Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Pirates O Ho

As I caught up to them, Shinron spoke out to me with a
serious voice "Welcome to the market." "Do they have food in the
market? I'm famish." I replied to him getting an narrowed eye in response
back after my comment. Frowning, I spread my wings and curled them up in front
of me as if I was hiding from the embarrassment I had caused. The others just
chuckled while Nor and Leonar stepped forth to my sides. Grabbing hold onto my
wings and pulled them aside so I would be able to see what was outside in front
of me. Shinron then sighed after a while then turned his back to me before responding
as he pointed straight towards the different types of things they have here.
The market was big; perhaps bigger than the other market that we used to go to
back at the kingdom. They also had some rare stuff here too! Stuff that I was
not able to explain in my own words and such.

The market stretched for miles beyond end; all the way to
the horizon in front of us. I groaned in frustration seeing this as I was not
able to walk this far out before. Growling and complaining, we walked further
getting some eyes onto me while some even whispered or muttered among
themselves. For me, I did not care. I had hated walking ever since. But was
forced into it regardless since the market was an long walk towards its end.
Hopefully we would be able to get there eventually. But while we do not, I took
the time to seal my mouth and glanced over upon the markets hoping to see what
they were selling at once. There were jewels and amulets. Scales of beautiful
colors and white fangs from other animals perhaps even rare ones that we do not
see every day. Gold, Silver and Bronze metals and coins; most of the coins had
some ribbon attached to them that hangs out stretching itself to the edge of
one's table. I blinked in surprise; rather a bit interested in some of them.
Tzico was the first to noticed, however.

He glanced at me with that goofy look upon his face as if he
knew what I was eyeing about. In response to him, I glared and returned my
gazed elsewhere hoping that he would just ignore me and moved on. But it seems
though that he does not. With a smile onto his face, he kept that smug as we
walked along. Closing in onto a mysterious tent in front of us which forced me
to stop while I spoke to Shinron asking, "Why are we here?" But he
ignored me and said nothing else, turning to us and eyeing everyone before
slightly nodding. Everyone else did except for me cause I am confuse. Then
walking inside the tent, they left me alone outside while I pouted and crossed
my arms. Giving off a snort, I turned around one hundred eighty and decided to
walk off from them. But Tzico grabbed my tail and pulled me in despite my

Darkness. That was the first thing I see when I entered in.
My pupils grew big while the darkness had lit up a little. Holes were around
the tent's surface getting some sunlight inside this mysterious room. I gazed
around. The entire place was empty save for us and the dragoness ahead of us.
Between us two were a white table and a crystal ball sitting on top of it. The
insides swirled about. I blinked for a moment, lifting my head up to the
horizon while glancing at her. She stared at me back. Then turned to Shinron
before making a conversation. As the talks filled the air and my ears, I tilted
my head to the closest dragon mate that I can find whispering. "What is
going on here?" "You do not know?" Xenao responded shifting his
eyes over to me. I nodded in response. With a crack grinned, he spoke
"That, my friend, is the mysterious dragoness. She takes payment in weird
ways however. In response for those payments, she does give us the location of
which we seek." "So…" I asked after listening in onto him,
shifting my head over to him "What do we seek?" "In order for
you to return to the kitchen. We will need three golden artifacts that were
buried in the hot sands scattered around the seas." "Three? Just
three?" I repeated him and he nodded with a grin upon his face, "How
exciting is that?" "Ugh." I groaned, trying hard not to hit
myself with my claw while I commented muttering, "Feels like a scavenger
hunt." "That is cause, it is!" Exclaimed Tzico with his claws up
into the air while I stared at him in silence. He just smiled back in response
before throwing his right claw upon my shoulder, wrapping it around like some
cotton candy or something. He drew me closer towards me as Shinron turned
around and glanced at us.

"Alright." He responded without another word and
Tzico released me from his huggable gripped before all eyes turned to Shinron.
"We look for the first piece." "Where is it then?" Spoke
Xenao asking, tilting his head to one side frowning while Shinron smiled
faintly before confirming. "It is in an isolated island. Not too far from
where we are at. In the forest perhaps." "Forest?" Xenao
responded, echoing every word that Shinron had said as he nodded, "Yes. Forest,
Xenao." Then quickly as we had entered into, we headed out into the
blazing sun that kept hitting us with every ray of sunlight that our scales had
soaked in. Cooling us down. I groaned with frustration hinted upon my tone
while my tail flickered from side to side often hitting Nor, Leonar or Tzico.
Neither of those three I had liked after all. While we walked a short distance
away from the hut behind us, Shinron turned to me and raised his claw pointing.
"Neriax." "Yes?" I asked suddenly, giving little interest
in what he had wanted. "Give me fifty." "Fifty what?" I
asked back, confused in what he was demanding from me. "Just give me
fifty, now." I replied back to him in equal anger, almost growling at him
while he himself narrowed his eyes back before shaking his head, almost holding
back his laughter. "Anyway, Neriax." "I am not giving you
fifty." I pointed out while he sighed and shakes his head, barking back
"I need you to go over to the isolated island before all of us. Find us a
spot that could be our starting point. It can be anywhere." "You want
me to fly over there?" I asked him, curious while holding out my dry
wings. But he shook his head, "Use your ability. Whatever that is."

Instantly, I knew what he was talking about. With a smile
returning onto my face, I nodded in response while my own tail glowed pure
white while the details on my tail faded along with the light. My teammates, if
you were to call that, all stepped back and gasped in surprised and amazement.
Everyone except Shinron who somehow was not all that impressive at all. I
glanced at him with surprise but he just shook his head and motioned his claw
as if he was shooting some fly away. Noting the gesture, I flickered my tail
and disappeared from the spot I was in. Time warping all the way to the
isolated island that I was told to go.

The white sands felt hot underneath my feet. The waters were
cool and washing over the heating sands as often they could to cool down the
temperature of the island itself. Shifting my head in front of me, I spotted
the forest ahead. Trees swayed in every direction but no winds were about
however. Deciding head to it, I began to walk. One foot over the other while I
left an imprint along the sands. Probably leaving it for the customers who
think big foot was here. Closing in onto the forest, I raised one claw upward
and reached out to touch the bark of the trees. However, someone stopped me.
"Do not touch that!" Exclaimed a voice while I was startled and
reeled my claw back glancing around rather rapidly hoping to find the source of
that voice, "Whose there?" I growled, shouting and I stepped back a
few steps before glaring around the forest. But nothing came in response.

My mind instantly went back to the crew that I had left
behind. Wondering if they had anything to do with this joke. I smiled faintly
almost frustrated that I narrowed my eyes and barked back, pending my
frustration outward hoping they would get the message. Sure enough, they did
not. However, what I did see was someone standing there. His eyes glowed red
and had a smile that could creep someone out. Gasping, I stumbled back getting
my footing upon the sands before glaring my attention towards the stranger who
then stepped forth before whispering to me.

"Touch the bark with your claw. You will surely then
have the knowledge on where to find the other two artifacts." "The
first artifact is here?" I exclaimed, but no information came indicating
that I was on the right track or not. For with a frown, I stepped forth towards
the closest tree that I could find. Placing my claw onto it and felt the
texture of the tree prick my claw. I howled in pain before instantly falling
asleep. What happened next, is anyone's guess.