Current Track: Blabb

A well-cut brown suit on, her hair waving lightly, without exaggeration, a leather pouch in hand, Carol closed the glass door of her office and went directly to the basement of the building, where her boss Irene was waiting near a police car. The young hyena quickly greeted the bull who would accompany them and went with some apprehension at the rear of the car. Irene took the front passenger seat and the policeman started the engine. Irene looked in the mirror and saw the face of the young woman stretched behind the bars.

« It reminds you the last night maybe ? »

Irene smiled and the policeman could not prevent a breath of humor gushing from his nostrils.

« I've never sat in this place, and I now understand the feeling that everyone can experience.

- I’ll take the back seat when we’ll come back if it can make you more comfortable. 

- I’ll be ok, thanks.

- You have not forgotten your cell ?

- No, and I have all the documents as well.

- Fine. »

Irene's face turned to the policeman.

« In the first place we’ll go to... »

Irene looked a sheet resting on her knees.

« 9671, Hammer street. And then, towards the 1216 Ladder street.

- Are you sure there is someone ? I have not received any confirmation call, or even email.

- The boy's parents sometimes work at home. One of them is bound to be there, except if we have some bad luck. »

Carole looked at her upper eye aback. It was not in her habit of moving personally, especially without the certainty of meeting the desired people. She saw that Irene offered her a part of the records.

« We'll drop you off at the boy's parents, and we’ll collect him during this time. You have checked the availability of emergency shelters ? »

Carol took the folder.

« Yes. On Main Street they have free beds.

- That is good. At least, the boy will sleep there tonight. »

Irene turned back to her paperwork, muttering to herself.

« Everything will be better than this infamous environment. »

The policeman took only a few minutes to drop Carol where indicated before returning to the following address, only far of few minutes by car. Carol had put the folder in her leather case while going up the driveway. The double garage was open but only one car was present. Irene was right, there was someone. The young woman ran her hand over her jacket to crease it somewhat before ringing. A few moments passed before the noise can be heard inside and the door opened, a mature female rott standing in the doorway.

« Yes ?

- Mrs. Maxwell ?

- It's me.

- Carol Espinosa. Pleased to meet you. I am assistant secretary to Mrs. Winter, who’s in charge of the child protection in the city.» 

Maureen watched the unknown with a wary eye.

« I am delighted to meet you, but I do not see why we are worth your visit. »

Carol’s spirit began to ring. Could it be that the parents were not aware of her visit ?

« I have come to see you because the police reported a possible case of child abuse. »

Carol was still smiling a little, but she tried to harden her voice.

« I suppose it must be a mistake. I have no child. »

Maureen had hardened her voice too. To be more frank and clear. Carol was troubled, surprised. 

« It's about your son, ma'am. Gregory Maxwell. »

Maureen's face closed completely with the statement name. Carol understood the crux of the problem.

« I have no son, ma'am. Now, excuse me if I do not get you in, but my husband will be home soon and I want to finish my files before he comes back. Have a good day. »

The door was closed even faster than Carol sensed. She rang again. The door remained closed. She insisted but it was obvious that nobody would open anymore. Carol wanted to know more but she did not have the right to enter by force. She took her cell phone to warn Irene but she changed her mind. Maureen had said that her husband would return shortly. Carol returned to the street and paced until the return of the father.

The young woman shook her head while reading the file left to his attention by her chief. There were the usual information. Name, first name. A brief history which consisted of one word: none.

The family had never any troubles as a whole or any of its members. No condemnation, no proceedings against them, if not for two tickets dating back a decade. One detail caught her attention however. The file seemed incomplete. She knew that she did not have nothing else but a copy but checking the paging, it seemed to lack an appendix. Pics mentioned and referenced by the report of the inspector in charge of the preliminary investigation, and yet not included in the file.

Carol had to hold her questions until later because a car had just engaging in the street alley of the 9671. A male rott came out once the vehicle stored in the garage. Carol took care to get his attention to prevent seeing him return in the house without seeing her. Her grand arm’s gesture and her appeal was noticed and she went quickly to Rusty.

« Mr. Maxwell ?

- Yes ?

- Carol Espinosa. Office of Child Protection. I must talk to you urgently. »

Carol had abandoned the civilized tone she had used previously. While speaking, she took her cell phone and dialed the number of her superior. She did not waste time to let Rusty a chance to go home without at least to clarify the general situation.

« How urgent is it ? » 

Carol noted Rusty’s sneer. She was perhaps not very experienced, but she felt that the situation was not normal.

« Mr. Maxwell, we received reports of serious child abuse. The child welfare service I work in take it very seriously.» 

Carol brought the cell to her ear to make sure that Irene had answered.

« I do not see how this concerns me. My... »

Rusty hesitated.

« I had a son, yes. He is no longer of this world. And despite our efforts about his education, he certainly burns in hell. The price to pay for not following His footsteps. »

Rusty looked up to heaven and uttered the last two words. He still hesitated, seeming to want to add anything else. But he looked away and ignored Carol, returning home.

The woman was taken aback. For the mother, she had never had child. For the father, he was dead. She did not realize that the communication was established and later noted Irene’s words. She ignored the question and alerted her boss that she would join them soon.

For Carol, it was out of the question to allow Gregory to return to such an hostile place. It is with a face full of anger that Carol left Hammer street.


Irene put her phone near her face. The movement had the advantage to made Greg silent, who looked at her. Irene tried to speak but obviously, a conversation took place at the other end of the wire. Greg identified among these two voices his father. The woman, however, was unknown to him. It was not important anyway. His father uttered a sentence. It was audible through the phone because Irene did not hold against her ear, but made use of the speaker.

«... certainly he burns in hell... »

By reflex, Irene had switched to normal but it was too late. Greg had heard the entire sentence. She looked away to speak to her correspondent and lowered her voice.

« Carol ? Try to talk to them. I'm sure the situation is not as complicated as it seems. »

Greg did not stop a mocking laughter ringing to Irene’s ears, who hung up.

« I told you. You should realizing it now, right ? »

Greg lowered his head. He tried to keep a good figure, but his father's words were as hard and sharp as those of his mother. He knew now that his hope was vain.

« I must admit you're right. »

Greg was a little surprised at Irene’s attitude.

« Still, I can offer to you a better place than here. You can meet boys and girls your age and... »

With a hand gesture, Greg interrupted Irene’s tirade.

« You might try to change the tone, it will not work, ma'am. My uncle offered me his help, as long as I need it. That is enough. I will never go with you. And if you force me, I will do everything to get away and come back here. And I will do as many times as it takes for you to understand that you have nothing better to offer.» 

Greg did not wait Irene’s answer and he returned home. Everything had been said for him, and staying more had no sense.

Irene saw her battle plan turning into smoke, consumed by Rusty’s words. But she still did not give up the idea of leaving with Greg. Willingly or by force. She followed the boy and went into the house. Greg was back alongside the big donkey, and he looked at him a so indecent way for her eyes. Mark was eying Irene. Nothing was done yet, and he knew it.


Irene then returned to Mark. Her gaze was then drawn for the first time by the pics adorning the wall. Photos of the couples in various outfits, sometimes light ones. She could not determine those that put her the most uncomfortable. Those where the two men were embracing on a beach, or one where the couple gave just hand in a visibly wedding posture. And Irene’s eyes crossed the panda in the background of the latter..

« I can’t believe that...

- What's going on ?

- It is... Bradley Wilson, right ? »

Irene was now fully focused on the couple's wedding photo. The couple was wearing the same light beige suits. At each buttonhole, a black rose. The third man stood to the left of Mark and he was smiling.

« You knew him ?

- If I knew him ? He was my teacher on social relations in college ! I never met a man so...incredible. You... He was... ?

- You know, you can be photographed in the company of a homosexual without having sex with him...

- How did you knew him ?

- It is a simple story. I was in prison after having beaten the man who wanted to make me a whore for my 17. I received the visit, I was wary. He insisted, I trusted him, we became friends, he was my best man at my wedding, he died. 

- He followed you in jail support ? But it was not in your file !

- It was never official. I learnt that when I needed a copy of my follow-up. He took care of me outside working hours. He said helping his neighbor was not...

- ... a matter of hours. I know, he always ended his lectures with this sentence. »

Irene looked at the photo. Mark could see an internal struggle unfold in her. When Irene closed her eyes and bowed her head at the photo, Mark knew that the game was over.

« I'm leaving, now. Thank you for giving me your time. Greg...

- Yes ?

- One last time, will you come with me ?

- No, ma'am. »

Irene noted that Greg clutched nervously FJ’s hand.

« Good. I'll write my report. The judge will make a final decision within two weeks. Goodbye. »

Irene turned and left the house. The male trio remained in place once the door closed, ignoring if all were over, or if the movement of Irene was tactical. The young woman got into the police car and it drove off. Greg looked nervously at his uncle.

« She told me she could get me out of here... She can not do it, right ?

- She will not do anymore. It is over.

- How so ? She will send a report to the judge !

- Greg, I looked at her. Since the time I do this job, I learned to read people's faces. I saw she came with full certainty and arrogance but she left confused, almost shameful. We broke her beliefs and sense of superiority. She might will do what she said, but nothing will change. She no longer believes in herself, in her chances of success. This kind of careerist always ends what they started, even when they know they had lost. She will not succeed.

- Are you sure ?

- Yes. Completely. »

Somewhat reassured, Greg hugged FJ who returned the gesture, cheek against cheek. Mark looked at the portrait of Bradley, muttering.

« You have saved the day once again, Brad... How would I pay my debt to you ? » 

Mark went out of his dream.

« By the way, Greg. You know who phoned to this harpy ?

- I understood that she had sent a colleague to see my...finally... But my... Finally you know who, just told her I was on my way to hell. I heard.

- Are you ok ?

- I’ll be, it seems... »

Mark put his warm and friendly arm over the shoulder of his nephew to comfort him. To cheer him up too.

« By the way, I learned today that next year I'll be your PE. Can you do me a favor and make it clear to your friends that they should to train from now to cough up their lungs ? That goes for you too FJ... »