Current Track: Blabb

Tuesday, 20th

Greg was awaken by a soft sound. Opening his eyes, he felt the place near him on his bed. Still warm, but already empty. Laying on his elbow, he saw FJ getting dressed with his old t-shirt, taking care not to make too much noises. Greg looked at his watch in the nightstand and saw it was still early. He was not on late as he feared.

« You’re already going ?

- Sorry, I woke you up ?

- Don’t mind. You’ll be damn early at school.

- I must go at home first. To get new clothes. »

Greg reminded than because he stayed the last night, FJ had no other shirts. FJ ended to get dressed and bowed to kiss his friend.

« Thank you to had let me stayed here like that.

- It’s nothing. You needed not to be alone.

- Thanks again. That means a lot to me.

- You’ll come back again tonight ? »

FJ smiled.

« Of course I will. And we’ll see again at school. Even if it’s to avoid each other. »

FJ kissed Greg again who get back on his back while his friend exited the room and the house. Greg was smiling widely. A full night with FJ. Even if they hadn’t sex that night, it was a really nice moment. Greg felt the links with his former bullied becoming stronger.

Closing the door, FJ couldn’t stop a smile brightening his lips. Walking home, he tried to put some orders on his thoughts. He too felt some links becoming stronger with his former bullier. And he knew than Greg felt the same too. Without taking care, FJ’s thoughts came back to some more basis needs. To have a shower, get new clothes. Maybe he should had ate at Mark’s house, the fatherly fridge being still almost empty. But he though he had asked enough to Greg’s uncle. He put his key and opened the door. Then the scent stroke him.

A strange scent. Not an ugly one, or unknown, but so rare. Entering in the house, FJ heard noises in the kitchen and saw something big moving in. The smell was now strong and warm. Lightly acid. Coffee.

« I wondered if you would go straight to the high school or if you would come back here before. If you weren’t late, of course. »

The strong voice, a bit shady, was easily heard.

« Dad ? You’re here ?

- Of course I am ! I live here ! Why I would be a stranger in my own house ? »

Francis was sat at the kitchen’s table. He was wearing an old crappy t-shirt, ready for at least three full journeys to the next laundry. The mug on his hand, he was looking at his son, smiling. Someone else could had sworn to see an original and his clone, the two donkeys looking like each other. Francis was a bit taller, stronger and older. The dark part of his fur let also see some grey spots.

« When I think than yesterday I was diapering you. And now, you sleepover without asking me before. »

FJ was reluctant to talk to him. He was afraid to talk too much. He was surprised by cons to see him almost sober. He didn’t knew if he was almost or fully. It didn’t happened so much.

« At least, you warned me. I wish I could have the right to allow you or not, because you have school today. But I know also than I’m not a really good father. So I guess I deserve it a bit. »

FJ didn’t knew how to stand. To ignore that really rare day ? To say he was too hurry to stay to avoid to have to talk to a man who hurt him by drinking so much ?

FJ choose. His father was in a good mood, he didn’t wanted to miss that moment. He went to the fridge and opened it. It was still dirty, but full this time. Milk, fresh eggs. New orange juice. FJ poured himself a glass of.

« I can’t stay too long, my day begins at 8 and I must have a shower.

- I can see that. When will you be back ?

- At 4, as usual. Why ?

- We could go to see a movie together. It’s a so long time since the last time.

- I already have plans, dad, I’m sorry. »

FJ knew he talked too much. It was true, indeed, but he also knew what question would follow.

« I can imagine than against her, your old man can’t pass the test. »

Francis’s voice was a bit sad.

« No dad, it’s not... I just promised to see a friend, that’s all. And after I must maw the Henderson’s garden.

- Really ?

- Yes. »

FJ could be sincere, it was all the truth after all.

« But tomorrow, I’m free.

- Tomorrow night then. Any movie you wanna see ?

- Not really. The choice is your. »

FJ drank his glass and reached the stairs. His father’s voice was still heard.

« Put your dirty clothes into the machine. I already took care of those in the basket. By the way, they’re at the right size ?

- What are you talking about ?

- These new undies you bought. »

Francis get an happy tone again. FJ blushed. He saw Gruff’s jock, thinking it was his. He became even redder when he reminded it was full of cum. Even if it had dried, he couldn’t had missed that.

« Yea... I took one to try it and... I think I’ll get some more. »

FJ tried to stay quiet, hiding his trouble.

« You know your size better than me. I’ll let you buy those then. »

FJ said then he would be late and Francis let him go. FJ had his shower and ran to the high school. If he was happy to see his father not drunken for once, he wouldn’t have with him a talk about the birds and the bees. Not at all.


Gruff paid attention that morning to arrive with a small lead in high school. His first class was sport and he wanted to keep for him a moment if he had to go to the bathroom. As he approached the door, it was increasingly clear that he must had to go primarily to the toilet. Not to urinate, but to calm down himself. 

Gruff choose the farthest box from the entrance, closed it and pulled down his pants. His tool on his hand, Gruff closed his eyes and began to imagine FJ on his knees, facing him, like he loved to be sometimes. His opened mouth was silent despite the loud breathing coming from his hand’s moves. It wasn’t the first time he was doing that. He was also not the first to do. It was something usually common in men’s rooms. But to not disturb someone and not being yelled about that, it was an unwritten rule to be as silent as possible. He took care not to moan as he reached his climax. Laid and dressed, he exited the stall and found himself face to face with Dave. The bear also came out of a cabin.

« Hey, Gruff ! 

- Hi, Dave. 

- Say, you can tell the teacher that I will be a few minutes late ? The administration asked me to sign papers. 

- No worries, Dave. »

The two boys went out together, and each took a different path.

Gruff reached the lockers room, eventually opened the door. Immediately, the mixture of sweat, detergent and hot and wet feet made itself felt. Gruff had always loved this mix. He was reassured by finding that he felt no more sexual arousal. Greg’s sight ran on the room who was already full of teens about to sweat on the field.

Going through his classmates, Greg put his bag in front of his locker.

« Hey Gruff ! Did you spent the Saturday to fuck or what ? We didn’t saw you on the game field ! »

The invective came from Reese that everyone knew as his second on the ground and one of his best friends. Reese was with two of his friends, pigs like him. Greg didn’t knew them a lot. They weren’t part of the football team and he never had the time and the will to meet them really. 

Greg saw then than Reese was waiting for an answer. He didn’t knew what to say. That day, he really spent the time fucking with FJ but he couldn’t say it right now. He couldn’t also lie or tell the truth. Greg’s brain tried to reach a safety pod. Greg was smiling to his friend, giving him time to think about a clean answer who came more easily than he could though.

« Don’t talk to me about that !  I’ll have a full month to recover ! »

The people began to laugh and Gruff found himself laughing with them. He began to undress without discomfort, as before. Gruff went round his friends and relations. He felt like before. Certainly, all the advice of his uncle were worth gold. Reese asked for more while Greg was closing his locker. 

« Say Gruff, when are you gonna choose ? 

- Choose for ? 

- For the prom night ! The Sinister Six girls are all after you, and the five losers will be easy to pick up for us then, but you have to choose ! To let us know our targets ! »

The prom night ! With all this, Gruff had completely forgotten about that party for the following Saturday. He had also forgotten about the six girls the entire school ran after. His smile twitched slightly. He succeed not to knock his head against his locker’s door like he wanted to do.

During the previous Saturday he had spoken with Ed about his past dates with each of the girls of the most formidable group of high school : The Sinister Six

Sandy, Mindy, Elody, Brittany, Whitney (who called herself Whitny...) and Tiffany. 

Six girls among the finest of the school. The classiest, most bitches and sluts too.

They made rain or shine in high school. They decided what was fashion, what was not. It was they who by their influence who decided who was « in » and who was « out ». They told their opinion on any subject. Especially boys. And beware to those who had the misfortune to displease them. They could make or ruin a reputation with a single word.

Gruff had been able to invite them as team captain. He all had kissed her but did not slept with. Such chastity would have seemed suspicious to everyone if each time, Gruff had not drunk copiously and had finished dead drunk under the table before going further. He had gained a reputation as an inveterate partygoer and he had always relied on alcohol to explain that he did not knew whether or not he had sex with them, but probably, yes. 

Ed had come to make Gruff understand that he had never get an hard-on kissing them. Gruff had to understand that getting drunk was a way to hide his total lack of interest for them, and more, to preserve his character and his secret. To himself too. Mark was right again : he didn’t knew himself completely. 

« So who you chose ? 

- I... I'll tell tonight ! 

- Oh no, we want to know ! If you’ll say tonight is that when you already choose ! So you can tell us ! »

Gruff was trapped. He had loath to lie but he felt it was his only escape, because for him it was no question to talk about that here and now. Then suddenly the door opened and Dave, entered, panicked. 

« It's Miller ! » 

The teens lost immediately interest in Gruff. 

« It's not true ! 

- It's official ! I saw next year’s assignments. We’ll have Miller as PE, guys ! 

- Oh no... 

- I want to die... 

- No ! 

- Help... 

- I wanna mummy ! 

- Argh !! 

- And you do not know the worst. We will have Frost for maths... 

- Pity... 

- It's a nightmare ! 

- I want to move away ! 

- I'd rather hang myself... 

- And we will have Horace Ingsworth for English... 

- That's not true... 

- The big moose who always walks around with this stupid pokeball on his hand ? 

- If only such a red bull monster could go out from it and get rid of him... "

The boys who were surrounding Dave don’t saw Leonid entering the room. He tried to talk but the boy’s voices were covering his. The lion ran slowly his hand on his hairs and quietly, he slammed the door behind him. The loud sound made the boys jump and they noticed eventually his coming.

« Mark is a good choice. I can understand why his reputation can afraid some of you. I’m not fully agree with them, but his ways to teach the students are useful ones. They allow you to be better and faster. »

The students looked at themselves and with their sights, they asked to Reese to talk to the lion.

« Sir, are you really thinking than a crocodile in the pool is a good way to make us swim faster ? »

Leonid didn’t hide his smile.

« Reese. That poor reptile was old and teeth-less. And Mark gave his word to tie his maw the next time. You know what you have to do to not make Mark bringing back that poor animal. »

The boys couldn’t hide their fear about the idea to have a reptile as a coach. Leonid was happy. Like he said before, Mark’s ways were strange, but useful. No one dared to skip a class and each year, Mark could have more obedient students. Despite his doubts, Leonid was quite admirative to Mark.

« Anyway, you will have time to improve before next year. Today we will focus on endurance with some rounds before to let you go on holidays in peace. »

Leonid's voice had assumed a pique’s tone by finishing the sentence. The team members looked at themselves.

« You mean...

- The decision was made half an hour ago. The committee upheld Milton High’s claims. »

A murmur of disappointment filled the locker room while some students sat down again, marked by the news. Greg looked down on the ground, disappointed.

Leonid clapped his hands.

« Go, get up ! I understand your disappointment. But if you had not foolishly let spun these two games early in the season, we would still be qualified ! Let this be a lesson, guys ! Now get out towards the stadium ! »

Leonid pointed his finger at Greg and Dave, his voice taking a very unpleasant tone.

« Except you two, I must speak to you first. »

The lion's eyes confirmed his sternly. They both left their comrades called out, standing next to one another. Leonid’s sight passed from one to another, looking to keep a strong voice and authoritarian.

« I know I'm not supposed to tell you about that during our workouts, because I am not his teacher and, as such, I did not get involved in that. But I am also your coach and my job is also to ensure that the atmosphere within the team stays good. »

Dave wondered where Leonid was willing to make. He knew no substantial grounds for dispute between members of the football team. Greg had an idea of the problem. However, he kept a questioning look identical to that of his friend.

« It concerns you both, and Greg more because of the whole group, he is most likely to pursue a career. It is a behavior that is no longer possible to accept seeing the grounds of your positions on the team.

- About what, coach? If it's for our evenings, we pay attention not to have before a game. »

Dave always wondered what Leonid was talking about.

« I do not care about your little hangovers. No, what is unbearable is your attitude toward that poor fellow. »

Greg closed briefly his eyes.

« Here we go » he thought. 

Dave finally also included.

« It’s about Fatso ? He complained ? It would not surprise me. »

Greg had trouble resisting the urge to put Dave in his place. The comment at the limit of disrespect for his secret friend irritated him a lot.

« No, FJ said nothing. And I'll be grateful, Dave, to stop calling him that way.

- Bah, it's not that bad !

- You would like being called continually flea-bear ? Or Honeylicker ? »

Dave's eyes were briefly filled with anger. But he remained master of himself, not answering anything. One way to accept while saving face. His eyes turned from the teacher, avoiding his gaze.

« I see that this does not make you happy. FJ is not in my class, and he is a member of any team. As a teacher, I can not speak without his request. But I'm also your coach and it is my duty to ensure the morality of your behavior on the field and off. »

Dave could not prevent sarcastically to emphasize the followed remark.

« That is clear. Especially after an entire school year. »

Leonid remarked up calmly.

« I admit I should have acted sooner. I think I have hoped seeing you having a better behavior over time. After all, you are no longer children. But time passes and you still act like kids from sixth grade. »

Greg had nothing to answer to that. Everything the teacher said was true. But he could not flaunt without surprise his friend, and trigger a series of questions that might require him to guess. Greg loved his friend Dave. But he would be briefed along with others. Matter of principle and prudence. He merely looked shamefully his feet, so as to show a tacit acceptance of Leonid’s words.

« You do not even realize that your behavior will be an example to all young once you’ll become professionals. All you'll do will come into play. What you do on the field and off. The country is already adequately provided with enough idiots thinking a big car with naked women on it is a symbol status. You're better than that. Especially you, Greg.

- Really ?

- Yes. You two have the best chance to sign one day in the first league. And if I have to bet on either of you, I will put a coin on you, Gruff. Without wishing to offend you, Dave... »

The bear waved his hand carelessly.

« Oh, do not worry, I know. Gruff is better than me. »

Leonid’s sight felt on Greg.

« I do not want to see you piss off the poor kid, you hear me ? If I see you act this way again, you both will be on the bench the full next year, it is understood ? »

Dave grunted for him. But he knew enough Leonid to know he would keep his word.

« It's good. »

Dave's words, whispered, were hardly sincere. Leonid looked et him carefully, and then his gaze returned to Gruff, who nodded without saying a word.

It lacked warmth and sincerity, but Leonid knew the two boys. He knew he should be content with that.

« Now join your comrades. »

Dave began to smile and left the room. Greg followed him more slowly while Leonid detoured by his office. From the corner of his eye, he saw that Greg was reluctant to walk with his friend. He was somewhat surprised to hear him say to go without him, he should still get something. Greg came back facing the teacher and saw clearly that Dave was out of earshot before speaking.

« You're right, coach.

- Of course I'm right.

- I wanted to tell you right in your eyes. I understand your response. But it seems fair to say that... »

Gruff looked back to the hallway to make sure Dave was not there.

« Tell me what ?

- I ... I have already spoken to FJ. And simply put, I have already promised to leave him alone. »

Leonid raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

« Really ?

- You can ask him, I have nothing to hide. » 

Greg managed to prevent a sarcastic smile to appear on his face.

« I certainly will, be sure. Can I know what inspired you to do this ? Not that I'm complaining, but it still surprise me. »

Greg hesitated to answer. He could not say than FJ and him were now lovers.

« Let's say you were right. I am no longer in the sixth grade. And maybe also because I'm not necessarily the big dumb than everyone thinks I am. » 

Gruff did not allow to Leonid the time to answer and left the locker room, leaving his teacher to his surprise and to his questions.


On a brisk, Mark entered in Ladder Street. The rott’s look wandered about the neighborhood. He noted small changes in life. A new paint on a mailbox. New curtains. New suits on children playing with a ball or most often on a bike. The neighborhood was not wealthy, but it was not poverty either, far from it. He knew that his neighbors had noticed that for some days, a young man who looked like him lived with the couple. He had told the truth, the boy in question was his nephew and would remain for a while, time to resolve a family dispute. Mark stayed mute about the boy's homosexuality. It only looked at Greg. He only had the key of his closet.

It reminded him the changes induced in his own existence. Not with regard to his life, for the routine of the household had not been profoundly modified. But now Mark was responsible for his nephew. It was not just students he saw only two or three hours a week. Each word, each of his opinion, each of his advice would be more important once issued in the presence of the boy. Mark caught a glimpse of one hand the horrors of fatherhood. All he would do would have repercussions on the future of his nephew. All he was not doing as well.

Distracted by his thoughts, he saw FJ reaching his side upon opening the front door. He smiled, but this time, the boy was barely noticed him before seeking for Greg. FJ took the time to greet Mark, at the limit of politeness, however. He sure had troubles on his mind. Mark estimated that he must have some problems too. FJ saw Greg sitting in the garden, enjoying the shade of trees. He left his bag at the door and bent to kiss the rott’s lips, who returned the sign of affection.

« How was your day ?

- I'm not sure what to think. I still have trouble concentrating but less. I was surprised to see Leonid coming to me for few questions. »

Greg smiled shyly.

« Sorry, I have not had the opportunity to discreetly talk to you to warn you. You knew what to say, I think, right ? » 

FJ returned the smile.

« Yes, although I was a little hesitant. I never would have thought that keeping a secret could be difficult facing with specific issues. »

Greg nodded.

« I know myself well enough to know that sooner or later I will make a mistake. This is also why I chose to come out. I know when to do it. But not how.

- Oh yeah ?

- Saturday. I do not know how, but they will know. All. »

Greg did not needed to say more. FJ knew what event he was referring to.

« Are you sure ?

- Not about the way, but about the time. It will be ideal. All will know at the same time. »

FJ looked at his feet, hesitating to answer.

« My social life is pretty empty. My friends are reluctant to get there. If I do... I imagine that being two, things could be easier, do not you think ? »

Greg lifted his gaze on FJ.

« You... are going to do it too ? »

FJ looked away.

« What choice do I have ? And this way, this should help you, right ?

- I do not want to force you to anything, FJ !

- You do not force me into anything, Greg. I hesitated. I thought. I do not know if I'm about to make the biggest shit of my life, but continue to hold my tongue seems increasingly difficult. »

Greg got up, took his hand in FJ’s, and looked him straight in the eye.

« FJ... Do you want... »

Gruff felt a little ridiculous. He realized that he standed like a man who would ask his girlfriend to marry. He did not relax the hand as long. At least he had not knelt.

« FJ... Will you come to the ball on Saturday then ? With me, I mean.

- Gruff... I... Yes, if I gotta go, it will be with you. But I do not know if I can.

- Why ?

- I have no costume, and not enough to rent one. I can not see myself coming in t-shirt.

- Arrangements can be made I think... » 

Mark had assisted at the request, his shoulder resting on a tree.

« I know you have big problems, FJ. I'll give you a deal. I rent you a costume, and you’ll work in our garden during the summer.

- You would do that ?

- Yes. Considering the price of the rental, this will cover two weeks of work. I will pay you for the rest of the season, it suits you ?

- Yes !

- Are you sure of your decision ? Once the genius is out of the bottle, he will never return.

- I know, yes. I agree with him, I've been thinking. As a word, and there will be no better opportunity. »

FJ kissed Greg’s cheek.

« I must go now, Greg. I have work waiting for me.

- Oh... See you tomorrow then ?

- No, I promised to Dad to spend the evening with him. I will maybe come just a little after class. But I'll see you Thursday. »

A little disappointed, Greg let his friend, who gave him a last gesture of the hand before leaving. Mark looked at his nephew, a little amused.

« Greg, if I have an advice for you is to watch what is happening around you. You're too easily distracted when FJ is here. You stares hungrily at him and anyone can easily guess.

- I know.

- And then vary your vocabulary when you talk. I really thought you were gonna ask him to marry you. » 

Gruff agreed.

« You think I'm right to do so ?

- Kid, lies and deception have never brought good things in the long run. You still hesitate to do so ?

- A little, yes.

- So this is the right choice for you.

- How so ?

- Greg, to hesitate means that you're afraid. But you can also ignore that. This is one of the traits that every man must have in him to know how to face adversity.

- Maybe, yea. »

Greg went to the house, following Mark.

« In fact, Uncle...

- Yes ?

- There is one thing I would like to know.

- What ? »

The question does not seem easy to be asked because Mark saw Greg get his breath.

« You knew ?

- If I knew what ?

- For me. About what I am. That sounds silly but... I can not totally get rid of this idea. It could be seen. »

Mark remained silent a moment, thinking about his answer.

« Yes. I knew it. And to be honest, I knew from the start. »

The answer surprised Greg, who opened his eyes wide.

« Since the beginning ?

- I knew the first time I saw you, Greg. In your mother’s arms. To be more precise, I have doubted, and my conviction had strengthened the first time I diapered you. »

Greg had trouble breathing.

« From that time ? But... How ? »

Mark's face lit up with a big smile.

« Seeing you naked and squirming, I was certain. It was obvious for me, with the body that you had already, that you would have a future on a sports field. You were already well muscled, you know, for a 6 months boy. »

Greg analyzed the response that did not seemed to match with what he was waiting for.

« I... was not talking about that, Uncle, but... »

Greg paused, seeing Mark’s smile becoming sarcastic. Induced response was now obvious. He looked up to heaven, seeing the stupidity of his question.

« I think I understand... »

Mark's smile remained on his face as he turned his back to join another room in the house.