Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Mental Struggling

My head aches when I opened my eyes, facing the blue skies
above with the sun shining down onto the side of my face. Raising my head, I
yawned thus stretching my wings while I looked over upon my surroundings.
Noticing that I was still in the sands, I got up onto my feet groaning and
complaining about the rousing headache that kept pounding against my head.
Luckily, Tzico was able to notice and ran forth to me before asking. "What
is wrong, Neriax? Sounds like someone had hit you with a hammer or
something." I forced a laugh, chuckling sarcastically at him and my eyes
darted to him when he cracked an awkward smile knowing it was already stupid
enough. "Is there anything else bothering you?" "Not at the
moment." I lied and he nodded before departing from me, heading forth
towards the other four dragons.

I have not told anyone but you about this but. I feel like
someone was whispering to me. It was like a cold whisper wind brushing against
my ear that often times I thought that it would be a bug or something crawling
into it or buzzing about. It was not. No. That whispering was real; almost as
if I could feeling it brushed against the side of my ear. I am not crazy or
lying to you. Despite my over thinking and rambling on and on about the
audience not complying to what I was trying to say, I blinked my eyes again and
yawned. Raising my claws up into the air before I caught hold onto someone
speaking to me. Turning, Xenao smiled "Good sleep?" I nodded, but
Tzico had to ruin it for both of us. "He did not had a good sleep?"
"Oh? Why?" He asked him, meeting his eyes as he smiled. Gulping, I
prepared to close my ears tightly at what obnoxious things that he would say.
But nothing came from his mouth afterwards for Shinron interrupted both of them
with a growl from his mouth.

With us three looking over to him, noticing him narrowing
his eyes as he growled a second time hoping to catch our attention, I piped up.
"er… Good morning, Shinron." But he ignored me and barked, "All
three of you. Up and at them upon the shores. We will be going shortly."
"Going?" Exclaimed, Tzico making a face at him like a little
hatchling he is before whining, "Why do we have to go? Can we not stay
here at once and enjoy ourselves?" "No. You had your fun." He
ordered, "Besides. Neriax is looking to get back into his home world. We
would had to do something for him, at least." 'Oh… Right.' I thought to
myself, suddenly remembering of the kingdom where I first entered into before
somehow teleporting here. Without another word, I deserted Tzico and Xenao who
were too busy talking to themselves. I ran over to Shinron and called in after
him. He stopped and gazed over, wondering what I had to say.

"Where's the first object we have to find, cap?" I
asked, a bit excited as unknowingly my scales had started to shaken. Shinron
gave a sigh at first, closing his eyes before turning his head over towards the
blue horizon beyond us. He raised his paw upward and pointed eastward. I
followed and blinked for a while. I was a bit confused why he would point
there. But shrugging, I spread my wings. Nearly hitting him in the face with
them before I jumped up and prepared to fly. However, he grabbed hold onto my
tail and flopped me onto the ground. Where the sands flew up hovering into the
air, I groaned while he spoke to me. "Do not go until the captain
says." He started, sternly. "Are you the captain?" I asked and
he nodded without another word before leaving me onto the sands where I slowly
got up again and dusted any of the sands that got onto my scales before
rejoining the others around the sudden campfire.

As I sat onto the logs that Tzico had placed, I watched as
Nor and Leonar had distributed their goods among the crew members. Eventually
handing one off to me. I gazed onto what was on the menu tonight. A burned half
fish on a stick. I blinked quizzily at it before raising my eyes up and scanned
around. Looking over to the other crew members, I had noticed that most of them
had their own half burned fished… on a stick. I pondered for a while, frowning
before shrugging seconds later. Before sinking my fangs into the scales of the
fish. Ripping it off from the rest of it before chewing it inside of my mouth.
My eyes went opened. 'This is good!' I thought before devouring the rest of it
while the others finished theirs.

Hours had passed and the moon was high in the air above us.
With ourselves fed and ready for adventure, we spread our wings in union before
departing from the island. We rose high into the night skies, flapping our wings
once or twice depending on how soft was the winds that blew against us. A calm
and quiet environment, something that I would enjoy if I were alone without
anyone else to bother me. But quickly remembering that whispering in my ear,
how it brushes up against my drums and I stopped pondering about it. While I
sighed, we capped off our rising elevation and leveled ourselves in the air temporarily.
Do I always say 'temporarily' all the time? I do hope I can find a pirate dictionary
and find some other words I can use instead of using the same old, same old. As
always, Shinron took the lead followed by Tzico and Xenao, then Leonar and Nor,
lastly me. We flew like this in a line formation which confused me sometimes as
I had never done it before in my own lifetime. Though disregarding the question
in my mind, I looked out. But something pulsed in my mind like a rising
headache. Upon which, I found myself grinding my fangs together. Often times
making sounds. The whispers in my mind became soft and my focus was to it at
once. Losing my ability to fly straight along with my crewmates which no one
else had paid any attention to me.

It became a constant battle verging for my body's control to
fly and listen at the same time. I can only do one than the other, never both
and this was my weakness however. With the constant whispering inflicting upon
my head, I shouted out blasting any words that I could form shattering the
silence around me while Nor looked on then Tzico and Xenao who both cracked a
smile, whispering to one another. Nor, on the other claw, paused his tracks
leaving the other two to go on ahead as if nothing had happened before he
hovered calling out to me. But his voice fell on deaf ears. I saw him moved closer
to me then we collided with one another. Having felt hit with a brick wall or
something, I snapped out from my mental battling inside my brain and shouted at
Nor. But after a few insulted words thrown at him, I noticed that Nor held his
claws to my face asking, "Seriously man. What is wrong with you?" I
paused and reeled back my head, looking at him with my narrowed eyes. Scoffing
at his question, I snorted back "Nothing is wrong. Did I not tell you
it?" "What about your 'mental health problems?' He asked me. I
glanced at him back then growled afterwards before he added, "I already
know, Neriax. Your expression and silence that contributed to the overall
crew's volume had keen to my interest." "But what do you know?"
I barked at him, having wanted to silenced him and moved on. Since of course we
are moving quiet behind schedule. But he ignored it and fell silent. I stared
at him back before snarling one more time. Giving in onto his demands, I
lowered my voice to a whisper before explaining what was on my mind.

"Who… Or what is whispering at me?" I asked him,
Nor raised his eyes blinking in interest wondering what I was trying to say. I
went on. "I heard a voice. No. A whisper in my brain. Telling me about the
future of the kingdom of where I had resided in. It would collapsed and… and…
everyone I know would be dead." "Do not say such things, Neriax. You
know the kingdom better than anyone else would, you know." "R… Right.
I do." I responded with a nod, softly smiling at him to assured that I was
alright. Rest assured, he took the bait. Without another word, we resumed
flight. Heading forth and regrouping along with the other four who was waiting
for us further down the wind skies, we returned to our journey towards the cen-
I mean… to an far away island where perhaps we would find the first of the three
we had needed. And yet, sometimes I feel, when we had landed down onto the
island and split apart from one another, that someone is watching us. From the
bushes or sea waters, I would not know. But it was… rather… disturbing. And
what's even more disturbing would be even meeting up with it.