Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Warning Fleas

Upon landing to the golden grounds, I folded my wings and
raised my head to the horizon. My eyes widened gasping in surprise how I had
seen many different dragons and their color all spawning around of me doing
their own daily routine. Many of them looked bored; just about half were a bit
excited. As I turned my eyes over to Ajiro, she giggled excitedly and nodded
her head. "Welcome to the city, Neriax." She started with a wide grin
upon her face as I stepped forth from her line and stared outward into the
distance. The buildings were very tall, reaching the skyscrapers above. Some of
the buildings had pointy rooftops over them. Indeed, there were many buildings.
All of them were unified under one color. Gold. I quickly turned my attention
to Ajiro as she motioned me forward and walked soon taking the lead from me. I
nodded in return and followed, gazing around as we reached the streets. The
other citizens gazed at me and stopped. Voices and whispers escapes into the
air landing onto my ears. I crane my ears hoping to hear some of them. But were
a bit hard to hear since it was drowned among the sea of words. Giving a sigh,
I cross the streets and headed into an alleyway where the sun above was concealed
by the buildings between us.

No trashcans were here. A litter of garbage were scattered
around the floor. I felt a bit disgusted and even picked up an half eaten apple
before raising my eyes over to Ajiro, "Guess someone was not hungry."
"I guess." I piped ending the conversation there while we continued
onward. The alleyway was a short walk till we reached the first opening. It was
shape like a square; three different paths stretched from it. All of them
heading into different ways. A few dragons were here however. But the most
strangest while a black brownish dragon ahead guarding what seems to be a
dragoness. I turned to them in curious but Ajiro growled at me and I was force
to turn to her, raising an eye asking "What? I was just looking at them."
"Do not, Neriax." Ajiro frowned afterwards before nudging her claw
upward lowering her voice down to a whisper, "That's the captain of the
assassin guards, Zawar and the royal princess of the entire city, Kesir."
"So… Those two are bad news?" I asked a bit fidgeting and she nodded
in reply before walking off once again. She left me alone upon the square, I
was staring at the pair noting everything about them.

Zawar was a black brownish dragon; but he seems to be very
protective of the dragoness. For what reason, I may not be sure. Could that be
his daughter? Or a royalty of a family? I frowned and shake my head, sighing
afterwards before gazing around. Ajiro was motioning for me in the left side of
the square. She had found another path that would lead her out of the square. I
nodded and followed, but took one shot upon the dragoness before I left the

Finally catching up to Ajiro, I asked her "Who is the
dragoness that Zawar is guarding? Is she his daughter or something?" But
she laughed afterwards at my remark. It took me almost a minute to react to her
as I stood there with a mindless face blinking in confusement. "No, she is
not his daughter. He was assign to her by our king; demanding her to be
protected by anyone else that may try to flirt or attack her since she has the
royal mark." "And what is that royal mark?" I asked him, she
shrugged and sighed casting her eyes back upon the horizon. "That… I do
not know however. It's hard to say what a mark looks like without harassing a
royal before the guards kill you. I mean… No one had ever seen it nor had
anyone that rules this place had ever shown it with pride. All of the royals,
even the kings and queens of the place, were loyal to its dragons. Not allowing
any outsider to come thr-" But a voice called out, startling her as she
turned her attention out into the opened. She raised her claw at me and
growled, ordering me to stay put while I nodded. She walked slowly forward
while I watched. But a white glow caught my attention and I turned back looking
at the square behind of me. There was nothing. I sighed before flickering my
tail, awaiting impatiently for her. However, I was not back at the alley no
more. "Oh crap…" I muttered, realizing I am faced to face with the

She started screaming, throwing claws and talon upon my
face. I had received each and every of them as I grunted in pain. I hear voices
all around of me, whispering and rumor. I knew what they all want to know and I
said nothing while I took the pain she inflicted upon me as I lifted my ears
upward hearing someone running. 'This day could not get any worst.' I thought
to myself while I lifted up my head staring upon Zawar and the dragoness that
was coming forth towards us. 'I had to speak it so soon…' I muttered to myself
when they drew close. Two pairs of eyes started staring at me but I felt no
pain afterwards as I stepped back and growled. My entire face was riddle with
claw marks. Little blood emerged from the wounds and I met eyes with Zawar who
spoke, "You're coming with us." I gazed back onto Ajiro who said
nothing but frowned before flying off.

They took me a short distance away from the crowd that I had
drawn in. As I looked worried and hesitated before shifting my attention
meeting eyes with Zawar who growled at me, poking me upon my chest and yelled
"Why are you here, outsider. There be no more room for any dragons living
outside this city-" "I came here for two things." I reasoned
out, gazing at him. But he blinked at me back wondering what I had in my mind.
When he released his paw from my chest, I spoke with great nervousness. Worried
that I would say the wrong thing to him or put him back into his anger state.
My words were weaved carefully around the minefield that Zawar had placed
around me. I knew that somehow that he was anticipating me to trip up, blowing
up the array of mines that he had carefully set up. A false smile emerged upon
his lips every time I tripped stumble or stutter over my words that I had to
catch myself. Here's what I said to him:

"Zawar… If that is your name. I am Neriax, a time
ability dragon. I have come looking for a home or a place to stay until I am
ready to depart. But not before I find this older 'brother' of mine that my
parents had so deliberately speak and seek of."

His reply was short, which had surprised me,

"Yes, Zawar is my name. And you seek of your older
brother? He is around here among the walls of this city. But he does not seek
himself attention for an audience with anyone or everyone. It just so happens
that he comes and goes anywhere he could. So few dragons here had seen him. But
not all of them."

"Then." I started as he finished, "Can you
take me where he is?" "I'm afraid not." Zawar barked with his
raised voice upon me as I take a step back in surprise. Gazing upon him in silence
while we both met eyes, it had seemed however that we were in a standoff.
Neither of us wanted to budge for another. I chuckled and he raised an eye
wondering what. But before I could speak, the dragoness takes a step forward
and spoke. Raising her voice for the two males that stood in front of her, we
turned out attention to her in reply. She was beautiful. Her scales shone
reflecting against the sun; proudly showing off its purple color to the dragons
around her. The winds were folded, colorless. She spoke of a soothing voice
almost as if she was putting a spell on you. "I can take you to him."
"Wh… What's your name?" I asked, the nervousness raising up deep
within my belly as I felt my heart beating against my chest.

Before she could say anything, Zawar stepped in front of us
and growled at me. I felt the shiver coming back to my bones as I stood staring
at the dragon before of me. My tail between my legs as I spoke stuttering
answering without hesitation "You…er… are married and mated, I presumed?"
I asked, noting his aggressive defensive look. It took a moment for him to
answer; when he does, he gave a sigh and shakes his head before answering back
"No. I am her guardian. We're waiting for a male to take my place to
better protect her in marriage against the same roles as I was."
"Then… you aren't married." I repeated my phase and he growled back
again, "No. We aren't. Now let's get a move on then, We have to get you to
him… Oh you'll be surprise on what he is now…"

He left without hesitation as I stood there dumfounded.
Thoughts and questions resided upon my mind while I wonder what he had meant.
While I shake my head and spread my silver wings, preparing to fly alongside
them, I felt something. It was small however and probably nothing. But the sounds
of rumble and confirmed my thoughts as I turned back and gasped in shocked. A
building had fallen to the ground without warning.

"Er…Earthquake!" I screamed sending panicked
across wherever I was.