Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Closing Cut

Gathering us among one another, I sighed and shifted my
attention elsewhere. Glancing out into the distance horizon beyond us with a
ponder of wonder how the other dragons were doing. As I sighed again, I ignored
the spoken words of what Shinron was speaking towards us and split everyone
into pairs before sending out into different directions. Unknowingly, I did not
know that he left also with someone and turning my head again. Submerging into
the conversation once more, I had noticed that everyone else were gone except
for Tzico. I growled groaning in response, slamming my foot against the ground
having wanting nothing to do with him. I will tell you why later. I crossed my
claws and turned my head away. Tzico walked over to me, smiled faintly before
raising his claw upward onto my shoulder and grabbed it with a word to me.

"I had known we had our differences with one another.
But come on, I know where the piece is!" He started to say but I growled
back at him, pushing him off. "You always say that and then we get lost.
What piece are you even talked about. We had acquired the first one already
which was in the claws of Shinron." He smiled faintly, his tail wagging
about like a dog looking for a treat. I gave in and sighed with frustration in
my tone. "Fine." I started, "Where is this 'piece' that you had
found." "It is back upon the cavern. Come on!" He responded with
excitement before retracting his steps and disappeared into the bushes behind
him. Face slapping with my claw, I ran after him. I entered into the bushes.
Did I ever mention how thorny they were? They were! I had many cuts and bruises
from them because of it. Their thorns were like sharp needles and were very
pointy. They would hide in anywhere among the bushes which sucks. But well
despite it all, I had made it out. Brutally stabbed in everywhere including my
wings with my blood seeping out from my wounds, I growled weakly at Tzico who
smiled again before pointing to the cavern that somehow had been moved in front
of the bushes. Had that cave been there and did not notice that it moved? I
raised my claws up into my eyes rubbing them before shaking my head. But
peering again, the cave was still in front of us. I frowned before entered in
despite the pain that I was feeling on my scales.

We ran through the fields of darkness. Hearing nothing
except for our footsteps that echoed along the silence surrounding us. Running
deeper through the straight path ahead, I spotted something a few distance
away. It was shrouded in darkness making it harder to see what it was. But the
outlines emerged into my eyes and perhaps with some staring, I could make out
on what it was. A voice called out to me on the opposing side of whatever that
object was and extending my vision outwards spotted Tzico on the opposing side,
waving out onto me with an smile upon his face. I blinked at him and shook my
head a bit. With a sigh that escaped from my mouth, I walked calmly to him
shifting my eyes over to my right pondering as to what those outlines were.
Getting closer towards it, I noticed that they were boxes. A white ribbon sat
on top of it while a pink wrapping line was surrounded it to prevent any of
them from falling onto the ground perhaps breaking afterwards. I also noticed
that the boxes had some arrows pointing upward. I did not look up however,
perhaps knowing that it was a joke or something while I proceed afterwards
bypassing them and ended up together with Tzico.

Walking out a bit and we stopped after finding the gap
between the two grounds. It was an abyss below us that covered itself in the
darkness preventing us from ever seeing what was below. I frowned and glanced
down before raising my head upward and spoke, lowering my voice down "We
are heading down there?" "Yes." He responded before jumping off.
Tzico disappeared in the darkness below us and left me alone upon the ledge
while I glanced down watching him. For a moment in the silence, I hear nothing.
I wondered if he was alright. Pondering whether or not I should jump, I flapped
my wings in thought before sighing in regret. Jumping after seconds of
pondering, I furiously flapped my wings and slowed down my descent while I was
hovering in midair. I descended to the grounds below where Tzico was waiting
for me. Now my fear had turned into excitement while I shivered in anticipation
of where we would find the piece I was looking for. With a smile, Tzico ran
forward again. Into the horizon he goes with me following close behind. We
found another way in. Another cave it seems where the darkness still lives
inside. Despite it all, we ran in.

Our footsteps were rapid and loud; often stepping
continuously without stopping however. Much to my surprise. While we ran in, I
stared out into the distance finding more outlines. I had probably guessed that
they were boxes too like the ones we had found earlier when we entered in. We
continued without stopping, getting further in through the dark caverns that we
lay in. That was when I noticed something Shining in front of us. Brighter it
had became upon our eyes. I wondered if that was the other piece we were
looking for. We quicken our progress ahead, blazing through the darken tunnels
until we reached the end where the light was shining brighter in our eyes. A
single room it seems. Nothing around us. The light shines brighter above us
illuminating the room and whatever the light had reached or extended out from
here. I gazed onto the ground. Spotting what we had needed. I walked over to it
and grabbed the piece then turned my attention towards Tzico who nodded.

"We found it." I exclaimed, then lowered my eyes
onto the piece in my claws. It looked like a mirror Which reflected whatever
was facing it like my face. I pondered for a while, tilting my head onto one
side before raising my head upward in an attempt to ask him. But to my
surprise, he was gone. Nowhere to be seen. I frowned in response, calling out
to him hoping he would response. There was no answer. I gazed onto the piece
with a thought of wondering what the crew would be doing with it. Would they
leave me alone in this realm and return into their own? Or would they keep the
treasure they had founded and make me a member of the crew forever? I frowned
at the dwelling negative thoughts that entered into my head, while I panicked
and frantically paced myself forth along the small path that I had unknowing
proceeded too.

With continuous thoughts upon my mind, I did not hear a
voice called out to me. Great. Now I am hearing voices now. I shouted back in
response, trying to refuse in giving in onto my own temptations within myself.
But the voices kept going becoming louder as they become. I listened in onto
them and shifted my head straight for the entrancing before me shouting back
onto them. Those voices were familiar and could hear it loud upon my ears.
Running footsteps came in afterwards as I brightly smiled and waited for them
to emerged into my visions. Sure enough they did and it was indeed them. Xenao,
Leonar and Nor all reappeared before me while I ran up to me to regroup before
holding up one of the pieces that we had found. Xenao and Leonar smiled
slapping their claws against my shoulders. But Nor was staring at the light
behind us.

I turned to him, pondering before walking up to him. Even
tapping onto his shoulder a bit. He brushed it off and growled softly. A
whisper upon his lips spoke to the three of us, "Run. Now."
"What… Why?" I asked him, leveling with his voice as he turned around
and pointed. "Go." Xenao and Leonar took no chance and fled without
hesitation or response leaving me and Nor behind while I looked, pondering why.
But soon… oh very soon I would get my answer. The light ahead had gone out. For
we both saw something there. I was not sure what it was. But it looked to be
another dragon. Someone that I did not know but the crew that I am with knows
who it is. I was suddenly grabbed by Nor and flew upward from the abyss. The
dragon gave no chase however which was surprising even for me. While I looked
down, meeting the eyes of the stranger below us. I had noticed that he had a soft
smile upon his face and he spoke directly onto me.

"Your kingdom shall be done."