I have just put my shoes on and started tying them when the knock on the bedroom door came. I responded, "It's open!" The person opened up. I chuckled quietly to myself when I laid eyes on him. Gilbert, as I suspected, was the one knocking. That was good timing! Much better than yesterday morning!
My animal handling partner said as he was standing at the door with a smile on his face, "Morning, partner. Making sure you were up again."
I replied while I was finishing tying up the last footwear, "Apparently I am."
Gilbert said, eying the clothes on my form, "Look ready too. You're in much better position this time than yesterday."
I said as I made my way up to him, "Certainly better. I had my alarm set last night, I got up a little while ago." I stopped in front of him, finishing the statement, "I wasn't going to louse the 'getting up, going to work' routine again."
He amusingly stated, "Well you definitely proved me more wrong about taking your job seriously, kid. That's another step up from you."
"Thanks for the compliment." I was straightening up my shirt when I asked, "You ready for work?"
Gilbert joked a bit, strolling away from the door out in the hall with me, "Jesus, I'm the one who was supposed to be asking these kind of questions. Who's the senior animal handler here?"
I giggled, closing the door behind me, "You are." I stared at him and said, "I was making sure considering you got back here early last night because of me."
Gilbert responded with a nod and raised brows, "I've gotten a good night's sleep, don't worry." He began to stroll down the white hall with a motioning hand, "Come on, kid, let's see our tiger."
I went down the path with him, catching up to him after a small jog. I corrected him as we strolled past another door to another bedroom, "I think you mean our 'talking' tiger."
Gilbert remarked, "A tiger nonetheless." We shortly got around a corner, giving away to a long path down the hall.
I looked down at my feet. Last night's revelation still ran through my head as I made the morning travel with him to Prem's cage room. Even after my dad, Earl, and Gilbert, after he was done with taking Prem to bed and promptly making sure I was going to keep the government's biggest secret ever, were done dealing with me and all went home and I went to bed, I still couldn't get it out of my head. How can I? It was still shocking and surprising at its best. I still can't believe that my own father and his scientist buddies actually made a living, breathing tiger TALK. The tiger me and Gilbert are looking after!
Don't know about other animal handlers in the world, but it's not something a animal handler like me, a newbie animal handler for sure, would expect to happen.
Honestly the whole science lesson from dad and the scenario from last night didn't exactly make me plop down and go straight to sleep right away, despite I know answers to the questions that bothered me before I found the tiger can actually talk. They kept me awake, tossing and turning kind of awake. Despite that though I was lucky to even have a goodnight's sleep at all like Gilbert, since that didn't last long. Really lucky, or otherwise I'd probably get another kind lecture from Gilbert about doing my job right.
I guess actual words coming out of an animal would make people toss and turn at night. And I guess I just wanted to meet the tiger again. She was a friendly thing, so I was probably wondering what she's like when she has a conversation with somebody, heck, even wondering what it was like being an animal from her perspective. It's not like you get to hear actual PERSPECTIVES from animals, right? Be a first for me.
Prem's worriness now just popped up inside my head too. Thinking back now, I remember how troubled she seemed, not talking much to me or that security guard before she got taken away by Gilbert. I wasn't sure how she was feeling before I went to bed. I didn't exactly say goodnight to her last night. I felt kind of bad for her right now. I was desperate for answers and I didn't even feel totally concerned about how she was feeling. I do now. It probably wasn't my fault, but I felt that I got her in trouble. She probably didn't get any punishments from talking to me, Earl said she wasn't in trouble, so maybe I shouldn't worry about anything.
Still, I felt a little guilty. Maybe not just for her, but for also having my dad, Earl and Gilbert come back here at night. I didn't exactly apologize to any of them come to think of it. It probably doesn't matter apologizing to them now, but what about Prem? Does it matter to her? She seemed really worried.
How was Prem feeling now? Not troubled anymore? Maybe she felt better?
I guess I was about to find out.
Gilbert broke through my thoughts, "So, how did you sleep after the incident, kid?"
I replied, chuckling, "Well I admit..." I gazed toward him, "After learning our only animal to take care of can talk, I was tossing and turning a bit."
Gilbert smirked, "Her speaking kept you going?"
I said, shooting my eyes up at the ceiling, "Totally. I mean, god, it really is like something from a dream. I actually thought she was an alien of some sorts that you guys captured!"
Gilbert remarked, giggling at my words, "Alien? That's a first. Nobody ever called her an alien before."
I frowned at him, "Seriously?"
"Yeah. Even I never thought she was when I first met her. Looked like a normal tiger to me."
My brow softened when I let out a tiny giggle, "I think aliens would look good in their disguises. But other than that, it's probably because you were never on the need-to-know basis like I was."
Gilbert admitted, shrugging, "It probably was."
I said, gesturing to him, "That's what I thought. You knew the truth from the very beginning instead of being in the dark like me."
My handling partner stated, "It was worth it. Being that it was so top-secret, you weren't ready."
"Yeah, I know." I glanced down as we strolled together still, "But I'm still surprised nobody told me any of this before. My own dad..."
Gilbert remarked, "Yeah...He is a genius."
Although it probably didn't matter, I still apologized to him, "By the way, I am sorry."
Gilbert shot me a confused look, "For what?"
I explained, "For having you coming back here last night after you got home." I furrowed my brow in a cautious manner, "You weren't real happy about that."
He waved me off, "Forget it. Like I said, I got my sleeps worth. Besides, it wasn't your fault, it was Prem's."
I smirked, "Yeah...All because she wanted to go to the bathroom." I let out a laugh, "Ha ha ha ha! I don't blame her! Her cage doesn't have a toilet!"
Gilbert spoke with a serious face, "Well she probably should have went to the bathroom before we put her in the cage. That was her own fault and she broke the rule too because of it."
I shrugged my shoulders and told him, "Well it's not like I'll tell anyone now."
He smiled, "True. If you wanted, you'd go straight to prison, and she wouldn't be getting a pass."
I declared softly, "Lucky for both of us, then." I glanced ahead down the long hall, then I looked at him again to say, "Hey Gilbert, can I ask you something?"
He said, not looking at me, "What?"
I asked, "About Prem...What is she like?"
Gilbert gazed toward me, frowning, "You already know what she's like."
I clarified, shaking my head, "No, I mean, in conversation. When you talk to her. You've had conversations with her, right?"
Gilbert answered, "We had." He looked away from me with a smile, "I'm pretty sure she's like what she showed you, and what I warned you before. But I think you'll know exactly what she's like in a conversation. You don't need me to tell you. She's not keeping herself a secret anymore...She'll talk to you herself and you'll see."
"Oh..." I shrugged my shoulders at that, "All right...I guess." So much for that. I was thinking he'd tell me about her on a personal level...More than just the words 'friendly' and 'aggressive'. Well...He does have a point. Prem'll speak to me today, and days on...I'll see for myself. Heck, we're on our way to see her anyway!
Yeah...Of course.
Gilbert and I made it to the tiger's room a minute later. He went in first and flipped the switch in the room on, the ceiling light flickering on, casting the room's bright light on the tiger in the cage. She stirred and awoke, blinking her eyes as she lifted her head to see us while lying on her back. I stepped in behind Gilbert, watching her stretching out her legs from laying in a long nap. Gilbert called out in a friendly tone, "Morning, Prem. Hope you slept well."
Prem moaned as she rolled herself to her belly on the mattress with blankets, speaking her first words of the morning to him, "I did." I frowned from what I heard. What's her deal? She sounds like she isn't too happy to see Gilbert. Probably didn't sleep well last night, I guess. Then she noticed me, and actually BEAMED at the sight of me. Prem quickly got up on her four feet and hollered at me, "Jason! Hi there!"
My eyes went wide. Well she took a 180 real quick. Heh heh. Gilbert glanced at me, "What are you standing behind me for, kid?" Then he urged me with a giggle and a motioning hand, "Don't act shy. She's still the tiger you met. Get off my ass and speak to her."
I noticed I actually kinda did HIDE behind him. Shoot! I quickly came out of hiding, chuckling with my hand scratching the back of my head, "Heh...Good morning. Uh...How are you doing?"
"I'm doing well, thanks." She moved up toward the bars, commenting, "I was wondering about you. You look pretty well yourself."
I kinda said awkwardly, "...Thank you." This feels weird right now. I know I was curious about what she's like in a conversation, feel ready to talk to her and all. But just think, going from her acting like a normal animal to her talking to me like a person is pretty bizarre to me. I didn't feel that when me and her shared some casual words together last night, but now...With me already know answers, this feels a little odd. I guess it's a bit of me seeing her as an animal and not as a person, that's probably the weird thing about it. But on the bright side, her words seem to speak the truth. She seems to have felt a whole lot better from last night. Not worried or anything. She's acting like that friendly tiger who rubs against people, only with a talking voice.
I guess I didn't need to feel guilty about last night after all. Least she is doing ok.
Prem asked, "So...You guys here to take me to the cafeteria?" Her head motioned to the food bowl on the floor near her, "I didn't eat anything last night." I followed her gaze and saw she was right. I narrowed my eyes curiously. Wonder what happened? She got too worried during last night and didn't eat the cat food we gave her before that happened? Poor girl...
Gilbert's voice broke my concentration off the bowl as he paced for the cage, "Why else would we be here?"
Prem replied, shooting him up a glare when he got close to the cage bars, "I don't know, throw me in the dome then leave me to go there without me."
"Good point. Never did cross my mind today." He demanded, "Are you on your best behavior?"
Prem's meer annoyance was shown in her tone, "Yes, Gilbert, I'm on my best behavior. I've been on it since you left me in here last night." My head was trying to wrap around this. What is it with her? She made another 180. I haven't seen her act such a smart aleck to him before. Maybe that's the 'aggressiveness' he was talking about? Oh, heck, she's probably just hungry, other than didn't sleep well.
I gotta hand it to her though...She can really show emotions with her face. I haven't seen a animal glare before!
Gilbert spoke to her in a bit of a warning tone, "Don't get smart with me. It was just a question."
Prem let out a sigh and an apology, "Sorry, I'm just so damn hungry." I smirked a bit before I then wiped it off. Well I was right about that.
Gilbert pointed down at the food bowl, "You could've ate that."
She deflected, "But I want to eat Elsa's food."
He shook his head softly a bit, "That's mostly the problem with you." I just stood there registering what he just said. She has a problem eating cat food, is that what he's saying? I didn't know she did. Her bowl was empty yesterday. I guess she loves Elsa's food more than regular cat food. Well who could blame her? Elsa's cooking's good enough to eat!
Thinking about it made my stomach growl. My hand placed over my abdomen, rubbing it in a circle. I said, "I don't blame her. I'm hungry too." I went for the wall hooks and made a grab for the key to the cage, "I think it's time we go there."
Prem giggled when I turned around and was watching me coming back to the gate, "Least he's with me on this."
Gilbert said, "Ah well, so am I. You said you're on your best behavior so I guess we all can." He ordered me while I was already in front of the gate, "Open the gate."
I said after inserting the key into the gate, "Already right to it." After that metallic click, I pulled it open.
Prem slowly came out of there, and nuzzled her cheek against my belly, her tail swinging a bit, "Thank you."
I giggled a bit, patting her shoulder with my hand, "No problem." Then I asked when I thought of something, "Say, do you want to go to the dome so you can go potty, just in case?"
Prem declined, looking up at me with a smile on her muzzle, "No, I'm all right."
I nodded in reply, "Ok. Cafeteria it is."
Gilbert was already ahead of us at the door. He waved us over, "Come on, guys." Me and her caught up and all three of us were out of the room. While wandering in the hall again, I threw stares down at Prem padding between me and Gilbert. She only stared ahead, focusing on the journey to the cafeteria more likely. I smiled on a bit, thinking about what lies ahead. Before Elsa told me yesterday, I never imagined any animal eating in the cafeteria with us people. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I'd be eating in a cafeteria with a big-ass tiger. But since she did and I now know Prem does eat with everyone, and now...I'm about to see it happen.
I guess it's no wonder the tiger eats with everybody in perhaps almost every morning. She's friendly enough to pet...And friendly enough to eat with!
I certainly know what she's having for breakfast. I can guarantee it.
We very soon made our way through the double doors to the cafeteria, being greeted by the wafting smells of breakfast. Several people were already situated at their tables, and among them at one end of one table were Leslie...And my father.
I resisted looking at him, only the open space in the wall at the back. Crap, he's already here. I ain't in the mood for him. I almost wanted to turn back around and run out of here. But my stomach and Prem's presence kept me at my pace. I even looked at her as we were halfway to the back of the cafeteria. Well, I don't think she'll want me to just run off. Not like this. And besides, I want to eat breakfast, not junk food from a vending machine!
I think both of them will distract me from my drama with dad. Maybe.
All three of us got to the metal counter. My eyes shot wide open when Prem stood on her hind feet and held herself up against the counter like a dog wanting a snack. I was just standing there with eyes blinking in surprise. The female tiger glanced at me staring at her. She giggled cutely, "What are you looking at?"
I shook my head out of my trance, "Uh, nothing."
Gilbert said when he nudged me with his elbow, "Get used to it, kid. She'll do that every time we come here."
I stated, putting my gaze to the kitchen with Elsa working on our plates in there, "I can imagine."
Gilbert hollered through over the counter, waving up his hand, "Hey! Good regulars waiting for ya!"
Elsa shouted back, "I know, I see you! I'm getting to it!"
Prem hollered at her next, "Morning, Elsa!"
Elsa looked at her a moment from setting up the plates. She smiled and shouted in reply, "Hi, Prem!" Then she went back to work. Judging from the view, I saw that Prem's PLATTER was also getting ready to be served other than my plate and Gilbert's. I made a tiny smirk. Someone's totally prepared for her arrival again. Not bad, Elsa.
The female cook finally finished up with making our plates and carried them both to me and Gilbert, leaving behind Prem's platter momentarily. She lay them both on the counter respectively for us, each holding a bunch of scrambled eggs and five strips of bacon. I thanked her, grabbing mine along with Gilbert grabbing his, "Thanks."
"You're welcome." Elsa then greeted Prem, who was still standing upright, with a hand brushing her cheek. I was about to leave but I stood and watched, seeing this a bit cute. Elsa said fondly, as Prem leaned into her hand a bit, "Good morning, girl. Don't feel left out, your platter's about ready."
Prem giggled at that, looking back at her, "I wasn't. I already saw my favorite platter waiting to be served. I know it's coming."
"Well good." Elsa smirked at that, pulling her hand away, "I didn't have to tell you after all."
Gilbert remarked, acting flirty with a smug grin, "And I guess I don't have to keep telling you that I'm waiting to be served. You are ALWAYS ready for me." He winked. That earned him a roll of her annoyed eyes. He said, "Later, doll." He left me with the tiger and Elsa.
Elsa looked between me and Prem a few times, then smirked right at me, bringing up a obvious fact, "Heh, I almost forgot you never knew the tiger standing beside you could talk before."
I admitted with a tiny giggle, "Yeah..." I finished when I looked at Prem who gaped back at me, "I know the truth now."
Prem declared, smiling at me for a second before bringing her eyes to Elsa, "He certainly does."
Elsa giggled, "I've heard."
Well word is getting around fast. Prem beside me gushed, "I just feel so happy that I can talk to him now!" Internally, the feeling of amusement flowed through me. She's very estactic about talking to me. She's like a girl that's VERY excited to talk to a guy they have a crush on, or like me when I want to talk to a pro skater.
I don't know who's worse in that regard.
The lady behind the counter replied, "I bet. He's a nice guy." She eyed me knowingly, "You'd certainly like him."
Prem admitted happily, "I liked him already. Wasn't hard."
"Then I shall rest my case." Then Elsa asked me, in a bit of a playful sense, "So what was it like finding out she can talk? I bet your expression was PRICELESS."
Prem spoke up before I could, "It was!"
I placed my hand over my face in a bit of embarassment, while Elsa laughed at my reaction. I confessed with a smile still on my lips, "It was shocking, in a manner of speaking."
Elsa said a bit after she stopped laughing, "You seemed to have got over it."
I replied, taking my hand off my face finally, "Eh, sort of." I began backing away from the counter, "Anyways, I'm hungry and I'm gonna eat now. Talk later."
I was about to turn and walk away to where Gilbert sat when Elsa said, "Wait, hold on, Jason." She pointed at my father several feet away from us, "Your father's here."
I followed her finger, seeing he still sat at the same spot. I turned my attention back on her and responded, "Thanks, but I'm not really in the mood to talk to him."
Prem joked a bit beside me, "Heh, I know how you feel. My hungry stomach makes me feel that I'm not in the mood to do most things sometimes."
Elsa insisted, "Come on, least go say hello to him. It won't take long."
Thanks a lot, Elsa. I agreed, nodding a bit and whirling to pace toward my dad, "Okay, fine." I stopped for a second halfway, the drama I had toward my dad flared a bit just by looking at him. Calm yourself, Jace. Elsa said it won't take long. Just one quick hello and you're gone. With that motivation, I resumed, not too long standing close to him and Leslie sitting across each other.
Both dad and Leslie greeted me with smiles. I only merely looked at Leslie when she said, "Good morning."
I replied, "Hey, guys."
Dad asked afterward, "How was your night?"
I looked toward him, "Fine."
Leslie then brought up, "I heard from your dad that a lot happened last night."
I smirked then shrugged my shoulders, "It was nothing."
She said, "From what I heard it didn't sound like nothing."
I responded, shooting my head to the right, "It's true. Just a lot of bad timing. Somebody had some...Bathroom issues that needed to be worked out."
Leslie giggled, trying to hold back a laugh while taking a bite from her scrambled eggs. She said with her mouth full, "So I was told." She swallowed down her grub and said to my dad, "I still can't believe Prem hollered for your son to take her to the dome for that. She never did that before."
God, that's surprising. Dad corrected her, pointing his fork at her, "Actually according to her from Gilbert, she was screaming for Chase, the night security guard, to let her out. Jason apparently heard her and showed up at the wrong place at the wrong time."
Leslie laughed, "Well with how loud she's gonna have to scream he's bound to hear her anyways." I snickered a bit. I certainly did.
Dad made a crack, smirking with a shake of his head, "I don't think she cared." He was snickering furiously at his own words, a laugh barely bursting out of his mouth. He said after he collected himself a moment later, "When you gotta go, you gotta go." I snickered at that saying too, a bit more louder than last. God.
Prem came near the table with Elsa right after he said that. She asked, "What you guys laughing about? I heard somebody laughing over here."
Dad answered with a huge smirk still on his face, "Oh, nothing, Premy."
Prem narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "I don't believe you."
Leslie told her, "I think it's nothing for you to be concerned about, Prem."
Prem stated, not believing her words, "Yeah, I'm still not buying it." She flopped down on her stomach near the table, "But I guess I'll let it slide. I'M HUNGRY!" She shot her eyes up at Elsa, who still held the platter in her hands. She demanded, "What are you waiting for Elsa?! Give me my food!"
Everybody, including me, laughed. Wow, she never did that to me when I was about to hand her her food yesterday. Elsa on her end rolled her eyes playfully, then lay the platter on the floor in front of the big cat. She said, giving the tiger's head a circling rub, "There you go, your majesty." She stood upright, spun around, and walked off back for the kitchen, "I'll be in the kitchen when you need me." Her hand waved as she barged through the kitchen entrance and disappeared in there.
My eyes darted down to watch Prem dig her jaws into that platter of huge round beef. The same beef I handed her the other day. I giggled quietly to myself. I knew it. She was having huge sausage patty for breakfast. Leslie's voice brought my attention to her, "Hey Jason...Were you absolutely surprised that Prem can talk to us, literally?"
I nodded at her, "You can imagine I was. Why should I not be? Tigers aren't supposed to be talking in human voices as far as I heard."
Dad mentioned, "Yeah, and he was no doubt VERY curious how it happened."
Leslie giggled and nodded, "I wouldn't blame you, Jason. I'd be wondering too if I never knew about it."
I replied, gazing down at Prem, who isn't seem to be paying mind to our conversation at the moment, "I don't have to now."
Leslie held up her hand and said with a serious expression on her face, "For the record, we are sorry we couldn't tell you. I would've told you myself, but I don't want to lose my job. Policies here are very serious."
I threw my gaze at her and shook my head, "Don't worry, I'm over it." I took a deep breath and let it out, "I just want to take this day by day, do my job, and act like there are no more answers for me to find. They're all answered, so I'm gonna live with that."
Father replied proudly, "Good. We all are." His fork gestured to the plate in my hand, "Better eat that. It's probably getting cold."
I nodded in a bit of appreciation, "Thanks. Bye." I headed for the table where Gilbert sat, sitting right across from him. Gilbert didn't share any words with me, so I immediately digged in my food with a fork. During that, a few times I peeked over my shoulder to see Prem eating too, being petted by dad and Leslie while she was on the floor, and talking to each other. I would imagine a dog laying near the table, socializing with people and begging for scraps. But goodness, this goes way beyond a dog. Instead of eating people, a tiger is pretty much socializing with humans.
I remember my mom being proposed to eat in the cafeteria when she dropped me off to this place, but I can imagine her face when she actually did accept the offer, and saw a tiger eating with everybody. I don't think she ever met a tiger up close like that, neither would expect it. She would probably faint! That'd be hilarious.
Soon as I was done eating, Gilbert tapped my shoulder after he got done dropping off his empty plate at the metal counter. I looked at him and he said, "You done?"
I nodded and replied, "Yeah, why?"
"Cause Prem is done eating too, and we're supposed to be dropping her off at the dome."
I said, getting off the seat at the table, "I gotcha." I picked up my plate, then turned to him, "Be with you guys in a sec." I made my way to the counter, laying the plate on it, noticing right away Elsa was cleaning the kitchen with a white rag. Then I paced up to Prem and Gilbert, who was starting to tell her we're taking her to the dome. I asked the female tiger when I was near them, "You ready to leave?"
Prem responded with a smile, "Course I am. The dome is more 'roomier' than in here I think." I let out a tiny giggle in response. She's speaking MY words now. Great.
Dad and Leslie were pushing themselves off the table, getting ready to leave the cafeteria too apparently. Dad spoke, "We were just about to leave too. Guess we'll see each other later, Jason."
I nodded at him, awkwardly replying, "Yeah."
Leslie said, fondly stroked across Prem's striped back, "Talk later, honey."
Prem replied in a fond tone, "See you around, Leslie." She eyed at dad next, "You too, Roy." He smiled and waved her in reply. Then she spoke to me, mostly me and not also to Gilbert, "Let's go."
All of us left the cafeteria in that same exact moment. Seconds later dad and Leslie and several other scientists went in a different direction to where they work, while me, Prem and Gilbert went on for the habitat dome. Not too long we made it to those double doors, and upon opening were met with sunlight through the ceiling of the dome.
Padding up near the lush green, Prem turned a bit around, looking directly toward ME. While standing at the entrance with Gilbert, I lifted my hand to wave, "We'll see you later."
Prem uttered, smiling at me, and showing a tiny flash of disappointment in her eyes, "See you around." She then wandered off through a bush and left our sights. Gilbert and I shut the doors and wandered off back the way we came. As I paced down the hallway, that look in her eyes made me wonder what she was thinking. Was she expecting me to just stay there? I don't think I seen her show that yesterday when I fed her in there, but maybe she kinda did expect that while she was eating? Did she...Really want me to stay with her, specifically me, alone? She didn't exactly look at Gilbert, but why not? Am I her new favorite handler or something, considering he's probably been with her for a longer time than I and never left her side? Who knows really?
At the end of the path leading left or right, we both stopped. Gilbert said, "Well, that's it with her." He thumbed to the left path, "Wanna head to the lounge room and watch some stupid people talk fake news on TV? Or in the mood for bad soap opera?"
I can tell he was joking and had to snicker at that. I responded with a shake of my head, "Nah, I'm going to head to my own room and watch my own TV. Catch me some alone time, you know?"
Gilbert shrugged with his arms, "You do whatever you want. We're both free from the tiger for now." He headed off his way without me, calling back over his shoulder, "Catch you later, kid." By the quiet silence, I can hear his footsteps echoing back down to where I stood as he walked further and further away from me. I walked a few paces to the right, but then I dipped down my chin toward the floor and feet, pondering.
I didn't stay with her in there yesterday. All I did yesterday after feeding Prem was hang around with Gilbert most of the time. I don't feel like I'm in the mood for that. I don't feel like I'm in the mood to go back to my room.
I feel like I want to stay with her.
I rubbed the back of my neck, thinking it over. Am I supposed to do that? Or am I supposed to just leave the tiger alone and let her have some alone time or something? Gilbert never did tell me to totally stay away from her after dropping her off at the dome, only warned me of her aggressiveness. Should I be aware of that and not go in there alone? I'm still a newbie after all. Heck, did Gilbert ever go hang out with her for a long time in there, despite she can be aggressive? I know he told me that he usually drops her off when they're done at eating breakfast in the cafeteria, when he didn't drop her off and leave her in the dome before then to go potty, and goes off just to lazy about till night falls, but does he ever hang with her? I'd think handlers do that with animals. Some perhaps. Does he though? I'm getting a feeling he never did.
That makes me feel bad for her in a way. Staying in there alone all day...Without someone to talk to...
I tried turning myself around, only by a flinch, but my worries for her aggressive behavior and getting into trouble for going back and staying with her froze me. But should I risk it? Should I go back and be with her? Or just stay away till the time for her bedtime comes?
Then...I turned around, taking fast steps back down the path to the dome. Screw it, I'm going back. Maybe I won't get in trouble. And Prem's friendly enough, right? She said she likes me already, right? And she never attacked me yet. I think I can trust her for that.
How bad can it be?
A warning, gory flash in my brain almost made me turn around and run off to my room. Eaten alive with limbs and guts being torn out, that's how bad it can be. I shook that frightening image out of my head, moaning as I felt grossed out, "Ohhhhhh." Quit getting paranoid, Jason. She's not going to hurt you. Just trust her. Don't let the fear and hesitation stop you. It's like with skateboarding. If you don't be brave and let that stop you, you'll never do what you wanna do. It'll always hold you back. Which means NEVER pull off cool tricks....NEVER skate at all.
And...NEVER face a tiger alone.
I let out a calming sigh as I saw the double doors, halfway to them. I mumbled lowly to myself, "You can do it, Jace. You've proven you can skate...You can prove to yourself that you can do THIS." I grabbed one of the doorknobs, feeling hesitant to open. I hope this works out. I opened up, entering the dome alone. I softly closed the door behind me, taking a few steps on the grass. I gazed around the area, past some trees and bushes, trying to find Prem.
Okay...Where do I find her? She's around here somewhere... I went down a path between some trees, following it as I searched for Prem. My shoes planted on the grass, making small rustling sounds. My eyes scanned through the greenery and any small or large space, trying to find a sign of orange stripes. For a little bit, I looked, thinking I should holler for her and have her come to me. Then, shortly, I caught sight of those orange stripes from a far distance.
I found Prem near a huge pond, something I came across with Gilbert the other day. She was hunched low and having a drink.
There she is! I quickly strode to where she was at. When I got closer to her, Prem seemed to heard me with a flick of an ear. She lifted her mouth off the clean water, liquid dripping off her chin. Prem smiled at the sight of me, "Hey!"
I smiled back, taking another step to her, "Hi."
She pressed, "What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving me alone here again."
I shrugged my shoulders, "I change my mind."
The tiger remarked, "Apparently Gilbert did not." She said as she lowered her mouth to the water again, "That's usually him. Never changes his mind about this."
Shortly, I inquired with a wrinkled brow while she was lapping up some more water, "You mean he never hung out with you?"
Prem lifted up her tongue to answer, "No." She turned her head to gaze right toward me, "He always does the same thing. Wakes me up, takes me to the cafeteria, if I'm in a good mood, leaves me in this place all day, then come gets me when night arrives and drops me off at the cage. Always the same routine. You could easily get used to it."
So my feeling was right. He never did that with her. I nodded a bit with a smirk, "I'd never forget simple routines like that. It won't be hard for me to remember."
Prem giggled, "Well I remember back then it only took me days to remember every single thing in that order! You're new here and you sound like you could do much better than me!" I laughed a bit at that. She stood up straight, turning her body a bit to face me, "You're funny. You really are just like Roy."
"My father?" I asked, "You think he's as funny as me?"
She told me, "I think so. He can be if he wants. I know him all too well." Then she admitted with a flick of her tail, "Well...Except I didn't know about him having you till the other day, but I think I know him well now."
I just gaped at her for a mere second, motionless and blinking away. I think you have no idea... I finally spoke, curiously, "You saying you never knew about me?"
She answered, "Yes. Which that was a surprise. I never really thought of him having a cub." I giggled a bit. With my dad being a workaholic scientist, I don't blame you. But seriously...Cub? That's a funny way to call me. The tiger said with a apologetic expression, "Um...By the way, sorry I never knew about you. If you're feeling offended-"
I was shaking my head and waving her off, "No, no, I don't mind." I nodded a bit too, "You learn something new everyday. That always happens."
"You promise?" She glanced away, "I...Don't want you to get mad at me or anything."
I formed a frown, "For that?" I assured, laughing a bit, "Don't be silly. Seriously it's okay."
Prem brought her eyes back on me, then smiled, "All right. Sorry I doubted you."
I shook my head again with reassurance, "Forget it."
Prem moved up toward me a bit. She asked with a curious brow, "So...I'm just wondering, why are you here exactly?"
I replied, glancing away, "Well...I guess I felt a little bad for not hanging out with you much since we met." I looked toward her with a sincere smile, "I thought I make it up to you by staying here watching you over. I don't see why not now. That be all right with you?"
Prem formed another smile, "Sure. I...Did want to hang out with you for a while. You're a nice cub from a friend."
I corrected in a playful but serious way, "I'm a nice 'adult' from a friend. You can tell I'm an adult, right? I'm not a cub."
She insisted with a laugh, "Course I can!" Her eyes moved down and up, checking me out, "I think you're a LITTLE too tall to be one."
I shrugged with my hands, "Guess that answers it."
With my haunches on the ground, I was swiping against a large, hanging green leaf. It still hanged in there by that plant limb and my forepaw striked it again. I huffed, striking a glance over my shoulder. Where is he? I thought he said it wouldn't take long. He's kinda trying my patience here!
I focused back on this certain leaf and hit it again with my quick reflexes. Things have been good and quiet ever since Jason stayed with me in the dome. I haven't had Roy, Elsa, or Leslie come in here to be my company yet today. Same as yesterday actually, nobody did the other day either. They were probably busy with their own things again, but I'm not complaining, because thinking about it Jason was a good substitute for all of them.
Oh heck, he was probably going to be one of those humans to do this with me in the dome almost everyday I bet. So who am I to call him a substitute? If anybody was a substitute...It'd be another human working here that hardly does this with me...Or Gilbert, which I doubt he'd ever do that. Like I said before...He always leaves me alone.
Jason really was a good human to be with for a long time, hours even. Though he didn't play with me on any games I usually play with the other human friends in the dome, nor talk to me much, except share some words with me here and there during his stay here. Instead, he stood by on his word, and kept watch over me like he's a father watching over a cub. Like I need any protection, he was the only cub in here. Nevertheless, I didn't mind. He was still keeping me company anyways. He can watch me all he wants.
You probably would've thought that since I can basically talk to him now that I'd ask him a bunch of questions about himself, since I am kind of curious about him. Or I'd push him into playing a game with me since he's been in the dome with me longer than before. But I didn't do either. I didn't think he was in the mood for playing games with me, and I don't think he liked to be bombarded with questions also. I was excited about doing that before when he started living here, but I let that go. I think I'll do that later, try not to ask so many questions at once that is, if I think he's ready...Or when he starts asking first. Who knows which, but either of us will know when we're in the mood for that kind of conversation. And I figured the time to play a game with him will come soon as more time passes between us. I'll be respectful and not rush him to play games, like I'll be respectful for the other thing.
I struck the leaf once more, not flying off and still hanging on. I kinda thought in the back of my mind that Jason was sent by Gilbert to watch me, see if I was trying to do something wrong here. Jason is another animal handler to his counterpart, and not only that, those two were acting like they knew each other for a long time and were acting like they were buddies. But I also thought that I was wrong. I don't think Gilbert is THAT suspicious of me.
Well he accused me of trying to get rid of him last night, so I guess I am a bit wrong about that. But I think I am wrong about him sending Jason to watch me cause he does know I can't escape this place, not even break the dome's thick glass. It's impossible.
Come to think of it, as far as a couple days have passed, I can tell that Jason doesn't know what Gilbert was really like with me before he came around. I've been getting a feeling Gilbert doesn't tell the young human much. Jason thinks they're buddies, but gosh he'll be proven wrong...Once I tell him, or he sees the truth himself before I do.
Just you wait.
I stopped hitting the leaf and just sat there head low, letting out a sigh. As you can see, Jason left me a while ago. He said he was hungry and was going to the cafeteria to have his afternoon dinner. But for some reason he's been gone for a long time. He can't have THAT big a meal, can he? I don't think a human can eat as much as me!
Where is he? Maybe he's just busy talking to someone, maybe his father. But he'd said he'd be back soon. Hopefully he didn't forget about me!
Then I was smelling a nice, familiar scent in the air. A cooked, tasty scent. Where's...? I looked behind me, and found that Jason was behind me...With a platter in his hands!
I gasped, shockingly and happily. I VERY quickly got on my fours and whirled around to face him. I said to him in a fast pace, "IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?!"
Jason just smiled and replied, "Dinner is served."
"Oh my god!" The human laughed at my reaction. My mouth was practically starting to water from the scent and the sight of that round meat on the platter. Other than that, on top of the meat was a small plate of plain human food I wouldn't eat that comes with a fork. I asked with a quizzical expression, "Did you really bring that to me? What's the catch?"
Jason shook his head, "There's no catch. After I got my food, I was thinking about you, then I asked Elsa to make another huge mound of meat for you. Sorry I took so long."
Well that explains his long absence. He was waiting to bring THAT to me!
That's very sweet of him.
I said, lifting my forepaw and waving it, "I think the long wait was worth it." Then I dropped it down and demanded, "NOW GIVE IT TO ME!"
Jason replied with a frown, "Hey, I'm not Elsa. Would you mind saying please?"
"Oh fine!" I might as well. I was polite to him giving me food yesterday so I'll do it again. I gave in and said that certain word, bowing down to the grass, "Please! Now gimme! Gimme!"
Jason shortly let out another laugh, lowering the platter down to the grass and then taking his plate off the top of my meat, "Enjoy." Then I immediately dove for it, hearing him yelp out, "Wah!" He stepped back as I started munching at the nice food, my big jaws crunching it before swallowing some. Jason giggled, sitting down cross legged in front of me about a couple feet, his plate on his lap. He picked up his fork and began eating from his plate.
Soon as the start of my dinner was over, and my stomach sated a bit, I gazed at him in gratitude, "Thank you very much." My jaw dug in the food again and chomped down another bite.
The young human replied after taking a bite of his meal, "You're welcome. Elsa said she doesn't normally make your meat in the afternoons. I figure you always eat her grub in mornings and cat food later. I think it was the right thing to do."
"You both got that right." I swallowed after talking with my mouth full, "I sometimes hate it when I don't get fed twice by her. You'd think that I'd get the same eating privileges like your kind."
I heard him giggling deeply, "You don't like cat food much, do you?"
I merely stated, "I think you could tell how full my bowl in the cage was."
He muttered this, "Right." He dug his fork into his food again and took another bite out of it.
I completely thought of something else other than eating food, and asked him as he was chewing before I could bite at my meat again, "Hey...Did you just START eating that?"
Jason swallowed, asking, "Huh?"
"I asked if you had now just started eating your food as soon as you came back here. Am I right?"
Jason confessed like it was no big deal, "Yeah. I haven't ate it yet."
My face turned quizzical while my eyes showed some concern, "Honestly? If you got your food as soon as you came to Elsa, then told her to make food for me and then waited for mine to be ready....I heard my stuff takes a bit longer to make than yours, probably. Shouldn't yours be A BIT cold by now?"
Jason chuckled, "It is, I admit, but it doesn't bother me none. I ate some cold pizza before, so who cares?"
I said with a bit of pity for him, "Jason...You shouldn't have done that. You should have just ate while waiting."
The human sitting in front of me spoke, "Don't worry about it. It was my idea to share dinner with you. I didn't mind."
"Well..." I shrugged with a little smile on my muzzle, "All right. That's your consequence."
Then he said, "I'll live with it. And at least be happy that yours wasn't very cold. I doubt you could take eating cold human made meat."
I replied to that, "I had once. Didn't taste that great like cooked."
Jason nodded with a chuckle off his chest, "That's what I thought." He added, "And besides, I think it wouldn't be cordially appropriate to have you eat alone. I think it might be rude if I was having to just stand here and watch you eat away."
With a playful frown I said, "You've been watching me for hours. I never minded it a bit. How's this any different?"
He quickly added another thing, "I also thought it might be weird too."
I brushed his statement off, "I wouldn't think so. I've watched someone else eat before and it doesn't bother me. But, if you want to just go with that, fine, you're having dinner with me."
Jason then told me, "I'm also having dinner with you because we're friends...Right?"
I smiled at him, "Sure we are. We just met since a couple days ago, but I think we are. If you won't treat me badly that is."
He shook his head, "I won't. Long as you behave with me, I won't."
I said assuringly, "I think I can respect that. And I respect your dad very much...I think I can also respect you too. Don't see why I cannot." Then I was digging into my food once again, don't want it to get cold since I'm already down to half the meat. I felt that Jason watched me, chomping and chewing like it was prey from the jungle.
I heard him speak softly, seemingly cautious while I ate, "God...You have such a big mouth..."
I lifted my mouth, a tiny fleck of meat falling off my lip. I laughed a little upon seeing his face, "You're giving me that look. The same look as we'd first met." The human shook that expression away with his head, then embarassingly chuckled. I teased him, my tail flicking on the grass, "What, are you afraid I'm gonna eat YOU? I'm eating something else if you couldn't tell!"
Jason cleared his throat, "Sorry. I just can't help seeing how big your mouth was. I...Kinda imagined you digging all those teeth into my guts...Or into my neck. Whichever came first."
I told him, "Oh relax. We've established already that I'm not gonna eat you. If I was such a man-eater, your dad and everyone else would be dead...And so would you." I smirked, making a joke, "I think I'd be eating you alive a few minutes ago for keeping me waiting."
He narrowed his eyes, "That's a stupid reason to kill somebody."
"Well..." I teased him again, "I think that's a fair warning to you if you keep me waiting like that again."
Jason shook his head nervously, "Okay seriously, that's not funny."
I dipped my chin to laugh again. Then I looked straight at him, "Jason...RELAX." I got up on my feet and went around the platter to where he sat. My face rubbed against his in a fond way. I said as he took it, "Is this making you feel better?"
Jason responded, that small tension he had being let go, a giggle emitting out of his mouth, "Helluva lot better."
"Great." I pulled away with a 'I told you so' expression, "Now quit being afraid of me and finish your dinner." Then I laid down on my stomach beside him, pulling the platter closer with my paws, and resumed eating mine. I felt Jason smiling at me and went back to his plate.
Shortly after we were done eating, a visitor came and found us still sitting around together on the grass, announcing with his voice, "Jason." I twisted my neck along with Jason to find Gilbert had arrived. Internally, I was angry at his presence. Go away, you bastard. Can't you see I'm having a good time with Jason! Gilbert took another step toward us, gazing directly at Jason, with a emotionless face, "Your dad told me you were here."
Jason friendly replied, "Hey Gilbert."
Gilbert stated a bit quizzically "I thought you were catching some alone time."
Jason scooted around on the ground facing him, "I changed my mind. I decided to hang out with our talking tiger instead. Figured she could use some company."
The human older than him pressed, "And fed her with more meat?"
The human beside me answered, "Yeah." His arm reached to grab the platter in front of me, and I found myself shifting around to face the person I didn't like too. Jason said as he held the huge platter in his hands, "I thought of having dinner with her too."
Gilbert eyed down at the platter along with Jason's plate still in his lap, "Looks like you had quite a feast in here." With Jason not noticing, I glared at him. We sure have...Without YOU around. Then he beckoned with a hand, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
I have a feeling it was serious. It probably had something to do with this. Jason asked in concern, "Am I in trouble?"
"I just want to have a important talk with you."
Jason nodded shortly, "Sure." He laid both the platter and the small plate on the ground, getting up on his feet right away. He strode up to Gilbert, then he took Jason away about a few more feet away, then stopped and stood, facing each other with both their sides pointing toward me. I stood on my fours, trying to strain my ears to hear what they're saying.
I heard Gilbert say, "I do appreciate you taking your job seriously, but I think I should've told you that there's a reason why she doesn't eat in the cafeteria with us in the afternoons. It takes a lot of meat for her to eat and you can imagine how much it costs buying and giving her that meat twice everyday."
Jason asked a question, "We talking all budget here?"
Gilbert said, "Yeah, and everyone eats that meat too. It ain't just for her. I want you to keep that in mind, alright? The food is not just for her. Not to mention that kind of food is not healthy for her. That's why we feed her cat food....It's good for her." I scrunched up my face in disgust. No it's not! It's KILLING me! Gilbert demanded, "You understand what I'm saying, kid?"
Jason gave him a few nods, "Yes...I understand."
"Good." I saw Gilbert finally smiling, patting the young human's arm, then heading back to where I am, "I guess I'll leave you to her then."
Jason asked when he came back too as Gilbert leaned down to pick both the platter and the plate off the ground, "Am I not in trouble for staying with her instead of leaving her alone?"
Gilbert stood upright, "You kidding?" He whirled around to him, "I would have told you to leave by now if you were. I told you, you can do whatever you want, even hang and chat with her. No skin off my nose." I breathed out with my nose quietly. Well least he ain't forcing Jason to leave me now. Nighttime still hasn't arrived.
Jason smiled at that, "Alright. I'll keep that in mind."
Gilbert chuckled, "Good, I hate repeating myself." I looked down at the ground, a glare on my furred face. I know THAT for a fact... Gilbert then wandered away from me and past Jason carrying the plate and platter with him. He threw his voice behind him, "Catch ya tonight, kid. Have fun with her."
Me and Jason followed his movements till he was far away from us. Jason threw his gaze at me and said with such relief on his face, "Huh." He slowly paced up to me till he was right in front of me, "Probably shouldn't have worried about staying with you in the dome after breakfast after all."
You were? Wow. I remarked, "I didn't know you were. Besides...There was never a rule against staying with me in the dome."
He replied, "I know that for sure." He then shrugged his shoulders after letting out a chuckle, "Guess I also don't have to worry about taking the plate and platter back to the cafeteria anymore. I'm still stuck with you."
I grinned at him for that, my ears perking, "Yes, you are..."
I strode along with Prem and Gilbert in the hall, the night I have to put her to the cage has come after a long day of being with me. Upon arriving at the doorway to her room, the big cat headed straight for the open cage. I let out a quiet breath, staring only at Prem as I already went in the room with Gilbert. I smiled at her a bit after she turned around in that rectangular thing. Well...That's it for today. But then, when Gilbert closed the gate, I noticed her eyes showing some...Glum. Like she wasn't happy being in that thing.
Prem seemed happy hanging out with me in the dome all day long. I admit, so was I. I've walked with her a few times, and talked to her, and got rubbed by her more than once, but I never thought before working at Temra that I'd be spending a WHOLE LOT of time with a tiger in one day. But I did. I thought staying with her was great.
But her mood seemed to have changed when she stood inside the cage. I don't remember her showing that before. I guess around the time when she wasn't supposed to speak to me, she kept that emotion to herself, along with other emotions. She doesn't seem thrilled to be inside that thing, but I guess I don't blame her. Who'd want to be stuck inside a cage? That's kinda like being grounded to my room by my own single mother when I did something absolutely wrong!
Looking at her with those eyes made me feel kinda bad. But...I can't do anything about it. It's part of the rules.
Like Gilbert said...When nine o'clock hits, and the handlers are ready for beddy bye, the tiger gets the cage.
I don't think Prem cares though. She doesn't want to be in there.
Gilbert hanged up the key on the wall hook after locking up the gate. He came up to me and said, "All right, we're outta here."
I said, holding up a hand, "Can you give me a minute with her?"
My handling partner stared at me a second, then nodded with permission, "Sure thing. Go say goodnight to her." He did that himself, twisting his form to wave at her, "Night, kitty." With that, he strolled and exited the room.
Me alone with her, I moved up closer to the bars with a smile on my face, "Well...I had fun with you today."
Prem smiled back behind them, "Same here. Thanks again for staying with me all day and having dinner with me. I really appreciate it." She gazed around the cage, a bit of a glumy glint appearing again in her eyes, "Can't say the same being in here much."
I mentioned, "You don't like being in the cage, do you?"
She admitted, gazing up at me with her tail moving a bit behind her, "Not really."
I nodded a bit with a look of reassurance, "Well, look on the bright side...You'll get out of this thing in the morning."
She said with some hope in her eyes, "I always look forward to that."
I kneeled down in front of the cage, prompting the tiger to come closer to me. I reached through the bars and stroked her face and neck. I asked, "Just in case before I leave, do you need me to take you to the dome so you can do...Whatever?"
"You mean urinate and such?" A deep giggle emitted in her throat, along with a purr as she leaned in toward my hand, "No...I'm good, I think."
"All right." I petted the top of her head for a sec, then I stood upright above her level. She followed my movements before I told her, "Goodnight, Prem. Stay hopeful."
"I will." Prem turned around heading for her bed. I just stood and watched as she turned back on upon her paws stepping on the bed and laid on it. She added, "See you tomorrow. I can't wait to be with you again."
I nodded at that, "Me neither." I saluted with two fingers while backing away from the cage to the doorway, "Later." I flipped the light switch to off, then closed the door after stepping out into the hallway.
Gilbert was waiting for me upon exiting. He said to me when I walked up to him, "Got that done?"
I answered in a low tone, "Yeah."
Me and him started walking down the corridor, away from Prem's room. Gilbert said as soon as we were near the bedrooms, "All right. Get some shut eye, partner."
I smiled and nodded, "I will. You too. See you later." Gilbert went off his way and I went off to the other, strolling up to my bedroom door. When I grabbed the doorknob, I looked away from the door down the hall, thinking about Prem.
I wasn't kidding that I felt bad for the creature. I did. I felt sorry for leaving her locked up alone in that room.
But I shouldn't worry. Prem will be out of there sooner than someone showing up at a skatepark. I nodded to myself, opening up my door. I think I can live with that. I shut it behind me, then flipped the light on. Ready to head to bed, I took my shoes off, tossing them over to my suitcase, then threw my shirt over there next, leaving me with my pants on. I dug my phone into my pocket for my cellphone, pulling it out. When I held it in my hand, a thought popped up in my head.
I sucked in a breath. Damn it! With all my attention on Prem today, I forgot to call Maddie again!
That's THREE days now!
Man...She's probably not happy about that.
I know it was already nine o'clock and she might be in bed, but I decided to just call her anyway. I dialed her number and held it close to my ear. The dial tone rung in my ear. It ringed, ringed, ringed...Till I heard her voice, "Heeeeey! You reached Maddie Ramos! I must be either putting makeup on, or put it on vibrate and didn't hear you. Leave me a message and I'll-" I hung up before her famous voicemail recording ended. Well drat. Wonder what she's doing? Taking a shower, or probably went off somewhere and left her phone behind, I guess.
I let out a long, drawn out sigh. I muttered out loud, resigned to try again later, "Oh well...Tomorrow's another day."
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