I was laying around under the dome, with the beautiful, blue cloudy sky above the ceiling of the place. My foreclaws on one paw were scratching into grass and dirt. They kept digging in the exact same spot, making creases deeper than a few minutes ago. Sights not off the digging claws, I let out a relaxed but impatient sigh. Jason's seriously trying my patience again. I don't think using the bathroom takes THIS long!
It was already the afternoon since I woke up in the morning with Jason and Gilbert coming to get me out of the cage like usual, just like how the rest of the morning went. I had my same breakfast from Elsa, morning chats with Roy and Leslie, and Elsa for a few moments, then was taken to the dome by the new handler along with the same bastard old one. This time though, instead of Jason leaving me right when he and Gilbert drops me off in here, he immediately stayed with me this time, and had since then...Up until now.
I was merely happy he didn't try to leave me alone again and just jumped at the chance. He hadn't talked to me much when we left my cage room, except a 'good morning' and a 'did you sleep ok?' before we left there. I can tell by that question he gave me that he wondered if I was doing ok since he left me in the cage last night. I was when he came, I can tell you that much. The nightmare I had still got to me when I went back to sleep. Thankfully, that was swiped off my brain by him showing up.
Course earlier before we left the cafeteria, while I mostly minded my own business and ate away at my breakfast, I couldn't help but glance at my friend's cub sitting at the nearby table with that bear of a bastard. He had sat with Gilbert the other day, and I didn't make a big deal out of it, but now I deeply wished Jason sat at the table with Leslie and his father. In my HONEST opinion, Gilbert doesn't DESERVE to have someone like Jason sitting across him.
He doesn't deserve to have ANYBODY.
I was still certain Jason still does not have a clue about Gilbert's bear-sadistic attitude, and with that conclusion, I think I was also partly afraid that he'd be 'corrupted' by that human's lying, manipulating emotions. After all, Gilbert did tell Jason that I was sometimes aggressive even though HE is the aggressive one. As you can tell, I was still obligated to warn Jason, though I haven't done that since me and him both stayed in the dome together. I was waiting for the right time. Maybe I was also a bit afraid of what Jason might do when I tell him. I was thinking either he wouldn't believe me, or he'd start asking questions toward Gilbert about what I said about him, and I'll be paying the price as a result...With Gilbert whipping me...Maybe. It's probably the ask questions and whipping thing I'm most likely afraid.
And about the whip, by Jason not knowing EVERYTHING about him, I've been kinda suspecting that was why Gilbert took it and hid it somewhere...So Jason wouldn't know what he's really like. I think that's what's going on there. I'm happy that it's gone, for the time being, but I know it's still around and it'll be back...When I'm alone with Gilbert when he gets pissed off...
Still, I should tell him, and be prepared for whatever happens if it does happen. That time will come...
I was done digging at the ground, fiddling my claws. I started cleaning them with my huge, pink tongue, brushing off the dirt that still clung to them. Jason stayed with me, thankfully, so I guess I don't have to worry about him being corrupted...For now. The young human was doing the same thing as he did yesterday. Stand around, and sit around nearby, watching me. He still didn't say anything much to me, but he was still good company to have. I even hoped he'd bring me another platter of that succulent meat all the way in here and have another dinner with him, but when Gilbert talked to him about that...I doubt it'll happen again. He basically ruined all our future dinner plans!
But I guess that was ok. As long as I'm with Jason...I guess, as shameful as it sounds, I don't care.
Well...I'm not with Jason, considering he left me alone a little while ago to go to the bathroom. I huffed out impatiently. What's taking him so long? He should be back by now! Then I let out a gasp of realization when a passing thought crossed my mind. Wait...Maybe Jason's getting another dinner for us two ready! I smiled with hope in my eyes with my tail smacking on the ground. Yeah! That's it! He's just SURPRISING me! He's probably all the way in the cafeteria after using the bathroom, or myabe he never wanted to 'go' in the first place, and asked Elsa to make dinner for us again! If he is, HE IS AWESOME!
Hope Gilbert doesn't find out...He gave him a serious talk about it already. I shook my head with a look of defiance, then went back to licking my paw. Oh, Gilbert can get mounted! Just because he can't have dinner with Elsa doesn't mean I can't with Jason!
At mid-lick, my eyes rolled about when my ears heard a distant sound, and they saw Jason had FINALLY came back.
Sadly with no platter of meat.
I internally felt a bunch of disappointment. Drat! I should have known... Despite that I put down my paw and put on a happy face. I said as he was getting halfway closer to me, "Well that took you forever. Were you having a problem on your...'Toilet'?" I giggled playfully, "I heard sometimes that happens with people."
"That would have been it." Jason started to explain what happen when he stopped in front of me, "But not exactly. I went to the closest restroom that was near the dome, but somebody else was already in it."
I replied, "That was kind of my next guess."
Jason groaned, "Well I don't know what he ate, but he was taking a VERY LONG TIME to get done in there. I decided to quit waiting for this guy and walked all the way to my bedroom to use the bathroom in there."
I suggested, giggling again, "You probably should have done that just to save the trouble, you dork."
Jason whined a bit, giggling too, "Well I didn't feel the mood to walk all the way there."
I called him a name, "Oh, you're such a big cubby."
Jason narrowed his eyes but in a playful way, "Hey. I'm not a cub."
"Whatever." I shook my head with a sigh, "You know, sometimes I don't understand why people can't just 'go' in here. You know in the dome. I know people aren't exactly like tigers and have their own way of 'going', but I do 'go' in here all the time...How hard can it be for you?"
Jason wiped off the narrow in his eyes and stated, "You want to know how hard? Trying to take a crap with no toilet paper to wipe my butt. That's how hard it'll be for me."
I said, "But at least you won't leave me here again."
Jason remarked with a knowing look, "A little clingy, aren't you?"
"If I was clingy, I would do this." I shifted my stomach toward him and wrapped my front legs around his twos. Then I gazed up at him with a playful expression on my face, "THAT is clingy."
He rolled his eyes upward and shook his head, "Oh, Prem."
"You're lucky I didn't grab you with my claws. THAT would also be clingy, but also painful."
He let out a laugh, "Will you let go of me? I'm going to sit by you."
I giggled deeply, "Of course." I unwrapped my limbs off his legs and watched him step back a few steps, saying what Gilbert would probably say, "You just said the magic words." Jason smiled at me for a second, then moved up and sat close beside me. I leaned in to nuzzle him, hearing him giggle and feeling him stroke my back. When I stopped rubbing my head against him and he stopped petting me with his hand still laying on my striped back, we both just looked out at the makeshift jungle in silence. I broke it a few minutes later, "Hey, Jason." I looked toward him with some bit of apology in my eyes while he did the same, "Sorry for what I said. I guess I didn't want you to leave me just yet."
Jason smirked, "Afraid I wasn't going to come back?"
"Well..." I glanced at the blue sky above the dome, "I know it's still day, and you weren't putting me in the cage and leave me for the night, but I guess I was afraid that something would've held you back and prevented you from coming back to the dome, thus all the time we'll be spending during the day will be all lost. Maybe I wouldn't mind that you were waiting while getting me something to eat...But for everything else-"
His hand patted my back fondly while cracking a bit, "I was right. You are clingy."
I let out a tiny laugh, "Well I like being with you! I know we haven't known each other that long, and we haven't had conversations together for that long, but I do like being with you." I drooped down my head, "Maybe I'm a bit afraid that you'd be taken away from me and I wouldn't see you again...After what happened the other night."
Jason frowned, "What, you mean, the night I found out you can talk?" He shook his head with much reassurance, "There's no need to worry about that. It's all in the past now..." He added with a mumble, "Though I wish I could forget the consequences of what would happen if it wasn't in the past." Then he went on loudly, "But anyways, I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere. Both of us are not in trouble, we're in the clear."
I lifted my head to look at him, "Well, I don't think both of us would've been in trouble. I'M the only one who should have been in trouble. I'm the one with the big mouth, remember?"
Jason chuckled a bit, "That's true. If it wasn't for you screaming for help, I wouldn't have known you can form words." Then he asked with a raised brow, "Honestly, though, do you think you could've come up with a better way to call out to somebody than screaming for help? Maybe you could have yelled out, 'Hello? Is someone out there? Can you come let me out of here? I have to use the bathroom!' Kind of an odd reason to call for help."
I narrowed my eyes, "I couldn't exactly think clearly since I didn't have a lot of options. I WAS STUCK IN A CAGE."
Jason replied, "I know that. But to tell you the truth, you kinda gave me a heart attack. I thought you were some human girl trapped in a cage and calling out in desperate need of help for someone to come rescue you."
I let out a huff of air by the memory of that night, "I needed help all right."
The young human suddenly let out this question, "Have you ever heard of 'cry wolf'?
I wrinkled my brow right away, "Cry wolf? No. I never heard a wolf cry before. Why would a wolf cry anyway? I heard all they do is whimper when they-"
He giggled, dismissing that with a hand, "No, no, that's not what I mean. It's like calling for help when it's not needed. Imagine calling someone out for help over and over even though their situations for help is not exactly dire. But, then when someone does call for help when they ACTUALLY DO NEED HELP, no one comes cause they've done it over and over again for no reason."
"Oh." I gave him a glare, "Well my situation was pretty dire!"
He let out a laugh, then let out a suggestion, "In a way, yes, but you oughta try calling out a different way to have someone come get you when you desperately need to get out of there and come in here. What if you were somehow DYING in the cage and you screamed for help over and over again and no one, especially me, came?"
My eyes went wide. That's not a good thing... I responded with a slight giggle, "Point taken." Gosh, why didn't Roy and anybody else tell me about this?! I could be lying dead in the cage one night by now!
Jason said, "Glad you got it, cause I'm probably not going to rush in there next time when you call for help."
I groaned, "Well thanks a lot for that, you jerk, remind me not to do that to you."
He giggled, his hand making a stroke across my back, "Just telling ya." He laid his hand on his lap, "Why did you think I was asking you last night if you wanted to go to the dome before you went to bed? I don't want you to cry wolf during the night again."
I told him defiantly, "You know what, what if I did? I can CRY WOLF whenever I want." Then I got up on my fours and waved a paw, "Scratch that, I'll ROAR TIGER whenever I want." I showed him a smirk, "Would that be better?"
Jason simply stated, "I think a simple roar might do the trick."
"You mean like this?" Without warning, I let out a VERY loud roar that echoed across the whole dome. Jason cried like a girl and jumped up to his feet. He backed off a step or two with a pale face and a hand on his chest. I tossed back my furred head and laughed it off, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Jason's eyes narrowed, the color returning to his face with red on his cheeks. He spoke, his hand off his chest, "Har har."
"Ha ha ha!" Down to chuckles, I said, "Heh heh...I'm sorry. I was testing it out." My eyes rolled away in thought, "Haven't roared for a while come to think of it."
He remarked, lips smiling other than his eyes still narrowed, "Well, that's TWO heart attacks you gave me this week. You're lucky I'm still alive. Otherwise you wouldn't be seeing me again."
I giggled, padding up to rub my body against him, "Lucky I am. What, you thought I was going to eat you again?"
Jason responded a bit playfully, "Nah...I was just testing out my freak out skills."
"I'll say." I looked up at his face with a teasing smirk, "You literally screamed like a girl. What sex were you supposed to be again? I thought you were a male."
Jason protested, "I am a dude! Can you tell by the sound of my voice?!"
I pointed out, "Your screaming voice was completely different. Never thought it was possible, but I'm going to say...You're a mix of male and female."
Jason replied with a roll of his eyes, "That's ridiculous."
I called him out, "I think it's the truth, isn't it? I think that explains the way you scream."
The human close to me grumbled, "I don't scream like that all the time, Prem."
I told him, "Well until you scream again, I'll keep thinking that. Deal?" I winked at him.
He replied, "As long as you're not ripping my guts out in anger or hunger..." His hand gave the top of my head a rough rub, "Deal."
I blinked a bit after that friendly rub. I said with a hint of deviousness, "I can try that now and find out. I am getting hungry."
Jason warned, "Please don't." I giggled in response.
"Hello?!" We both heard the voice from nearby. Me and Jason turned to it, and found Roy was in the dome with us. He was about to call out again, "Hel-" He caught sight of us and waved, jogging to where we are, "Ah there you are!"
I called out happily, padding up a few paces away from Jason to his father, "Hi Roy!"
Roy stopped near me, gazing at me then to his son. I can see behind his glasses that his eyes showed worry. He spoke after a brief moment, "Hey...What's going on in here?"
Jason reported behind me, "Nothing. Me and Prem are just hanging around and talking."
Roy replied, holding a smirk, "Huh, well that's funny, I heard a roar out in the hall and I rushed in here to see if anything was alright."
"Oops." I giggled in embarassment, "Yeah, that was me. It was nothing bad. I was just...Scaring off a mouse." I glanced toward Jason, seeing he was smiling at me.
I heard Roy ask, "A mouse?"
I focused my attention back onto him with a sincere answer, "Yep, a mouse." I toughened up my stance, puffing out my chest, "Jason saw a mouse and I scared it away with my powerful roar."
Roy laughed out, "Well I'm surprised you didn't just catch it and eat it. Least help solve the rodent problem instead of letting us people deal with it."
I shook my head, "I hate small bits. They don't have much fill."
Roy shrugged his shoulders with the playful smirk still on his face, "Well, okay, then." He gazed directly toward Jason and said, "How are you getting along with Prem today, Jason?"
Jason answered, roaming to stand beside me, "It's going good like the last few days. Hasn't gave me a whole bunch of trouble." I internally giggled. MAYBE not yet.
His father nodded at that, "Okay...I'll leave you both alone now." He turned his back on us, walking off.
I held a begging face, pacing a bit after him, "Aw, come on, Roy, stay with us!"
Roy looked over his shoulder, speaking as he was walking away, "Can't. Gotta go back to work. I was just done with my bathroom break." He waved his hand high as he put himself further distance away from us, "I'll see you later, Premy!" I just stood and watched him leave with a hint of disappointment on my face. Awww...I was hoping to have father and son get together with me. That way I'd get to have TWO Roys staying in the dome with me!
Heck, maybe I'll know why Roy hasn't seen his cub in years.
I twisted my head to see Jason still standing in the same spot. I turned around and moved my form back to him. Maybe I can ask Jason about it. I don't see why not. Jason spoke before I did with a smirk, "If you're wondering if it was him who hogged the restroom earlier, I'm telling you it wasn't him."
I laughed at his statement, "I think a father would share things well with his cub." Jason then looked off over me, like he was gazing at the direction Roy wandered off to. He seemed to have showed a moody look in his eyes. I frowned in curiosity, "What's wrong, Jason?"
He put his eyes on me, shaking the concern away with his head and a smile, "Nothing." He flopped down on his butt, holding his legs to his chest with his arms, "Wanna sit down with me again?"
I formed a smile, nodding, "Sure." I padded up a few steps, spinning around and laying down on my stomach beside him. The way his face expressed still showed in my mind. Maybe I shouldn't ask him about his father. Not yet, perhaps. I'm getting a feeling there's been some issues between them. Some that haven't been worked out.
Now that I think about it...Roy told me on the day his son arrived here that he's gotten into some serious trouble these days. I kinda didn't care what before, since he assured he's a nice human and I can plainly see it, but now...I'm sorta wondering what kind of trouble did he get into. What was that issue? Apparently it happened without his father's presence, that I figure.
Roy said they haven't seen each other for years. What I'm really wondering now is...What happened between them?
All three of us bursted through the entrance of the habitat dome. I walked alongside Gilbert with Prem in tow. It was another day ending with us taking Prem to her cage.
It was also the end of another nice day I spent with her. Other than I had to leave her to use the restroom, and had to go eat at the cafeteria for afternoon dinner, I really enjoyed it, mostly with her. She didn't give me any sorts of trouble at all. Well, except for that roar of which she was TRYING TO TEST OUT. I am a little freaked out about it still, but overall the rest of the afternoon went smoothly as I imagined. Honestly I felt that I didn't want to end it yet. I guess with a little more conversation we shared today than we did yesterday, and with that roar hilariously scaring me to death, I thought Prem was more of a funner cat than before.
Me and the tiger were cracking some jokes before Gilbert showed up and said it was time for beddy bye. I knew it was nighttime, but I kinda wanted to say no, and Prem probably thought of the same thing. But, I knew we couldn't stay out together forever. Naptime always comes.
And naptime...Comes with me going to bed, and the talking animal going to the cage...Till tomorrow.
I can still remember that look she gave me when me and Gilbert took her through the gate and closed it. I still felt kinda sorry for leaving her alone in that thing, and I think I was gonna feel sorry for leaving her in there again afterward. But I think I was a bit prepared for it, and I know I shouldn't feel worried. Another day will come no matter what, and she'll be free as a bird.
A damn bird that can freakin roar.
A little bit after we exited the dome and began strolling down the hallway, Gilbert asked curiously, "So, Prem did well with you again? I was kinda worried she wouldn't."
"You can tell." I said, shooting a glance behind me, seeing Prem still behind us, "She was being a good cat all day long."
Prem corrected me with a giggle, "You mean being a good TIGER all day long."
I rolled my eyes, putting them ahead, "Yeah, yeah." I continued to Gilbert, "Anyway, she was fine. She was calm most of the time...Except the one time she roared."
Gilbert looked toward me with serious look on his face as we all moved around a corner, "Roar? As in at you?"
"Yeah, but it wasn't like she was going to hurt me. She was just testing out her roar. Otherwise, there was nothing to worry about."
"Huh." My partner spoke with a solemn face, "No wonder I thought I heard something earlier."
Well gosh who else could've heard it in this freakin place? If anybody else did, no one told me yet. Guess one roar is loud enough for me to hear and not hear her cry wolf. I brought up, "Well, funny thing about that is my dad heard it and he came running in there, wondering if everything was ok. He was probably closer than you were."
Gilbert commented, "Sounds like it. That's a loud thing to test out."
Prem stated behind us, "Yeah well, I have to test it out sometime. I haven't let out a roar for a long time."
Gilbert ignored her, only saying this to me with a bit of amusement, "So, did it scare you?"
I giggled a bit, "Well, it was loud enough to make me jump out of my pants, so yeah, I'd say it scared the crap outta me." I was waving my hand, "But like I said, other than that, she hasn't given me any trouble."
"Well good." Gilbert merely stated, half-serious, half-joking, "Don't wanna lose you yet. You haven't worked here for a week yet."
I shrugged my shoulders, making a crack, "Yeah, I don't want to be known as the person with the world record of dying in less than a week of working at a job." Maybe there is a record of a thing like that. Who knows? I was kinda afraid of that before I came here! Thank god I'm alive now!
Prem playfully said, "Don't worry, Jason...You'll live a bit longer than that."
I shot words over my shoulder, "Gee, thanks!" She let out a laugh. Gilbert, however, did not. He was just focused on walking with us to the cage room. I thumbed behind me, "See what I mean? She's doing well with me."
Gilbert looked at me and said in a serious tone, "So far. But remember what I told you...She won't be nice all the time."
I nodded a bit, "I got it, don't worry." So far is right. So far, even since I started hanging with her in the dome after I found out she can talk, she's been nice to me, not annoyed or anything. Good for me.
Shortly, Prem's room door came into view from a distance. I am wondering how long that will last, wondering when I will see that aggressiveness that Gilbert's been talking about. But I also don't see her showing that to me, like AT ALL. Like never. The behavior she has shown me probably does the trick. Well, Prem said she wouldn't eat me...Maybe she's only aggressive with words? Oh, what am I thinking? She's a tiger! She might throw a paw at me if I piss her off.
Would she do that to me? I really can't see that. But god, if she did, then I hope I'll get out of the way...And hopefully Gilbert will teach me how to deal with that.
Upon opening the door, Gilbert and I went through the opening first followed by the female tiger. Prem slowly padded to the open gate, and I was seeing some of that sad emotion in her eyes right from where I'm standing. I took a deep breath and quietly let out the air. Well, here comes that. The tiny guilt I felt bubbled within my chest as she strolled through the gate. I went up and shut it softly, all the while not taking my eyes off the striped animal. Don't worry, Jason. Remember...She won't be in here forever...As long as she behaves herself that is.
Right when Prem turned fully around and faced me through the bars, Gilbert cut through my thoughts, "Jason." I glanced, seeing him tossing the key to me. I was a bit caught off guard, but I caught it in time before it could even fly to the floor. I smiled at the older animal handler, then I inserted the key into the hole, locking the gate. Gilbert moved up toward the bars, holding up a smile and his hand, to move all his fingers to say goodbye to her, "Nighty night, Prem."
Prem looked away, replying bitterly, "Goodnight...GILBERT." My eyes widened up. Yike. She sounds very bitter toward him. That's another 180 turn from her. I gazed toward Gilbert. Wonder what made her do THAT? I guess what he just did probably made her a bit irritated.
Gilbert, well, he didn't seem impressed by the way she spoke to him. His smile was wiped off, and he said, "Behave yourself in there." He turned to me, "You coming?"
I said, "Give me a minute."
"Another short talk with her, huh?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Fine with me, well, I'm gonna go on ahead and leave this place. I think you can handle it from here. I'll see you tomorrow." He pointed his finger at her without throwing his eyes off me, "Be careful with her." I nodded in ackowledgement, then he shortly left the room.
I turned my attention on the lone tiger in the cage. She stared back at me. I asked with a bit of concern, "You ok?"
She formed a smile, a little one at least, "A little bit."
I mentioned, "You kinda snapped at Gilbert. Mind telling me what that was all about?"
She let out a sigh, "It's the way he just said to me...It sounded obnoxious."
I slowly shrugged with my hands, "It was a little silly, but I don't think it was like that."
The talking tiger looked down. She muttered, "Well he hardly says goodnight to me...In a mature way anyways." My eyes went wide again for a second. Huh...Wow. Talk about a burn. Prem then gazed up at my eyes, "Anyway...Thanks for staying with me again."
Well, I can see she truly appreciates my company. I replied, smiling back, "You're welcome. Gotta find someone to test your roar on, eh?"
Prem laughed at that, "Least I know now that it won't come out as a squeak."
I nodded in agreement, "That's right." I backed up a bit, "I'm leaving now, but do you-"
She knew what I was about to ask, "I don't need to 'go', Jason, thank you."
I nodded once more, "Ok." I backed up some more, "See you in the morning, Prem. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I strolled to put the key I had in my hand on the wall hook. When I headed for the door and was about ready to walk out, Prem's voice stopped me, "Jason." I stopped in my tracks and looked at her. Prem said, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry."
I frowned, "Sorry for what?"
She told me, "Well...About the night when you knew my secret. Everyone's secret. Actually I'm sorry that I was calling for help...Cry wolf, you know, make you worried and everything. I just-"
I waved her off with a shake of my head, "Forget about it. It's all in the past, remember? And besides that, I know you're safe and never in any danger, and that's what matters."
Then shortly, her eyes lowered a bit. After a short pause, she spoke, "To be honest, Jason...I guess I was getting tired of not talking to you. Maybe that was why I didn't care, other than I had to seriously need to get out of this cage. I know I made a slip before that night happened, in the dome, after you brought me food for the first time, and I was worried I'd lose you...But I guess, other than I wanted to say thank you, it also slipped out because I didn't care anymore." They locked back with mine now, "I wanted to get the words out."
I joked a bit, nodding, "Well you certainly got the word out that night."
Prem giggled deeply at that. Then she said, "I'm very glad you're not gone...I'm glad I didn't regret it."
I responded, "You know what....I'm glad you did."
She pressed, "Why?"
"Because, for a tiger, you're the most interesting thing I ever known and met in my life." I held out my hands to my sides a bit, throwing my gaze around the room side-to-side, "The most interesting thing in this place. Basically, you've made my job here a lot more interesting."
Prem stared at me when I dropped my arms down with a smile for a second. She said, "Thank you."
I brushed that off, "Nah, I'll just say THANK YOU for making my job not fucking boring."
She replied, "You're welcome, cub."
I quickly gave her a glare, "I'm not a cub, stripes." She chuckled. I smiled again, "See you tomorrow, Prem. Take care." I waved as I backed a few steps and then spun. I flipped the light off when I reached the door and went out, closing it behind me. I stood outside the door with that smile still on my face. Then, wandering down the white hallway, I was thinking about Gilbert, about what Prem already told me about him. I wanted to ask him all about that, but he didn't wait for me to come out of the room like he did last night. He must've took his word and left for home. I would have ran to find him before he leaves, but I don't think I'd have the chance. He's probably out of the building and out of the parking lot by now.
I'll ask him tomorrow...If I can.
I also thought of Maddie as my shoes planted on the white floor. I definitely remembered to call her this time, WAY earlier than now, actually. I knew NOW was the time to give her a call and talk to her. I've neglected her long enough! I would've called her now as I stroll down this hall, or probably would've called her earlier, but problem was...I also remember leaving my cell phone in my freakin room! I kinda realized that AFTER I came back to Prem from my bathroom trip. Well, I'll soon fix that.
I sped up my pace. Knowing I was ALMOST there to the bedroom doors, I got around a corner...And almost bumped into a guy, "Crap!"
"Oh shit!"
Luckily, he stopped himself like I did, and we didn't run into each other. Right then, I recognized the guy. He was the night security guard I met on the night when I learned the truth about Prem. When he found us in the cage room together. After the tiger screamed for help.
I saw him earlier today, eating at the cafeteria in the afternoon, and yesterday at the same time, but I didn't really get to talk to him. Looks like I was about to.
Chase, apparently ready to go with his hair combed back and wearing his security guard uniform, chuckled at the sight of me, "Hey, man."
I acknowledged him with words of my own, "Hey...What's up?"
He showed off his uniform with his motioning hands, "Just ready to go to work, minding my own business...Before I nearly bumped into you."
I grinned, waving my hand, "Sorry."
He shook his head, "No, it's alright. I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now."
I wrinkled my brow, "Why? Am I in...Trouble?"
Chase denied, "Oh hell no. I just want us to talk to each other like we're friendly civilians."
I shrugged my shoulders with a reformed smile, "Oh. I can work with that. Already had enough trouble for one week."
The security guard stated, "Same here. Normally Temra doesn't get that sort of thing."
I simply nodded, "Well lucky you." I gestured to him, "You're Chase, right?"
Chase snickered, "I'm so freakin glad you didn't call me Chip."
I giggled, "I'm not dumb enough to call you that."
"Well good, cause that asshole usually does." My smile melted off quickly while I was internally shocked by that claim. Well Chase took a 180 like Prem. Does everyone take a 180 in this place? But forget that...Gilbert calls Chase 'Chip' all the time? Not just for that pissed off retort? God, man, what's with you? Are you literally being an asshole to this guy?
Now I'm really hearing who else took a 180!
Chase went on, complaining, "I mean he's more than a dumb asshole. He is such a DICK for calling me a different name multiple times when he knows that's not right. He claims he-" He made airquotes, "'Forgets'. But I call that bullshit. No one can never forget the name 'Chase'." Then he caught himself just blabbering and giggled, "Sorry. Me and your buddy have a poor relationship."
I hear THAT.
Then he said, "And by the way, thanks for calling me by the correct name. Chip makes me sound like I'm that chipmunk with a squeaky voice."
I didn't know what he was talking about, but I rolled with it with another grin, "No prob." I then introduced myself with a hand to myself, "I'm Jason."
Chase nodded, "I know who you are. You're Doctor Taylor's kid. Everyone knows about you."
Tell me something I don't know. I replied with a playful roll of my eyes, "That's what I'm afraid of."
"Hey, when everyone knows you're the doc's kid, you oughta be proud. Your dad's made quite a accomplishment."
I said with a bit of confliction, "Yeah, but I would like everyone to know me as myself."
Chase agreed, "Nothing wrong with that. And by the way, I know it's a little late, but welcome to Temra."
I only uttered, "Thanks."
Then he mentioned, "So, uh...I noticed you're still around since that night. Must have had quite a talk with Earl and the others after I left."
I smirked with a shrug, "Eh, it was no big deal. I was holding my ground and took it all in...And agreed to keep things quiet."
Chase told me, "I know what that was like."
I remarked, "Huh, guess that means you were in the same boat like I was in."
He admitted, "Yeah, but I gotta tell you...I didn't know about Prem for about A MONTH before I was told the truth. You've pretty much had the shortest time to not be let in on the whole thing...One day...That's insane."
Damn, if I had to try figuring out that shit for one whole month before I was actually told the truth, I'd go insane myself! I snickered with a reply, "When you put it like that, yeah, I guess that is crazy."
Chase brought this up, "I also heard you've been hanging around with the tiger lately since that night too. What do you think of her?"
I said, "Well, what can I say? For a tiger, she's made a good impression on me. And if you're wondering what I think about a TALKING tiger, I'm still a bit surprised to say the least."
Chase let out a giggle, shrugging with his hands, "I was too, but I'm still here. Can't say I didn't have a good deal working here...Apparently you have the same deal too."
I quizzically said, "What do you mean?"
"I live in Temra too." Chase pointed at one of the bedroom doors, "I live beside your room, on the right." He snapped his attention back on me, "I sleep during the day cause of me doing night shifts, but hey, we really are in the same boat."
I giggled, "I guess." So he lives in Temra too, huh? I guess it's good for him since he does night security, that way he won't have to drive back to where he used to live. But wonder why he actually lives HERE to begin with? I'm betting it's not an overbearing mom. Probably because he brought up the rooms, I remembered the phone call I'm supposed to be making. Shit! I, in a bit of a rush, started going past him and trying to break off this conversation, "Hey look, I gotta go. Speaking of days, I got another long day tomorrow. Need to get some rest and all." I strode away from him. I said over my shoulder as I moved at a fast pace, "Nice meeting you, Chase."
Chase waved his hand, "Yeah, maybe we'll talk later sometime. I'll see you around!" He was going off on his duties while I headed down for my door. I opened my room and went in, the light flicking a couple seconds when I turned it on. I wandered in there deeper to look for my cell. All right, where is it? My eyes caught the little device laying on my bed. Plain as day. I narrowed my eyes. Crap, and I didn't notice it before I left my room earlier.
I jogged a few steps toward my bed and picked it off the mattress in one swipe. I checked to see if I had any miss calls. I didn't. Well, I know she hasn't called me back when I tried calling her last night. Let's try this again. I was about to dial Maddie's number when suddenly my cell came to life with a ringtone. My eyes widened when I read the caller ID other than hearing the recognized ringtone.
It was her.
I widely grinned. Well that was easy. I answered the call, "Hello."
Maddie's voice cried at the other end, "Where've you been asshole?!"
"Ah!" I let out a low cry, pulling my ear back from the receiver a second. I put my cell close to my ear again and said innocently, "Uh, hey there, babe. How's things going?"
Maddie replied loudly, "The hell you think they're going? I'm angry, that's how they're going! You neglected to call me for the past several days, idiota!"
I apologized, "Ahh, my bad. I just...Forgot."
She sneered, "You're using the 'I forgot' excuse again? You always forget to call me, you stupid gringo!"
I defended myself, "But I did...More than once! Really! It's just my new job I told you about made the thought-"
"LIAR!" Maddie accused, "You're romancing with a female co-worker, that's why you forgot!"
"What?" I frowned, "Where'd that come from? You're always on my mind, baby!"
"Not ALWAYS! You forgot me!"
"Come on, Maddie, I'm sorry."
Maddie then drew the line, "That's it, we're done, puto! I'm breaking up with you!"
My jaw dropped, then I remarked, "Oh that's straight up bullcrap."
"Goodbye!" She hung up.
I lowered the phone in my hand to my side with a bit of a blank expression. I rolled my eyes upward and started whistling a tune. Three...Two...One... About three seconds later, Maddie's ringtone rang again. I brought the cell to my ear once more and answered with a smirk, "Yeah?"
Maddie replied in a sweeter, kinder tone this time, "Hey, handsome." She added with a giggle, "Just kidding."
I chuckled myself, "I figured you were. Wasn't worried at all."
"The hell you weren't. Your lip was probably trembling from the fake breakup you were about to endure."
"Please." I sat down at the end of the bed, and reminded, "You used that trick before, FIVE TIMES now I recall. When you scream at me like that, that always tells me you were never angry."
She teased me, "Admit it! You were getting worried you would lose me again!"
I confessed, "Okay, maybe I was a little." I raised a finger when I added, "But your pattern was still noticeable. I never broke down in tears."
She let out a laugh, "Oh my god, I still remember that one time when you accidentally ditched to go to the movies with me and I yelled at you over the phone for that. God I can't believe I made you cry like LITTLE baby."
Okay, now she's sounding like Prem. I am an adult! I said, "I learned never to cry from your tricks again, that's for sure."
I imagined her rolling her eyes at that, "SURE you haven't."
I suggested, "And by the way, you should try it by text. It makes it more dramatic and believable that way." I rubbed my palm against one of my ears, "And not cause hearing loss."
Maddie accepted the idea, "I'll remember that next time." I giggled and her voice giggled out of the receiver too. She asked in that sweet, cute tone of voice, "So how are you doing, Jason? I really miss you."
I nodded, "Yeah, about that, I'm sorry for not calling you for days. I've been doing a lot with my job and it keeps making me forget to call you."
"It's ok." My girlfriend brought up, "I don't think you totally forgot about me. I saw you called me last night."
I wrinkled my brow, "Yeah, where were you when I called?"
She answered, "I was having a walk and realized I left my phone behind. Then when I got home I took a shower and went to bed. I did see you called, but I decided to wait and call you back later...I thought you were asleep by the time I came back."
I nodded, "Probably a good idea. And let me take a guess...NOW was the right time for you to call me?"
"I suppose there was no other time to call. You're probably busy during the day."
I shot my head to the side, "Eh, doesn't matter when you call me. It's my fault for not calling you during the day."
She sweetly said, "I don't care now...We're finally talking to each other." She let out a sigh, "It feels like we're being kept apart, you know?"
I stated with some bitterness, "Tell me about it. And apart from you, that's not all I'm being kept away from. Since skateboarding is not allowed in this place I'm working and living in, they took my skateboard away from me."
She sounded surprised, "Really?!"
I moaned angrily, "Hell yeah...Those fuckers."
Maddie's tone turned concerned, "Well how can you live without your board? That's your baby too, other than me."
"Oh I don't know. But I'll tell you something...I'll be finding a way to get that back. They'll see." I formed a smile, "But other than that, my job is freakin fantastic. Got to see my father who I haven't seen for years...And since I'm animal handler here, I get to handle ONE animal if you can believe that. ONE freakin animal!"
Maddie said, "No kidding? I thought there'd be several."
"I know!" I let out a laugh, "But, I guess I don't have to work too much, do I?"
Maddie giggled, "Nope. Sounds magnificent."
"Yeah. Like I said, other than I miss you, and my board being taken away, things are great. I mean there's a cafeteria with a great cook that makes some very delicious entrees."
She replied, "Ooooo, if he's that good, then they must be an ex-five-star chef."
I let out a laugh, "The cook's actually a woman, but yeah, she must be since she's that good."
"I think that tells you women can do all sorts of things too."
I brought up, "And not only that, but there's even a HUGE glass dome with a jungle in it! Trust me, you'd be amazed. It really looks like an actual jungle. I mean, dear god, I never seen trees like it before!"
Maddie pointed out, "You sound it. Maybe you oughta send me a picture of that when you get the chance."
I promised, "I'll do that." Just don't video record the tiger and we're all good!
Maddie then asked in a cautious way, "By the way...You brought up your dad...How did meeting him go?"
My smile melted off my face. I shrugged, "Better than you would think, I guess. He still looks the same from when I last saw him, and that was years ago." I grumbled, "I don't think he's changed a bit. I haven't really talked to him much cept on occasion." I closed my eyes and let out a sigh, "He's really annoying when he talks to me. I even get annoyed just by looking at him. I like staying here, but other than my board taken away, seeing my father in the same place I work at is a bit of a drag for me."
She apologized, "I'm sorry...Wish I could come over and comfort you."
I opened my eyes, forming another smile, "It's ok...Nobody would probably let you in the place anyway."
She asked in mocked offense, "And why not?"
I cracked, "Because you dress like a slut."
She defended, laughing, "Because I'm a sexy beach girl! People need to get over that!" I laughed at that. Then she said in a calm voice, "I wish I did though...I really miss you."
I said back, "I miss you too...I wish I could find some way to see you."
"Me too." A sigh was heard, "But we'll both have to hold on while we can."
I nodded in agreement, "Right." We'll have to.
Then Maddie said, "Hey, Jason, I'm getting sleepy. I'm getting off now. And listen, handsome, call me any time you want. It doesn't matter. I'll try to answer if I don't leave my phone laying around."
I responded, "Same here." Better not do that again.
Maddie stated, "You oughta tell me about this animal you're handling next time. I'm wondering what lonely creature you're babysitting."
Babysitting? I don't know about that... I giggled deeply, "I will. And I won't forget that picture."
"You'd better. Anyways, I love you."
"I love you too. Goodnight." I pressed the button to hang up, letting out a satisfied breath. I felt like I wanted to cheer after the conversation. FINALLY! I managed to talk to her! I smiled to myself as I looked down at my lap. Least I finally heard a familiar voice. I couldn't wait to get ahold of her.
But...If only I could just HOLD her.
A bitter expression was shown on my face. I still remember the day I came over to Maddie's after learning mom was going to send me away from Dogtown. It just sucked that I had to tell the only real girl I ever loved what was happening. Me and her were hugging and shedding tears together after I told her. With all other reasons, I was so mad at mom for putting us through that. It's like she didn't care that I really had a girlfriend, and she would send me away anyway despite that.
Well, I did introduce Maddie to mom that one time, only mom didn't really know what to think of her at the end. That told me she didn't like her all that much, like she didn't like the friends, including Shawn, that I hang out with.
I'm guessing mom was thinking Maddie was one of those girls that was a bit too seductive and she'd seduce me into getting her pregnant or some crap, but she's not like that. I called her a slut, but that was just a joke. And sure she's kinda got a mouth and some balls, for a girl, I guess most Mexican chicks do, but I love her!
Being separated from her sucks...Big time.
Thanks again for doing this to me, mom.
I breathed out through my nose. Jason...You'll see her again. You just need to stick around here for god knows how long and wait and see what happens. Don't let this drama make you think you won't have her back. You will...Just give it time. I smiled a bit. Yeah...I won't give up, and I know Maddie won't give up on our relationship. She won't break up with me because of this. If she believes we will be back together again, great, so do I.
You'll always be on my mind, Maddie.
I won't forget about you....Ever.
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