Current Track: Blabb

Friday, 23th

The black and white car slowly entered into the underground car park. Softly, the tiger parked the car in the first free slot and took care to close the door and locked it. There was few chances that someone enough stupid would try to steal a police car but on these uncertain times, it was encouraged to be careful. Jimmy ran a quick hand on his buttocks above his smooth brown pants to remove some dust and got into the elevator to reach the second floor, where was his desk. He did not have time to take a step outside the cabin than a powerful bull stood facing him, all dressed in blue.

« Oh, you're already there, Jim ?

- What happens, Kenny ? »

Jimmy showed his questioning sight on the face of his subordinate.

« I was going to make you called by the Central. You had a visit this morning.

- A visit ? » 

The tiger looked into the open space to see who could have come to see him and why. But despite all the excitement that filled the air with movements and noises, he failed to identify an unknown person or likely wanting to meet him.

« He is already way down. It is the judge Silverston. He arrived ten minutes ago wanting to see you urgently.

- He gave a reason ?

- No. I do not know much about him. He is not attached to the Prison Services, that is all I know about him. I know all judges, by dint of being on custody during trials. He said he'd wait in the lobby.

- I had paperwork to finish but that's for later I guess. Thank you Ken, take care of yourself.

- Be careful, it is so rare to see you on the field ! »

Greeting his friend, Jimmy took the elevator and went to the ground floor. Arrived by car, he left most often it in the basement, he spent only rarely by the main gate of the police station. He saluted the guard quickly orderly, the latter being bombarded with questions and comments by a woman old enough to repeat some applications repeatedly, hearing not at the answers or perhaps forgetting them during the conversation. Agreeing with the idea she could not be the judge, Jimmy peered around. 

The lobby was large. Basically, a double opened door let some relatively cool air entering in the old building. The thick walls were pierced with large windows, the latter being high, to discourage any attempt to escape. The wall color was tarnished from year to year. Since his assignment here, they had never been painted and decorative or informative posters were rarely changed. They had to avoid wasting taxpayer money trying to make the place attractive. On both sides of the door, three banks were aligned. One person occupying them. He was not a uniformed police officer or a police officer at all. He was too old for it. However, he was still able to sit in a courtroom. He wore a gray suit, but not severe. The costume was hinted by shades of blue who gave a good effect to the fabric. A hat of the same material and color was on his right. A classic brown leather briefcase on his knees, the badger looked at the tiger. He stood up, convinced that he finally found the right person. Two steps were enough to bring him in front of Jimmy.

« You are the judge Silverston ? »

A firm voice, friendly and peaceful replied.

« Indeed. And you must be James Stewart, right ?

- Yes. I learned that you wanted to talk to me ? »

The individual had his hat in hand, with the intention of putting it on his head.

« It's almost noon, you want to come and eat with me ? My afternoon will be busy and I want to talk to you without delay. » 

Jimmy looked at the judge, somewhat taken aback.

« I have nothing planned at the moment, but why now ? Is it a disguised invitation ?

- Sir, this meal will serve me whether or not I will actually officially sue you later. I do not force anything, but you could be recalled. You should know like me how legislation supports only rarely influence peddling and illegal advantages. »

The judge had not a threatening tone, which amazed even more Jimmy than he was officially informed that he was into troubles. Serious ones.


The chubby boy looked at the food stuck at the end of his fork. From the shape, smell, color, it was probably a piece of carrot. Yet the previous bite had given him a different taste. This was more tomato. Or cucumber. Placed in the mouth and chewed, the food made FJ think he was eating asparagus. The quality of the school canteen was not great, far from it. But it is expected that a potato would have a potato flavor. No celery like the last time. He shook his head slightly. Perhaps it was better not try to guess what the employees had cooked that day.

FJ was not often in the refectory to eat his lunch. Most often, he brought his own meal. This was cheaper. And he knew what he was eating at least. But in recent days, he left his paper bag at home. He had more money and he intended to benefit. 

There was also the fact that his mood was better. His friends had noticed, but he gave vague answers to their questions. Out of the question to tell them all until the next day. As usual, he and Gruff ignored each other during the day, even if it pained him. He wanted to stay so close to him. To feel the warmth of his chest. The softness of his cheek against his. 

If they were of different sexes, things would have been simpler. But it was not the case, and they had to wait a little longer before making their relationship official.

FJ kept for him a small smile. He was very anxious to see how things would turn once out of the closet, but for sure, the moment of surprise that all would have would worth the effort.

He continued to empty his plate, sitting alone at a table set for four. Arrived late, he saw his friends leaving shortly after his arrival. Since, no one had sat down with the biggest high school’s loser. FJ was sorry at first, but since he had established some friendships. And he was accustomed to. He was a pariah ? He learned how to didn’t care about.

He noted, however, the arrival of a student who sat opposite him. A paper bag placed in front. FJ’s mood deteriorated noting that Fred was imposing his presence.

He did note that late change. Changes in fact. Instead of colorful clothes he had before, Fred wore outfit where green military dominated. His shirt was an army one, no badges on it. More importantly, Fred seemed upset. From all times Fred came near to him after having destroyed Greg’s life, his face was sheepish, almost apologetically to have to breath near him. But not that time. Perhaps there was a link with that new kind of outfit. But FJ did not took care.

« Fuck off. » 

The donkey did not spook loudly, but his voice was firm. This tone was enough to keep Fred away from him before. But the boy did not moved and pulled out a meal. Two sandwiches and a coke.

« I’m not in the mood for that, FJ. » 

Fred’s tone had nothing to envy to that of the donkey. FJ was tempted to get up and move elsewhere, but seeing Fred angry for no apparent reason tickled his curiosity.

« After all I don’t care. It's not like you're important. » 

Fred felt more anger rise. Mark talked about his importance the previous day, and the memory was still fresh. He kept himself cool, however. FJ continued to empty his plate.

« I want to beat him up. You have no idea how bad I dream about that. »

Fred bit into the first sandwich. A smell of grilled pork went up to FJ’s nostrils. 

« You're not supposed to be Jewish ? »

Fred continued to eat the prohibited meat. 

« You're not supposed to never want to talk to me ? »

Fred looked at FJ with more anger. This did not changed his tone.

« I think like my mother. If God really did not wanted us to eat that, he would have poisoned that from a long time. »

Fred bit more again. 

« You do what you want. To who do you want to kick ass ? At yourself ? I can help you if you want. »

Fred could not help a grin appears on his face.

« If you want, do not bother. I deserved it well. No, I’m talking about that big jerk. Miller. »

FJ looked curiously at Fred. He knew that he had Miller as PE but he had no idea he already had the curious luck to know the rott’s special methods.

« I heard about it. A giant lizard, right ?

- Looks like it does not even surprise you...

- This is the case. He’s famous for that. He brings strange creatures from time to time. I wonder how he does it. This is part of his reputation.

- He also used to make fun of his students ? » 

FJ thought about it.

« Not that I know of. But he never handle kid gloves when he speaks, it is true. »

Fred was always biting furiously in his meal, not sitting face to FJ, but the legs on both sides of the bench, giving to him a sidelong glance.

« I also feel that he is a first grade manipulator. The kind to force others to do what he wants without anyone noticing.

- I do not know. All I know is that he is much better than his reputation said.

- I thought I understood, yes. »

FJ was surprised by the answer. His astonishment was so great that his resentment towards Fred took second place.

« What do you mean by that ? » 

Fred hesitated to answer. He did not wanted to think about his pitiful attempt to escape his responsibilities. Worse, he had almost caused tragedy to his family. He estimated that remaining unclear may be sufficient.

« Let's just say that he did something I was not expecting from him. The kind of thing I should have done and I did not.

- It is true, I will never thought he could open his door to Gruff. »

FJ nodded. He noted that Fred looked occasionally to his face, but he forced himself to keep his head sideways.

« I would like to go back, FJ, and prevent me from doing what I did. Or at least do not show me as selfish and try on him to help. It's good that he had someone to help him. I always blame myself for what I did, and for that I have not done for him and for you. » 

FJ was about to finish his plate. Fred's words froze his hand, he rested that way some seconds.

« And what could you have done for me ? »

Fred lowered his voice. The dining hall was half full, and he took care that his voice would not be too audible despite the incessant hubbub.

« I should never have behaved with you like I did. Taking your shirt for example. Force you to go topless. Even though I loved every moment I enjoyed the view. »

FJ shrugged.

« It was a gamble. You had won.

- No FJ, there are limits. I understood that when I entered in your house the first time. When I saw the place where you’re living, I vowed... »

Fred paused. 

« You've vowed to what ? »

Fred took care not to meet FJ’s gaze.

« To help you. For you to become a true friend. I knew you were considered less than nothing here. And so I vowed to help you as best I can. But beer and... weed do not mix sometimes... I'm sorry for everything that I did, FJ, and I only hope for one thing. To be able to really help you. Not only to redeem myself in your eyes and Greg’s ones, but also to repair the damages I've done, even though I know I would not do enough. »