I heard Maddie gush after I sent the photo of me and Prem cuddling together underneath a tree, "Awww."
I chuckled with the cell phone held to my ear, "Heh heh. I couldn't agree more."
I was standing in the white corridor close to the the doors leading to the habitat dome as I talked to my girlfriend. It's been several hours since my confrontation with Gilbert this morning, and the aftermath. Ever since I had that serious conversation with Prem about him in the dome, among other things, nothing serious has happened. Least not up to my knowledge. Things have been relatively quiet with us.
Well not all quiet. Prem did try to wrestle me once, all cause she wasn't nervous about anything anymore and got bored sitting around with me. At first she started chasing me around when I flat out refused. I wasn't in the mood for wrestling. But then she managed to pounce on me and pin me to the ground, which literally knocked the wind out of me again, and that's when the wrestling match started. We even had a visit from Elsa as well during our match. I was relieved that she helped me out. Pretty much two people against one animal. It was all thanks to the lady cook that came up with the idea. Thought that served that girl tiger right. But it was fun regardless.
Other than that, things have been swell. It was a decent day. And I was glad she stopped acting nervous about Gilbert also. I didn't want her to feel scared for her life or mine forever.
And now the night has come, and it's actually a bit past nine now much to my surprise. I don't think I have ever been late taking my tiger to bed before. This was my first time since I began working as handler. I would think that two-faced senior animal handler would get on my case for not getting her to bed by this so called curfew, but I didn't care what he thought. He can go screw himself...As always...Like every time he got rejected by Elsa.
Sometimes I wish I said that to him. That would get him more butt hurt than before.
And I'd have no regrets.
Anyways, before I was gonna take Prem to my room, since she wanted to sleep by me in there again, and after I practically told off that guy, I wanted to use the bathroom before we went to bed. I also instructed her to use the 'bathroom' in the dome too while I was gone just in case. And when I was halfway to the men's room, Maddie called from out of nowhere. I was also thinking about calling her anyway while I was alone away from Prem, and since I still hadn't heard from her when I called her yesterday. I would've found me some alone time and done it sooner before tonight happened, but I actually forgot. I probably got a concussion from Prem earlier and that's probably why I did. I was glad Maddie beat me to it...Or else I'd think she had forgotten me too.
Basically we talked for a long time, even while I was sitting on a toilet in a restroom. At first she was asking me how I was doing and I gave out the same question. Then she got to talking about how SHE forgot to call me the other day and that's why I hadn't heard from her. Then I was telling her the good news about me procuring my skateboard back, and it was all thanks to a security guard working here. I told her about Chase, that that was his name, and that he was a cool dude and a former surfer and that's why he did me a solid by bringing it back. Frankly she was happy he returned it to me. She thought I needed it. It was my prized possession. She wasn't totally wrong. Then she asked how I've gotten along with my father now, and that's when I told her about that fight we had, which left her feeling bad for me a little bit. And then she soon changed the subject for my sake by demanding that I send her the photos I promised her already.
And that's the last thing I'm doing right now. I'll tell you this much, she was surprised that the animal I kept telling her about in the photos turned out to be a tiger. She hadn't figured that was the type at all. She kinda thought before that I was babysitting a gorilla or some chimp. Boy was she wrong.
And now here I am, waiting for this conversation to end so I can get Prem, who was waiting for me behind those doors in the dome. I had just sent Maddie the last photo of Prem when I arrived here, just as surprised, amazed, and smitten as by the other ones. I would've went inside and met up with Prem right about now, but I didn't want to go in there while me and Maddie were talking on the phone. Prem would've gotten impatient and probably find a way to grab my attention. Like pouncing on me again. Either that or she'd probably just eat my phone just to get ME to finally stop ignoring her.
One of the two.
And perhaps Maddie would've heard her voice off my end and I didn't want that. I ain't getting myself in trouble over this conversation. It was best I kept Maddie out of her life.
Well sorta, but you get my point.
Maddie said with awe in her voice, "God, Jason, I can't believe you guys have done that. And I never seen how cute you look."
I smirked, taking that in well, "Why thank you."
Then my girlfriend joked, "I was talking about your tiger, tiger."
I shot back, having a playful, disappointing stare, "I'm literally filled with jealousy."
"Well I can't help it. Animals are supposed to be more cuter than boys. That's why they sometimes win women over with them."
I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for the advice. I should've got that from my mom."
"Someone has to give it to you." Maddie dared, "Tell you what, handsome, you try to roar like your tiger, and maybe I'll think you're super cute again."
I shrugged in agreement, "Fine. Ok." I tried, in a lame way, to sound like a big cat, "Meow."
Maddie laughter bursted off the receiver. Shortly she said through a giggle fit, "That's not how they do it! Do they?"
I corrected, "Of course not! But, what do you think?"
"Wellllll..." She cooed, "I thought it was sexy."
"Ha. I thought so." You know it, baby.
Then Maddie added, back to the subject at hand, "But seriously, geez...I never thought that was possible to lay close to a tiger! Something that big! Gosh I still can't get over how big she looks compared to you! I think this photo is more cuter than the last one."
I continued to smirk from the amusement by my girlfriend. Gee, if ONLY you knew what Prem's reaction to the last photo was. She literally thought she looked stupid in it! Well I responded, "Yeah well, that's Prem for ya. Friendly as all get out." And not complaining about having her picture taken.
Maddie stated amusingly, "Yeah! A friendly TIGER no less! I'm still surprised she hasn't ate you for dinner!"
I remarked, "Hasn't crossed her mind yet."
"Obviously. And I can't believe you haven't told me that you were babysitting a actual tiger sooner! I mean holy Toledo! If Shawn ever saw this, he would have a bitch flip!"
I chuckled deeply. Probably so, like you are. Then I suggested, "Well, Prem sleeps in her cage at nights, she knows what being locked up is like. We should try to hook Shawn up with her. He could probably use a roommate."
"Ha ha ha! Wow! I can see him hyperventilating right now! He acts like a tough guy, but wait till he's face to face with that thing!" I figured she was shaking her head slowly when she finished her statement, "Ahhh...Poor bastard."
I concurred, "Hah, yeah...Poor bastard." As I already mentioned the idea, I was starting to imagine Prem going up towards poor Shawn as he is backed into a wall when all she wants is to give him a nuzzle. He'd have a heart attack.
I know how he feels upon first meeting.
She stated shortly after, "You know, Jason...I'm actually impressed with you."
I pressed, "What about, the tiger? Eh, it's no big deal really."
"What do you mean? I think it is. I know you didn't like animals all that well, but to tell you something...I think that thing has changed you. By all the photos you've shown me...You guys look very close."
I told her modestly as I gazed down at my feet, "Maybe."
Then she teased, "Bullcrap, mister macho. You're starting to like animals now! I think you're wishing you own a mutt now!"
I don't know about that... I shot back in a playful tone, "Ah, you know what, Maddie, I'll tell you what...If Prem ever has a baby daddy and becomes a mother, I'll send you a tiger cub as a birthday present."
"Awww...I get to have a fluffy kitten! That's so kind of you."
"Right." I finished up the idea in my head, "That way it can tear up your teddy bear collection in your closet so you can see why I never wanted to keep it as a pet."
I imagined her rolling her eyes when she replied, "Pfft. I'd still think you're full of it. I'm not an idiota. And it can play with them, I don't do anything with them anymore."
I added, "Also it can tear up your grandma's drapes as well."
She grumbled, "Oh you're so mean."
I made a simple statement, "I know. Not my fault you ignore it."
She boasted, "I do ignore your meanness because I'm mean too, and don't your ass forget it."
I shot a quick glance at the double doors when I told her, "Look, this conversation has been fun, but I've talked to you long enough. I'm ready to go to bed."
Maddie replied, "Me too. I gotta go take a shower. Thanks for finally sharing the photos, I absolutely loved them."
I said, "Me too. I'm glad to finally hear your reaction of them."
She insisted, "Oh you heard my reaction all right. Anyways, tell your tiger I said hello."
I promised, "I'll do that. She'd appreciate it."
"Oh, and Jason."
I asked, "What?"
She gave me, let's just say, 'simple' advice, "If your tiger ever gives you her attitude, just remember...Always catch her by the toe. That'll stop her from acting out. Got it?"
If only I can do that when she is wrestling me dammit! I smiled before agreeing, "Got it. I love you."
She said back, "Love you too. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye."
"Goodnight." I hung up the cell and stuffed it in my pocket. I faced the double doors, and thought of what Maddie said to me a minute ago with me looking down at the ground.
I kinda hadn't thought about it for a long time. But I think she was right. Prem coming into my life did kinda change my perspective about animals. The tiger was honestly making me hate them less and less every time I was with her. I never thought in my life that one animal would change my outlook on them. I thought maybe I would just like her. But I was proven wrong.
I formed another smile when I raised my attention to the doors. She was right. I think I have changed on one aspect. I don't see anything wrong with that. I shook my head out of this thought. Hey, you got Prem waiting for you! Do you know how long you've been talking to Maddie and keeping her waiting! And it's already past nine o'clock! Hurry up and get her out of there! I went up towards the doors and promptly yanked one of them open.
"Huh- Ack!"
I didn't have long to react when I walked through that doorway, when Prem ran at me and literally jumped on me. Our forms went stumbling back in the hallway and I fell backward to the floor with her big ass on top of me once again.
And now I was kinda regretting liking animals now.
Wouldn't be the first time.
I groaned beneath her, and gasped out a few words, "Prem! The fuck?!"
Prem who had her paws at my sides looked straight down at me and cried, "There you are, Jason! I wondered if I was going to see you again!"
I lightly pushed at her chest, "Urgh. Prem! Get off!" Prem quickly backed away from my fragile form. I groaned once more while I pushed myself up on my two feet. I dusted myself off and then shot daggers at her with my eyes. I warned plainly, "You know, accidents can happen. One of these days you're gonna crack my head open when you do that."
The female tiger apologized, her striped tail curling a bit to her side, "I'm sorry. I was getting antsy in there."
I remarked with a tiny smirk, "You're always antsy, you silly cat."
She giggled, "Well I thought you forgot me and abandoned me in there!"
I rolled my eyes, "Pfft! I wasn't gone THAT long!"
She called me out, "Yes you have! It felt like you left me in there since...FOREVER!"
I replied back in a dismissive tone, "Oh for god's sake." Dramatic much.
She demanded, "Anyways, where have you been? That's a long bathroom break."
I finally apologized on my part, "Yeah, sorry I took so long. I was just busy with stuff."
Prem frowned confusingly, "In the bathroom? How busy can you get in there? I don't ever get THAT busy when I'm doing my business."
I explained, "Not just the bathroom, stripes. I was also busy having a conversation with someone."
Prem rolled her eyes in irritancy, tail lashing, "Oh perfect! That explains a lot! You were talking to somebody without ME around! What's wrong with you? Why couldn't you just bring them here? I don't mind saying goonight to Roy, or Elsa, or Leslie!"
I told her, "Actually I wasn't talking to any of them. I was talking to someone on the phone."
Prem still had her gaze narrowed when she demanded, "Well how bout cut down your conversation with them and hurry on back to me! Can't you see I'm more important than them!"
I shot back with narrow eyes as well, "Hey now, come on. They're as equally important as you are."
The tiger went on to say with her shooting back her head, "Well then how bout bring your conversation in the dome next time, instead of keeping me in suspence."
I said with a grin on my lips, "And let you eat my phone? Screw that."
She was smiling deviously, "You're right. I probably would. I don't like that thing taking stupid photos of me anyway."
I argued, "Oh seriously, get over it, they are not stupid."
"Except one, but whatever you say." I waved her off while still holding a grin. Then Prem rubbed her head against my stomach, just as another way to apologize. She said after she pulled away and gazed upward to meet my eyes, "Again, sorry I pounced you. You know me. I guess I was also afraid something happened to you again...And I would be left alone and I would have to sleep in the dome for the night."
I said in a agreeable way, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea. After all, it is more roomier than the cage...And my room."
Prem chuckled, "I agree. But I think I would rather have you sleep by me in here than letting you off the hook. Don't forget, we still have a plan to sleep together again."
I suggested, thumbing behind me, "I'll probably have to get a blanket to do that." Then I waltzed past her form and finally shut the door. I turned around and said, "But that's not part of our plan, we're going to my room."
Prem stated when I joined back up beside her, "Well I do like sleeping on a mattress. It's much more softer than grass."
"I'm with ya. That's what beds are for. And speaking of beds." I pointed down the corridor, "Get going."
"Already on it, GILBERT." She giggled at her own crack and was pacing more eagerly than I did. I was basically walking behind her, smirking from the joke as well and watching her ahead of me as she slowed down a bit for me. A moment later, Prem looked over her shoulder and pressed me, "Speaking of him, not that I totally care, but have you seen that asshole before you came back?"
I replied, "Nope. Haven't."
"Good." Prem narrowed her eyes, "Cuz if he tried to ruin this plan we have going when it's THIS close to happening just to spite us, I swear I'm gonna rip him apart."
"A little extreme, but I think I'd tear him down too." She grinned, bringing her attention back forward. Then I added, "But all seriousness, I bet he just high tailed out of here early again cause he doesn't want to deal with us any more than he already did tonight. Why would he? What else does he have to say that he hasn't already said? Then again, who knows what's going on inside his head?"
"I'll tell you what I think's going on in his head." Prem shared her thoughts past her shoulders, "He's pissy like a bratty cub cause his feelings are VERY WOUNDED thanks to all the words you said to him."
I commented on that, "Probably not wrong there."
I imagined her grinning as she went on, "And he wants to suckle somebody's teats for that sweet, refreshing milk so he can make himself feel better...Which he already tried after this morning, but they're bone dry. And he's more pissy."
A laugh burst out of my chest, "Oh my god."
"And he's probably telling himself in his mind that he's in the right and everyone else is always in the wrong. And thinks he's tougher than everyone else and believes he can take on anybody. Typical bastard thoughts. But he doesn't want to know differently, for his own ego, so he's staying away from us so YOU would not share any more WELL DESERVED words with him that'll make his wounds open even wider...And some from me, which would be more well deserved."
I chuckled over her words as we rounded a corner and headed down the path to my bedroom, "That's right. He better not mess with me again. I know a few words that'll REALLY bruise his ego beyond repair."
She giggled in response, "Me too."
While we strolled down the hall, after we fell silent, my mind ran with thoughts about the man we were talking about. Even a small pit was forming in my stomach. I know I acted all strong and sincere earlier when Prem shared all her worries and concerns with me, and acted tough just now, but even I tend to wonder what's going to happen next. Gilbert did give me that sly look on his face after we ended our conversation...Not to mention he did say that he always gets what he wants...No matter what.
That still sent a chill down my spine.
Prem and Elsa did warn me that Earl seems to favor Gilbert over everyone else most of the time. Perhaps that's what he'd meant. Would he really try to do something so drastic by making up some lie about me and have Earl get me fired?
My gut sorta says yes, but then I kinda also think...No. He would probably need some evidence to back up whatever accusation he'd say. Maybe Earl won't take his word for it. I have some faith in him. And besides, if Gilbert does try, I'll just talk to Earl and explain my story. That'll make Gilbert look like a total idiot.
I hope that'll be the case. But I'm certainly hoping nothing will happen...I can't get those words out of my head.
But those words DID get out of my head...Cause I heard somebody's stomach growl. Things were so quiet around here that it was loud enough for me to hear and had my eyes widen up. Me and Prem stopped and looked at each other awkwardly. I quickly told her, "That wasn't me."
Prem let out an embarassed chuckle, "Heh heh...I THINK that was me. Getting kinda hungry."
I mentioned with a small smile and a sure tone, "Well, I think there's still some cat food left in your bowl. I think it's still in my room. We're not too far from food."
Prem shot up her muzzle and moaned. She complained, "Oh, do I have to eat that stuff? I don't really like that crap at all."
I gave her a knowing look, "Come on, it can't be that bad."
"Oh trust me, Jason, it can." She admitted, "I can hardly get it down my throat. Sometimes I do, but..." She spat as she scrunched up her face and shuddered in disgust, "Ugh! But it tastes so DISGUSTING! It makes me want to throw up! I even used to eat some other kind of cat food before you came around and THAT tasted better!"
Huh...I guess that explains why I haven't seen her food bowl empty all the time. I tilted my head in curiosity, "Seriously? Well then what happened to the other cat food?"
She sighed, "Gilbert. He convinced Earl to change the supply and now I have that. They thought it would be much more healthier than the other." She shook her head with disgust written all over her face, "Healthy, my ass. That can't be healthy for someone like me. That is a bunch of bullcrap."
Bullcrap was right. Listening to her whine about the cat food was making me feel bad for her, like all the other times since I've known her. No wonder she likes to eat Elsa's cooking. I pictured her waiting to eat all night till morning, just to snack on the good stuff, while starving inside her cage. I'm sure that's what usually happens to her at nights. Poor girl. That's horrible. She didn't deserve that.
But what can I do about it? It's late, and Elsa is not around to make her something. Not like I can ask her to cook some more meat and feed Prem the second time right now.
Then an idea popped in my brain. I glanced down the other end of the white hallway. Well...Maybe I can fix her up something in the cafeteria. Sure I'm not Elsa, but I can probably scrounge up some food. I know how to cook...A little. Besides that, I am a little hungry as well. Right when I came up with the idea, I remembered that talk I got from my former animal handling partner about the costs of feeding Prem twice with regular human food, but then I quickly brushed that off. She hasn't been fed twice with that large portion of meat since that day when I made amends with her, after I literally found out the truth about Gilbert. I didn't care about that now. I was willing to try to help feed her myself. This is a bit more dire than food budgets. Prem wants to eat something NOW and not something that makes her barf up all the contents.
Without Prem seeing my face, I formed a look of defiance. I ain't letting her starve till morning.
I looked back at her, who still appeared disgusted and sad about the situation. All right...I'll go ahead and take her down there. I offered, "You know what, Prem? I have an idea...How bout me and you go to the cafeteria and find something to eat?"
All those feelings were wiped off her face when she gasped happily, "REALLY?! YOU'D DO THAT FOR ME?!"
I let out a tiny laugh, "Yes."
Prem then put on a cautious face. She timedly said, "But- ...It's nighttime right now. I don't think Elsa's still here. And won't we get in trouble if we got down there this late? I don't think we're supposed to do that. I never did this with my other friends. And this isn't part of our plan."
I shrugged, "Well, change of plans. I don't give a damn. I'm hungry myself. And I think I can handle feeding you." My body turned a bit while I beckoned her to come, "Come on, scaredy cat, let's go."
Prem formed a immediate glare, uttering a growl, "I'm not scared. Fine. I'll go with you." Prem held up her head, closed her eyes, and started padding back another way, "Hmph!" I chuckled playfully and we headed down back the way we came without hesitation or another word. Very soon we busted through the cafeteria doors, being only greeted with darkness. I found a nearby switch and flipped it, bringing everything inside back to life. Me and Prem walked between the two long tables up for the door leading to the kitchen. I opened up, stepping aside and motioning her to go first. Prem slowly padded inside, her tail the last to be through the door frame. I went in after her and flipped the lights on in the kitchen as well since it was dark at this spot too.
As Prem explored more thoroughly and slowly in the kitchen, she commented while her eyes sweeped the area, her voice echoed off the walls in here, "Wow...I never been inside here before. Elsa has always been strict about not letting me in this room. She's the only one to be inside and out. It's a bit more bigger than I realize."
Yeah, and this kitchen reminds me the one back in high school. I responded, "Right. And it's totally empty." I stood beside her form and reminded her with a grin, "Hey, you know, you brought up this dream before about wanting the kitchen all to yourself." I waved my hand around the room, "Well, your dream's coming true."
Prem gasped again. Then she showed this happy, dreamy gleam in her eyes. She happily cried out, "Ooooo...You're right! I have the place all to myself! This is awesome!"
I laughed in amusement. Glad you're loving this, spoiled stripes. I looked around, trying to find the food she likes, "I better get started. Have any idea where Elsa stores your food?"
Prem shrugged her shoulders, answering, "I don't know. You're the man here. You figure it out."
Okay then. My eyes caught the walk in freezer nearby. I announced, gesturing to it, "I think it's in there."
I heard the tiger muttering this, "Glad this didn't take freakin long." I mainly ignored her and went for one of the huge cabinets that drew across the kitchen floor. I pulled one open and found a plate for me to eat on. I also found a big platter just for my friend. I grabbed them and laid both things down on the kitchen work table and next went up to the big freezer door.
When I grabbed ahold the handle, I asked Prem who stood waiting for me nearby, "Hey, how much meat do you want?"
Prem smiled, holding up her head in smug, "As big and round as my head."
Good enough for me. I smirked, talking in a big voice like a top tier chef, "Alrighty. One big monster patty coming right up!"
I heard her let out a glee filled with happiness after I entered the walk in freezer, "Eeeeee." I took the first few steps inside the semi-large, square confined room, and was immediately blasted by all the chilly air that was contained in it. I held my own arms with my eyes trailing around this area. Brrrr...It's cold in here. I'll have to remember to stand in here for a few minutes when I'm done standing around outside in front of the building. This will cool me down quicker than the a/c this place has! I saw that there were metal-barred shelves against walls at each side of the room with piles of frozen food of different kinds sitting on them and waiting to be cooked and delivered.
Alright, where is the- It didn't take me forever to find the kind of food Prem likes. On one of the shelves, I found several packages of hamburger meat. I grabbed about three, considering Prem's a big girl with a huge stomach, and carried them all out of there. I kicked the freezer door shut behind me and dropped the food down on the table. Now I just gotta look for something to cook them on.
Prem was getting all excited. She placed her front paws on the work table and held herself high up so her head with perked ears reached mine. She expressed very excitably, "Yay! Gimme, gimme, GIMME!"
I shot her down with an angry look, pushing her off with my hand, "Don't rush me. I'm getting to it." She giggled when she was on her fours again and then sat down on her butt, watching and waiting me intently. I let out a breath. This is gonna take me a bit...
And yes it did take me a bit. I waited for the meat to thaw a little bit at first before I did any work on them. Just by hilariously helping me, Prem had her big gaping mouth over the packages and BREATHED her hot breath on them over and over again so that could unfroze them a bit faster. I thought it was a hoot. But she did have a great idea...With how close her mouth is to my face sometimes, her breath kinda did felt like a furnace.
Kinda exaggerating a bit, but it's what I thought.
When I figured they were soft enough and ready, and not knowing how to do this sort of thing like Elsa, I KINDA fumbled around a bit. One time I realized that I needed gloves to do this, cause I had my hands all freakin dirty with raw meat, and I basically complained my hands are gonna be SMELLING that way for weeks! The animal I was trying to feed laughed at me about it, and offered to lick them clean. I gave her a flat out NO and practically washed them in a nearby sink. After that I found some plastic gloves for cooking purposes. Another time while I was messing around with the meat with a spatula, I accidentally flung some away and it landed on top of Prem's head. She gave me a dirty look and I merely just laughed. She kinda deserved it for pouncing on me earlier. At least she got an early free snack for the wait, even though she didn't like the taste of sorta frozen meat all that much.
Then finally, I managed to get all that meat on a pan, and went to carry it HEAVILY with both hands all the way to the flat top stove across the room. My feet staggerged and I almost dropped all the hard work on the floor when I was at it. Prem almost freaked out when I gasped, but I steadied myself and assured her I was fine and laid the pan on the stove, finally beginning to cook it. That was when I went to work on my late night snack, which luckily didn't take as long as hers. I decided to have some spare hamburger meat as well since I had it out. It just sounded good anyway.
We both waited for Prem's share to get done cooking for a little while after I had mine beside hers, until finally it was all brown and ready to go. Mine was also done at the same time since I didn't have that much meat as hers. Least she wasn't eating alone, or else I'd grow impatient and starvin. The tiger was ecstatic it was done, but then I had to delay her a bit more cause I thought of Elsa had sprinkled some spices on the meat for added flavor. I didn't know which she used, I merely took a guess, hoping Prem didn't mind.
After all the hard work and all that wait time, the two of us were finally eating our grub back in the cafeteria. I was eating at the end of a table with Prem being on the floor per usual, me using silverware and her using paws and big fat mouth. I think I did the best I could in cooking all that stuff. Prem didn't complain about it so far. She seems to enjoy it. Maybe in her mind she thought it wasn't as great as her friend's, but chose not to say anything just so she wouldn't hurt my feelings. Which I wouldn't mind if she did. I'm not Elsa after all. But at least she was eating it and didn't taste bad, that was all I can hope for.
I glanced at the clock and saw that we were WAY past our bedtime. WAY beyond than what we've planned. But I didn't care. I was willing to stay up all night just to help her.
Now I can sleep well tonight.
I looked towards Prem, who has her forepaws holding her platter close to her chest and her muzzle burying in all that meat. Then I joked after letting out an amusing chuckle, "God, maybe I should be a chef."
Prem raised her head and gulped down the meat that was already in her mouth. She commented, "You should. This isn't bad."
I asked with curious raised brows, "Really?"
Then she added with a shrug, tiny piece of meat falling off her chin, "Well, I don't think it's as good as the way Elsa does it, but it's not a bad attempt. She'd be proud."
I'm kinda surprised you can taste the difference. I remarked, "Eh, I did my best. I'm not really a MASTER cook like her."
She praised, "And I think this WAS the best. Thank you for doing all this, Jason. I appreciate it."
I replied to that, "I'm just doing my job. Doing another big favor for you."
Prem complimented, a happy glint shone in her eyes, "Well this is by far my favorite favor you've done. This has never happened to me here before. I still feel like I'm dreaming. I still can't believe I have everything here all to myself."
"Heh heh heh." The big cat went back to snacking on her late night dinner. That's when I looked over her as she is laying down on her stomach. I told her, "You know, I don't really understand you. How can you eat all this stuff on a daily basis when you look this fat?" Prem raised her mouth above her meal again as I continued, "I'm definitely surprised you're still in good shape considering you eat this junk for years."
Prem rolled up her eyes, "Pah, I'm not fat, I'm big-boned."
I warned her playfully, gesturing to her, "Well you still look fairly large. I'm leaving it at that."
She then narrowed them up now, "If I was THAT hungry and couldn't literally stop eating when someone tells me not to, I would've went ahead and eat your phone by now...And the frisbee...And the ball...And then you..."
I playfully said, "I don't care about my own skin, or anything else. But I'm glad my phone's tucked away in my pocket...All my favorite photos of you are in there."
Prem scoffed, "They can go down my throat."
"Well you'd better not eat it anyways...Or everyone's going to hear something from inside your stomach! You ever heard of a ringtone before? Well, that's what everyone that is near you will hear at times!"
Prem actually started to laugh at that. She cried, "Oh god! If I actually hear something from in there, even when I sleep, I would freak out!"
I laughed a bit afterward. She buried her face into her food again. I was just staring at her, smiling at her, seeing how happy she was being, compared to earlier. I said softly out loud after a minute, "Hey Prem?" She paused herself and rose her chin above the platter once more. I brought up, "Look um...About what you said in the dome....About you missing home...I know I said I was sorry before, but...I mean it. I really do feel bad for you about that. Everyone here can go home whenever they like. But you..." I let out a pity breath for her, "I've only been stuck here for a short bit, but...I can't imagine being stuck here and not ever going home for a long time." Even though I can...A little bit. Then I apologized, "I'm sorry you're stuck captive here. I really am."
Prem actually smiled a bit. She responded, "It's all right. It's not your fault. I may not have been too happy about it for a long time...But I always do rely on my friends. You guys make me happy. Especially you...As of late. You have no idea how much more I feel like I'm home right now."
That's comforting, especially what you said about the jungle in the dome. I told her, in tiny bit of promise, "I'll tell you this much though...If I had my way, with Temra not around to stop me...I...I probably would have took you back home myself." Part of me inside felt like I shouldn't talk like that. Thinking about it was kinda making my heart drop.
It was strange even though it wasn't happening.
"God, you really have balls." She giggled a bit before she started, "I appreciate it. But..." The feline took a deep breath and let it out, "I don't think that's possible. I guess I'm content with living out this fate now. Really no need to hope for it. And that's ok. As long as you and everyone else is with me...I'll be good."
We both just smiled at each other. I hope you will.
Then a second later, we both heard somebody entering the double doors of this area. Prem and I shot our attention to that spot. She asked me, frowning in curiosity since she can't see them over the table, "Who is that?"
Right after that person waved at me upon entering, I recognized him straight away. It was Chase. Apparently he was in his security uniform and was patrolling the complex tonight, doing his night shift. I was wondering if I was going to see him tonight. Kinda took him long enough to arrive here. I reported to her as he was coming our way, "It's Chase."
Her eyes bugged out in surprise. She choked on her own whispered words, "CHASE?" She got on her feet and said to me in a hurried fashion, "Let's get out of here now, Jason!"
"What?" I waved her down, telling her in a calming voice, "Stop getting antsy, Prem, we're all right. He's our friend." I recalled her telling me she didn't trust this guy yesterday. She's displaying this attitude about him again.
Questions ran through my head. But why?
Chase made it to where we are with a smile on his face. He was gazing between us both about three times. Then he finally spoke up, "What's going on in here? You two doing night shift as well? Hey, I don't mind having some help. Bit too much for one guy."
I giggled, shaking my head, "Nah, we're just eating late." My hand motioned to Prem that still stood around like she was on high alert, "Prem was starving for food and I just took her in here and made her something. And for me too."
"No joke?" Chase gazed at her, then eyed down at the platter in front of her paws. He said without taking his eyes off it, "Whoa...Wish I could go for a meal like that right now."
Prem apparently held a distrustful look. She replied, looking away a bit with a lash of her tail, "Yeah well...I ain't sharing."
Chase told her with his hands raised, "Never was gonna ask. It's all yours."
"...Thanks." She gaped at him and said, "You have your cookies, I have my meat platter. That goes for everyone else. It's always been that way."
Chase chuckled at her statement, "It's not my job to change anything like that anyway. I respect your wishes."
Prem's voice sounded suspicious, "I hope so." I frowned at her behavior. Seriously...What is going on with her with him?
I think Chase felt this awkwardness coming off her, so he decided to try to break the ice some more, "So, how are you doing tonight, Prem? You're lookin pretty sharp."
Prem plopped down on her stomach. She huffed this out, "Fine. Doing good. Just having the time of my life."
"That's great. Uh...Anything interesting you'd like to share? You are a talking tiger, so-"
"What interesting thing is there? I'm always doing the same thing around here." She sharply looked away, "What else is new with me?"
Chase finally noticed her behavior as well and turned to ask me with a confused face, "Did I, uh...Do something wrong?"
I eagerly shook my head and answered, "No. You're doing fine. I...Think she's just hungry."
Prem interjected after placing her eyes back onto him, "I also like this alone time with Jason...If you don't mind?"
The night security guard formed up another smile and said, "Sure, I can take the hint. I won't bother you guys anymore."
Prem said without much enthusiasm, "Thank you."
"Hey, do you want to eat something before you go?" I said, showing him my plate on the table, "It's not much, all I have is hamburger meat like her. But unlike her, I don't mind sharing."
I heard my tiger tossing a whisper at me through her teeth, "JASON."
Chase declined with a wave, "Nah, I'm not hungry anyways. I'm good. I actually did eat some cookies a while ago."
I smiled and said, "Alright, whatever you say."
Then Prem asked him like she was interrogating him, "We're not in huge trouble, are we? Because we are here this late stuffing our faces."
Chase answered honestly with his shoulders shrugging, "No. Least I don't count this as trouble. It's not like you're doing anything wrong. Eating's not a crime. Not like you're breaking into a restaurant." He raised a finger and added, "But, I won't tell anybody about this. Okay?"
I said in gratitude, "Thanks."
Prem said this as well, "Yeah, thanks."
Then he instructed after lowering his limb, "Just make sure you clean up your mess for poor Elsa. She's already had enough on her plate feeding everyone here." Then he giggled like he made a crack, "Get it? PLATE?"
I let out a small laugh while the striped animal was just staring intently at him, her tail flicking on the floor.
Chase coughed in his throat and announced, "Ok, well...I'm outta here. Peace." I waved him goodnight as he went on his way and and shortly left the cafeteria.
After he was gone, I looked at Prem and told her, "You weren't being friendly to him."
Prem placed her eyes on me, apologizing, "I'm sorry...I meant what I said. I just wanna enjoy this alone time with you." She formed a tiny smirk, "This is a special occasion."
I argued, "But Chase would've been great to hang out. Besides, it'd give him something to do. I don't think there's ever anything new with him either when it comes to his job."
The smile was wiped off her lips and the female tiger said, "Look, I told you...I don't trust being with him. He can be your friend, but not mine. Alright?"
I pressed, "Fine...But are you going to tell me why you don't trust him?"
She dipped her muzzle and sighed, "...No...Not right now. Can you let this go for now?"
I stared at her for a long time before I nodded a bit with a sigh of my own, "Yeah...All right."
"Thanks, Jason." She began chomping back into her food after not having another bite for a bit. I stared at her for a long time and then got back to eating off my own plate again.
I don't understand. What has gotten into her? It's not like Chase is best friends with Gilbert, and he was spying on us for the guy. I don't think he is. He doesn't like him as much as we do.
What's her deal?
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