Current Track: Blabb

Unknown Worlds: Loving Start

It had seemed that time had stood still for only a moment.
But cheeks grew red while my mind was heated inside my head as if I was an oven
baking a half cook brain. Does anyone want one? Anyway, I stared my eyes upon
her. She smiled faintly and stepped back away from me, giving me time and
distance to confirm my own feelings. Her wings were in front of her, bent as
they would. She was hiding a blush at the time. I opened my mouth, but could
not say a thing. I was overwhelmed.

So you guys know, I did not know the first thing that comes
to romance. It was new to me like riding a bike. There were so many questions
in my mind about it that I do not know which to ask first at most! I stepped
back and smiled only faintly. My head was heating up; I do not know if I was in
love or not with her. But I am staring at her right now. Shifting my eyes back
towards the others; I had noticed that few of them had taken this lightly. All
except for Zawar who growled at me for some strange reason. His tail was
wagging rapidly and probably impatient as if he had wanted to confess to her
first before me. Now that all eyes were on me. I gulped nervously, revealing
the coldness of my body while I spoke to Kesir who raised her head upward
glancing back.

My mouth was opened and chewed on some words. My mind began
to formulate thoughts trying some ways as to defused or accept the proposal. I
continued speaking silently before finding my voice within the struggle. I
spoke with hesitation to Kesir. But before I could say anything, Ajiro vouched
for me. I suddenly felt something push against me while I exclaimed in
surprise; widening my eyes suddenly while being propelled forward to Kesir. I
had locked lips with her; my face grew redder and saying nothing. I parted from
her, blushing harder than I had anticipated. I narrowed my eyes over to Ajiro,
the one who pushed me, and she giggled in response and winked at me childishly.
She turned to Zawar then spoke, "We should get going." "Great.
So we can forget this all happened then." Zawar started, wagging his tail
while keeping a sharp eye onto me.

I felt somehow ashamed of myself and said nothing in the
remainder of the walk. I just kept my eyes and mind on other things like my own
surroundings. How the purplish colors mixed in with the darkness around of us.
I smiled faintly at it before feeling Kesir's scales brushed against me. I
turned to her; she smiled in response. I said nothing and turned my head away
from her; gazing down onto the walls to my left. We were left in silence all
the way through and it was not far honestly.

We had reached an unknown place. A tall building in front of
us. In between of us and the building were many staircases and railings. But
neither one of us knows how to walk up the stairs anyway. So we flew up and
above them. Raising in elevation until we reached the entrance of the building.
For when we landed, I spotted Ajiro and Zawar walked up first. Slamming their
fists upon the doors until it split into two which actually surprises me. Both
dragons looked down onto the doors then turned to one another, then they headed
right inside. Kesir walked in after and grabbed me along for the ride too. I
gulped nervously, I did not know what to expect here.

When we entered into the hallway before of us; I quickly
searched around the place. It was dark and scary; it also looked as if the
first floor was abandoned somehow. I shivered and continued walking with the
other dragons. Till we reached a crossroad upon the center of the floor that
Zawar demanded: "We have to split up, gang." "Like
already?" I exclaimed, glancing at him. He nodded without hesitation and
motioned Kesir to come with him. But she refuses afterward and clenched onto my
leg, sticking out her tongue at him while Zawar groaned and rolled his eyes
about. "Whatever." He growled muttering to himself before nodding to
Ajiro who walked with him. They left me and Kesir to our own selves while we
watched them walked to the right disappearing in the darkness.

"W… well…" I started, shaking while turning my
attention towards Kesir who smiled innocently. "Let's." She answered
back, giggling back. I forced myself to giggle to with her just so I am not
left out. As we turned ourselves over to the left side, opposite as to where
Zawar and Ajiro had left us to, we walked further down disappearing too in the
darkness before us.

I shivered and felt scared for once in my life as if the
fear of the darkness had gripped upon me not allowing me to move anywhere else.
For while I stood there standing in the same spot where I had planted my feet.
Kesir took noticed and turned back to me, a smile upon her face while she too
had stopped. We faced one another in the silence that follows; neither one of
us speaking to break the silence. As our eyes kept upon each other's faces, I
heard Kesir spoke drawing forth to me. She breathed onto my chest and I
listened to her words. I shivered again, feeling the cold touch from her claws
as I breathed from my nostrils deeply and calmly turning to her again.

"There is something I want to say."

She looked at me with great shock. But I knew something else
was on her mind. While I cracked a smile for the first time in my life feeling
in the presence with her, I sat down and growled muttering to myself. I wagged
my tail and my thoughts entered and exited from my mind, I pondered what to say
to her. But decided otherwise to speak of something else.

"Well?" I heard her spoke, I raised my head to
her. She looked at me with a narrowed gaze. "What is it?" I chocked
and without hesitation, I spoke otherwise what was on my mind. "That… That
last kiss, Kesir." I started. "Do you really meant it?" She
nodded. I said nothing and sighed, getting up from the floor beneath me while I
resumed, "Well…" I started again, hesitating to speak even a word
while I lowered my eyes down to the ground, pondering what to say. Then after a
few seconds into the silence, I started "Well; I do not think I am ready.
There is a lot to things about-" "Do not worry about it." She
started. I said nothing. It was not what I meant.

"Listen… I do not think I had told this to anyone else
besides you and myself." I replied, ignoring her previous statement. She
looked at me all confused while I raised my head upward, meeting her gaze with
mine as I started with red rose blushes upon my cheeks. "I love you

All at once, she hugged me tightly upon my neck. I felt
overwhelmed and a bit surprised by her reaction that I had nearly lost my
balance when feeling her weight adding onto mine. But as much as the hug was
pleasant, I pushed her lightly and spoke again. "Once more time? Serious
Neriax? Are you that hesitated? Or just planning ahead?" She joked. I was
serious this time.

"This had been eating away at me by the time I had
reached here. Not here in another world; but in the dragon city where I now
lived in with my older brother. In case you did not know… Both my parents were
dead. How? I was not sure for I did not see them. I was abandoned by the
cavern's entrance; in the center of the forest without anyone to take care of me…"
I went on to explain, how I would teach myself the lessons of survival through
harsh environments including heat, rain, lightning and other stuff that you
readers normally faced about. "How to eat: live and kill. The basic kinds
of survival. When I arrived here unknowingly. I was nearly surprised that the
citizens have it all. Everyone was happy, excited and having fun with
themselves. All except for-"

"Actually Neriax." Kesir started, interrupting me
while I stopped sealing my mouth and glanced at her. She too sat down and
glanced down to the floor beneath before she went on to start. "Everyone
was not having a good time at all. They just act like that thanks to Salix. The
truth is, Salix was more afraid of having his city taken away from him." I
looked at her as if she was crazy. But she laughed it off before her smile
faded along with the darkness around them. She then spoke out;

"I was also isolated hatching too. One without many
friends. No one would like me thanks to that strict guardian of mine. He had
insisted that I would interact with others when I am older or as a teenager.
But he did not keep his promises at all. He just kept me to himself as if he
was my mate or something." "that's harsh." I manage to speak
while she resumed, "He hates outsiders, which is the main reason why he
dislikes you. Why? You are going have to ask him yourself. But in the meantime

But the sounds of footsteps stopped our conversation.