Current Track: Blabb

Tuesday, 27th

A light stormy wind blew over the small town. The clouds passed quickly in the sky, giving no time for the gray clouds to dump their rain on the city. The heat was strong and accentuated the discomfort Greg felt despite the early hour of the morning. Sitting on a chair in the kitchen, he was trying to eat his breakfast. His knotted stomach refused any kind of food and he could just stir his fried eggs with a fork, looking at the plate. 

Standing at the sink and staring at the garden outside the window, Mark was drinking, emptying his cup of coffee in his throat. He was wearing a more elaborate clothing than usual. A blue shirt instead of his shapeless sweatshirts. Greg was wearing a red shirt. The color did not mattered, but Mark had indeed insisted he would not wearing one of his eternal t-shirts that day. Ed wore a gray blazer from the best cut. He was busy in his car, making the engine running before hitting the road in the direction of the city court. Greg looked at his uncle again, the sight filled with a light of criticism. Mark noted the boy's mental state, and shrugged.

« You had preferred I told you last night, to not being able to sleep at all ? »

Greg did not hide his grin. Despite the relevance of the argument, he was still blaming his uncle for not having warned him but at the last moment.

« I think so. I am no longer a little boy, so why treat me that way ? »

The tone of the teenager was reproachful, like his sight. Mark sighed. It was definitely very difficult sometimes to behave properly towards youth. Either it was too much, or it was not enough.

« This is not something that can be explained, but felt. When you'll be my age, you will understand better why we feel the need to be very protective to children, and those who are not anymore. Even though we may also sometimes be wrong about this. You’ll avenge from us later by sending us in a squalid retirement home if you want, but for the moment, at least finish your coffee, it's time to go. »

Mark did not let the time to Greg to protest, leaving the kitchen and home. The cup in hand, Greg chuckled to himself by drinking his coffee. The idea of a sordid retirement home pleased to him a lot at that time. 

The coffee drunk, he put the cup on the table and joined the entry where he put his old sneakers. He had enough to put a well-looking shirt, he though than the American justice should settle the old shoes he wanted to wear at his feet and nothing else. Closing the door behind him, Greg walked to the car already occupied by his uncle and his husband. He did not realize it, but his anger helped him to deal with the stress of having to meet a judge responsible of family affairs. This did not stop him to slam the door violently to show his strong disagreement with the decision of his uncle. The two adults turned to him with an angry face of criticism but not to made things worse, they remained silent.

Ed was driving and arrived in front of the imposing red brick façade, he parked the car before leaving. Greg tried to keep an angry mood but he was unable now, being too worry. The building had nearly the same architecture than the school. This was not surprising, given that both buildings had been built at almost the same time. An imposing twenty steps staircase led to a storefront, with columns imitating the Roman style. Just behind, a massive smoked glass door lead the male trio to its future.

The interior of the building seemed very modern in comparison with the old facade. The gray walls had been recently redone. A circular bar was in the center of the hall before the latter was divided into two lanes. A young lioness stood behind. It seemed a bit frail for such a position, but the security of the premises was carried out by two large tigers sitting on either side of the entrance hall. The letter in hand, Mark appeared at the hostess who examined the mail before indicating the right lane.

« The judge is waiting for you in room 11. Right lane, second floor. It's just in front of the elevator. » 

Mark politely thanked the hostess but she had forgotten the existence of the rott, captured by a phone call in which she devoted all her attention. The rott joined, grumbling a little, his husband and the pair, flanking an increasingly terrified and silent Greg, entered the elevator.

The short time spent in the cabin reinforced the feeling of suffocation that Greg felt. He looked at Ed’s worried face, and Mark’s neutral one. Greg could not understand how his uncle could keep a so calm attitude in such a moment. For the boy, it was like he did not cared about what was going to happen. This only reinforced his nervousness which increased when Mark, out of the elevator, broke up with the group without a word and walked on his right to enter the public toilets. Greg had a little difficult to contain himself and Ed noticed.

« Relax, Greg. Your uncle has the right to pee before to go, right ? »

Gruff had trouble opening his mouth.

« It's like he do not care about what is going to happen ! »

Ed put a firm hand on the shoulder of the boy who looked surprised by the gesture.

« Do not be unfair with him. I know him better than you. If he seems so cold, it's not to show his concern. »

Gruff kept his eyes on those of the bear. His voice trembled, a little hesitant because of the stress he felt.

« Really ? »

Ed smiled to try to relax the boy.

« Yes. This is his way of acting. Right now I know he is consumed by worries. But he prefers to see you angry rather than communicating to you his own fears. This is his own way to protect you. » 

Gruff kept a look of suspicion on Ed’s face.

« It's something that I can not believe. »

Ed didn’t lost countenance.

« I bet to you what you want than the neck of his shirt will be soaked. It is not hot enough to sweat but he is certainly went to relax by passing cold water on his face. You sometimes have to do the same, right ? »

Greg looked at the closed bathroom door. There were few people in the hallway at this early hour, so he was not surprised to see Mark out of the toilet when the door opened again. The rott passed by the duo, opened the door and entered, still ignoring his husband and nephew. Greg had not taken his eyes off his uncle and he noted that as expected, in his face and instead of a dry neck, fine traces of moisture were covering the neck of the shirt. Greg also had time to note the slightly damp hands of his uncle. He looked at Ed who gave him a broad smile. Shaking his head, the mind always busy, Greg entered the courtroom followed by Ed who closed the door.


An almost complete silence in the room adjoining the courtroom was currently filling the office. Light brown walls contrasted with the dark furniture of modern style that dressed the part. Behind a black leather chair, two book cases loaded with full leathered bound books framed the judge who was reading a folder with blue cover, the distracted mind, a cheek based on his right hand. He wore the traditional black robe of his profession and the paper he turned was the only sound heard, except for the breathing sounds of the badger and the woman seated opposite to him.

Dressed in a purple suit, Irene remained silent, with downcast eyes, not daring to move too much before being asked by the judge who threw a stern look from time to time on her. An eye on his watch told him that the time was approaching.

« You confirm that the appointment is at nine ? »

Irene nodded her head in agreement. 

« I just ask you one thing. Once seated, you will not say a word. I let you attend this hearing only because I believe, and I hope it will be profitable to you. »

Irene's voice was full of arrogance, as usual. But she made sure to include the respect she had to give to the judge.

« Why, your honor ? »

Silverston turned his gaze briefly to his right. A table, older than the rest of the furniture, had a bell jar on it shelf. Below, an ancient and venerable white wig was resting on a wooden head. Sometimes the judge looked at this family treasure when he felt hesitant about his attitude to have. He felt a lot of anger towards Irene, but his position required him to stay calm.

« You have family ? »

Irene Winter was surprised by the question, and the lack of response to her. The badger was not known to do so.

« My younger sister went back to live with my father after the divorce. My grandparents are doing well, thanks to God. »

Silverston shook his head in denial.

« I misspoke. Do you have children ? »

Irene did not saw what the judge meant. 

« No, your honor. I have a niece that's all.

- This explains a little about your behavior. It is your choice to focus on your career at the expense of your family, right ?

- I assume fully, I can assure you.

- A respectable choice among others. But who has deprived you the necessary lucidity in this case. »

The judge rose slowly and went to the table, putting a hand on the dusty glass dome.

« This is a family treasure. My ancestor, Wilbur, was a judge in England. My family keeps this wig from the eighteenth century and we pass it from father to son. Or daughter, since I got it from my mother. It's a bit morbid when you know he put this wig only to pronounce a death sentence, as was the custom of that time. »

Silverston withdrew his hand, casually wiped it automatically on his dress. 

« His son chose to study medicine do not have to follow his footsteps and send his similar to the scaffold. »

The judge smiled.

« Suffice to say that he sure had killed nearly as many people as his father. If not more. »

Irene did not hide her smile.

« This wig has become for my family the symbol of justice and probity. It reminds me how all my decisions can affect a life. It is unfortunate that you had not such a lesson before. »

The woman began to understand the real meaning of the judge.

« To make a fair judgment, it should be borne in mind that only the Law and Justice must be factored into our thinking. Not our personal feelings. A thing you have obviously forgotten. » 

Irene sat up in her chair. She kept her voice calm but she was careful to remain firm.

« The Lord gave us simple laws, your honor. I'm just helping to implement them. » 

The judge breathed calmly.

« I agree with you on this point. The laws are simple and apply to everyone. An abomination, for a man to sleep with another as with a woman... »

Irene still nodded her head, a little surprised, to mark her approval. The judge kept on his look anger and curiosity.

« If that's the case, why do not you wear your slave chains ? You are a daughter of Canaan, right ? »

The woman looked at the judge, always surprised, but for other reasons. The judge was clearly referring to her black skin. And the story of Noah, who had dedicated the descendants of his son Ham, dark-skinned, in perpetual slavery to have seen his nakedness.

« You see, Irene, I know both the Sacred Texts and the common laws that I use to judge the behavior of my peers. The only difference I know between them is if there is no reason to apply only part of the Criminal Code, the one who would suit me, and not the one that I would find inappropriate. You want to live by the Law of God ? As you please. But live it fully. You can not choose what suits you and reject the rest. You want to fight against homosexuality in your way ? Whatsoever. But do not complain when we remind you that God promised perpetual slavery to Ham’s children which you belong to. »

Irene looked down. She considered it prudent to let the judge speak. His voice, which was somewhat higher, was quiet.

« My wife gave me four children. At this day, themselves gave me eleven grandchildren.

- This is a beautiful family.

- Two of them are gay. To my shame, I did knew that late in my life because I thought like you before. My first reaction was to want to ignore them. But I could never stop thinking about them, how they had to be, to act, to think when I saw and knew them before knowing them gays. I have seen them birth. Grow. Live. I finally understood that what only matters to judge them is their behavior. Not their nature. To see them live made me understand how the Bible was saying often bullshits. »

The woman looked up, shocked. She glanced to challenge the judge.

« Your honor ! » 

The judge held up a hand. This was enough to silence her.

« It is in our nature to retain only what suits us. You're basically homophobic, Irene. It is useless to deny it. It is an opinion that I do not approve. Not anymore. But I respect that. However it is unacceptable that it interferes with your job ! »

The voice of the judge went back to his anger.

« What did you had in mind when you came to see them ? You can tell me ? Have you thought about what would have happened if you had taken the boy by force without a valid warrant ? You would been hold to one of my colleagues, but sitting at the table, to face child abduction charges ! That's what would had happened ! It was something entertaining, thinking about a 15 years imprisonment sentence ? »

Irene remained silent, her head still down. The judge expected her to defend herself but he quickly realized that the woman had chosen to remain silent. He was somewhat satisfied. This meant either she started thinking about her actions or she understood the enormous scope of his guilt and punishment that would result.

Silverston glanced at his wrist.

« It's time to go, they will arrive soon. We will continue this conversation after their departure. In the meantime, you'll take a lesson of true justice. God grant that it will be profitable. »

The judge closed the folder on his desk and went out, leaving Irene closing the door behind her.


When the duo entered the room, it was empty of any presence. In front of them, were ranged fifteen rows of two columns of wooden benches. A wooden barrier, more symbolic than effective as easily passable, also two tables assigned one for the defense, and the other to the indictment. On the left of the room, two benches dais reserved for members of the jury who would remain empty that day. The judge put the blue folder on his desk and seated. Irene barely had time to sit in turn on the devoted prosecution table before seeing the double doors to be opened. Three people walked slowly and tentatively. Two rotts, a young and an adult, and a bear. Silverston made a gesture to invite them to enter, knowing who they were.

« Come and sit down. »

The judge said nothing else, designating one of the first rows of benches with his hand. The trio entered and sat. The judge opened the folder and took out a pen and began to annotate some pages remaining silent. Irene did the same and also opened a folder and began to read. For the incoming people, nothing was planned. Not knowing what to do or say, they looked at themselves and decide silently to wait for the judge to make the next step.

Twenty minutes passed thus. The judge finally raised his head and broke the silence after consulting his watch.

« Well. This sure means that they will not come. »

Silverston looked at the two adult men, smiling slightly, closing the folder, taking it on his hands and rising.

« Mr. Miller and Mr. Delacroix, will you follow me in my office ? It will be less intimidating  than here and I want some privacy at this time. »

At the invitation, the two men found themselves in the office of the judge.

« Sit down, we should finish quickly. »

Mark and Ed waited for the judge to have taken place in his chair before sitting down in turn. Mark wondered if it would last because Greg was now alone with Irene. He did not wanted to leave him too long with a so sad and despicable company.

« I bet than you wonder why you were called that day, right ?

- This is about Greg, is not it ? »

Mark not hide his concern in his voice. The judge did not seem to take notice.

« Exactly. I called you, but the boy's parents too. They did not came, but that does not matter, we can continue without them. Mr. Miller, I made you come to announce my final decision about your nephew Greg. »

The old judge consulted his notes while talking.

« I made a decision that seems fair and just, in the interest of your nephew from my point of view. But I wanted to talk to you before to share some words, and most importantly, whether you would agree with my opinion... »

Sitting alone on the bench in the room, Greg was trying to hear what could be said in the office on the other side of the wall. But the door was closed, and the office soundproof. The boy was plagued by anxiety and impatience. But he contained it, the clenched fist on his knee, his head a little low. He did not looked at the hated woman sitting at the other table. A quick glance showed him that she no longer wanted to take note of his presence.

Greg hesitated on what to do. What could be happening ? Why it took so long ? The seconds seemed like minutes, minutes, hours. Everything was about to be played now, but Greg could not do anything. He was isolated in the field, and everyone passed the ball around him without noticing his presence. He hated this feeling, knowing he could not do anything even change due to his age.

Hell, if he had been older more than six years ! He would had been the sole master of his life, his destiny. But for now, all the power was in the hands of a woman that he hated, kicked off by his uncle, and an old man he didn’t knew.

Greg noted the click of the lock. An eye on his watch told him that ten minutes had passed. The door opened and Greg saw Ed coming out first, the bear walking head down, a step slow, and going quickly to the side, resting his buttocks, visibly shocked, on the edge of the jury box. Greg's concern grew when Ed put a hand over his mouth. Obviously to keep from crying. Not once the bear looked at him.

Focused on Ed’s entrance, Greg did not pay attention to the rest and he saw his uncle when the latter stood near the defense’s table. He had a closed expressionless face. His eyes, however, showed a strong emotion, but Greg, upset, was unable to decipher correctly.

Mark made a gesture inviting the boy beside him. On the table, there were a few sheets of paper and a pen.

« It...I need you to read it, Greg. »

Mark's voice was strong, but Greg felt that his uncle put all his strength to make it inexpressive. The dices had rolled anyway. Greg stood up, as if he was moved by an automatic power and walked unhurriedly to his uncle.

« What is it ? »

Unlike his uncle, the teenager was unable to hide his fear.

« Your... It's a real legal gibberish, so I'll summarize the things for you. »

Mark stood, both hands flat on the table. He stared at the paper, without diverting his eyes. What ended to scare Greg. The boy noticed that his weight was resting on his hands. If there was no table, Mark would have fallen.

« The judge reviewed the file. He read the reports made by Jimmy about you. He also called your... Finally, my sister and her husband, but they did not came today. You... You're only 15 and you still need a family, parents able to take care of you. You're too young to be emancipated and Maureen... Is visibly unable to fulfill her role. Same for Rusty. The judge believes that you need... You must have...

- Have what ? »

Mark had trouble speaking, Gruff felt his emotion. Mark's gaze left the table and landed in the eyes of Greg.

« This paper... Must be signed by the three of us. But I want, if you do not mind, you to do it first. We need your approval for it. But you must know that if you sign it, I will not be your uncle anymore. 

- Huh ?

- Greg... Gruff... If you sign it, you will not be a Maxwell.

- I... I do not understand... »

Having regained his senses, Ed got up and slowly approached the duo. He refrained from meddling in their conversation, unable of any manner of speaking, his throat tight by emotions.

Mark removed his hands from the table and stood up, still looking at his nephew. He only saw the fear in the eyes of the boy. He tried to put more care in his answer, but he could not put more than emotion.

« Gruff. When you will sign it if you do, you... You will be my son. And Ed’s too. »

Mark wanted to continue, but he could not speak. 

Gruff had heard the answer, but he did not understood. Mark held between his fingers a sheet for him. Gruff looked at it, took it. He was again in this state of mind or he seemed to be unable to think, so overwhelmed by his feelings. 

Gruff looked at the sheet, and read.

And immediately, the words "de facto abandonment", "full adoption", "new family name" jumped in his eyes.

The long and complex sentences blurred his eyes, but the most important did not escaped to him. He was in a daze, the mind almost detached from his body, he heard Mark start talking.

« I want you to think a lot before... »

Greg closed his ears immediately. He did not wanted to hear it, he would not think about it. All he needed to do was to act. Anyhow. All he wanted to do was finally act. 

To distract his mind, Mark had focused his gaze back on the table covered with papers seeking another document after having left to Greg the first sheet.

Mark saw Greg put the sheet on the pile, leaving his hand for a moment before removing it. The sheet was signed. Gruff still had the pen in hand. He looked at his uncle, a somewhat forced and exaggerated smile on his lips. The initials of the boy was visibly nervous and traced under the influence of a strong emotion.

Mark had nothing to say. He signed in turn and Ed did the same. Each copy had to be coated in the same way. Mark made sure everything was in order before to get the copies and giving them back to the judge who had waited behind the trio.

Silverston put the sheets in order, looking each copy, a small smile on his face.

« Well, everything is in order. I will pass it to the Registry. Of course, there is a week of waiting for any dispute which may be registered. But I do not think it will happen. »

The judge drew up the document in the blue folder he still held in his hands. He looked at the boy, who always seemed in shock. He held out his hand first.

« Have a good day, and you, Greg, get used to. »

Greg hesitated for a second before shaking hands with the badger.

« Um... About ?

- Now you're Gregory Miller. Think about that the next time you’ll be in class. »

Ed put, hesitating a little, one hand on Greg’s shoulder. The boy felt it and looked at the bear. The touch of the hand made the last crack on the emotional barrier of the boy. His eyes filled with tears and Greg struggled to resist, looking alternately at the two adults near him. He had to make a choice. 

It is in the eyes of Mark than Greg tried to whisper the word that burned him out for a while. The word he craved to say even if he thought being too old to say it again.

He almost felt guilty not to say it in front of Ed too. He took Ed’s hand to be able to turn and face the two men at the same time.

And it is in both eyes he finally muttered the single word that came out of his throat.

« Dads... »

Greg could not add anything else. He looked at a very short time on each other, Mark and Ed laid at the same time a warm and firm hand on the boy's shoulder.

The dam gave way. Greg clenched his hands on the shirts in front of him and then buries his face, weeping bitterly, unable to say anything other than that he had just spoken, and he repeated again and again.


The room was empty again from any other occupant than those entered in it first.

The old judge kept a smile at the corner of his mouth again sorting copies of the blue folder. He seemed to never be satisfied with his previous sort.

The three guests were gone. Each adult framing one side of the teenager who was trying to regain control of himself out, but not really able to. The door was barely closed that Irene looked up at last. She put on the judge a dark reproachful look.

Silverston stood beside her, and supported the defiant look.

« Never forget the first rule of our profession, Irene. The child’s needs first ! Above all. » 

The badger do not waited for an answer, and left the room.