Current Track: Blabb

Stuck in the ground of the gymnasium, the flooring resisted bravely the trampling of dozens of feet pounding the floor to the rhythm of rock music. The party was now in full swing. The couples waved by dozens on the music, the guitar riffs made the windows vibrate while the sounds produced by the instruments helped the participants to accompany their "ohooh oh oh who", shaking the walls after the first words offered by the singer.

« I'm gonna fight 'em off 

A seven nation army could not hold me back ! »

(7 nation army, the white stripes) 

The first dance ended, FJ and Gruff had given way to the first braves who led others to follow, encouraged by the shrill shouts of the tigress singer.

They took their jackets back, went to the side, or three tables there were with drinks available to the public, a little surprised to be alive. They were constantly being watched from all sides, and they were certain that the same party once finished, the comments would go good on laptops and cells. Probably even before.

Greg was surprised to see Leonid advance to the young couple. The other two teachers were scattered throughout the room, ensuring that students would not use any prohibited relaxation product. The lion kept his eyes on Gruff, not giving a few glances at FJ destination. His face expressed a remnant of surprise, his eyes some form of disapproval.

« I have nothing to hide ! » 

A strong despite arose. FJ did not really understand why. Greg did. He kept a smile a little embarrassed.

« Sorry, coach. It was not against you. We wanted to make things right. » 

Leonid began to smile in turn. A smile a little tired. The man was a little disappointed, he showed it.

« I think I can understand, Gruff. I know how it can still be difficult sometimes. » 

Leonid looked at FJ, who smiled back.

« At least he has kept his promise. Even if it is not for the reason I expected. »

Greg shrugged.

« You do not choose.

- Nobody, no. It was very brave anyway.

- Thank you. » 

Then, a little embarrassed, he left. His intervention broke the silence that had surrounded the two boys. One by one, then by two, and then in small groups, FJ and Gruff received support and congratulations in number. FJ was the most uncomfortable of the two, but he agreed with sincerity marks of affection he lavished. He had received so little in his life that he was struggling to realize the importance of the moment. FJ appreciated more the support from his friends. All were here, without exception. It made sense, after all, all were rejected from the group for one reason or another, they did not exclude for that, it would have no meaning.

FJ noted the look a little amazed that his friends had, as well as to Greg. They saw him in a different way now. Greg went to get a drink, but he was surround by his own group of onlookers who isolated him from FJ. The attention of the donkey reverted to his own group. Benton, a weasel, took the opportunity to speak to his friend, on behalf of all.

« FJ...

- Yes ?

- So you’re...

- Yes. » 

FJ smiled, shrugging somewhat his shoulders while responding.

« It is...unexpected.

- I know. A little for me too. But... I think I’m like him. I always knew, even though I've never asked the question, though... I never am never admitted to myself.

- It is... Anyway... It's Gruff !

- Yes, and ?

- FJ, it’ s the guy who pisses us off since years, and...

- Bent, I know, I guess... I...can not explain it but... I think in some ways, it was...his way of telling me... but it does nothing. I can say that now, we do...he will do you nothing.

- I am not against the idea... »

FJ smiled turning his head, seeing Greg, also trapped in his net of curious peoples. He noted the presence of three Sinister Six among them, as well as Dave, who remained silent, looking at his friend so incredulously.

Two glasses in hand, Greg tried to pass through the small group around him. But he soon realized that he could not cross without having delivered some answers. He sighed in advance.

« Gruff... » 

It was Sandy, the panther. Her last guest. He thought than Dave would be more talkative. Greg worried to see him quiet but the face of the bear did not seem to bear hostility. An angry gesture from Sandy made him look at her again.

« Yes ?

- Well... At least I understand why...

- You have not been selected ?

- Among others things. »

Greg knew what Sandy meant.

« You're right. I'm not a womanizer. And I will not be probably ever. I'm sorry, though...

- No, it's okay. At least, that comforts me is that Tiffany will not have you too. »

Greg could not help smiling at the comment made, and the consent of the other two girls in the group. The Sinister Six were sluts with everyone, but most of all among them.

« But anyway... It is... FJ !

- I know. I can not help it. But I'll tell you one thing, Sandy. Being him a Looser does not matter to me. I learned that it is to me and nobody else, to try and estimate who should be part of my relationships or not. I... I was a jerk with him during that time, and even now, I can not realize that he wants to have me at his side. You know, Sandy, in fact, the real Looser is the one who puts his life into the hands of others, until they decide or act in his place. In some ways, he was never one, unlike me. And it is the same for those who meddle in other people's lives without their advice. »

Greg returned towards FJ, sending a last smile to the group. He hoped that his oblique reference to the role of Sinister Six’s interference would be included. He wanted to go to Dave but he had also left without saying a word. Greg was a little worried, but not much more. Dave was a great guy, and he sure needed to take a little time to digest the news.


The evening passed slowly. Gruff and FJ always had a little trouble with their sudden notoriety, even if the groups of curious were scattered over time. What began to bother them a bit was the fact that the questions became more intrusive. No liquor was served at the bar, but everyone knew where to go and who to contact to get beers and stronger drinks. This necessarily had repercussions on inhibitions.

The songs pace began to slow. Greg had, hearing the first notes of "Alejandro", made a discrete sign for FJ to prepare himself. It was agreed with the group that this title would be the last before the first slow of the evening, a dance that Greg and FJ should honor of their presence. The latest measures of the song sounded while the tigress whispered the last words of the title.

"Do not call my name.
Do not call my name, Roberto.

(Alejandro, Lady Gaga) 

The orchestra was then silent, time for the players to have some rest, and for the singer to make rest her voice, while drinking a glass of water. The boys returned to the center of the room again after removing their jackets that failed again on FJ’s friends arms. 

The first chords of the selected song rang. They then pull each other in arms, chin on the shoulder of each, face to face. Their return to the center of the stage acted as a foil to the public because everyone knew that the first slow was also vested to the star couple. All couples invited by the music would dance at the same time, but all would care to let the unexpected duo alone in the center of the room. A slow melody, played by a guitar solo, filled the room while the girl stood straight, stuck the microphone, one hand on the stand, a mischievous gleam on her velvet eyes.

"Just one kiss on my lips 

Was all it Took to seal the future 

Just one look from your eyes 

Was like a some kind of torture" 

The sweet voice stuck to marvel at slower pace than the original. A piano joined the strings now.

« Once upon a time there was a boy, and another one 

Just one touch from your hands 

Was all it Took to make me falter » 

FJ and Greg were somewhat surprised. They stopped for a moment their slow swing before continuing. A small change was made by the interpreter. The original song spoke about a girl and not another boy. FJ and Greg looked at each other and kissed, touched by the attention. No one, by his attitude or his departure, did not show his disapproval, the other remaining couples welded to each other.

"Forbidden love 

Are they supposed to be together ?

Forbidden love, forbidden love 

Forbidden love 

We seal our destiny forever 

Forbidden love, forbidden love "

(Forbidden love, Madonna) 

Greg did his best to remain calm, not to be totally overwhelmed by his emotions. FJ did also his best not to cry. He too had felt how this song spoke to them, once they made some adjustments.

The song finished, the first steps of "Nikita" began to rise. A glance exchanged between the boys made them understand each other they had enough  emotions for the evening.

« Shall we go ? »

FJ stuck his nose in Greg’s ear, who nodded.

« This is a good time to go. I'll let you call for the taxi ? I have to go to the room before.

- No worries. »

FJ Chastely kissed Greg's cheek before letting go of his hand. He took his jacket back and he kept Greg’s one under his arm and walked toward the exit, with two of his friends whom he had discreetly gestured to follow him.

Greg left the room and started down the long hallway that connected the gym to the main building of the school. The doors were usually closed but plumbing issues forced the organizers to leave the school’s toilet accessible instead of those of the gym. Greg walked straight and turning left, he opened the door leading to male restrooms.

Upon entering, he felt immediately discomfort among those present. He had heard the noise made by half-dozen conversations, placing his hand on the hand door handle. Once he opened it, everyone was silent in the second, the time for attendees to see who had entered. Greg felt the strong power of the stubborn silence that reigned now.

The toilets were quite large and spacious to allow thirty teenagers to move there freely. There must have been a dozen people before Greg entered. He noted that most of the football team was present. Reese, Carson, and others. Some booths were opened, others closed. The sinks were not visible because of the boys who were in front. Only two urinals were available, opposite to the entrance.

Greg forced himself to keep a cool head, but he knew that the moment of truth had come. The evening went well but everything could change now. The silence in the room was not a good omen, Gruff kept a straight face when entering, walking alongside his friends and colleagues. Nobody dared to say a word, and Greg's steps sounded on the floor.

Gruff went to the urinals and opened his fly as he had done thousands of times before. Legs straight, feet firmly planted on the ground. Everyone heard the sound of the fly and the flow of urine in the bowl. Greg kept his head up, staring at the wall, breathing as quietly as possible, a little surprised that his bladder was still relaxed enough to allow him to pee despite the ambiance.

Urinate standing was his nature, as for virtually every boy. But the moment made that gesture a statement. Greg was not only urinating. He asserted his masculinity, virility to a group to which he had announced his homosexuality.

« I think you're in the wrong place. Girls room is the next door ! »

Gruff closed his eyes in disgust, gnashing teeth somewhat. The voice he heard was Reese’s one. He had expected to hear a remark like that, but the really disappointing thing was to hear that coming from a friend’s throat. A feeling of pain began to invade. His uncle had told him, and his prediction began to come true. But he was still disappointed to hear it. To his surprise, it does not cut off the flow of his urine who ceased, however, when his bladder was empty. Greg kept a neutral face slightly shaking his penis in order to make fall the last drops.

« Oh, you heard me, pussy ? »

Gruff had finished urinating, he put his cock back and closed his pants. The voice became more invective, stronger. Greg did not need to turn his head to see some heads to agree with Reese’s cruel words.

Greg turned slowly. The kindness of his uncle toward him allowed him to reflect on the problem and the solution. Ed was also a valuable advice. A well placed word was sometimes more powerful than a punch. He had thought long hours about what he could say to defend himself and attack. Ed was right when he told Mark that they could be alone. They were not helpless.

« It's fun. »

Greg wore a smirk on his face. His posture surprised the boar who did not expected such an attitude.


« What ? What can be funny, pussy ?

- I remember the first time we had a shower here. Seeing what was in your crotch, it's right what I said. The girl is in the wrong locker room. » 

Gruff had pronounced the last sentence with a sardonic smile. Reese was silent, stunned. The witnesses of the exchange agreed that Gruff dealt a severe blow to the boar in the first sentence : Everyone knew he had one of the smaller cock of the school.

Both boys were looking up and down to each other. Reese had an evil eye, and he was obviously a little drunk, his speech sometimes getting hesitant, his breath being charged by some alcohol. It was now the first who would lower their eyes. Neither moved when the door opened again to let Dave enter. The latter was surprised to see Greg being there and seeing Reese’s face. Without having heard anything, he understood with their attitudes that things were not going well.

« I can not believe that there is a fairy in the team. I can’t believe you’re a faggot ! »

Gruff clenched his fist, but he calmed down quickly. Mark had anticipated this possibility and he had learned the two most important things in this case : having a blameless repartee, and above all, never being the first to strike.

« I do not see why it bothers you, Reese. Neither you nor any of the other guys in the band. If I had wanted to make one of you, I did would not hesitate to make you understand. But none of you does not interest me. Not for this anyway. All that matters to me, all I want is to be with you on the ground to show at the opposing team what we have. I'm queer. And so ? I'm not the first one you have seen in real life. 

- What we do not want is a fag who stares at our butts in the shower ! What we do not want is a fairy that makes us laughed on the field ! What we do not want is you !

- I will reassure you on one point Reese... Me neither, I do not want you. Even loaded, no guy would want you. A girl, even by paying her, will never want you with what you have to offer to her ! Giving you sex is not pity, it is humanitarian ! »

Reese brought his fist back and tried to hit Gruff on his cheek. But the boar was too slow. Gruff avoided the fist and had no great harm to unbalance Reese, hooking a foot past behind his leg and then returned it back. He felt on his back and before that no one can move and act, Gruff had put his shoe on the drunk boy's throat. The look he threw to the others incentives them not to tempt fate.

Gruff pressed the throat just enough for him to have a little trouble breathing and not being able to use his full force. His voice was strangely calm.

« You see Reese, I may be gay, but you're the one who were sent to the ground by a cock-sucker in two seconds, without using his hands. Can you imagine what that makes of you? » 

Gruff released Reese’s throat who labored to catch his breath.

« I've always knew. I wouldn’t see it but I am sure now, Reese. You are worth less than nothing. You just prove it to me and everyone here will be able to say that : Reese cannot even stand against a cocksucker. I do not even hope that you will understand someday. I would overestimate your intelligence. » 

Gruff walked towards the exit, head up and his eyes straight. Reese was slowly sitting up, one hand on the ground, the other on his sore throat. 

Everything went so fast that nobody had the idea of joining each other against him. But that could change, and Gruff though it would be safer to go out. He stepped back gently but firmly, eyes pointed towards his former friends. He did not saw Carson lifting behind him an empty bottle in his hand to hit his head. Carson, the weasel of the group, could not finish the gesture because Dave grabbed his wrist and twisted it, forcing him to release the bottle who broke in the ground, attracting Greg’s attention.

« Damn, Cars... But what you have in mind ?

- Get off me ! Damn, you're with this fairy or what ? »

Dave looked at Carson with disgust, taking him by his shirt and threw him against his partners who lost their balance and felt to the ground.

« I'd rather standing with a fag than a coward ! I'd rather be with my peers rather than you ! »

Dave stood bravely alongside Greg, who saw in him an unexpected help. He had feared, knowing his attitude and his silence, having to count him among the casualties of the evening. But this was clearly not the case. He had reason to believe that Dave just needed time.

He was so under the influence of emotion he hardly took note of what Dave just said. Whole assembly was slowly realizing what Dave just said. Including the latter. He happened, however, to keep a bit of composure in his voice and the look he wore on bystanders who helped Carson and Reese to recover. 

« I had no idea how the place stank so much. Come on, Greg, even a sewer is more bearable than here. »

Greg followed Dave. Before closing the door, he felt, however, that the right moment had come.

« In fact, I have a message from my uncle. He told me to tell you he was going to make us spit our lungs all next year. So get ready.

- Your uncle ? »

Dave looked at Greg with curiosity, as well as others. What is the relation between his uncle and the next year ?

« Miller. He can’t wait to see us in September, and I must say that now, me too. Enjoy the evening and do not forget to take out the trash... »

Gruff's gaze left Reese and he closed the door, heading for the exit.

In the nearly empty hallway leading to the ballroom, Greg looked at Dave, who followed him to his side. He saw him with tears in his eyes, one hand covering his mouth. He did his best not to burst into tears. Dave felt Greg’s eyes. There were few people in the hallway, and it was not appropriate to bear. Greg felt it and led to another corridor, an empty one.

Dave did not resist when Greg drove him there. The bear put his back against the wall, trying to calm down. Greg took a deep breath, finally releasing his anguish.

« Dave... Thank you...

- I... I could not help it, Greg. »

Dave was crying. He sank slowly sliding down the wall to finish on his buttocks.

« I... Could not. I’ m... like you.

- You...

- I’m… not straight, Greg. I could not. I could no longer be silent. I could not say. I could not let them talk to you like that. I... did not say. But... I could not let them hurt you.

- Dave... 

- I'm gay ! Crap ! I... And I just said it... To all.

- You... I thought you were with Debbie...

- I was. I'm not anymore. Greg, when I was with her, I...never thought about her, ever to someone else... This is how...I realized what I was. Who I was. » 

Greg knelt, taking Dave in his arms.

« You have saved the day. I will never forget it. » 

Hesitating, Dave took Greg in turn in his arms.

« You... Allowed me to not be a coward anymore. I will not forget. » 

Greg released his grip, smiling.

« This has been a memorable evening in more ways than one.

- I would...loved it happens otherwise.

- I gotta go with FJ. Will you follow us ? »

Dave looked at Greg with a curious eye, wiping his tears. The latter smiled, his head slightly tilted. The boy seemed sincere and Dave wondered why he invited him to follow. Nothing drove him to it. Greg kept his eyes straight on the face of his friend. He was careful not to show his confusion, his surprise to find him out as gay. One thing was certain, Dave should avoid being alone now that his mask had fallen. Greg knew only too well the fragility of the mind of the one who had just come out of the closet.


« I do not know...

- Your parents have...

- No, I can go whenever I want.

- And your guest ?

- I... I came alone actually. I could not be so hypocritical. »

Greg offered his hand to Dave. Hesitantly, he ends up taking.

« Oh... And then... It can not be worse, right ?

- Oh no... »

Greg and Dave came back in the room. The party was in full swing, everyone was on the runway or almost, no one paying attention to themselves. The timing was perfect to go.

FJ turned his head towards the door and began to smile at Greg finally coming out. He wondered about the fact that Dave was at his side. The bear had a sad look and he seemed to walk with difficulty. Greg led the donkey a little bit on the side.

« The car is coming soon ?

- In a minute or two, the one here is already reserved for someone else.

- Fine. Say, FJ, mind if we let Dave to come with us ? He... »

Greg turned his head to ensure the presence of his friend. The black bear had not moved, his eyes seeming being lost in front of him.

« He’s not really well, and I did not want him being alone, it would not be prudent I think.

- He does not digest his coming out ? »

Greg’s head made a «no».

« Believe it or not, he had not planned to do and it's because of me if it happened.» 

Greg opened then his eyes all round.

« But how do you know, anyway ? »

FJ watched the bear with an hint of compassion in his eyes. He held out his cell and showed to Greg a recorded video. Greg could see the toilet scene in its entirety.

« I knew they would do such a thing, it was so obvious. I had just time to implement. Thou shalt thank once again the Losers’ club... I asked them to put a bin under the window so I could film the scene through the window, just in case.

- FJ, for me ever you or your friends will not be the losers...

- If Reese or others decide to start again, the whole school will know the truth about them. Public humiliation, there is nothing worse.

- I do not know what I would do without you.

- Thanks Fred instead, it is he who gave me the idea. »

FJ then went to Dave and stood facing him, smiling. Dave tried to avoid his gaze, lost in the memory stress and ashamed of what he had been doing it in recent years. FJ knew what were his thoughts. He replayed the scene of the toilet and Dave could not leave the screen from his eyes despite his desire to go back. But seeing Reese get a spread shot worth it. He could not suppress a smile of satisfaction than FJ noted.

« If things were to get worse, we will always be able to restore a modicum of truth. If you give me your address, I'll send you a copy. Better being able to defend ourselves, right ? »

Dave looked at FJ, nonplussed.

« You... would do that for me ? After everything I've done ? »

FJ smiled.

« Greg has done worse. And I do not blame him anymore. Do not ask me why. Maybe because I hate wasting time on unnecessary grudges. »

FJ put his cell back on his pocket. Dave hold him gently in his arms, his head resting on his shoulder.

« Thank you. »

FJ returned the hug. Greg attended the scene. He already loved FJ, but seeing him trying to comfort the one who had made his life an hell did strengthen the respect he felt for his friend.

A hoot, came from a taxi that had to park facing the duo made them let go. The side window lowered, an obese pig grunted his request.

« It is you, for Ladder street ? »

FJ nodded. Greg went to the back, behind the driver. FJ moved to his side. After hesitating a moment, Dave took the front passenger seat. The doors closed, the car went on his way.

Gruff thought for a moment, reached into his pocket and handed a few bills, addressing the driver.

« Say, you could make a detour by Nail Street ? There's someone I want to see two minutes. »

The money stirred under the snout of the driver seemed enough and the car made a detour to the new destination.