Current Track: Blabb

Unknown World: Boxed In

The door opened before of me, I stared for a moment before
glancing over to Zawar who just grumbled before of him. He had not exchanged
any words to me while the silence kept between of us, I stared keeping my eyes
away from him and started walking into the room. Pushing the door farther away
from me. I gazed inside. The room was large enough for a dragon to live in. A
bed to my right; along with a bookshelf. The window was before of me and the
other two I had mentioned before. I walked straight to bed. Raising my claw and
touching just the surface of it, I felt it became soft to my touch. I figured
that they had used a bunch of cloths to stuff the bed. Chuckling slightly at
that, I turned to Zawar nodding. He acknowledged me and turned his tail,
heading back into the halls. Before he could do so, I spoke his name. he froze
and turned to me, raising an eye in interest. He had wondered what was on my
mind. I spoke out without hesitation or thinking about it; "May Kesir
entered into the room." "Why do you want her?" Zawar questioned.

I froze in my spot for my tongue was unable to say anything.
Keeping my eyes upon him, my mind tried to rush things. Piecing together some
thoughts on exaggerating why I had wanted her. But no matter how I tried, my
face always ended up red like a cherry for some strange reason. It seems,
however, that he kept note. I could see on his face that he was smiling
faintly; or was it a frown? I am not sure actually. I kept quiet, allowing the
atmosphere of the room quelled with the ringing in my ear. He darted out of the
room, shutting the door behind of him and left. I heard footsteps erupting
faintly just outside until it all faded out into the mists of my ears. This was
the time I screamed.

I threw myself upon the bed. Covering my own face with my
claws, my thoughts entering and exiting my mind. Thinking how I had upright
embarrassed myself in front of a royal. I laid perfectly still upon the bed, my
wings spread covering my body while my tail curled up to my underbelly. I
opened my eyes suddenly and stared at the bed for a moment. Then looked up upon
one of the edges, spotting two pillows. Blinking to myself, I rose up. I got to
my two back paws and stared at the pillows before of him. My heart beats
rapidly against my chest as I wondered what this could mean. Then again, it
could be wrong also. While I frowned and gazed my attention towards the window
where the sun shines brightly against me, sending its warm gazed upon my body
and wings. I breathed, relaxing myself then exhaled until a door knock.

I jumped unknowingly from the bed; hitting my head against
the ceiling above of me. The pain entered between my horns while I groaned in
pain and heard someone speak from the opposing side of the door. It was her.
Finally realizing it was Kesir, I chimed happily. Casting my voice out while
she heard me, I turned my head noticing that the doorknob was turning. Then was
pushed opened. For out came the dragoness; Kesir who smiled brightly upon my
eyes. She walked forth and jumped onto the bed, sitting down next to me while I
smiled purring back onto her. However, the sounds were erased from the room
just under two seconds or less while I was uncomfortable. Coughing and turning
my head away from her, she turned to me cocking her head to the side wondering
what I was doing.

I felt the heat rising from the back of my neck. My mind was
rapidly racing through thoughts; hoping that I did not screw this all up. For
while I frowned and gazed back onto her, I spoke. "Lovely weather?"
"It is not too much however." She smiled afterwards, her tail swaying
back and forth as I watched her. "How so?" I replied, wanting the
conversation to continue. Her face broke into an eased as her muscles relaxed,
her lips parted explaining what had happened so far and I tried my best to
understand it all. For those who do not know what she was talking about; let me
explain. First, the aftermath of the earthquake that had suddenly hit the city
prior to my arrival. You see, the earthquake had destroy most of the buildings
and brought down many caves. Probably burying them alive. The workers of this
city were trying their best to dig them out. From Kesir, I had heard that Ajiro
was helping out too. Probably in the worst case scenario perhaps. I had to
laugh at that part too.

And the normal, old routine scenario that you folks at home
probably commonly speak of this every day. The weather, how hot it is right now
here. I do not think they had a single raindrop here at all for a couple of
days now. Do they even have water parks here? But if you do not speak of the
weather; there may be some other topics mentioned here that could be related.
But never mind that all, we are getting off topic here anyway.

I coughed again and she stopped suddenly, glancing at me with
those eyes. She asked suddenly, "Why you cough? I was just talking about
the news and p-" "It is best if we do not speak of them." I
started, swaying the conversation into another topic. But she frowned, whining
a bit like a horse in need of a drink… probably the wrong analogy. We fell to
silence, she started lowering her body backwards behind me and laid upon the
bed. She looked up onto the ceiling above while I turned to her asking about my
older brother, Salix. "He is doing fine. Just some mental work."
Kesir replied, looking to me while I nodded in response. We fell silent again,
unsure what to talk about at this time given. While I raised my eyes over to
the window, I suddenly felt a gentle wind blowing against my scales and wings
as I blinked. Bringing my attention to it and asked another question to Kesir.
But she said nothing; for she got up from the bed and walked over to the door. I
got up and followed her out into the hallway I go. We ran farther down the
halls; making twists and turns among the corners until we reached the door.

The winds were blowing harder than usual. I frowned and felt
my heart pounding against my chest again as I wondered to myself. I walked
slowly forth, getting in front of Kesir before reaching my claw for the door.
Turning, I pushed it opened and I gasped in result. In front of us was not a
room, but a swirling vertex where lightning flashed before my very eyes. I
stepped back to Kesir who growled. Pushing me away from her, she ran straight
for the vertex. Disappearing inside. I got up from the ground, paranoid and
panicking as to what I should do. Looking about upon the halls beyond me, I
noticed that no one was here besides myself. I sighed; grinding my fangs
together hearing something among my fang. I had no choice.

Without hesitation, I too dived through the vertex. I
watched as my surroundings turned from a peaceful environment of plain walls
and floors to a complex swirl of dark purple clouds and lightning flashes all
around me. I thought that I was going to be sick. Luckily, it was short and it
dumped me into a black unknown where the other three were being held. I saw,
Ajiro sitting in the corner. Raising her claw up against the dark unknown and
pressed against it then put it down again confirming that it was a wall. Salix
was sitting in another corner, his eyes closed as if he is dead but breathing
calmly. Next to him was Zawar who just impatiently growled, crossing his arms
as he gazed against the opposing wall before of him.

Prior to my arrival, my body slammed against the solid hard
ground below of me. Waking up the others from their unfunctional  escaped methods… or are they just trying to
pass the time? Either so, I got up from the ground. Landing my four claws while
Salix, Zawar and Ajiro ran up to me. But only Salix hugged me tightly with
tears running down his closed eyes. I gazed my attention towards Ajiro and
Zawar but they shrugged afterwards and spoke.

"Do you have any knowledge as to who was behind
this?" Zawar questioned curiously. I shook my head afterwards and frowned
and he growled slapping his tail against the ground. "We were stuck in
here for a while." Ajiro replied to me, "However we do not know how
we got here. All of the sudden, we were caught by the purple vertex."
"Same." I remarked, looking around the room again and asked them,
"By the way…" They all looked at me. "Where is Kesir?"