Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Misleading Goals

Last time on Unknown Worlds. We had arrived into the hermit
kingdom and landed onto the ground before waltzing, and I do mean dancing, our
way straight for the castle. When we arrived there we… "Is anyone going to
even read the flashback, Neriax?" Someone interrupted me as I turned to
Zawar with a smile upon my face, "Yeah. I thought this would be an
ex-" "It is not." He frowned afterwards in response to my smile,
shifting his eyes to Kesir and Ajiro who were complaining on how their legs
hurt from standing for a month or so. Yeah this story was completed in
December. The last one was November, so you readers now. Regardless of the side
note placed in the story for no apparent reason! Where was I. Oh yes. Where we
found Kesir walking in the halls and we followed her towards the hidden room on
the third floor. "Do you not mean 'not hidden', Neriax? Anyone could see
it if they walked up into the third floor, you know." "Shut up. I am
narrating." I blunted to Zawar who grunted and turned his head the other
way. I turned again. Will the dragons find out what is going on? Or shall the
kingdom fall? Oh! Foreshadowing! Nice.

Find out on Unknown Worlds! Cue Opening! "We do not
have the budget for that, Neriax! Plus…" Zawar complained, shocked that I
would say 'opening' out of the blue. "This is a written story. Not some
animated show that anyone could visually see!" "Oh." I finished
before coughing again, waving my claws at the others. "Anyway. Let's get
started, shall we?" "Fine." Someone muttered just as the
chattered around the single room had dropped significantly into the wells of
the silenced.

Opening my mouth, I began to recite the last sentence that I
spoke of previously when the episode had ended. ' What were you all doing on
the day that the king was murdered?' I looked to them, they stared back in
response then looked among one another in the second afterwards. I sighed
almost wanting to face plant myself and closed my eyes before shouting at them.
"Answer the question!" They turned to me again then one by one they
spoke out loud and perhaps in confidence. From right to left: Zawar starts
first. "I was patrolling the place down. Looking for the killer on who
killed the king." "Er Zawar." Spoke Ajiro shifting her eyes over
to him, "Did not the king was dead upon the market place? That was the
plot you know." "Market?" Zawar turned to her confused, "I
thought it was here." "Quiet." I interrupted their little
conversation before they go off the rails and lose the meaning behind this
story. Then turned my attention towards the dragon next to Zawar who was Kesir.
She was crossing her arms, her eyes narrowed and her wings flapped
frustratedly. With her nose spilling out puffs of air, she spoke with her eyes
directly to my own. "You know where I was. I was looking for you, Neriax.
You saw me first." "That is right." I started confirming it but
added another question to her, "But who sent you?" "Zawar."
She spoke, pointing to him and he turned to her angrily. "Me? You ran on
your own!" I sighed and moved on, never wanting to take care of the
confrontation between the two.

Heading right over to Shinron; I shook my head afterwards
and took a step to the side looking directly onto the newbie who had just
arrived here according to Kesir's note of arrival that she always keep to her
side every day. "I heard that!" Kesir shouted to me but I ignored her
and spoke. This new dragon was different than the other three that I was used
to. She was green scaled dragon; grayish brown wings. If there was ever a color
like that. Her tail long thin and sharp and so were her horns which pointed
upward towards the ceiling above. I repeated the question to her and she
responded with silence. Often times grabbing her arm with her other and shifted
her head towards the window to her left. Tilting my head to one side, I asked
again realizing her shyness towards others as I saw she dropped her arms and
placed them to her sides before speaking directly to me. "I was…" She
started. Her voice was soft and small; nearly quiet but able to shatter the
total silence around us. With the argument and fighting among Zawar and Kesir
with Shinron running towards them trying to separate the two, I nudged her
repeating what she said. But she blushed and shifted away. Her mouth opened and
she spoke. However an rumble interrupted our conversation and so did the
argument and fighting between the other two dragons as they held each other
with claws upon their necks.

The castle rumbled and shook. Parts of the ceiling and walls
crumbled down revealing the sunlight that shines above us. Blinking for several
seconds, regaining my composure before shouting out "What was that!"
"I do not know." Shouted Zawar as he held onto Kesir who was
screaming, "But we better check it out." "Where was it coming
from?" I spoke again, Zawar did not had to explain. Rather he pointed his
claw towards the door. I turned following where he was pointing out and nodded
mentally before speaking. "Zawar. Shinron. Come on." I started but
both dragons already departed and headed straight for the door. Shinron reached
it first and grabbed hold onto the knob. He pulled the knob back. But the door
would not opened. Trying several times he did, but each attempt resulted the
same and the more frustrated he becomes. Before he had another shot, Zawar
shoved him out of the way and regained control of the knob. He tilted it to one
side and pulled. A click then the door moaned and we all gasped in shocked on
who was on the opposing side.

Nothing. Too interested huh? I know. Anyway, we all ran out
the door except for the two dragoness who were still screaming behind us. As
Zawar and Shinron disappeared and left me upon the door's entrance, I turned
and screamed above the roaring crumbled that befell upon all of us; looking
into the direction of where the two females were at. They glanced. I looked
before shaking my head and motioned them. Making a huge circle with my free arm
as the other claw of mine kept hold upon the door that was threatening to
closed on me, locking and dooming the girls inside. I keep shouting for them
and each time they were relentless. They held each other's bodies; their claws
wrapped around the backs as their heads raised towards the ceiling. Still
screaming. I grunted and released my claw from the door; running straight for
them as the door behind him closed on its own. Locking the three of us in, I
leaped towards them. Knocking them onto the ground as a series of parts from
the ceiling above us collapse. We were held like this for the duration of the

When all was over. I opened my eyes and looked around. The
castle was totally damaged. Nothing was left upon it. Getting up onto my feet,
I raised my claw upward towards my shoulders dusting off anything that was left
in the aftermath. The dusts and pebbles on them were rolled off and fell to the
earth where my feet stood upon before I sighed again and shouted, wondering where
the survivors were. Quickly, I looked again. A sea of rocks and other things
were surrounding me. Often times I could see artifacts and trophies among the
pile. But my attention was to the two dragoness that perhaps had survived the
fall. I waddled about and kept shouting for any leads. The winds picked up and
blew against my scales while I waddled further. It took a while, but I was able
to spot a claw that rose up from the sea. I ran towards it. Grabbing the claw
and hoisted whoever owned it up; revealing Ajiro. The wind blew again, howling
over my ears as I glanced at her wondering if she was alright.

Her body was bruised and damaged. Tips of her scales were
clipped off from her and gave off a shining reflection among the sea of rocks.
We should change the name of this kingdom to 'sea of shining rocks and dragons'
cause that was all I could catch from now on. Shaking my head, I slapped her
head several times. She stirred in response and I could see her eyes twitching.
Her wins slid among the rough rocks beneath her as I slapped again hoping that
she was alright. Despite the voices that I could hear somewhere else, I noticed
that Ajiro was starting to wake up. She moaned in pain was the first she done
when coming back to life. Then opened her eyes and looked directly at me. I
smiled faintly and extended my claw to her which she grabbed it before I pulled
her up. Then, I hugged her. I know I know; that was surprising even shocking. I
did not know what else I was thinking however. When I parted from her, knowing
that she did not response in kind. I looked over to my left; spotting Kesir and
Zawar together. Hugging also in response.

"Well we got together." I heard Ajiro responded
with a smile before looking to Kesir and Zawar. I nodded but flapped my wings
while I had remembered something. Turning back to her, I started "You
should go." "What?" She asked as I heard Kesir said the same thing.
Repeating what I had said, she narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "No.
It is you who should go." "Why me? I am the ma-" "I think
whoever had caused the castle to fall was trying to kill all four of us."
Kesir interrupted, approaching both me and Ajiro as we turned to her in
surprise. "How did you-" Awed Ajiro and Kesir chuckled before
pointing to Zawar who waved in response, smiling almost faintly. "We
survived. That what counts." He pitched in as the three of us nodded before
Ajiro and Kesir turned to me. "Well." Kesir started, "Where
shall we go-" Suddenly, someone chuckled rather deep and evil. The four of
us turned our attention towards the source of it all finding out that it was
not a dragon that was walking towards us; but a fox.

The fox was fully clothed. His body was thin and so were his
arms. A belt was found upon his waist. A cloth covered his mouth. His eyes were
narrowed and his pupils were sharp like a cat. He walked towards us with a calm
evil walk moving closer until he stopped. I stepped back, cautious while
keeping my eyes straight onto him. The fox curved his smile upward before
vanishing into thin air. I blinked for only a moment, glancing at where he had
stood. Then turned my attention towards the others; Ajiro, Kesir and Zawar regrouped.
All three were watching me. Upon my return towards them, Zawar suddenly shoved
me something upon his closed claws whispering silently to me; "Quickly
take this and get out of here." "Wait!" I exclaimed but he
silenced me by fisting my mouth with his other claw. It had tasted dirty as if
he had not washed his claws for a while… perhaps a year. As tears fell from my
eyes clouding my visions from how distasteful it was upon my taste buds; my
ears perked and heard what Zawar whispered to me.

"Grab Kesir and high tail out of here. I think I knew
who is responsible for this." I just nodded, still thinking about his
disgusting mouth. He removed it from my mouth freeing it from its prison as if
it was some sort of torture and I was the prisoner of war. Looking around the
surroundings between us, he then turned to me threw his claws onto my chest and
pushed me again; lighter this time than before which was surprising enough for
me. Getting his memo, I shouted for Kesir who turned glancing as we met eye to eye.
I motioned to her and she knew what I meant yet she refused the offer insisting
on staying here and helping things out on what had happened. But I was not here
on playing games at all. I ran to her; gripped my claw onto her arm and led her
astray. Away from the ruins of the castle, we ran down the roads farther away
from Zawar and Ajiro as I could see the gates before me.

For without warning, I opened my other claw and glanced upon
the object in my palm. An ring or artifact. But it could be a ring cause it had
that underside gripped. Nevertheless, I threw it on upon my finger and it
glowed brightly temporarily blinding me as the light shines enveloping my body
then Kesir who began to scream for help. But it was too late for we had
disappeared; to where? I am not sure. Let us hope, and you too, that Zawar was
right. I never trusted him anyway since the beginning of this series.