Current Track: Blabb

The wind was slow, peaceful. The leaves were falling from the trees,
making the scenery calm and peaceful as the trees gave out their precious
leaves to the ground and surrendered themselves to nature. On the table were a
cup of hot green tea and another of hot coffee, with a phone in the corner next
to the window.

“I never properly
congratulated you for the conference." In front of him, Max sipped his coffee from
his cup. He smiled at the wolf. “Congratulations."

Tom smiled back. “There's no need but thank you very much."

He glanced
outside, the wide windows allowed him to gaze over the campus park, slowly
getting more and more orange as days went by. They had just finished their
midterm examinations, and a break was much welcome.

The wolf had won
the conference just about a week ago, and while the wolf and the dog had plenty
of encounters since then, they were very busy because of the midterms. He had
also bought Mr Beck a pizza. The deer refused it at first because Tom didn't
win the first place, but Tom insisted and wanted to say thank you to him, so he
accepted it.

“Have the midterms always been this deadly?" he asked as he mulled over
the week. He had read too many books, stayed up for too many nights, and typed
more reports than he had before. They didn't get any project examination, so
they were stuck with papers, both literal and figurative, and there were lots
of them.

“Nah, not really." Max chuckled and sipped his black coffee. “Usually
they're much, much deadlier."

Tom laughed a little.

He never thought the large dog would agree to hang out with him, even
after knowing his definition of 'hang out'. Glancing over the dog, Max seemed
content being here, and Tom was glad of it. Even Martin thought that going to the
campus café and getting some drink wasn't worthy of being called 'hanging out'.

“I never thought you'd agree on going here with me just to get a cup of
tea and coffee." He said.

“It's been a busy week. I'd like some refreshment, too." Max just
smiled. “I guess we're more compatible with each other than we thought we

Compatible with
each other

Every passing day, Tom realised more and more that he had a crush
towards the German Shepherd. He was exactly his type, bigger than him,
muscular, looked kind of scary, yet still gentle, nice, and understanding. He didn't
even make fun of him. He really cared for him, and he likes to be so damn hot while
doing so.

Tom looked at the dog. Max was looking at the window, so he took the
opportunity to appreciate the dog. His eyes were blue, sky blue, in contrast to
his brown fur. His inner face had lighter brown fur, his muzzle was deeper brown, and his ears were big and cute compared to his build.

He was wearing a baggy black t-shirt, his jacket put aside next to the
wolf's, and Tom could make out his upper pecs over his fur. Even his thick
biceps and triceps were full on display despite being covered by fur and

If he dared say, he had just met an angel. Or at least his type of

He took a sip from his cup and looked over the window, not wanting to
get caught.

It was stupid to wish, he knew that. He often wished that Max were gay,
or at least bi, so his pathetic excuse of a self could get a chance at a
relationship. It wasn't often he dared open himself so quickly to someone, so,
was this some sign that he had finally met 'the one'?

Keep dreaming but watch
out for the ceiling.

He took another
sip and gave a content sigh. The gossip was all over the place, but Max himself
had been touchy-feely with him, so he just ignored them. He imagined that if
they were really Max's fans, they wouldn't think bad of him. He wasn't taking
advantage of him, anyway, they were friends with each other, although somehow
he hoped they could be closer…

“It's nearly autumn, isn't it?" he asked instead, distracting himself.
“We should wear jackets more often."

Max laughed. “I thought you're already warm enough with your thick fur

“Excuse me, I have a body to maintain."

“Sure you are."
The dog snickered at him, then sipped his coffee. “If this is your normal fur,
then I can only imagine how fluffy your winter fur will be."

Tom just rolled
his eyes. While he was nowhere as hot as Max, he was quite fit, if he said so
himself. He wasn't skinny while wasn't fat either. He was just of
average build. If he tried hard enough, he could make out abs on his stomach.

But he was sure Max's were a lot more defined.

Okay, back to autumn before his mind could conjure up something else.

“It is peaceful, don'tcha think?" the dog said, his eyes on the
fallen leaves across the road. He looked at peace like this, like there was
nothing in the world that could bother him.

Tom looked at him, then followed his gaze. “Yeah." He said, taking a
sip from his cup. “It is."

“I wish it was more like this every day."

“I wish it were, but I do wish that, too."

“Sir, yes, sir, mister Grammar Book, sir!"

Tom laughed a little.

Like this, life was good.

“My dad used to drink coffee like this, too, especially black coffee."
Max started, sipping his coffee. Tom looked at him and prepared himself for a
story. “First, he made the coffee by himself, then went to the back patio and drank it as he looked over the field behind our house."

The dog shifted a bit. “Sometimes during middle school, I started doing
the same, often joining him on the patio. Dad would scold me for drinking
coffee, I mean, I was just a mid-schooler back then." He let out a small
chuckle. “At first it tasted like shit, but I was used to it by the time I went
to high school. Dad allowed me more often, even invited me sometimes while my
mom and my sister were hogging the TV in the living room. My big brother is
pretty much a Furflix guy, so he doesn't watch TV often."

interesting," Tom said. “So, you only drink black coffee?"

“Dude, no." Max looked at him and took a sip. “I enjoy cappuccino,

“Just cappuccino?"

“Pretty much anything that has coffee in it." The dog shrugged. He then
looked at Tom who was sipping his tea. “So, you like tea, Tom?"

“Hm?" The wolf put his cup down and leant on the chair. “Yeah."

“Any particular back story?" Max chuckled.

Tom looked at the
window. There was a bus passing by, making the leaves glide in the air. It
reminded him of his childhood a little bit. He could remember it, that day when
he found out how to make his first cup of tea and how he found peace and
stillness in it. “Not really," Tom replied, not wanting to deal with his past.
“I just like it."

That was a lie, but Tom didn't want to ruin the mood. Nonetheless, he
continued. “It tastes great, and I've learnt to appreciate how a cup of tea can
make me calm down whenever I'm…" he searched for a tamer word. “…stressed."

“Like homework-stressed?"

“Like homework-stressed."

“Yeah, I went through that as well." Max laughed a little. “My mom
often bullied me into doing my homework."

The wolf smiled. “That's the way it should be."

Max kicked him under the table, which made Tom chuckle.

“What about your parents, Tom?" he asked again.

“My parents?" Tom said. “They were… fine, I guess. I mean, my childhood
wasn't very bright, so I didn't remember much." He shrugged a little to hold
the rush of his past coming into his mind. He hated it when people asked about
his past, although he could blame that on himself. He despised his own past.

It was as if it happened just yesterday, those days when he learned not
to trust anyone. Those days were the harshest. He still remembered the streaks
of his own blood on his bedroom wall.

“Seriously? That seems boring."

“Yep. It was boring." Tom sighed and sipped his tea. “Wake up, go to
school, go home, sleep, repeat."

“No PS?"

“Not even a Gameboy."

“And you managed to survive? Dude, you've earned my appreciation." The
dog said.

Tom just chuckled.

Someone walked to their table. Before Tom could look at the new
arrival, the stranger already seated themselves on the chair next to Tom. When
the wolf turned to look at them, he could feel his heart sink.

“Heya, hot stuff." Stranger said, smirking at both of them as he did
so. “Nice to bump into you guys."

Tom looked away, blushing. He took a sip from his cup when he sensed
the questioning gaze Max gave him. Why did he bump into him, or the other way
around, in a wrong situation like this?

“Looks like the
cute stuff is shy." The red wolf from the conference night said. He then looked
at Max. “How 'bout you, hot stuff?"

Max looked at the
red wolf, then at Tom, who shook his head in bewilderment.

“Excuse me, do we
know each other?" The dog said to the red wolf, a little annoyance in his
voice. “I didn't remember meeting you, and it seems my friend here didn't

“Aw, cute stuff,
we've met before. Tell him."

Tom shifted away
from the stranger and kept his tail steady by putting it between him and the
wall, trying not to look at the stranger. “We… did meet, but I don't know who
you are."

“Oops, sorry, my
bad. I'm pretty sure I introduced myself that night." There was no sorry in the
other's voice. “Name's Kevin. Fifth-semester Management student. Although, you
can call me hottie, or babe, or whatever you like." He extended his arms.

Tom turned to him
to shake hands but wished he didn't. The red wolf was oh so hot and oh so handsome with
that too tight deep blue tank top, or maybe singlet, because he
doubted it was even his size. His muscles were full on display, making the grey
wolf fluster. His biceps and triceps were out, and they looked thicc.

Just like Max, but
more predatory.

His hair—hair?—was
quite… er, spikey. And he'd be lying when he said he didn't find his
colouration hot, white inner and red outer.

He quickly let the
hand go and turned his head before he was caught eyeing him out. The stranger,
er, Kevin, had too big of an ego, and he didn't want to let it get bigger.

In front of him,
Max furrowed his eyebrows in question. Great, now the dog was probably thinking
of all possible scenarios involving the phrase 'that night'.

“I ran into him
during the conference. And it just happened to be in the night after the
inauguration." He explained, inching away from that hunk next to him while
secretly wanting to get closer. Damn, even his scent was so strong. “Wait, twice,
actually. The first during lunch, in which he growled at me, and the second
after the inauguration. He never told me his name, though."

“Aw, cutie, you
angry 'cause I growled at you?" The stranger drank his chocolate frappe.
“Please tell me you find my growl hot."

“I'm sorry, but it
looks like he doesn't know you, and I also don't either." Max said quite
sharply. Tom looked at him; Max looked like something snapped inside him. “So,
if you would, please don't make my friend here any more uncomfortable than he
already is, or you may leave."

“Really, hot
stuff? Max, isn't it? The football captain?" Kevin casually put his hand around
Tom's shoulders, making the poor wolf blush and look away as his ears
flattened. “We're just buddies, wolves of the pack, that's all. Right, cutie?"

“Enough with the
pickup lines already!" Max nearly growled. “This is a café and if you can't
behave, then fuck off! Go to a bar if you're horny!"

He released Tom,
who kept moving away from him as far as he could. “Sheesh, someone's

Tom looked at the
dog. Max looked angry now, clenching his teeth at the red wolf with his ears
pinned down. His hand fisted, ready to punch Kevin any minute.

Before he could
get flustered even more, Tom looked away and instead stared at the leaves on
the street. They seemed more interesting now. Wow, look at them dancing in the
air, how could they do that?

Max growled and oh boy.

“Tch, you're just
too bland. I'm just helping you out, you know." Kevin defended. “You were
taking too long to fuck him."

“I do not want to fuck him." Max growled. “Fuck off!"

Wow look at the
leaves there. So elegant. So red. Probably as red as his face and ears right

“Give him to me,

Fuck. Off."

“Okay, jeez."
Kevin stood up. Tom turned to look at him and held back from flustering because
holy fuck why was he surrounded by
walking sins?
The red wolf was incredibly alluring. “Sheesh, for a guy you
sure too stupid." Kevin turned to Tom. “Bye, cute stuff. If you miss me you can
call me." He winked and grinned at him, then walked away.

Good thing the
café wasn't crowded. They would've made a scene.

“Tch, I hate gays!"
Max said, still growling, his ears still pinned down.

That… made Tom's
mind stop. What?

“I hate it when
they just come and throw some pickup lines like they own the place." The dog
continued. “Sometimes I'd like to remind them that I'm a predator, too."

“Um, er, yeah."

Max sipped his
coffee and leant on his chair, his ears slowly getting up. “Dude, seriously.
Honestly I don't mind gays but I really hate it when they just come straight
away and act like horny sluts. I've had enough fucking share of gays acting like
virgin bitches this week." The dog let out a sigh and ran his hands through his
head fur. He looked at Tom, then furrowed his eyebrows in concern “…did I say
something offensive to you?"

“Uh, what? No! You
didn't, really," The wolf stammered, sinking into his chair. All his hopes went
out of the window again, but this time with a little bit more force. He wasn't
planning to hit on Max, at all, but this made him reconsider his place
as his friend. “Really, you didn't."

“Tom, you okay?"
Max stared at him, his eyes filled with concern. “You look faint."

Tom sipped his
tea, hiding his face. Was he really that red? Or was his surprise really

The wolf wanted to
run, wanted to cry. It was as if Max spat rejection right at his face. It hurt;
he didn't know why but it kind of hurt. The dog wasn't even talking to him yet
his words went right to his heart.

Okay, calm down.

“Yeah. The tea's
getting warm." Tom said instead, slowly putting his cup back onto the table.
“Maybe my face was just getting cold." He excused.

Max didn't look
convinced; Tom didn't blame him for his poor excuse.

though, do you know him? I met him during the conference, but I didn't really meet him, more like we ran into each other, literally." He continued, though,
masking his worry and insecurity. “I reckon he means trouble."

The large dog
seemed to buy into this one. He leant back on his chair and looked at the
window. “Me too. I have a hunch but I'm not really sure about it. I'll ask my
guys later." Max sighed. “Maybe he just hasn't had a good fuck lately."

“Good grief."

“Oh, I mean," the
dog continued almost immediately. “He probably… um… hasn't been pushed in his…
backside properly this week." He fumbled with his words.

Tom stared at him
as if he'd just grown a second head. Max just stared back with a small sheepish
smile on his face.

The wolf chuckled.
“Did you seriously think that I cursed because you said some bad words?"

“Uh, you didn't?"

“Mate, no." Tom
laughed a little. “I said 'good grief' because I'm glad that he just hasn't had
a good fuck lately, that means he was just around looking for one." Wouldn't it be nice if I could give him

Max chuckled along
and sipped his drink. “Well, would you give him some?"

Tom was glad he
wasn't drinking his tea right now because what
in the fucking hell
? He sharply turned his head to Max and stared at him,
his eyes calculating. Some said that he looked most dangerous like his, eyeing
someone with his gaze, even Martin said that. But right now he was just
surprised at the large German Shepherd.

It seemed Max felt
the same way. He held his hands up over his chest. “Hey, uh, I was just

What the fucking hell had he just said before?

Of course he'd totally give him some! He would kill just to be able to touch those firm
muscles. Kevin's fur even looked soft, a contrast to his seemingly brash
personality. If only he weren't that pushy and forward with his advances, Tom
would have him on his bed right bloody

Or, you know, a
few ropes or chains wouldn't hurt.

Tom sighed a bit,
he couldn't say all those things to Max, could he? Otherwise he'd risk being on
the dog's bad side.

He sipped his tea
and looked at Max. Max was… cute when he panicked. His eyes were wide, and
there was a small apologetic smile on his face. Tom felt bad towards him; he
didn't mean to look angry.

“No. I mean, yeah,
I get it. And yeah, I was just surprised." The wolf smiled. “Did I really look
that angry? People said I look dangerous when I stare at them in surprise."

“Yeah, well,
they're right. You do look like you've found some prey and now waiting to eat
it." Max chuckled nervously, wait, him? Nervous? Towards him? “Heck, who am I
kidding? Seriously, it freaked me out."

That was… new.

“Nah. But really,
you weren't planning to bite me, were you?" Max chuckled, this time

“Yeah, but then
decided that it's too much work."

“Ouch, I'm hurt."

Tom smiled, then
finished his cup. He appreciated Max being honest with him. That must have
taken some courage, being honest about one's vulnerability to someone like him.

He looked at the
clock, then put his phone in his pocket. “I'm going to the computer laboratory
to help Mart with his video, you want to come along?"

“Sure, why not?"
Max shrugged. “As long as you don't bite me."

Tom stood up and put
his jacket on, then took his empty cup with him. “I'll bite you alright." He
played along.

“Oh, no." Max
stood up with him, taking his own cup and jacket. “I'm so scared."

“Bugger off."

The dog let out a
small laugh.