Current Track: Blabb

«  Dix minutes de jouées depuis le début du match ! Le score est toujours nul et vierge mais les deux équipes ne ménagent pas leur peine, la balle ne franchit que rarement la limite des 22 mètres, mais chaque ballon apporte son lot de menace ! »

"Ten minutes played since the beginning of the game ! The score is still goalless but both teams do not spare their time, the ball rarely crossed the 22 meters line, but each ball brings its threat ! "

Sitting beside an excitedly and shouting Ed, Greg kept his attention on the screen. Since some minutes he had stopped trying to understand what the commentators said, speaking only in French. What he saw on the screen was still enough to impress him. He had never seen a rugby game before, and what he saw amazed him. 

At first glance, the game was similar to football. But also that the ball was bigger than the one he’s used to play, the positioning of the players was totally different. If in high school Greg was used, as a fullback, to stand back when the lot had designated his team to launch the offensive, he saw that the most beefy rugbymen were positioned in front. In addition, no T positioning as he used to see, but the players were divided into two groups, a first and a second staggered on two diagonal lines.

It did not take him long to understand why when he saw that the ball was always given back, a forward pass being a foul. Such a staggered disposition was best to move the ball at kickoff.

What impressed even Greg was to see the total lack of protection on the players. No helmets, or protective bars. No shoulder pads. Apart foam ones, the participants had nothing to protect themselves from the blows, and God knows if they received some ! Perhaps they did not have shells too. At this thought, Greg felt his cock shrink by reflex.

Direct impacts in the body of his opponents. Tackles that always left traces on the face of the player who had the misfortune to run on opposing studs. Not to mention some few slaps quietly given when the referee looked away, but not missed by the cameras.

« It's not too dangerous ? »

Greg waited the answer a bit. He had asked his question in an intense moment and Ed did not miss a beat of the show. When the ball went into touch, Ed turned to face the boy.

« Less than football !

- But they have nothing to protect themselves !

- This is how they learned to control themselves not to get hurt too badly, or the opponent. You know it is said than if you end a game without injuries, that just means that you have not really played ! »

Greg did not really understood the remark, but he understood the logic of this sport. Without protections, a player would keep more self-control and measure his strength much than needed, and not simply go for it without fear of consequences. He had been relatively unscathed by injuries since he started playing football, but he was not unaware that serious injuries were common in this sport. It was a risk he had agreed to run like many others.

Greg wanted to ask another question but Ed suddenly waved, happy, shouting and encouraging the French.

On the screen, an English player had tried to give the ball to a teammate on the rear. But the pass was intercepted by a player in blue who had started running like a fool towards the opponents' goal. The English were trapped, all their players being forward, defenders had lost valuable seconds before realizing they had lost the ball. Three French players also ran towards the opposing goal, to provide a solution if an English defender managed to flatten the French. The nearest English felt in the ground, grabbing the ankle of the French who felt and rolled on himself, keeping the ball pressed against his chest. The clamor of the stadium intensified, the referee raised his right arm while whistling. The French players were congratulating, the player with the ball had felt into the in-goal. Ed screamed his joy standing on the couch, arms raised in a weird victory dance.

«  Dans vos culs, les cochons ! »

«  In your asses, pigs ! »

For Greg, it was unnecessary to translate to understand the joy of his father. The game was interesting, and the show was in the living room too.

After a long time, the referee whistled two long shots and players began to walk slowly toward the locker rooms. Greg quickly looked at his watch.

« It really lasted forty minutes ? »

Ed regained his breath somewhat, glad to see the score displayed on the screen.

« France 22 - England 13 »

« This is the duration of a period, yes, there remains as much to play !

- But there is no downtime ?

- No. Time-out is for sissies. If you're not able to run forty minutes straight, you do not have your place in the field. »

Ed stood up and began to clear the table from the remains of his breakfast. Greg sat. European sports had nothing to do with the ones he knew. To deprive the coach to change his tactics during the game required to players to have greater autonomy.

Greg stood up in turn, heading towards the toilet. Past the window, he did not fail to see the FJ’s kneeled body busy in the garden. The donkey turned his back to the house, a small shovel in hand. The garden was tidy and the boy began to prepare aligned holes in which he probably would plant then flowers.

Greg kept his gaze on the buttocks of his friend, a small smile on his face. This part of the FJ’s body had no secrets for him. He knew the color, firmness, odor and taste. His cock felt its heat, as FJ’s knew Greg’s. The idea excited a little the boy who kept his eyes fixed on the strip of skin sticking out of the t-shirt of his friend.

« My god it was true, you're gay... Your father will be really disappointed. »

Greg looked surprised at Ed who just smiled behind his back.

« Very funny. »

Greg was forced to take his eyes off the ass of his friend, trying to ignore the wide grin of Ed’s face and went back to sit in front of the television broadcasting commercials at the empty couch.

In anticipation for the second period, Ed had removed his shirt and settled on the couch, waiting for the resumption of the game. The kitchen door opened, letting FJ coming in, wiping the sweat from his face. Outside, the temperature was going up and the boy needed a break, heading for the fridge.

FJ opened the door but stopped his movement, feeling the strong Greg’s body entwined him from behind, his running nose on the boy's neck, soaking it with his sweat. FJ could not contain a wide smile and a sigh of satisfaction.

« Hey, I have not finished yet, you know.

- You do not think you've done enough for today ? »

Greg spoke with a low, warm voice. The FJ’s smell had some effects.

« You’ll let me have a shower before ?

- Why not having one together ? After ? »

FJ laughed a little at the thought. Greg was now totally free. Miss such an opportunity ? FJ turned and put his hands on the cheeks of his friend, kissing him tenderly on the lips.

The two boys did not need to speak to communicate their common desire. Just like Ed did not need to ask why Greg left him alone watching TV, walking up the steps quickly back to his room in the company of FJ.

«  Teens… »

— —

« No ! »

This simple word yelled from the living room, had made it clear to Mark that he could not go back to sleep. He had done everything. Closing the curtains to plunge the room into a semi-darkness conducive to sleep. He had removed the comforter of the bed to let fresh air caress his naked body to push him off to sleep. He almost managed to ignore the blows against the door, the opening, the new female voices.

But the cry of FJ was more than he could bear. A drama would certainly have happened because the boy was still screaming his refusal of reality. He could hear Greg trying to calm him, in vain. 

Worried, Mark put a short and straightened to descend into the living room. The creaking of the stairs warned those present of his arrival. Mark's eyes fell on the two women staring at him, a little tense. Mark was still on the stairs but he remained on the last step. An uniformed policewoman was present and he did not wanted to scare her and push her to make a stupid move.

« Does someone can tell me what is going on here ? »

FJ held his head in his hands, having some difficulty to breath. His cheeks were covered with tears and his invisible gaze, his eyes closed, shaking his head in denial. Greg was behind him but FJ instinctively repelled his hands when he tried to put one on his shoulder. Ed stood beside the two women. He looked FJ with the same sad look.

« I can not believe it ! I can not believe this ! It is not possible ! »

FJ spoke so chopped. The wearing civilian clothes hyena approached him, posing an hand on his shoulder filled, talking with a strong, maternal voice. Instinctively, FJ began to calm down and breathe more calmly.

« You’ll have to be strong, my poor boy. This is unfortunately the truth. But none of this concerns you at this time. We'll take care of you from now. »

Greg began to react, watching the two women in a more hostile manner. Mark felt his growing anger and went into the living room, laying a firm hand on the shoulder of his son. The gesture surprised Greg and Mark gave him a dark and strong look saying he took things under his control.

« You take him in your custody, if I understand correctly ? »

Carol nodded.

« This is the standard procedure. I understood that you did not know where your mother is, right ? »

FJ tried to wipe his tears, nodding.

« She left three years ago. I do not know where she lives, ma'am. I hadn’t spoken to her since more than six months. And she never keep the same phone number. »

Carol kept a calm face despite the disorder of her mind. A mother gone and a father now in the hands of justice. Things do not show up well.

« You're coming with us, boy. As soon as possible, we will accompany you to your house to take a few things but for the moment we are about to find you a bed. »

Carole kept his hand on the shoulder of FJ and gently, she began to move the boy to the front door. The spirit upset, FJ did not offer any resistance. Greg wanted to express his opposition but the hand of his father became firmer on his shoulder, and his strong voice covered his early protest.

« Take care of you, FJ. Listen to these women, they know what's good for you. »

FJ turned his head and nodded lightly to Mark. He put his eyes in Greg’s a few moment but he didn’t spoke to him, quickly looking away. 

He was not contempt for his friend. FJ had only his spirit broken. He couldn’t react rationally and preceded the two women on the road leading to the car.

Greg was stunned. His friend left without saying a word, without protest, ignoring his deep desire to see him stay here with him. Greg filled up a reproach and anger look towards Mark. The latter seemed to be waiting for because Greg realized he already looked at him with a severe eye.

« Go take a shower. A cold one. And get dressed properly. »

Mark's voice was in line with his eyes. Greg did not knew why he said this to him, or even what to say or even what to do.

« What are you waiting for ? We can do nothing for the moment but FJ will need you later ! »

Greg finally reacted. FJ would indeed need him. These words reassured him a little. He feared that Mark could gets rid of his friend, but that was not the case. Greg freed his shoulder from his father's hand and went quietly upstairs. Ed approached, standing behind Mark.

« Can I know what you have in mind ? »

Mark turned a sad look on his face.

« Nothing, I'm afraid. »

He turned his head to see if Greg was always within earshot. This was not the case.

« I do not really see what we could do. We have no legal right to do so. I just hope Greg will eventually understand quickly. »

Ed had also understood the situation, shaking his head in denial.

« It will not be easy for him. Not really. And even if he understands this will not mean he will accept. »

It was the turn of Mark to shook his head sadly.

— —

His heart's beating fast, Greg quickly looked inside the building. He knew that Mark and Ed followed him few steps behind, but he did not care. He wanted one thing, to see FJ again, to hug him and never leave him. Never.

His wait had been endless. Once calmed down and dressed, Greg had come down in the living room to find his parents as he had left them ten minutes before. Ed had needed all his authority to make to admit to Greg that he should wait a few more hours before they could see FJ. Mark had contacted a friend and the latter had assured him that FJ would be unavailable until the child protection did not define his fate. Greg had finally admitted the reason as valid. The Mark and Ed’s assurance to come too played and also convinced the boy to stay calm.

But now he could no longer be. Greg went to the counter of the police station. Mark and Ed were now also in the hall, catching the impatient boy.

« Yes ? »

The powerful bull put on a powerful look on Greg, it had the effect of somewhat intimidating him. And calm his passions. Greg almost stammered.

« I ... A friend of mine is here, and I want to see him if it is possible. »

Ken's eyes was attracted by the presence of Mark. His face softened somewhat.

« Hey Mark, what are you doing here ? »

Mark put a firm hand on Greg’s shoulder, who showed his displeasure of being ignored.

« I came to support my boy. »

Ken looked back at the teenager, noting his displeasure.

« A problem ?

- Do you know if the child welfare finished with a boy they have in their service right now ? My son here...  is eager to talk to him. »

The bull was surprised by Mark’s words. So he had a son ? He looked at both rotts alternately. Great physical resemblance approached the two individuals, indeed. Ken had hundreds of questions in mind, but he knew it was not the time to ask.

« I'm not in the know, you know. This stuff can take ten minutes like hours. As it’s Saturday, it may still take a while. »

Mark nodded, including the situation. Greg’s eyes were filled with a look of reproach on Mark. He would certainly expressed his incomprehension if his ear had not been attracted by the noise of the opening of the elevator door. Still having the head down, the slow pace, demoralized, sad, FJ headed towards the benches along the wall, apparently disinterested in anything that could be around him. Greg came to his side.

« Hey… »

FJ, who had just sat down, raised his head. Greg’s spirit went up seeing a slight smile emerging on the face of the donkey.

« You're here...

- I can not even imagine not coming, FJ… »

Greg sat beside his friend, who rested his head on his shoulder, rubbing his cheek against the young rott. Greg took his friend's hand in his with the intention not to let it whatever may happen now.

Always near the counter, Mark and Ed looked on with a mixture of pleasure and anxiety. A dark figure loomed increasingly towards their direction. She pretended not to notice the tender scene where the boys were engaged to focus on the two adults who faced him. But her tense and disapproving face showed that she knew what was happening. The tension on her face also reflected on her body. Irene looked at Ed first, then Mark, keeping stern features and taking care not to smile while spreading over the counter a stack of paperwork that she began to put in order. 

Behind the counter, Ken, feeling the growing hostility around him, thought it would be more prudent to act as if he had to do something elsewhere and deserted his post. Ed turned his gaze on the two boys sitting on the bench before starting to walk towards them.

« I'll see how is FJ. »

Mark did not take offense to the desertion of the ursine. Himself wanted to leave, as the presence of the homophobic woman also worked him up. From all staff of child protection, it had to be her being in duty that day.

But Mark did not wanted to ruin the slim chances that remained to him to change the course of destiny. He knew that his failure was almost inevitable, but he wanted to watch Greg in the eye when he’d have to say to him he had done everything he could. Irene did not uttered a word before run her pen on a sheet of paper, her cell phone prominently in front of her.

« This is what I hate most. Waiting. This can last for hours and we are never sure of the outcome. »

Mark felt his ears standing, somewhat surprised by the fact that Irene had spoken to him. Her voice was firm and as unfriendly as it could. But she spoke to him. Mark took it upon himself to take the same tone, cold and dry.

« I learned that nothing was certain in life. There are always surprises, good or bad. »

Irene laughed a little to herself, still writing and not looking at Mark for a second.

« Indeed. I'm sure this poor boy would never have imagined one second to be here.

- Me neither. Do you know more ? About his father I mean.

- Just snippets. He participated in a robbery of a liquor store that has gone wrong. The manager is dead. It seems that the father did not shoot, but nothing is certain. I think he faces life sentence. Worse, perhaps. »

Mark looked down, saddened for the victim as well as for FJ.

« I'm not used to that. Not able to do anything, I mean. What will happen to FJ ? »

Irene looked slightly.

« What do you think it could happen ? His father is in prison for a long time, perhaps forever, and his mother was not found. Anyway, her departure and behavior disqualifies her. I think I found a bed for him at Springfield’s home. He will be treated well. They must still recall to be sure of availabilities. »

Mark raised his head and turned his gaze to Irene, scandalized.

« Springfield ? But it is two hundred miles from here !

- The local center is closed on weekends and other centers around are already full. I can do no better. Even the host families have less space available due to the holidays. "

Mark kept his gaze right on Irene. The tone of his voice was still strong, but he could not hide his fear at the thought of having to see the boy having to leave so far. If Irene noticed, she did nothing forthcoming.

« These poor people also have the right to go after all, even if it limits our accommodation options. We lack of good souls, ready to open their doors to children and adolescents in difficulty.

- We could do that. »

Mark himself was surprised by the speed at which he replied. Irene still did not seemed to react, merely raising her pen and turning her head to finally look Mark in the eye.

« Do you know at least the conditions to make a such application eligible ? »

Mark shook his head, looking straight ahead.

« The host couple must be married for at least five years and raise a child. In addition, they must be approved by the Municipal Board. »

Mark kept his head down.

« I'm married. And I raise a child. »

Irene did not hide her smirk.

« I doubt a week of life allows you to know a child. »

Her smile, her mocking tone irritated Mark at the highest point. He did his best to stay calm but he succeeded only with difficulty.

« I know Gregory from almost his birth ! I saw him for the first time when he was six months. »

Mark looked at Irene again, a strong passion in his eyes. So strong that the woman was struggling to support it.

« I attended his education during the first seven years of his life. I was his assigned babysitter. I know that… »

Mark was somewhat checking on his memories.

« I know that when he was a kid, he loved to watch GI Joe cartoons ! He also loved reruns of old westerns on TV ! He hummed the "Bonanza" song galloping in the living room for hours, enough to make my head hurt and make me want to wring his neck ! He had his first football ball he was five and since he has not spent a week without playing with it ! He always preferred Pepsi to Coke and he hates broccoli. "

Mark tried to calm down somewhat. The flood of memories came back as easily as he could let out the steam.

« His child's room was green because he loved that color the last time I saw it. I would have stayed around him if his mother had not kicked me. Being no longer able to see him... I had the feeling of having lost a friend in an accident for months after I lost contact with him. I blamed him not to try to see me in secret. But I also knew that he did nothing wrong to obey to his parents. »

Mark had spat the last word.

« I do not consider him as my son because a judge has attached him to my line. But because I know him. Because I understand him as a man, as a young homosexual. I know, because I myself lived that, what he feels. I know how to support, guide, help him to stand straight despite what had happened to him. I know approximately what kind of crap he is able to do and anticipate and how to prevent all from harming himself. »

Mark could not find anything else to say. His speech seemed to have had no effect on Irene. At least it allowed him to calm down.

« I bet you've never made an approval request for host home. »

Irene immediately turned her gaze from Mark to her papers, taking up her pen in hand. Mark could not replicate because he could not argue against that. Things would have been easier if...

Mark's thoughts froze for a moment. Why Irene behaved like this ? To taunt him ? Possible. But knowing her a little, Mark could have sworn that this woman would have preferred remaining silent to have to speak to him.

Could it be that…

Mark pushed the idea. But it crept further into his mind. He remained silent for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. But on reflection, he had nothing to lose. Mark could not yet afford to lie to an official without getting in big trouble. But he had learned to be vague and ambiguous.

« I can not swear, madam. Me and my husband do so much demands and so we treat so much paperwork on line that we end up losing the count. »

Mark noted the disgusted start from the corner of the woman's lips at the word "husband", but he did everything not taken into account. Irene spoke again, still wearing the same tone as cold and brittle.

« It's Saturday. Municipal offices are closed until Monday morning, I did not myself have the right to see what happens there. Impossible for me to verify that you have not applied, even on line. If this would be the case, a discharge from you and your husband... could  give you a provisional consent, the time to process your request. »

Mark raised his head slightly. He refrained from smiling. He meditated a little anxiety back in his voice.

« But if this were the case, the date and time must be included on the form, right ? »

Irene hoisted a broad smile, not dropping her pen, nor leaving her papers from her eyes.

« Our servers are old and obsolete. They are not reliable regarding the date and time of reception of digital forms. »

The rott had a ferocious desire to relieve his nervous tension by a strong exhalation. But he felt he had yet abstain. He knew he still had not to lie. Even though he knew could still remain unclear.

« You could have one of these dumps on you, by any chance ? »

Irene did not answered. She simply pushed a sheet on the counter, right under the nose of Mark. The rott grabbed a pen and began to fill out the form.

« This is a temporary authorization. If monday I do not have in my mail a request in good and due form, FJ will leave to Springfield without hope of return. »

Mark did not lift his head.

« I'm sure you’ll find it.

- I do not doubt it. »

Irene then remained silent, continuing her administrative work. Mark noted the need for the consent of his husband at the bottom of the sheet. He took it and walked toward the bear who was kneeling at FJ. A hand gesture made come the ursine, who quickly looked at the sheet, and Irene, then the sheet again, a look at times wondering if the piece of paper was not going to explode in their hands. Ed did not take long before affixing his signature. Mark took the sheet back and returned to Irene, Ed remaining with the two boys who did not pay attention to what had happened, standing in the arms of each other, Greg murmuring words of comforts to the still saddened donkey.

Mark asked, a little hesitant, holding the leaf to Irene, which cut short the thanks.

« No need to thank me. I do not like you. I will never. But I hate even more when my decisions fall back on me. »

Mark could not prevent a grunt of satisfaction coming out of his throat.

« It ’s the same for me then. But I know how to deal with what I have. And as we both are pleased, it suits me. »

Irene took the paper and cut out a copy, dabbed and signed both copies and went without a word to a Mark before leaving, haughty and cold as ever, leaving the counter empty of any other document. Mark looked at the paper again and again in disbelief. He turned his head to look at Irene walking away, snapping her a vague smile of thanks anyway.

The rott folded the paper and put it in his jacket before returning to the trio who was waiting on the benches near the wall. Greg looked up, followed by Ed.

« What happened, dad ? What will happen to FJ ? »

Greg did not hide his fear. FJ lifted up his eyes and saw that Mark watched at him, satisfied.

« I have done what I could, Greg. But you know like me how much the space is limited in our house. »

Ed, kneeled near FJ, looked up, surprised. The donkey did not reacted. Not physically. Greg was choked. Mark smiled at the boy, putting his hand on his cheek.

« You'll have to make a place in your room, there is no other way. You don’t want to see FJ living in the basement or the attic, right ? »

FJ looked up and wore an incredulous look on Mark, who returned him a wide smile. Greg didn’t knew what to say, surprised.

« I ... What ? »

FJ was too surprised to say anything else.

« You'll have to get used to Greg’s snores, I'm afraid, my boy. »

Mark now put his hand on FJ’s shoulder to comfort him, reassuringly.

« I do not snore ! »

Greg protested. Ed looked up at the sky.

« Of course you do ! You're just like your father about that ! »

FJ felt his mind to waver more. But this time, a sense of joy and relief filled him finally. He looked at Greg again. The boy merely enclosed the donkey again, pressing him like he never did, relieved and happy.

Greg was holding his friend. He would not let him go. And one way or another, he would not do. Ever.

To be continued in Season 2...