Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Breaker

"Can you just rewind time to the point that we would
not be where we are right now?"

I turned to Zawar who smiled brightly upon my eyes as if he
had wanted to return back to that time. But I shook my head growling at him,
"I cannot." "Why not? Are you not the time manipulation
wizard?" He asked. I nodded my head at him but added, "Cause; if I
were to do that. It would be selfish and boring. Plus it will break the story
plot." "What plot?" Zawar asked, narrowing his eyes at me in
reply but I said nothing afterwards and sighed, shaking my head I turned back
towards the wall behind of me and raised my claw onto it with a sounding
comfort of a growl, "I am sure that someone out there will save us. And
tell us where are we?" "We are in a large box, Neriax." Ajiro
answered and I glanced at her "We are. But what I meant is…" "Do
not worry…" Ajiro interrupted me waving her claw as she smiled in reply.
"I already know."

In confusement, I tilted my head to one side gazing at her
while she walked calmly over to Zawar. Putting her face against his scales, she
screamed. Zawar and me exchanged glances before looking elsewhere. Having
nothing to do besides each other, I became worried pondering if anyone out
there will help us. Eventually, we got our answer. For among the silence in the
next few seconds, the surroundings walls shook greatly as if there was an
earthquake. I heard Ajiro screamed suddenly loudly this time around and running
about the length of the room while both me and Zawar glanced around the walls
watching as the walls crumbled before our very eyes until nothing was left
except for smoke and dust that somehow stings my eyes.

I growled and raised my front claws to my eyes, rubbing
them. When nothing was left, I opened them and looked around. A bit surprise to
see that the dust and smoke had settled leaving nothing but large rocks that
looked like stones. I was in the mists of them and shouted out strongly hoping
anyone else could hear me. While my voice was carrying out through the sea of
bricks and rocks, I noticed a claw unleashed itself from the depths of the rock
seas. It started wagging about in the air and someone shouted out from beneath.
I wadded my way towards the claw, pushing away the rocks and stones that were
surrounding me. Once I had reached the claw, I grabbed it and pulled whoever
was underneath. It was revealed to be Ajiro who happily murred and licked my
face. I smiled afterwards before dropping her into the sea.

As her feet touched the surface of the rocks prowling down to
the grounds underneath, Ajiro spoke to me asking "Where is Zawar among
this mess?" "Not sure." I replied without delay while my eyes
scanned out from where we were standing. The sea stretched not too far from
where we are as I could see land. The land outside of the sea was a bit
different than what I normally seen elsewhere around the world for the flooring
was purple and blue mixed together to make one color. What color was it was
unknown, even for me. Since I do not know the basic colors. But ignoring that,
I motioned Ajiro who nodded in afterwards. We wadded our feet along the sea of
rocks getting closer towards the purplish lands before of us. Eventually, we
reached it when our feet had touched a solid floor. Ajiro exclaimed proudly and
with excitement while she turned to whatever was ahead of her, running off a
few distance away. She left me behind with the sea next to me while I stand and
watched her run like a hatchling. Smiling faintly to myself, I shifted my
attention back towards the sea. A sense of worry washes away the confidence
that I had while I whined, wondering where Zawar was.

It did not take too long for him to emerged. As I noticed
his claw reaching out to the edge of the lands clawing at it making some marks,
I walked on over to him. Biting his claw and dragged him out from the sea. He
was not wet however which made me sad, but I smiled brightly upon seeing him as
he groaned in pain and growled silently to himself. Opening his eyes, he raised
them fixing upon me while I sat in front of him. We both said no words to one
another in the silence, before I flickered my tail and spoke starting "You
know Zawar. I could rewind time so we could experience that earthquake again if
you like." "You just like me getting hurt. Do you not?" Zawar
rasped and slowly got up onto his feet. Ignoring the wounds and scratches that
he had upon his scales, he walked away from me trying his best to catch up to
Ajiro who ran on far. I laughed mentally to myself before following him. We
walked onward with only one thought in our mind.

"How are we going to get home?"

Zawar and me walked along the silence, keeping our eyes to
Ajiro who ran off somewhere. I had noticed that the place around us was empty
and boring. Nothing else was here after all and it was making both of us
quickly bored. I yawned and stretched out my silver wings shifting an eye over
to Zawar who growled in afterwards. He stopped a few steps behind of me while I
stopped too and turned to him. He was scratching the floor; making claw marks
around where he had stopped. While I watched him, I stepped over to him and
raised my wing to his head. He stopped and looked at me before going back to
his work once again. Standing like this a couple of times, I sighed and spoke
calmly to him. "That's not going to get us back to our world you
know." "Then how does it work in cartoons and movies?" Zawar
demanded, giving the floor one last scratch. "This is not real life is
it?" I looked at him in concerned, wondering where he got a thought like
that. "It is not." I finally spoke trying to find the words to
counter him as he smiled to me and continued scratching again. I sighed to
myself slapping my claw onto my face closing my eyes before looking away. I had
noticed that Ajiro was gone.

"Come on Zawar, enough. I think the floor had sustained
enough damage from your claws." I ordered Zawar who growled at me and
stopped afterwards, walking off from behind me and heading down the pathway
staring at his horizon wondering where Ajiro was. While I looked back at the
scratched marks upon the floor, I had noticed that it became darker purple or
bluish coloring. The marks were over top of one another like a set of
matchsticks creating fire. While I blew some smoke over the marks, I felt a tug
upon my tail and I turned to meet Zawar who nudged his head forth and walked
on. I frowned after him and sighed, following him in turn.

Onward we go, down the purplish path. While our eyes stared
at what is in front of us, I frowned having noticed that the path ahead was
becoming more darker than before. All of that purple floor that we had been
seeing was getting dark. We do not know the reason why however. I stopped and
gulped to myself nervously as I noticed that Zawar walked in a few steps ahead
stopping too and turned his head to me, noticing me shivering as if I am cold.
"Had the time gone cold that it stopped?" Zawar joked, slapping the
sentenced onto my face while I narrowed my eyes at him. He smirked in response,
laughing afterwards before going onward. I followed him down heading into the
dark atmosphere which is now around us.

Then halfway into the darkness, we noticed that the lamppost
were lightning up the darkness driving it away. While me and Zawar gasped
breathless turning our eyes around the lamppost staring down onto it, we waited
and looked. Squinting our eyes down the pathway and noticed someone was there.
Was it a dragon? I frowned pondering this while I crept down separating myself
from Zawar who turned his attention to me, gulping silently. I crouched down
and walked slowly forth towards the dragon ahead of me. It had his back turned
to me. Its wings were splitting from one another as if it was readying itself
to fly. When I drew closer to it, I raised my claw upward to its shoulders
feeling the warmth upon my claw. Then, I heard a someone giggling behind of me
and I turned around. I was startled and surprised to see Kesir behind me. For
without hesitation, I wrapped my claws and wings around her and laughed

But then the sounds erupting from my throat stopped when I
saw Kesir looked worried. "H… Hey Neriax." She started, I tilted my
head to one side wondering what she had wanted. Then she raised herself upward,
sealing my mouth with her. She shocked me again.