. »

Fred had tried to adopt a monotone voice. But his remorse was the stronger and his voice betrayed his regret.

The boy looked up. His father was visibly shocked. He still managed to keep a calm tone, though strongly disapproving.

« Your mother is right. This is a holy shit you did there !

- I know. I'm still ashamed. I told to Gruff and he forgave me already. But I still feel bad sometimes because of it.

- You will tell me about ! What has been passing through your mind to make such a bullshit ? You can tell me ?

- I do not really know. I was a little drunk. But this is not an excuse. I was jealous. » 

A sly smile came to the lips of John who relaxed a little.

« I understand better then. » 

John took back in hand the wrench.

« Gruff, huh ? If I believe your mother, he's the captain of the football team, right ?

- Uh, yes.

- And who was the girl ? »

John kept an eye full of curiosity on his son. Jealousy was a valid explanation. He knew that anyone could do anything because of it. Fred had given to a bad fondness but that did not made him a bad person. To continue the discussion was a good way for him to help his son to exorcise his regrets. And continue to rebuild his relationship with. John noted, however, that last question was a problem to Fred.

« I... Do not know if I should say.

- And why not ? You know, I will not repeat to all my employees. And as I imagine your mother knows too, I think being also entitled to know everything. »

Fred was trapped. He knew that. There was no exit. The moment of truth had finally come. This is hesitating on every word the boy continued.

« It... Dad, Gruff was not with a girl. But another guy. »

John did not said a word. Time for him to assimilate the information. And that flowed.

« Are you kidding ? »

The tone was just questioning, surprised. Without special animosity but firm.

« No.

- The team captain is gay ? »

John's eyebrows not hide his surprise. Fred nodded. His hope that the conversation could change soon died. John's voice had changed. It expressed more than surprise. Of unbelief.

« You told me... You had acted out of jealousy. »

The tone change affected Fred. His breathing was faster, his blood rising.

His body reacted instinctively. John noted the disorder of his son.

« Fred. You're gay ? »

Again, the tone was simply questioning. But Fred felt a fear behind the question. The boy nodded his head and tried to leave the garage without a word. His heart quickened still feeling the farm father's hand closing over his arm, forcing him to stay put, without sweetness, but without violence either.

« Fred...

- I am ! »

The boy could not stop his tears of fear to run down. He shouted his answer. The next move of the father so surprised him that he had trouble realizing.

The man had propped his cheek against the boy, a firm hand on his neck. He blew softly on the neck. Fred remembered this gesture, felt for the last time a so long time ago. It was in this way that John calmed the boy of his griefs when the need arose. This memory helped Fred to relax somewhat. John did not protested when the son clasped back the fatherly chest.

« I know I can be a brainless bully sometimes. But I'm not stupid enough to hurt my own son. »

Fred’s stress was still so intense that John’s words could only calm him away. John released the embrace, not avoiding the eyes of his child.

« I think I need to drink something. » 

Leaving Fred motionless, John returned to the kitchen. Before closing the door behind him, he felt he had to add something. He also knew that his voice would say more than words.

« I do not know if it will be long. Do not go too far. »

Fred, who caught his breath gently, felt a certain hardness of tone in his voice.

« Son. » 

John closed the door quietly behind him. Fred had noticed a difference. He could not miss the change of tone which accompanied the last word. A kind of... pride ?