Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Deposited

I awoken with a painfully throb against my head. My eyes were opened and I blinked before raising my eyes up towards the ceiling above me, wondering what had just happened. I hear a series of taps to my side that I rolled my head over to the side and looked spotting her. She was growling; her arms crossed over against one another and her eyes narrowed straight onto me. I winched, It felt the roles were somehow reversed and I was the hatchling this time. Despite my thoughts arguing against themselves about what I should be doing, I raised up to my feet growling also. Then turned my attention towards her and spoke; "What is your problem?" "My problem? You touched my toy." "Your toy?" I argued back before lowering my eyes towards this 'toy' that she was talking about.

Indeed it was a toy; a hatchling dragon looks about. It was pink all around; not a hint of a different color it seems. It looked small compared to the dragoness that was next to me but disregarding that, I shook my head and said at her. "I thought that was you as a younger self." "me? I am a teenager dragoness; I do not looked anything like that." "Honestly, you do." I countered and she said nothing but rolled her eyes a bit before darting out the door and left me alone. I stood there completing about the scene that I had participating in and even looked to my right in hopes that it was just a director yelling 'cut' to finish the scene and congratulate me and her. But sadly, there was not any and I sighed after that. Before turning my attention towards the toy that she was referring to, I hear the door opened from the left of me and I turned to meet up with that opened door half expecting for her to come through. Except it was not her at all. It was Tzico and Xenao. Both dragons were silent among one another; their eyes stared upon me in silence. But their smiles were there and it irritates me to no end.

I narrowed my eyes to them; but they took no hints. As they stepped forth and allowed the door to closed behind them, silence fell over the three of us again before Xenao shattered it with "Are you alright?" "Never better." "Yea right." He responded, swatting his paw outward to me as if he was shooting hoops. I swear, he should be playing doctor. I am sure he would give shots to the opponents. I snickered at the lame joke as they turned to me in wonder. Silencing myself, I coughed and Xenao stared again. "So how was the dragoness? She was a handful, huh?" "No doubt about it." I responded to him, coughing afterwards. "She is a teenager." "She's going through a lot of trouble since the disappearance of her parents." "Does… does she knew I am her-" I asked, with hesitation after being struck by that 'disappearance' part. But they shook their heads, "No; she does not and even if she would know. Or that you would tell her at all…" Both of them glanced at one another; a worry expression emerged from their faces. I saw that they looked to be crying.

But they did not. Their eyes turned to me again. I blinked afterwards as they got up from the ground and turned around headed towards the door. Leaving me alone to my thoughts, I said nothing but raised myself up too and walked to the door. Opening it up, I left the house. A gentle breezed washed over me whereas the sun was hanging above. The sands were hot and no one but our group were standing around in a circle. I had noticed them near the waters; silence fell from one another as no mouths were opened around the time. With a wonder, I drifted myself over to them and raised my claw upward waving. Leonar, Nor and Shinron replied as I smiled and joined in after them. "What is the scoop for today?" "Well…" Xenao smirked, giggling to himself. "We have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, orange swirl and others." "Including root bear and some other tasty treats!" Added Tzico. I rolled my eyes scoffing at their remark while both dragons giggled to themselves, Nor chuckled afterwards. "No really, What are we doing today?" "Well…" Shinron replied after a while, "We are to go to a faraway place and escaped from here." "Why is that?" I asked him, he frowned and darted his eyes to the side as he spoke with hesitation, "The killer might be here and alive." Then he continued "If we can draw him out from this place towards another. We can attack him. We have numbers." "Yeah. Like six." Spoke Nor in disbelief despite everyone except me glared at him. "Why you got to be so negative Nor?" Shinron asked, he shrugged afterwards while I interrupted them again.

"Well? Let us do it then. Let find a far away spot and get him to reveal himself to us. It sounded like a good plan after all!" I exclaimed to them and they nodded with grins upon their faces and Leonar threw his claw up into the air shouting, "Hope we do not bore the audience with a cliché old story!" Upon this, we all turned our heads over to him and tilted our heads while he spoke, "What? It will be right?" "How can anyone predict this story at all?" Shinron asked, curious. Leonar explained in one simple word, "Revenge." "Against the king?" I asked, "No!" Leonar growled, "Against whoever killed the king." We all looked upon one another; silence fell and our mouths were closed. With wings folded and unfolded like clothes only that we do not wear them, we all turned to Leonar again and he grinded his fangs together before snorting. Then he turned around and spread his wings, "Fine. Let just go." He flapped his wings one and flew to the skies above. Following him were me and the other seven as we all took to the skies. But among the silence in the air, I had wondered if Leonar was right after all. That this might be a cliché story arc and it could be predictable. How? I may never know. I guess I will try to leave this to the writer's hands if he does exist at all.

So we took to the air once again. I must say that it is nice to feel the cold breeze running through my scales and face. I smiled upon it and kept my eyes down towards the waters below us. It was roaring and swishing from side to side. If that was a way to describe how it goes. As I watched the violent waters, my ears flickered and I flapped my wings. Raising my eyes upward to the horizon again, I spotted the dragoness flying alongside of Shinron. She herself did not looked too happy at once. Sometimes, I had wondered why. But casting the thought onto the side, I continued flying in formation as I pondered in my mind. We flew northward a few miles away from our starting point. Towards another island that was isolated and away from the others that were around it. I say about four or five yards away from one another. We all tucked our wings inward against our bodies; our heads lowered pointing towards the grounds below us. As we dive bomb to the grounds; we spread our wings a bit flapping once or twice afterwards before we had softly landed to the sands. I smiled and so did the others. The dragoness said nothing afterwards but turned her attention towards the calm waters behind her. I walked to her, and sat down next to her. The others were mixed in response to my actions that I see three of them starting to head towards us but were stopped by the other two.

Holding their chests with their claws, the pirates left us alone that gave me the signal to continued which I took I for granted and turned my attention towards her. As much as I had not described what she looked like before when we met in the house or whatever that was, I will do it now. Her scales were silver much like mine except they were a darker shade. Her horns pointed forward and curved forward a bit towards the horizon; think like a ram's horns by the way if you do not get the picture. With her wings folded behind her; she turned to me and I snapped my thoughts and frowned; blushing all the while as she growled. "Were you staring at me, pervert?" "What? Me? Pervert?" I exclaimed, a bit too surprise by her opening statement. She narrowed her eyes noticing me blushing as I spoke to her defending myself. "No. I am not staring at you. I am merely describing to the audience what you looked like." "That sounds like a pervert to me." She commented looking uninterested before adding, "Can you just draw a picture of me and give it to them?" "Does not work that way." I sighed underneath my breath, almost muttering. She turned to me and blinked; tilting her head to one side and she gasped growling "What do you mean by that?" "The author does not know how to draw at all and even if he does; it is one of the worst so far." We fell silent after a while. Neither of us spoke to one another after that recent conversation that sometimes I grew worried of what would the author say to me once this was done. Then again, I had been through lots of trouble before meeting up with this group. Smiling to myself, I gave a sigh and dropped my head to the sands.


One day… I will tell her.