Current Track: Blabb

Wednesday 28 th

Greg wore a lightly angry sight on the donkey who was trying not to laugh too hard, lying on the bed of his friend.

FJ, resting on his stomach, had a hand over his mouth not to explode of laugh, thinking about the scene that occupied his mind. Facing him, Greg, standing in front of his bed, turned his back and went to close the window, about to calm himself down.

« I knew I should not had told you that. » 

FJ tried to wipe his tears of joy that welled up in his eyes, without really succeeding. He rolled onto his side, hoping the move would calm him a bit and allow him to catch his breath.

« Sorry Greg, but I can not getting off that idea from my head ! I know that there is nothing to laugh about but I can not help ! This idea of you grabbing shirts of your parents muttering "dads" in tears is too silly for me to calm down ! » 

FJ still felt his fit of laughter to subside somewhat, which relieved Greg a little. He wore a look of a mixture of criticism and amusement on his friend.

« I think I can understand you anyway. Even I have trouble recognizing me doing this. But I was so stressed that all this tension finally came out and I could not control myself. » 

Greg sat on the bed. FJ moved to replace properly at the rott’s side, taking his hand in his. His fit of laughter subsided completely and now his voice was calm, still happy.

« It's still great. You do not have to worry about something now.

- Almost. The judge made it clear that it would take a week before his judgment is final by lack of appeal.

- Do you think they will ? » 

Greg slightly lowered his sight.

« Not a chance. » 

FJ noticed the change of tone.

« It looks like it does not make you happy. » 

Greg looked at his friend.

« I still can not believe it. My troubles are finally finished and yet I am not alone. I’m not quite relieved.

- You fear that they would do so anyway.

- No chance for that, I have told you. But...

- But ?

- Deep inside of me, a part of me regrets. I know that nothing can change what happened, and anyway I do not want, but I still regret sometimes. » 

FJ nodded.

« I think I can understand. We can not erase fifteen years of living like this. Even with what she told you.

- Really ?

- Yes. You know, Greg, I would go back too sometimes. Ensure that mom would never left us. Whether remained a family. But we can not change anything and we must deal with that. »

FJ kept the hand of his friend in his palm.

« I miss my sister so much. I'm glad dad gets better but it is not enough to make me feel better too.

- You did not told me you would eat with him tonight ? »

FJ dropped the soothing Greg’s hot hand to look at his watch.

« Oh shit, you're right, it's almost time ! »

In an hurry, the donkey stood up and took his light jacket that dressed the chair beside the bed of his friend.

« I would have liked to stay here tonight but I do not want to miss my evening with dad... »

Greg smiled, rising also.

« You're lucky to see him back to normal. You deserve to be happy at home. » 

FJ approached Greg and hugged him, pressing his lips to those of the boy who returned the gesture.

« You're going to be as now, Greg. Two fathers is better than one.

- You really think so ?

- Knowing that they’re not mine, yes ! »

FJ released the embrace, somewhat reluctantly. 

« And you must know that. Even if you had not told me, they were not deprived themselves to do so while I was waiting for you ! » 

Greg opened his great all round eyes.

« Huh ? »

FJ was coming out of the room now, smiling.

« I think they are unable to keep any secret or thing about you ! They do not stop talking about you when you're not there ! They know everything about you and they hid me nothing about what you can do in your room ! It does not bother me because I already know a lot anyway. »

FJ looked away from Greg to carry his sight on his phone. An expert thumb typed a quick message to his father, telling him that he would wait at the corner of Hammer and Bolt street. 

It was of course out of the question for him to show him he was leaving a house or lived a boy. 

Greg muttered to himself. Doing without FJ for the evening was already difficult with the lifting of his punishment, but learning he would have to live with two licensed spies from who no aspect of his private life would be protected gave him a little regret about the judge's decision.


The young man looked around him, peering more closely at the cars rolled slowly from Bolt street to the intersection where he stood on the sidewalk. 

The work day ended and the traffic was a little more intense, workers returning from their offices or their sites. FJ kept turning his head to try to locate an old black Buick. He kept his hands in the pockets of his opened red jacket, ignoring the passersby who themselves wore only vague attention to the donkey waiting patiently at the corner of the street.

Finally, the expected car braked beside him. FJ smiled as he opened the door, sitting beside the driver.

« Hi Dad. »

FJ quickly buckled his seat belt while Francis, who was wearing a plaid shirt a size too small and where it lacked the middle button, nodded his head to his son.

« Are you ready to spend another evening with your old man ? » 

FJ nodded. Francis looked in the mirror before to take place in the queue of vehicles going to the city center.

« Had you planned something for tonight dad ?

- Nothing extravagant. A pizza in one of the best Italian in the area and then we will see a baseball game. I remembered that you loved watching that sport on TV.

- There are still some games ? I thought the final was held last week. »

Francis shook his head in denial.

« It was the high school’s final. Tonight is the college’s final. I had seats by a work colleague. »

FJ nodded. It was a long time since he had attended a game in real life, having to settle for television broadcasts. Younger, FJ had vaguely entertained the hope of playing for a team, but despite his efforts of chronic diets, his weight had ruined his small ambitions. He turned his gaze to the face of his father. The donkey seemed in better shape since he had slashed the booze. His face was refining, his mood was better and he seemed to have regained the esteem for himself, as well as work.

FJ then realized that he had not even asked his father about his job. He searched for the best angle of attack and found quickly.

« I must thank the guy then. I know him ?

- I do not think so. Charly is a pretty gruff guy and he is not very sociable.

- A little like me.

- I do not think so. He spends more time at the bar than you on your laptop.

- I’ll try to thank him anyway. What do both you do in fact ? »

FJ felt the car to swerve slightly faster but Francis took control of the wheel. It seemed to the young than the speed increased slightly.

« The usual stuff. Vehicles are loaded, they are unloaded, the administrative department is wasting time with two hundred copies of paperwork for insurance. Not the exciting stuff you will not do I hope. »

FJ nodded in assent. Francis's voice became a little hesitant, FJ thought that the slight loss of control was provoked by. He even been a little scared this time.

« I hope so too. »

FJ then feared to have offended his father by this remark, belittling his work. But Francis kept a cheerful tone.

« I shall not be sorry to see you use the benches of the college, son. I know you have the ability to have a better life than mine. A good education will help you have a good well paid job, and all you’ll need to protect your future wife and my grandchildren. »

FJ tried not to swallow his saliva through and keep a smile of circumstance.

« You hate me so much for wanting to have my finger already ringed, dad ? »

FJ hated himself. He managed to keep a happy face but he felt deep shame.

He was lying to his father. He would never marry a woman nor child will have. But he did not felt the courage yet to tell him that, or why.

So much time had passed since the time when his father had sunk into alcoholism. It did not seem to have seen or heard his father engage in homophobic or threatening comments. But Greg’s experience had prompted him to be careful. Even the example of Fred who had finally spilled the beans by mistake could not induce him to come out.

Francis became darker at the mention of the future marriage of his son. The car slowed somewhat.

« You have plenty of time for that. But you know my boy, even when we pay attention, we are not immune to surprises. Your... Patricia was the love of my life. And now she still has a place in my heart despite her departure and the stab she gave me in the back. »

FJ frowned slightly.

« I think I understand you dad... I miss Lily so much.

- Would you be ok to leave then ? »

FJ looked up, surprised by the question. He did not understood the meaning. Francis understood and explained his thoughts.

« We lived where our lives have switched, without changing anything. We were unable to recover from their departure. This is what I've come to understand. My job is not exciting and I can find one similar anywhere in the country. So what about to leave, FJ ? I quit, I cancel the lease and we leave ! Both ! I'm asking the question because I'm seriously thinking about ! »

FJ was speechless. His mind was at full speed, trying to see if his father was serious or not. He was, no doubt about that. Then FJ tried to think of an answer that would not allow his father to guess what he does not want to tell him, or why he did not want to leave. The reason, in fact. Another man he loved.

« I... »

FJ leaned back in his seat. He could not speak, or even to find an appropriate response. Fortunately for him, his father was mistaken.

« I know I surprised you and you do not know what to say. I'm like you, I understand your situation. This is why I do not expect an answer now. I just want you to think about. After all, nothing will hold you back here, right ? »

FJ noted malice in the tone of his father when he uttered that last sentence. And the trap. His father tried to learn more, believing that his son had a girlfriend despite previous denials. FJ looked up to heaven.

« Everything hold me here instead, Dad.

- Really ? »

Francis was surprised. FJ was even more so by his own spontaneity.

« I have friends, my school sucks, but I like it anyway. And then...

- And then ? »

FJ lowered his head a little, trying not to hurt his father.

« And then I will leave soon anyway, Dad. To college first. There is no one here, so I’ll have to leave. And I do not think you’ll follow me, right ? »

It was the turn of Francis to nod, some sad look on his eyes.

« It is true. Time passes so quickly. In two years you will go to university and then you’ll leave to I do not know where. You will not have time for me. Anyway, it is not healthy for a son to stay between his father's legs. My fucking old man kicked me out the day of my twenty and it took me five more years to understand why he had done that and to find the courage to acknowledge. I lost too much time drowning my sorrows. I lost three years of my life. The most important for you. »

FJ then noticed that the car was stopped in a parking lot. Facing the car, a corrugated metal building topped with a gaudy neon sign inviting the barge to a gustatory trip to Naples. FJ was certain that all employees of these establishments did not even have never left the state. But he did not care.

« Dad. I want you to know that... »

The boy's voice was hesitant. He wanted to talk to him. Tell him who he was. What he was. More than for him, FJ was scared for his father. He had lost his wife and daughter. Would he take the risk of him losing his son too ? 

The boy smiled. Without realizing it, he had already made his decision. Between truth and well-being, sometimes the choice was easy, even for the wrong reasons.

« Even when I’ll leave, I do not want to set you aside. I always want to be near you, if not physically, at least friendly. »

Francis smiled slightly. FJ did not knew why he kept a trace of sadness on his face.

« I ask no more, my son. » FJ’s father stepped out of the car, FJ did the same and walked toward his father, taking his in his arms. A little surprised, Francis returned the gesture before releasing the boy, looking happier.

« Regina or calzone ?

- I’ll see it inside, Dad. »

FJ felt a little bad. He added cowardice to lie, he knew. At the same time, he felt proud to focus on the well-being of his father at the expense of his own.

Without realizing it, he learned an important lesson. It was better to hurt his pride that his relatives. FJ entered the restaurant the heart a little lighter at the thought.


Since the place where he was, Greg could see only the bottom of the front door which was closing on his friend, leaving him out for his vespertine date. It was with a small amount of regret that he saw FJ out again of the house. Greg loved to have him a lot, even without necessarily having sex with him. FJ was a very different boy, but there were in the boy things that seemed to miss him. As a support, assistance. Mark and Ed were somewhat helpfully, but they were adults, there were things they would never understand. Plus, they were now officially his parents. Greg was happy to be part of a family who understood everything about his nature entails. He would never be judged by them, and somehow they considered him almost as an adult, something that would never happened in his former home.

But one thing bothered him. Besides the fact that they seemed to have no trouble to disclose any information to FJ, he did not liked the idea than they would know everything about his privacy. Ed had started his shift at the hospital an hour before, and would not return until the following morning. But Mark was in the house, Greg saw him go to the basement shortly after the arrival of FJ, and there was no evidence he left it out.

Greg wondered what Mark could do down. He went in the cellar during that famous evening for the beers in the reserve, and nothing had jumped out in particular. The staircase leading to it was made of old wood, but still solid. The bare walls without paint or plaster, were gray and dry. A bare unremarkable bulb in the ceiling. There were shelves loaded with food, hot water tank for domestic use and dust on the concrete soil. Greg remembered that the back wall contained a door. He had never crossed it but he assumed it led to another room in the basement. No doubt Mark was there in now.

Greg quickly found the switch on the stairs to the basement and there ensued. Actually, he could had not switched it on because the door at the bottom was opened and let in enough light to illuminate the stairs. This room also had three distinct sounds coming from. Greg identified two as mechanical origins, although he did not knew at that time what devices could give such a sound. The third was however identified. Heavy breathing.

Greg walked quickly but cautiously through the first room and poked his head into the frame of the second door. A strong smell of sweat was now perceptible. He had the idea to call his uncle, his father finally now, but seeing Mark busy, he had given up.

This second room seemed to had a better appearance than the first. Two neon ceiling flooded the place with their lights, and the walls wore a bright white paint. The ground was also made of concrete, but this time waxed. Looking at the scene, Greg identified the two artificial sounds. Between the neon lights, on the wall, a basement window overlooked the outside and a powerful ventilation rejected the air from the basement to outside. The second sound was coming from the ground. At the end of the room stood a treadmill. It operated at full capacity, and Greg heard the engine. Mark was on it, running at full speed, blowing loudly like a bull, his back to the boy. However, Greg felt he could see his face because Mark was facing a large mirror in which he stared at himself with an intense gaze. To the rott’s right, a third door leading probably to a third room, but it was closed. The closed door seemed to divide the room in two, and it seemed obvious to Greg  than the house rested on a huge cellar. At the right of the door, Greg noticed a bench, waiting for a heavily loaded bar on the base for someone to come and take the lift. On the side of, discs of different diameters rested in the ground. Returning to him, at his father’s other side, Greg saw a ladder attached to the wall. It certainly served for abdominal pulls. A warm-up cycle completed the ensemble. Just like the treadmill, it seemed as old, a towel hanging from its handlebars. Greg looked back to his father, still on his physical efforts and he noted that he was completely naked, the effort covering his body with sweat, which highlighted his dorsal and gluteal muscles. Mark was also running barefoot.

Greg was somewhat surprised to see him. As they had announced him at his arrival, Mark and Ed were indeed quite often naked at home. Greg could not refrain from watching their cocks moving at the rhythm of their steps but with time, he had learned not to pay attention. So it's with no other emotion than some surprise that the boy looked at Mark lavishing efforts. Never before he had seen a sports practice in such conditions.

The boy then noted that Mark's eyes had changed. He now looked at him through the mirror, a small smile.

« You came to train a bit ? It would be useful ! » 

Mark's voice was slightly breathless, and it seemed to Greg that he was now slowing. 

« No, not really, can I talk to you ? »

Greg had wanted to put enough aplomb in his voice to make the adult understand he would really talk to something he had on his heart. Mark seemed to understand as his fingers ran through the keys of the control box and the belt slowed, finally stopping its race. Mark left the rubber band and walked to the bike, taking the towel and wiping his face.

« You have a problem ? »

Mark was facing Greg, towel in hand, covering his chest a little but leaving his sex fully visible. Greg's eyes, however, not left Mark’s face.

« I do not know. Maybe. FJ just left.

- He has the right to do so it seems.

- It's not that. That's what he told me. »

Greg's voice was a little more inquisitive.

« What he said to you ?

- You’re spying on me ? » 

Greg's tone was accusatory now. The boy's face was a little tensed, edgy. He kept his arms crossed over his chest in order to feel more capacity, more power too. Mark realized this and tried a few seconds to think about the reasons that could push the boy to such an accusation.

« Not that I know of. »

Mark had accompanied the response with a shrug and an evasive look.

« He told me that you knew everything about me, and more, all I was doing ! »

Mark looked at his son with a curious eye. His face relaxed a little, understanding a little more on the situation, nodding.

« Ah, that's it ! Yes, we should have told you earlier, sorry, but we did not knew how to broach the subject without putting you uncomfortable. »

It was Greg's turn to wear a questioning look.

« I called already some contractors. The house is relatively old and construction standards were not as stringent as now, especially in terms of sound insulation. »

Greg looked at the great rott more curiously then.

« How so ? »

The face wiped, but still the towel on his hands on his hip, Mark approached the boy. The smell of the man was stronger, but Greg, used to the lockers rooms scents, did not pay attention. Mark stood for a moment beside his son, snapping him a small smile before continuing his steps towards the bike. Greg then noticed a bottle of water on the floor. Mark took it and drank from the bottle.

« Remaining elliptical, I’ll just say that until the work is done, it would be great from you and FJ to learn to be a little more...silent during your... play times. »

Mark's smile became more frank when he drank and Greg blushed, finally understanding the situation.

« Oh, man... »

The boy was holding his hand to his mouth, eyes closed, including the situation.

« You don’t have to be worried about, once our door closed, we hear nothing. But then when we go down the hall to pee, we sometimes hear...» 

Mark looked amused at the boy who was trying to avoid his gaze.

« It's a matter of weeks, you'll make do with I think. No need to feel ashamed, you're becoming a man, that's all. It happened to us all.

- Really ? »

Greg's voice was less assured. Mark seemed to play with it some. But he was careful to keep a warm voice. The boy was still sensitive on the subject, nothing more normal, after all.

« Now I understand why the judge decided to link you to our family, plus the fact that we already had relationships in the past. You're old enough to use your body as you want, you just have to learn with some discretion. »

Greg was struggling to cope with this situation. His eyes traveled from one element to another, and his voice was not at all assured.

« I...Yes of course. It is not too expensive ? I mean, it's almost a professional installation, right ? » 

Mark looked a curious eye at the boy, including fast he understood the message, but that was making him so uncomfortable that he still preferred to change the subject. He kept a wry smile he wanted to fly for himself. The message was send, no need to disturb the boy more than he was.

« Not really. I got the machines in an auction. They are few years old, you have to realize it. But they work perfectly. You can also use them if you want. By cons, for the weights, I demand that I would be there, or Ed. »

Greg nodded. The bar was obviously heavy and high school also had safety rules who required that those who would raise the cast were accompanied by someone who can come to their aid if needed.

« It’s been a moment that I neglect my endurance, I should better get back to it. As long as I'm not forced to run like that, it's fine. »

Mark knew that Greg was referring to his nakedness.

« You will do as you please, this is not a problem. I advise you to run barefoot though. You will reinforce your ankles that way, and your soles too.

- Really ?

- Yes. You’ll get better with time and you’ll feel a better support. I know how important it is for your position in the team. » 

Greg turned his gaze to Mark’s ankles. He noted their thickness. They were joints that seemed difficult to twist, in fact. He shook his head again.

« In fact, there is a reason why you train this way ? I mean wearing nothing... »

Greg was careful not to look at Mark in his eyes. The question burned his lips, it was obvious.

« For the feet, yes. It strengthens the sinews faster that way, and with a thick skin, it is less susceptible to be cut. For the rest, not really. This is Ed who taught me that, he always does. It gives more a kind of feeling. After all, it is the first sense of gymnastics.

- I do not understand...

- Gymnos. It means "naked" in ancient Greek. Former athletes were training and competed naked in honor of their gods. If they did not see any objection to celebrate the sausage’s feast, why should this bother me ? »

Greg could not restrain a smile franc hearing the pictorial expression. Shaking his head, a little more relaxed, he pointed the finger at the closed door.

« And behind ? There is something ? Can I go or a monster will emerge to devour me ? »

Mark smiled back, but kept a little embarrassed look.

« Nothing like that, but I'd rather you not to enter here. This is a place for Ed and me and I prefer not to see you there. At least not until you’re 21. I can trust you and not having to lock up this place ? »

Mark's tone was quite serious. Greg nodded again. The curiosity gnawing him, but after seen what Mark’s wardrobe could hold, it seemed prudent to avoid the forbidden room. At least for now.

« I think this house is big enough anyway.

- Good. There is a water bottle in the fridge if you need it. In fact, I wanted to ask you something. »

Greg looked into the face of his uncle, interrogative. He scratched his neck, a little embarrassed.

« It is not easy for me to ask you, but I have to. I know now what caused all this. What FJ did and what Fred offered him and all that. »

Greg knew what he was talking about.

« I wanted to mention that topic before, but you were not very well then, and I did not wanted to load your mind unnecessarily. »

Mark put the towel on the bench and sat upon it. Greg understood the seriousness of the situation.

« I know for example that you have a little tendency to drink at parties. I do not want to play preachy but I have to do anyway. This is for your own good after all. And I do not forget that your grandmother died because of her liver. This is why I make myself care despite appearances.» 

Mark held his hands clasped, his elbows on his knees, his gaze on the boy’s who was now his son. Greg was standing between the bench and the treadmill.

« I know. I like to drink when the evening progresses. But I try not to be boozed too much. In fact, if I drank as much it was because... »

Greg paused, not knowing how to continue the sentence. It was Mark's turn to shake his head, meaning to the boy he understood him.

« Now that you're honest with yourself and others, I think you will not have to drink so much, right ? »

Greg shook his head, smiling.

« And then there are the rest. Now I know that you appreciate my good cigars. »

Greg blushed again a little, thinking about the previous Saturday evening.

« Again, I'm not lecturing, I'm not qualified to do about you. You're old enough to decide this alone. I do not know though, is if I have to worry to see one day the cops come here with trained dogs. I want you to know that, Greg. This is not something that I shall accept. »

Mark had taken a firm tone against the boy. Greg shook his head in denial.

« No, I do not have pot. But I'll be honest, I've smoked, yes. » 

Mark looked at Greg with a severe eye. The latter did his best not to appear destabilized.

« That was nice, I must admit. But after I was unable to run for almost a week and Leonid kept yelling at me. So I stopped taking it. »

Greg shrugged his shoulders in response. Mark gratified his son a better smile.

« This is your life, Greg. You're the only one who can looking after yourself, but if you have a problem, I want you to know that we will not judge you. We will help you as much as possible. All I hope is that you will make the right choices. You are capable of, I know. »

It was Greg's turn to scratch the back of the head as a sign of hesitation.

« Fred is a good guy after all. He just made a big bullshit. I do not want to lose myself as he did, I know only too well how lucky I've been coming here.

- It was not luck, Greg. That was your decision.

- You could had say "no". I had the chance you didn’t. »

Mark gently stood up and walked to Greg, enclosing him in his arms. His shoulders surrounded completely the boy in his arms. He was a little embarrassed to feel the sex of the adult so close to him, even if Mark was visibly careful not to touch him with it. Hesitating, Greg made the gesture. His nose was now full of the smell of sweat of the adult who was resting his cheek against his. But what Greg felt before anything else was the heat, the depth of his affection.

« I would never have let you live what happened to me, Greg, never. »

The boy smiled at the warm contact that was offered to him. Mark pulled away, taking his towel.

« I have to go back now, I have things to do. You have some dirty clothes ? »

Greg though.

« Apart from what I wear, no. »

Mark shook his head, turning back to the stairs.

« Wait. »

The word made the adult turning back to Greg. He was removing his shirt and threw it to his father, beginning to drop his shorts too.

« If the spot is free, I'll run some miles then.

- No problem. »

Greg threw his shorts, now removing his shoes and his socks. He had now only his blue jockstrap, hesitating on the action. 

He looked at the carpet and other furniture in the room, looking for something.

« I'll go down a towel, if that is what you seek.

- Yes, indeed... »

Mark took in hand, in addition to his dirty towel, the clothes to wash that Greg had just threw. The boy went to the treadmill and looked at the control panel, searching and guessing quickly how to run it while Mark turned back to the stairs, now stopped by a final

 « Oh, you can take that too ? »

Mark turned and saw that Greg kept his jocks on his hand, one foot on the mat. The big rott nodded his head and Greg threw his undies to the adult who took it, quickly placing it in his own towel, turning this time from the boy who started to run.

Greg began to breathe rhythmically with his step who became fast, the race accelerating slowly. He kept a straight looking as he saw Mark do in the big mirror in front of him. He still did not knew what sensations the vision of his naked body in full effort would bring him, if indeed there would be some. But he wanted to live this experience at least once. Maybe there was a reason ? Maybe he’ll like that ? He still had so much to learn about himself, as he now had relatives to teach him that, so it seemed silly for him to ignore this lesson.

Did Mark understood that too ? In any case, he left the room a big smile on his face, sending a warm and sincere 

« That's my boy ! »

at the stairs.

Saturday 31th

A distant sound perceived in his sleep was his first’s day sensation. Slowly opening one eye, he became aware of the annoying hum that emanated from his nightstand. On reflection, it was not a buzz, but rather an annoying noise. It did not came from the nightstand, but from outside. The rott opened one eye and the already strong daylight wounded him, forcing him to close his eyes. The night wind had removed the curtains of the window and Mark sat up on his bed. After rubbing his hand over his face to try to wake up a little more, he turned to his left, his breath again becoming calmer seeing the bear sleeping on his side, his face facing the wall. Shaking his head of despite, Mark stood up. There were no luck to see Ed to go down to learn about the knocking on the door. When the ursine was asleep, nothing and nobody could wake him, apart from his own clock. Having witnessed this, Mark knew that a fire alarm could fail to interrupt the light snoring of the male dreamer.

If he had to open to someone, Mark had to give up being naked as he was. He leaned over to take a short that rested on the floor and pulled it, still shirtless. Mark never hid his torso to others, the latter being large enough to impress the unwelcome troublemakers and to attract some potential sexual partners. Grumbling against the intruder who awoke him so early, Mark descended the steps and crossed the room to open the door. He grabbed the handle and opened when FJ was about to hit the door again. The rott looked for a moment at the teenager, who was wearing old pants and a dirty t-shirt, before remembering the reason for the presence of the boy on that Saturday morning.

« I woke you up ? »

The answer was obvious, but FJ did not knew how to start a conversation with a bad-tempered rott sports teacher. Mark tried to keep his bitterness for him.

« A little, but it's okay, I'll just go back to bed.

- If you want, I can come back later...

- And wake me up again ? Come in. Anyway, it was you who wanted to come early, right ? »

FJ nodded, entering in the house and going to the kitchen and the door leading to the garden. Mark followed him with a slow and insured step. 

« What you planned to do this morning then ?

- I must first see how I can arrange your garden. Cut the dead branches of the trees, see the exposure of the garden to select plants and the shrubs, I still can also start digging holes for flowers and mowing the lawn. »

Mark winced at the idea of hearing the sound of the mower. He had spent too much time hanging out the last night of the net and he went to bed late. Too late to his taste.

« I have nothing against you doing anything noisy ! The lawn can wait until next week however ! » 

FJ was on the doorstep and looked at the garden. The grass began to be very high, and he could quite mow that day. But the dark eyes Mark launched at FJ at the idea he could make noise dissuaded him to even begin to think about using the mower. FJ relaxed himself, looking quickly the time on his watch.

« As it is only eight, I'll take care of branches first. It is better to do it early so that the sun does not burn the sap. »

Mark looked at the boy with a curious eye. FJ came to take care of the garden of the couple as reimbursement for the costume that Mark had rented for him. But it seemed that the boy will actually knew much about gardening. The rott briefly remembered conversations about that with Greg, who had told him that his boyfriend was working in his neighborhood to earn some money. A healthier occupation that changed from computer screens before whom he loved to spend hours.

In its own way, FJ had also experienced difficult times. Mark appreciated that more than just support, he brought to his son friendship, and love. He was to see that the boy  struggled for himself, and won. He had managed to survive, and now his father seemed to return to better tendencies after years of negligence.

Seeing FJ heading to the garden shed, Mark went out of his reverie and told him that they had the necessary tools at its disposal inside. The boy, experienced, would sure be careful handling the saw. Mark grabbed the door handle and began to close, adding a final warning.

« If you need anything, help yourself ! Ask to Ed if you need something else. Disturb me one more time and I kill you ! »

Without turning, FJ greeted the last order of lifting his hand in an okay sign. Mark left the boy from his sight and closed the door, trying to relax somewhat to easier the plunge into the still missing sleep. He climbed the stairs, shut the bedroom door and laid back on the bed, naked, back cloth, resting his head on his arms and sighing, feeling sleep coming again.

He just had time to close his eyes as the shrill sound of Ed’s alarm clock rang in his ears. The spirit finally fully awakened, he pretended to stand still while his husband stretched on the bed, yawning loudly.

« Did you slept well ? »

Ed noted the glazed look Mark threw at him, quickly understanding the situation.

« Sorry, but I do not want to miss the beginning of the match. Get on rather to the jet lag. »

Mark groaned. The dual wakeup imposed bothered him enough and he chose not to overdo it. Ed smiled, seeing the bad moody rott. Turning in bed to face him, he grabbed the sex of his partner who began to swell instantly, triggering the lecherous bear’s grin and  the beginning of some root’s protests. Mark’s words died on his throat when Ed slowly and lovingly closed his jaw on the throat, biting with passion the canine skin. 

Mark looked up reflexively to allow the bear to ensure a better grip, saying his passion and agreeing the domination coming from his husband. The sex of the rott was now completely stiff. Ed released his grip, licking the sore throat.

« Stay in bed and have some rest. I forbid you to touch yourself before I come back to finish the job. You understand me ? »

Mark nodded.

« It's cruel to leave me that way...

- That's the way you love me ! »

Mark chuckled, finding nothing wrong with that. Leaving his sex slowly returning to its resting state, he turned under the sheet to try to regain some sleep.

Ed stood up, satisfied, and put on his old blue short before leaving the room, gently closing the door.

« Oh, hi Greg... Try not to make too much noise, your father is trying to sleep. »

Standing in the hallway, Greg, already dressed, began to descend the stairs.

« You get up very early for a Saturday, you see someone ?

- Well, I understood that FJ is here, I'll see if he needs help.

- Okay. »

Ed came down in turn the stairs, following Greg. If the boy then went into the garden, Ed remained in his kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The bears opened the fridge and took out the milk, he left on the worktop. He took a bowl, a spoon and a big box of cereal he placed on a tray. He also put two slices of toast and a pot of chocolate cream. Everything was laid on the living room coffee table and Ed left all the time to take the remote and look for the right channel. 

« They must always change the numbering to piss us off. »

While complaining, Ed sought his desired program. Foreign channels in Spanish and Portuguese marched. German language tore a smirk to Ed. Finally, his mother tongue was heard. A quick glance at the upper right corner advised Ed that he had found the right channel. On the screen, a wide shot showed a large green field. In the foreground, two commentators were issuing an analysis of an event that had not yet occurred. A habit that transcended the shores of the ocean. Ed had just enough time to use a big bowl of cereal than Greg returned to the house, looking a little annoyed.

« A problem »?

- No, not really. FJ does not want me to help him.

- This is normal, it is committed he’d work alone.

- I know, but I would have liked to stay a little with him. »

Greg turned his attention to the screen. A panoramic shot of a cohort of athletes lined up, standing straight, head high, and holding by their shoulders, marched on the screen. One of the players, with a large frame and a gross facies caught his attention.

« He’s rather cute, this one ! »

Ed, seated on the couch, agreed.

« I think he is even the cutest of the group. Should come home, I would have no qualms about locking you in the basement a few hours so that you could not know what we'd do to him, your father and me ! »

Greg shook his head of despite taking place on the sofa. The allusion was clear and he did not wanted to know more. The boy did not wanted Ed to multiply his sometimes salacious comments because he too would have put the attractive player to his menu, between him and FJ.

On the screen, the map expanded to show at the same time the players from both teams lined up. A military band began to interpret a hymn Greg identified easily as the « God Save the Queen ». The hymn was accompanied by a few whistles from the stands while the players dressed in white accompanied their national song.

« They are going to play now ? In the morning ?

- Question of point of view ! For them, it is… »

Ed looked up at the ceiling to check mentally the induced shift.

« Four PM. »

Greg looked at Ed with a curious eye. It was just nine in the morning.

« It's a friendly game, but that does not make the fight unnecessary ! To beat these English pigs is always a pleasure ! »

Ed did not hide his excitement now. His eyes lit up a little and his head rose slightly from the new anthem. Greg recognized La Marseillaise. This time, the whole stadium sang in unison. Ed's lips, mute, followed anyway the lyrics. But even without making any sound, his face showed a form of pride to hear this music. He might lived for almost ten years with Mark in the United States, his soul and his heart remained unswervingly French, Greg could swear.

The sound died and the last notes played, the players scattered on the ground, one of them remaining in the center, tapping his foot in an oval ball at the opponent. Ed then started yelling his joy, Greg quickly understanding that for the next eighty minutes, he wouldn’t be here for anyone.

The black and white car was traveling at a reasonable speed on Main Street. At the wheel, the young policewoman did not take her eyes off the road while throwing quick glances at her passenger. The hyena, encased in her slightly too small for her uniform, tried to understand what had happened to her.

Sitting behind the counter of the reception as usual, she had to replace at short notice the imposing Ken who was forbidden to leave the place. Irene Winter, as head of the department of child protection, had the authority to choose the officers who would be her guard during difficult operations or requiring public order. But to her knowledge, never Irene had challenged anyone as she had just done. She seemed nevertheless having good reasons.

« No sir, I do not care much what the Commissioner said, you will not come this time !

- Madam, you must understand that I can hardly disobey a direct order ! »

Standing in front of the bull, which dominated her much by two heads, Irene had kept her composure, pointing the hyena trying to classify her documents while not letting lose a crumb of the conversation.

« This lady will take your place and you'll take her, so I do not have to disturb the Commissioner on a Saturday morning to have someone else. »

At these words, the young woman had dropped the paper she held in hands, looking around to be sure whether it was her that Irene spoke about.

« But the process...

- I know the procedures, mister ! They require a police presence but no article mentions the mandatory presence of a two quintals bovine with me ! »

Ken groaned slightly, Irene somewhat overestimating his weight. But he had to admit she was right. Irene softened somewhat her voice.

« I do not raid a crack house, you know. »

Irene took a phone from her bag and began to dial a number while continuing to talk.

« It is a so common file that I myself will stay here to take care of the paperwork while my assistant and your friend here will go to pick up the boy. There is no danger and I have personal reasons for doing so. »

Irene brought the phone to her ear. A low female voice heard confirmed to Ken her arrival for a few minutes. Irene hung up, satisfied. The bull turned to the young policewoman, with a questioning look. Surprised, the hyena bowed her head slightly in assent. For once she could leave her desk to go to the field, she would not pass up the opportunity. Ken returned the gesture, resigned. 

« It is your responsibility, then. »

Irene smiled, satisfied.

« News from the father ? I know it is not a question that I am entitled to ask but it could still be useful for me to know. »

Ken shook his head.

« Not really, interrogation has just begun. But with this flagrant, this should not pose any difficulties. 

- I wonder what people have in their heads sometimes. Finally. »

Irene turned her head at the opened door of the office, letting in a Carol who frowned at the sight of her superior. Irene tried to act as if nothing had happened but the policeman near them noted the animosity of the young woman to her senior. Irene affected to keep calm and poised voice, holding a few sheets of paper to the newcomer.

« You finally here, Carol. Take these documents. »

Carol took the leaves and then ran a quick glance on then while Irene meant the young policewoman who had approached.

« This young woman will accompany you. The police team that went to the suspect's home found no one there, and the boy did not respond to the number indicated, he had to cut his phone.

- He knows nothing of what happened ?

- Probably not. The father was unable to tell us where he could be, but I assume that people at this address will know. »

Carol turned her gaze on a handwritten note which referred to an address. She raised her eyes, a little surprised, having already seen it before.

« If the boy is there, you have the authority to bring him here. I'll stay to find him a place in a residential center. Otherwise, try to find where he can be. It is well understood ? »

Carol replied with an affirmative nod, speaking to the policewoman with a playful tone and walked away quickly. All those present could see that the great love did not reign among colleagues. Irene acted as if nothing had happened.

Firm hands on the wheel, the young policewoman left Main Street and turned onto Ladder Street. There was still some way to go anyway, and curiosity was burning the lips of the young woman.

« It feels good to be a little on the field, right ? »

Carol looked up her case, trying to be polite. After all, the hyena had nothing to do with the conflict that opposed her to her director.

« There are days where I think the opposite, you know.

- Hey, I know what it is to have a boss we want to kill. »

Carol did not conceal a smile to dress on her face.

« It’s so obvious ?

- Even a scribbler like me can see that.

- The only positive point in all this is that to know that old bitch behind a desk will limit the damages.

- It is as bad as that ?

- Until last week, I would have told you "no." But I know now that this is not the case, and unfortunately, she has too powerful supports to allow her to keep her job despite what she did. »

The policewoman slowed somewhat, the destination being closer. Carol could see the house concerned.

« This should not take long. You’ll stand a step behind me, on the side you like. There should be no danger, but stay on your guard, we never know. »

The hyena nodded. 

« If the person we are looking for is not here, I really do not see where to look at him  then. »

Carol left the police car, followed by her day teammate. Facing her, there was a two-stories house, with a well maintained front but a neglected front garden. Carol knocked on the door. From the inside, she could hear a sound coming probably from a TV. She heard no answer and was about to hit again but quiet and heavy footsteps were heard then, so she hung her gesture.

The policewoman redoubled attention, ready, despite her misgivings, to act the right way if needed.

The door slowly opened, letting a large shirtless bear appear, wearing only shorts to hide his privacy. The broad chest was muscular and imposing, as his arms, the face of the Ursine breathing calm and surprise.

« ... Mr. Miller ? »

Ed shook his head in denial.

« He’s sleeping. May I help you ? »

Carol continued.

« My name is Carol Espinosa, I am the Assistant Director of the Department of Child Protection. I wonder if the so-called Francis Redhorn Junior is in your home. »

The bear looked at the two women in a surprised and worried look.

« He is here indeed. What happens there ? »

Carol felt a weight running away from her stomach. Things seemed to proceed more easily than expected.

« Can we go and see, sir ? It is a matter concerning him. »

Ed stood on the side, the arm inviting the two women to enter. The two hyenas then entered, trying not to look at the impressive and ostensibly attractive ursine body. He joined the bottom of the stairs and yelled from the last step towards the first floor.

« FJ, come right away, an emergency ! »

Then he turned his gaze to the two women, who were waiting in the living room.

« Can I know what’s going on ? »

Carol shook her head.

« I'm sorry sir, but this concerns only the boy. »

Ed understood, which did not prevent him to wear a worried look. Footsteps sounded on the stairs. Two teenagers joined the show. The first was a fat donkey, wearing a t-shirt soiled by some dirt, his hairs still wet. The second was a rott about the same age, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, wet head too, like if they came out from a shower. Carol recognized the boy. She had seen his photo on the top folder who should never had been treated this way. He also looked a lot like to the rott she herself had asked the previous week. The two boys were concerned, FJ standing facing the two women, trying to know that could happen.

« You're Francis Redhorn Junior ? The son of Francis Redhorn senior ? »

The boy nodded, puzzled.

« My name is Carol Espinosa. I'm the assistant at the children’s protection service. I need to ensure that you are well and I must ask you to follow me.

- To follow you ? But why ? »

Carol wore a tender look at the teen, a look tinged with sadness. However, she kept a quiet and relaxing voice.

« We must find you a new home. Your father is under arrest since two in the morning. »